Special Stage City (A research on how SSR5, 7, and 11 may be connected.)

  • Thread starter Suzumiya
Okay, so looking into the on-ramp near the tunnel section in SSR7 (entering on the first visit of the tunnel, exiting on the last), it seems that the SSR5 exit onto SSR7 in the first turn has a 50/50 chance of being related to this turn. However, the difference with SSR5 and SSR7 is that 7 is a left hand drive system, while 5 is a right hand drive system. This makes relating the two circuits tricky. SSR11 can be correlated to SSR5 due to the streets being laid as a right hand system, the only thing is we need to know where exactly is it located.

@nascarfan1400 can you repost the diagram? It may clear up somethings.
Okay, so looking into the on-ramp near the tunnel section in SSR7 (entering on the first visit of the tunnel, exiting on the last), it seems that the SSR5 exit onto SSR7 in the first turn has a 50/50 chance of being related to this turn. However, the difference with SSR5 and SSR7 is that 7 is a left hand drive system, while 5 is a right hand drive system. This makes relating the two circuits tricky. SSR11 can be correlated to SSR5 due to the streets being laid as a right hand system, the only thing is we need to know where exactly is it located.

@nascarfan1400 can you repost the diagram? It may clear up somethings.
Revising it for a clearer undestanding. :)
Now with GT6, I wish we could have a "Grand tour Event", like the special event in GT5 but in Special Stage city, racing in SSR5 then reaching the connection between SSR5 and SSR7, then passing to SSR7, and then SSR11 and SSRX.
Or even better, have an event like the races in Forza Motorsport 4 that you have to pass another racer while you're in the middle of other slower cars. Pursuing a car in the streets of Special Stage city.
-> No, no, no!! Do not involve SSR7 as part of the SSR5 as the entry point from SSR5/CSR5 is outsde the R7's course map!
-> No, no, no!! Do not involve SSR7 as part of the SSR5 as the entry point from SSR5/CSR5 is outsde the R7's course map!

Well, the overpass that's in SSR7 may be far off from SSR5s exit, but may be a part of it. However, as I said with the different road sides, they may not be correlated at all. I doubt that though, because all of them have to be related in some way.
Mind if I, Nas' assistant on this case, join with my (conspiracy) theories?

My theory bases on following evidence:

1) The bridge seen on the GT3 version of SSR11
2) The sign indicating Route 7 seen in the GT5 version of SSR5
3) Common sence (:sly:)

But before I start, this is made assuming that SSR5 and SSR11 is to the "west" of SSR7. While that may not be true, it's my theory they are.

I also don't say I've got the scales of the tracks exactly right, but I think they show the main points of my theories.

Some useful information:

The red lines are continuations of the SSR5 and 11 main highways, assuming they go straight forever.

The yellow line is a road seen on SSR5 that runs straight (the one with the tunnel, that you run under before entering the park)

The green line is SSR5's "7" indicating road, assuming it's straight.

Before we start on the theories, a small interesting notice I made. The yellow lined road, which appears to be straight, runs from an intersection on Route 5 and appears to connect to Route 11 in the 90* righthander after the first chicane. Could this be another connecting road?

Theory 1: The "Route 7 is directly connected to SSR5" theory

This theory mainly bases on evidence 2. The road is, as far as we can see, straight, which means it's easy peasy to draw it. Assuming that this road connects to SSR7, it would have to look like this:
SSR City 1.jpg
(Assumption here is that SSR5 and the tunnel on R7 is somehow used to connect them)
or like this:
SSR City 3.jpg

SSR5's main highway being the road that forms the first hairpin on Route 7.

But that brings another problem. The bridge on SSR11. And that's where theory 2 comes into play, the "It's all the bridge" theory.

This, obviously, builds on the bridge in SSR11. The roads connecting SSR11 and SSR5 are the same, and all I've done actually is to change the position of SSR11 and SSR5 in relation to R7:

SSR City 2.jpg

Now, this looks a bit more like it, for 3 main reasons:

1) The bridge from SSR11 is in the right place (-ish)
2) We still have a major highway connecting to the Route 7 intersection
3) There is still the possibility that SSR5 and SSR7 is directly related

Now, you may ask, where's SSRX? My assumption is, that it's a long way out west. The only hints we have are a few cranes in the background of the final corner on SSR5 and the signs indicating an airport, which could be any, really. Therefore, I have not included it.
Mind if I, Nas' assistant on this case, join with my (conspiracy) theories?

My theory bases on following evidence:

1) The bridge seen on the GT3 version of SSR11
2) The sign indicating Route 7 seen in the GT5 version of SSR5
3) Common sence (:sly:)

But before I start, this is made assuming that SSR5 and SSR11 is to the "west" of SSR7. While that may not be true, it's my theory they are.

I also don't say I've got the scales of the tracks exactly right, but I think they show the main points of my theories.

Some useful information:

The red lines are continuations of the SSR5 and 11 main highways, assuming they go straight forever.

The yellow line is a road seen on SSR5 that runs straight (the one with the tunnel, that you run under before entering the park)

The green line is SSR5's "7" indicating road, assuming it's straight.

Before we start on the theories, a small interesting notice I made. The yellow lined road, which appears to be straight, runs from an intersection on Route 5 and appears to connect to Route 11 in the 90* righthander after the first chicane. Could this be another connecting road?

Theory 1: The "Route 7 is directly connected to SSR5" theory

This theory mainly bases on evidence 2. The road is, as far as we can see, straight, which means it's easy peasy to draw it. Assuming that this road connects to SSR7, it would have to look like this:View attachment 84640(Assumption here is that SSR5 and the tunnel on R7 is somehow used to connect them)
or like this:
View attachment 84642
SSR5's main highway being the road that forms the first hairpin on Route 7.

But that brings another problem. The bridge on SSR11. And that's where theory 2 comes into play, the "It's all the bridge" theory.

This, obviously, builds on the bridge in SSR11. The roads connecting SSR11 and SSR5 are the same, and all I've done actually is to change the position of SSR11 and SSR5 in relation to R7:

View attachment 84641
Now, this looks a bit more like it, for 3 main reasons:

1) The bridge from SSR11 is in the right place (-ish)
2) We still have a major highway connecting to the Route 7 intersection
3) There is still the possibility that SSR5 and SSR7 is directly related

Now, you may ask, where's SSRX? My assumption is, that it's a long way out west. The only hints we have are a few cranes in the background of the final corner on SSR5 and the signs indicating an airport, which could be any, really. Therefore, I have not included it.
Good view mort. Sorry guy, my PCs acting up so I couldnt/cant get my view up yet :(
-> Rallymorten, it was discussed in great detail before (one or two GTP updates ago)...I just have to dig up some threads to share it here. I'll be back soon...
Well, apart from the signs leading to a highway and the cranes in the background on Route 5, we have no hints as to where RX might be. It could in theory be at either end of R7. Or it could not be related to this at all. If any, then PD knows.
Does SSRX fit into the equation of the Special Stage City anywhere? (Including your proposed 'alternate' track from your missing tracks thread TVB)

Btw this would be one of the freeroams I would LOVE to see :embarrassed:
^ Nope, the SSRX is in a middle of nowhere. SSR7 is in a different area on which the SSR5/CSR5 on ramp is couple of miles away from the track section. My guess is that SSR11 is parallel to SSR11 since the twin towers bridge from SSR7 is somewhat visible at R11:

Images from GT3



-> So far, in my honest opinion. This still stands as SSC for me...


-> In need for more scope? Go HERE! ;)

~> I'm thinking of re-building my >missing< tracks list again at the GT6 forum...what do you guys think? :)
Maybe there'll be a SSR city in GT7. I mean, they already have everything made. Maybe the PS3 just can't handle the size of a track. Also a Matterhorn city would be good.
^ Nope, the SSRX is in a middle of nowhere. SSR7 is in a different area on which the SSR5/CSR5 on ramp is couple of miles away from the track section. My guess is that SSR11 is parallel to SSR11 since the twin towers bridge from SSR7 is somewhat visible at R11:

Awww :grumpy:

Still, there's nothing stopping PD from say 'adding' an entry/exit route from SSR7-especially for a 'freeroam' world ;)

~> I'm thinking of re-building my >missing< tracks list again at the GT6 forum...what do you guys think? :)

Funny you mentioned that! :sly:
I suspected that Special Stage Route City was Tokyo.
I did some search and reach to some conclusions. I think I found something that is SSR7. However, I couldnt find 5, and Im not 100% sure about it...Ill explain right now.

First, I looked and photographed all signs from SSR5 and SSR7. I found a name of an airport, the Atankt airport.


Looked on google but find nothing about it. I took it as a fictious name... However, it is still possible to be Tokyo, and it was still valuable to take a look.
Then, I took the information from another sign. It says that SSR5 was behind a bay.


I could find the bay. Cool picture.


So, there are the tips: SSR7 is close to SSR5. Both are behind an airport, and all of two are near water. Having a look on Tokyo´s map on Google Earth, I found only one airport which is beside a bay: Haneda´s airport.


I started to look around. Started from the easiest thing to find: SSR7 bridge. I looked for it.


And find it!!! From all I looked for, I find only one bridge that it is identical to SSR7 bridge.


Then, I started to look for SSR7 tunel and toll both. I found several looking alike tunels along SSR7 way, but none of them were identical.


The best looking alike tunel that I found was this. It is the same tunnel that appear on GT5 credits.


I found a toll both along the way, however, it is far from the bridge.


What it appears to be is that SSR7 is based on Metropolitan Expressway BayShore Route, but not identical. This video below shows a car passing through, lets say, "real SSR7". Some areas were cut by PD. In the Expressway, there is a bridge between the SSR7´s bridge and the tunnel. Im not sure if thats the right place, or if SSR7 is based, but not a reproduction, of Metropolitan Expressway BayShore Route.

For SSR5, theres a bridge as a tip.


I could find the bridge, but far from the airport and with no direct contact to the bay.

Thats it. Help and opinions are welcome. SSR City is a mystery for me. We all seek for answers. Please, it would be cool someone to look for SSR5.

Two more pictures of SSR7, and a cool urban pic of SSR5, and GT5 credits video.




I'll have to start an online investigation. Anyone up for one on all the SSR's in GT6? (shame we don't have our beloved SSR11)

Room will be up at: 21/07/2014 at 0:00AM GMT.

Many many pictures shall be taken, orders and demands/commands may be given.
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1: I'm not sure what new you're expecting to find, seeing as the tracks haven't been touched since GT5, which was extensively covered (maybe even a bit too much, right nas? :D )


I will not be available on that day

I think you and I hurt a lot of feelings that day :lol:
I apologize for resurrecting the topic, but, did anybody find something?
Today I look for it for the 3rd time since jan/2014 and I could not find 5 and 11 again.
And playing old GTs made me see that PD has been changing some details from the tracks. In old GTs, the SSR5-->SSR7 did not exist.
I'm just beginning to believe that Special Stage Route 11, if ever brought back, will be as dramatically changed as SSR5, so the research of past tracks may be nullified. I'm still a firm believer that SSR7 is connected to SSR5, even though it might be a distance away. SSRX has no relation at all.
Here's one I've put together. I know it looks a bit of a mess, and the scales are all over the place, but it could be a bit of a laugh for free roaming race or chases.
I was thinking of adding Las Vegas Strip to the top end of the SSR7, just to finish it up some more. I was also going to connect some of the complex string sections, but had to pop out on an errand, so this would essentially be a work in progress.
The location where SSR11 and SSR5 connect are incorrect. The both join at their hairpins. Need proof? Buy GT3.
Had GT3, (and every other release for that matter) and they have never been interconnected, and given that this is all pure fantasy and wishful thinking, it's also pointless arguing about it and trying to "prove" anything.

EDIT: I also made this map back when the thread was about what a theoretical open-world GT layout could look like, so now since the title change, this map no longer reflects the original intention of the earlier posts.
Had GT3, (and every other release for that matter) and they have never been interconnected, and given that this is all pure fantasy and wishful thinking, it's also pointless arguing about it and trying to "prove" anything.

EDIT: I also made this map back when the thread was about what a theoretical open-world GT layout could look like, so now since the title change, this map no longer reflects the original intention of the earlier posts.

Yeah, that was back when I wanted creativity. It took another direction so I changed it accordingly.