Special Stage City (A research on how SSR5, 7, and 11 may be connected.)

  • Thread starter Suzumiya
Had GT3, (and every other release for that matter) and they have never been interconnected, and given that this is all pure fantasy and wishful thinking, it's also pointless arguing about it and trying to "prove" anything.

EDIT: I also made this map back when the thread was about what a theoretical open-world GT layout could look like, so now since the title change, this map no longer reflects the original intention of the earlier posts.

As said above, the direction of the topic is no longer pure fan fantasy.
There are "proofs" if you pay attention to.
It is proved that in old GTs (1 & 2) the location of SSR11 and SSR5 connection.
Also, it is proved that in GT3 there is a place where you can view SSR7.
It is proved too that SSR5 is linked with SSR7, but only from GT5/GT6.

And more recently, it was found and proved that SSR7 bridge and its route is inspired on Metropolitan BayShore Route from Tokyo, but it isnt a full copy from it. And I´ve introduced the theory that everything on SSRs are in Tokyo and that the links (SSR5-->SSR7, SSR5-->SSR11,SSR11-->SSR7) could possibly be found using where SSRs are inspired: Tokyo. But I failed to find anything alike SSR5 and SSR11 in Tokyo. I think more people had tried to look and failed too.

It is still a mystery, actually, I think this is the biggest mystery on Gran Turismo ever. There are several questions: Where do the connections fits? Will be any others unshown SSRs (SSR9,SSR3..?)? Will anyday Gran Turismo have a Special Stage Route Complete version, with all SSRs linked and featured on it?

EDIT: This maybe is offtopic, but someone already succeed into finding real locations on Gran Turismo 2 (where supposed to be fictional). THe pictures explains themselves:




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I did some extra "research" about it, forgetting the Tokyo theory and I decided to do some mapping work. Here are some points to be considered first:

1) The track maps we see on the internet are not on the same scale. All maps shown in this topic have SSR5 and SSR11 way too big or SSR7 way too small.

2) Using the images of SSR11 featuring the bridge of SSR7 outside, there are only two possibilities: SSR11 is on the left side of the bridge OR on the right side of the bridge.

3) I think that nobody of us really had a special look on SSR7. It features only one exit, the first close curve of the circuit. The other side is just a place where the highway expands to the tool booth, and PD put some walls to transform it into a return. There are three things to say about this:
(a) There is only one way out and SSR5 joins SSR7 through there.
(b) SSR5 joins in an entrance outside SSR7 map, but still on SSR7 highway. However, mapping shows that this is very unlikely (remember that SSR11 is close to the bridge).
(c) PD were on a hurry to finish the track and cut the SSR5 entrance, because it would just be an unnecessary detail.

You can clearly see point 3 by glitching at GT5/GT6 and entering "inside" SSR7. With that the whole map can be explored, with some extra details. Also, you can distance yourself from the bridge from outside map and try to look for the SSR11 view. There is a video glitching and exploring a little bit here:

Im sorry for my bad photoshoping skills and that the final map is ugly and with a bit poor resolution/definition, but at least it is practical. If somebody wants to do a pretty and "resoluted" version feel free to do so. SSR5+SSR11 map where re-sized and rotated several times and lost quality on the way.
I considered and put all the two possibilities, right and left, and considered the bridge position.


EDIT: The two red lines on SSR7 highway is the bridge.

I used maps from wikia.com, resizing only SSR5+SSR11 and keeping SSR7 and the same resolution. I also cut the other side of SSR7 lane (since it was distorting the map) and shrink the map on vertical a little bit, so it would be more alike SSR7 maps on in-game mini map. I considered that SSR5 straight measures 0.7 km, considered that the junctions of SSR5 and SSR11 were equal on size so I could have a reference for SSR11, and considered that the distance in straight line between one end and another end of SSR7 is about 10.14 km (SSR7 lap is supposed to be 23.28 km long, so the highway has about 11.64 km. I considered that 1.5 km are extra size because of curves).

These points are considered after mapping:

(1) It is unlikely that the 2 towers featured on SSR7 are the same featured on SSR11.

(2) There is a whole new circuit between SSR7 first entrance and SSR5, which suggests a second circuit or at least an avenue there. If PD did not cut the SSR5 entrance in GT5s and GT6s SSR7 circuit, the way between SSR5 and SSR7 is big and measures at least 2 km.

Im still a bit confused because mapping results are a bit strange. SSR5 is a bit too far from the way out from SSR7, however, if we put SSR5 close to the way out of SSR7, then SSR11 would be too much far from the bridge.

Im starting to think that PD didnt took this "easter egg" serioursly and made some mistakes along the way. Or maybe this is the reason that they took the connection from SSR5 to SSR11 out on GT5/GT6, so SSR5 could be moved closer to SSR7 exit (however putting an extra exit on SSR7 would be a much reasonable solution).

EDIT: I know that SSR5-SSR11 looks small. Even if I made a mistake on the sizes, it wasnt a huge one. The reality is that SSR7 is very long and big compared to SSR5. Just think about how big is SSR7 tunnel when compared to SSR5 straight.

EDIT2: I was in a lunch and a strange theory appeared in my head. A possibility, actually... Conspiracy, maybe?I dont know but it is worth sharing.

Maybe they did plan from GT1 on having a SSR City, and creating the main route. So, they put the SSR5 with SSR11 and were planning to put more.
However, they overestimated the popularity of SSRs. At the development of GT2, receiving feedback from GT1, they noticed that the SSRs were not that popular.
So they decided to keep SSR5 and take SSR11 out of GT2. However, they kept hope.

They kept carried their hope to GT3, made SSR11 a return, and decided that they would put another SSR track in GT4 and feature its bridge on GT3 at SSR11, showing that they didnt give up their project. However, the feedback from GT3 told them that SSRs city were still unpopular, and they decided to put others city tracks in New York, Hong Kong, etc... in GT4 instead of bringing the SSR track with the bridge.

Time passed and things changed. New tendencies appeared. They covered their feedback from GT4. So, hopeless, they decided to give SSRs a whole new purpose. Some of you guys know "Forza Horizon", right? Maybe they decided at GT5 development that they would create their own "Arcade game" in the future, using car models and fame from Gran Turismo. An specie of "Gran Turismo Horizon". So, they decided that the city of their "arcade game" would be based on Tokyo (coming from PD, that should be obvious), would have that japanese nonlegal racing style. And since the SSRs were already featuring Tokyo somehow (their bridge at SSR11 in GT3 were a copy from a Tokyo´s bridge), they decided that the SSRs would be the starting point of their "GT Horizon" city, since they were based on Tokyo and that they were at GT Series since the beginning. And because they would have their SSR City in the end, even with few people caring about. And for that reason they decided to put a street car going over the streets and highways of Tokyo at the ending of GT5´s credit.

So, they took their original project for the SSRs track with a bridge, and changed it. It was supposed to be a medium track, average track, but, instead, they decided that SSR7 was going to be one of the most important highway of the "GT Horizon" city, and expanded its layout. But since they didnt have any clue when "GT Horizon" would be released, and they didnt knew the size of their "Arcade Game" city, they decided to not put the end neither the start of the Highway, so they would be free for expanding it. And they also noticed that their city should have an airport, and decided to put the airport sign on SSR5 and create an SSR5 entrance to SSR7.

Why am I thinking that?
The surroundings of SSR7 are way too big for creating an Special Stage Route City. We could surround it with 10-20 SSR5´s if we wanted to. If SSRs arent popular, why creating room for literally dozens of them? If they decided to put a complementary free roam on GT, why would be that big? Too much big detailed place would take away their efforts to others tracks.
SSR7 was only introduced on GT5. Before that, things were small. 2 years later, Forza Horizon appeared. T10 probably had the same idea, but decided to execute first. I know I can be wrong, but this would make more sense and would be an answer to everything about SSR CIty.
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I did some extra "research" about it, forgetting the Tokyo theory and I decided to do some mapping work. Here are some points to be considered first:

1) The track maps we see on the internet are not on the same scale. All maps shown in this topic have SSR5 and SSR11 way too big or SSR7 way too small.

2) Using the images of SSR11 featuring the bridge of SSR7 outside, there are only two possibilities: SSR11 is on the left side of the bridge OR on the right side of the bridge.

3) I think that nobody of us really had a special look on SSR7. It features only one exit, the first close curve of the circuit. The other side is just a place where the highway expands to the tool booth, and PD put some walls to transform it into a return. There are three things to say about this:
(a) There is only one way out and SSR5 joins SSR7 through there.
(b) SSR5 joins in an entrance outside SSR7 map, but still on SSR7 highway. However, mapping shows that this is very unlikely (remember that SSR11 is close to the bridge).
(c) PD were on a hurry to finish the track and cut the SSR5 entrance, because it would just be an unnecessary detail.

You can clearly see point 3 by glitching at GT5/GT6 and entering "inside" SSR7. With that the whole map can be explored, with some extra details. Also, you can distance yourself from the bridge from outside map and try to look for the SSR11 view. There is a video glitching and exploring a little bit here:

Im sorry for my bad photoshoping skills and that the final map is ugly and with a bit poor resolution/definition, but at least it is practical. If somebody wants to do a pretty and "resoluted" version feel free to do so. SSR5+SSR11 map where re-sized and rotated several times and lost quality on the way.
I considered and put all the two possibilities, right and left, and considered the bridge position.

View attachment 488653

EDIT: The two red lines on SSR7 highway is the bridge.

I used maps from wikia.com, resizing only SSR5+SSR11 and keeping SSR7 and the same resolution. I also cut the other side of SSR7 lane (since it was distorting the map) and shrink the map on vertical a little bit, so it would be more alike SSR7 maps on in-game mini map. I considered that SSR5 straight measures 0.7 km, considered that the junctions of SSR5 and SSR11 were equal on size so I could have a reference for SSR11, and considered that the distance in straight line between one end and another end of SSR7 is about 10.14 km (SSR7 lap is supposed to be 23.28 km long, so the highway has about 11.64 km. I considered that 1.5 km are extra size because of curves).

These points are considered after mapping:

(1) It is unlikely that the 2 towers featured on SSR7 are the same featured on SSR11.

(2) There is a whole new circuit between SSR7 first entrance and SSR5, which suggests a second circuit or at least an avenue there. If PD did not cut the SSR5 entrance in GT5s and GT6s SSR7 circuit, the way between SSR5 and SSR7 is big and measures at least 2 km.

Im still a bit confused because mapping results are a bit strange. SSR5 is a bit too far from the way out from SSR7, however, if we put SSR5 close to the way out of SSR7, then SSR11 would be too much far from the bridge.

Im starting to think that PD didnt took this "easter egg" serioursly and made some mistakes along the way. Or maybe this is the reason that they took the connection from SSR5 to SSR11 out on GT5/GT6, so SSR5 could be moved closer to SSR7 exit (however putting an extra exit on SSR7 would be a much reasonable solution).

EDIT: I know that SSR5-SSR11 looks small. Even if I made a mistake on the sizes, it wasnt a huge one. The reality is that SSR7 is very long and big compared to SSR5. Just think about how big is SSR7 tunnel when compared to SSR5 straight.

EDIT2: I was in a lunch and a strange theory appeared in my head. A possibility, actually... Conspiracy, maybe?I dont know but it is worth sharing.

Maybe they did plan from GT1 on having a SSR City, and creating the main route. So, they put the SSR5 with SSR11 and were planning to put more.
However, they overestimated the popularity of SSRs. At the development of GT2, receiving feedback from GT1, they noticed that the SSRs were not that popular.
So they decided to keep SSR5 and take SSR11 out of GT2. However, they kept hope.

They kept carried their hope to GT3, made SSR11 a return, and decided that they would put another SSR track in GT4 and feature its bridge on GT3 at SSR11, showing that they didnt give up their project. However, the feedback from GT3 told them that SSRs city were still unpopular, and they decided to put others city tracks in New York, Hong Kong, etc... in GT4 instead of bringing the SSR track with the bridge.

Time passed and things changed. New tendencies appeared. They covered their feedback from GT4. So, hopeless, they decided to give SSRs a whole new purpose. Some of you guys know "Forza Horizon", right? Maybe they decided at GT5 development that they would create their own "Arcade game" in the future, using car models and fame from Gran Turismo. An specie of "Gran Turismo Horizon". So, they decided that the city of their "arcade game" would be based on Tokyo (coming from PD, that should be obvious), would have that japanese nonlegal racing style. And since the SSRs were already featuring Tokyo somehow (their bridge at SSR11 in GT3 were a copy from a Tokyo´s bridge), they decided that the SSRs would be the starting point of their "GT Horizon" city, since they were based on Tokyo and that they were at GT Series since the beginning. And because they would have their SSR City in the end, even with few people caring about. And for that reason they decided to put a street car going over the streets and highways of Tokyo at the ending of GT5´s credit.

So, they took their original project for the SSRs track with a bridge, and changed it. It was supposed to be a medium track, average track, but, instead, they decided that SSR7 was going to be one of the most important highway of the "GT Horizon" city, and expanded its layout. But since they didnt have any clue when "GT Horizon" would be released, and they didnt knew the size of their "Arcade Game" city, they decided to not put the end neither the start of the Highway, so they would be free for expanding it. And they also noticed that their city should have an airport, and decided to put the airport sign on SSR5 and create an SSR5 entrance to SSR7.

Why am I thinking that?
The surroundings of SSR7 are way too big for creating an Special Stage Route City. We could surround it with 10-20 SSR5´s if we wanted to. If SSRs arent popular, why creating room for literally dozens of them? If they decided to put a complementary free roam on GT, why would be that big? Too much big detailed place would take away their efforts to others tracks.
SSR7 was only introduced on GT5. Before that, things were small. 2 years later, Forza Horizon appeared. T10 probably had the same idea, but decided to execute first. I know I can be wrong, but this would make more sense and would be an answer to everything about SSR CIty.

Very interesting. I am excited to hear more from you.
Has anyone ever noticed that on SSR5 (GT5 and onwards varient) we are driving on the right-hand side of the road, meaning we are not in Japan, and most likely in America, Miami even.
Has anyone ever noticed that on SSR5 (GT5 and onwards varient) we are driving on the right-hand side of the road, meaning we are not in Japan, and most likely in America, Miami even.

That's what I've been noticing forever. It's a bit odd, as SSR11 is also the same I believe! SSR7 doesn't tie in at all.
Someone please find out white side of the road we wre driving on i9n the old SSR5, because they new version literally makes no sense, the signs make no sense and are copy/paste, the layout of the city makes no sense, and the bridge of SSR11 included makes even less sense.

I have a feeling that somehow the old SSR5 and the new SSR5 have literally changed country's HAHAHA!
Someone please find out white side of the road we wre driving on i9n the old SSR5, because they new version literally makes no sense, the signs make no sense and are copy/paste, the layout of the city makes no sense, and the bridge of SSR11 included makes even less sense.

I have a feeling that somehow the old SSR5 and the new SSR5 have literally changed country's HAHAHA!

All versions of SSR5 are on the right hand side. So are both versions of SSR11.

I sense I may need to delay the Top 10 missing things from Gran Turismo and instead finally do a proper, full investigation of this.

There's not many mysteries in GT, but this is kinda the GT equivalent to Bigfoot, UFOs and Mt. Chiliad all mixed into one.
Has anyone ever noticed that on SSR5 (GT5 and onwards varient) we are driving on the right-hand side of the road, meaning we are not in Japan, and most likely in America, Miami even.

It's a generic metropolis, and even though it's right-hand traffic I'd say it's more Japanese than anything else. The boxes with fire extinguishers etc. in the tunnel have Japanese writing on them, and the trucks in the pit have Japanese licence plates. The architecture and the style of the road also appears more Japanese than American to me.
I've found something interesting on Special Stage Route X. I believe I have found Atankt Airport!

Screenshot 2016-02-13 09.57.19.png

It involves a h*cked car on SSRX just past the first corner, and look! An airport. I'm not sure if it is Atankt, but it is interesting. Or maybe it's a NASA base :).

Another view:

Screenshot 2016-02-13 10.00.06.png

And an aerial view:

Screenshot 2016-02-13 10.01.11.png

The video in the pictures was not made by me. It was made by carking0709, a YouTuber. I just took some screenshots of this airport.

Also, as seen in the pictures, there is another island with an airfield on it.
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I already noticed that airport but the problem is that SSR X is too far away from SSR 5.

Despite the fact that we have no proper proof that AA is near SSR5 in the first place.

Anyway, I know nothing, but this in my opinion is currently the closest we can get to Antankt.

Hang on a minute. If SSR7 is near a bay, we can tell it is somewhere near SSRX, as SSRX is a harbor/airport. Also, that highway traversing over SSRX could be an unseen bit of Route 7.
In my opinion, SSRX has a bigger part in this research than expected.

:gtpflag: Finding stuff and talking about it
If you see my early post on 1 or 2 pages ago you will see the "proof" about the airport being near SSR5 on the Tokyo theory post. The problem of SSRX is that SSR 7 must be close to SSR 5 and both of them have highrises. In SSR X the scenery around is mostly empty. We can see a city very far away on the horizon of SSR X and only on GT6.
If you see my early post on 1 or 2 pages ago you will see the "proof" about the airport being near SSR5 on the Tokyo theory post. The problem of SSRX is that SSR 7 must be close to SSR 5 and both of them have highrises. In SSR X the scenery around is mostly empty. We can see a city very far away on the horizon of SSR X and only on GT6.

I didn't see the city because I don't play Gran Turismo 6. I play GT5.


I have some news about Antankt. No, I have not found it, but I have found possible aesthetics for it. The Gran Turismo Concept 2002 introduction is at an airport, and I've never seen a similar airport. Could this be Antankt? Also, could Polyphony Digital Airlines go there? This idea of mine is stupid, but it does feel nice to know something that not everyone will know.

This is the only good shot I got:

Screenshot 2016-02-20 18.25.10.png
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Sorry for double posting but it's really the only way this post would get noticed because this thread's been dead since February.

I do believe that we should look more into SSRX as I do believe it is quite significant in the topic. This is a thread I really enjoy and it shouldn't go to waste.

If you see my early post on 1 or 2 pages ago you will see the "proof" about the airport being near SSR5 on the Tokyo theory post. The problem of SSRX is that SSR 7 must be close to SSR 5 and both of them have highrises. In SSR X the scenery around is mostly empty. We can see a city very far away on the horizon of SSR X and only on GT6.

I've seen what you said and understood it, but in France they put Paris on the signs even though it's almost 300 kilometres away, so that means that the airport the I showed that I said might be AA could actually be AA, even if it's in another city in Japan!
Ok so even though I read all the posts in this thread, could someone give me a basic bullet-point breakdown on what we have so far? this is something I've always wondered as well.
Ok so even though I read all the posts in this thread, could someone give me a basic bullet-point breakdown on what we have so far? this is something I've always wondered as well.

  • There is an airport (Antankt) which we believe to be above the tunnel on SSR7.
  • There is another airport next to SSRX that I believe to be Antankt.
  • SSR7 can be viewed from SSR11 in GT3.
  • SSR11 and SSR5 are connected, most likely at their final hairpins.
  • SSR5 is connected to SSR 7 at the first corner.
  • GT Concept 2002's intro may hint at what Antankt may look like and what airlines go there.
(I'm sure if Vendrah did the breakdown it would be much better).

Here are some more photos of significance:


The Merc goes onto a ramp that could possibly lead to any of the SSRs.


The road the Merc is on could be either SSRX or SSR7 or the road above could be either of them.


This bridge runs above water and is rather similar to SSRX and a bit like SSR7.



The Merc appears to be leaving a multi-story car park. We should probably look out for one of those.
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Honestly, a lot of what's been presented here seems more like pareidolia - seeing things where there supposedly aren't any - and coming up with something Peladophobian would be proud of to make it look more legitimate than it seems like actual facts - and that's coming from one who's seen their fair (eye grammer best, left?) amount of FNaF theories.

Granted, back when this whole "all Special Stage Route tracks are connected somehow, we just have to look in the right places" was still a thing, it gave a few good hours worth of brain activity. But let's take off the tinfoil hats for a second.

All we really know is this:
  • Route 5 and Route 11 are possibly connected by the hairpins (supported by the bridge-like object in GT3 and a possible other connection as pointed out by yours truly earlier in the thread)
  • Route 5 is supposedly connected to Route 7 (exit in the Route 5 tunnel that only started existing in GT5 - the same game as Route 7 made its entry)
  • The GT3 rendition of Route 11 features a bridge in the background that's largely similar to the bridge found on Route 7
  • PS3 rendition of Route 5 features cranes and a city in the distance
  • Route X appears similar to a road found in the intro sequence of GT Concept
And here's my October 2016 take on each point:
  • Arguing against the first point could be rather tricky, since it's impossible to see what's on the other side. But consider for a moment that, since GT5, there's been no bridge and the entire area appears to be a small park instead of an intersection. Possible retcon.
  • Again, hard to argue against, but it could be a hint towards something bigger just as well as it could be a simple easter egg.
  • The bridge has a few issues as well. It's way too big, as if Route 11 was running on a bridge above it, and yet somehow remain completely invisible from Route 7. I'm not excluding the possibility of this being retconned in GT5/6, it just looks so horribly out of place. Could be PD just put it there to have some scenery in an otherwise empty part of the track, similar to the ferris wheel at the opposite end. Speaking of which, why is that only visible from Route 11?
  • Granted, the city does have a road similar in style to Route 7 leading towards it, and the intersection at Route 7 does appear similar to the straight of Route 5, but, honestly, they could be completely unrelated, and I'm willing to go out on a limb and say that most roads of each type in a given country looks pretty similar, especially if in the same setting. I can look at the motorways we have, and guess what? One's exactly as bland as the other.
  • I still have trouble seeing how Route X has anything to do with the other tracks, let alone is directly connected. Yes, the road style is a little similar, yes, it has cranes on the docks, yes, there is an airport, but see above - they could be related just as well as they could be in the other end of Granturismostan or whatever we choose to call it today. Could be a reference to previously mentioned GT Concept footage, could be just another example of PD imagination, could be something else entirely.
Point is, as with people asking if a 2010 Honda Fit will be in GT Sport or the Illuminati exists - we don't know. And, until we get our hands on some more evidence, we probably never will. What we currently have equals a suspicion that someone was murdered. Unless we're in the US, we can't do much until we get more info from the forensics lab (i.e. PD), including whether or not said death was actually a homicide.
I still have trouble seeing how Route X has anything to do with the other tracks, let alone is directly connected. Yes, the road style is a little similar, yes, it has cranes on the docks, yes, there is an airport, but see above - they could be related just as well as they could be in the other end of Granturismostan or whatever we choose to call it today. Could be a reference to previously mentioned GT Concept footage, could be just another example of PD imagination, could be something else entirely.

What you've said here is most likely correct, and is backed up by the fact that SSRX has a completely different logo to the other Routes, possibly showcasing that what they actually mean by SSRX is Test Course 10's, because, whichever way you put it, that's what it is.

Is there a wall break glitch on SSR11? I'm sure we'll be able to find out more about it that way.
I found a wallbreak on SSR5 (GT3) and there was virtually nothing of any importance there, although the buildings could be.

To the people who don't know how to escape SSR5 in GT3, here's how:
  1. Get a very fast accelerating car like the F1 cars or an Escudo.
  2. Speed into the pit lane.
  3. At the wall at the end, drive into the tyre wall at the point where it connects to the pit-side wall, just like you do on Seattle's wall break glitch.
  4. If you've driven fast enough and aimed it correctly, you would have glitched out of the circuit.
This can be done at both ends of the pit lane, depending whether you want to go inside the circuit or out of it. You could be able to do it in GT4 but it would be extremely difficult due to the fact that you can't roam around the pits like you can in GT3.
I've read a lot of this thread and it inspired me to do some looking around to see what I could find. Nothing overwhelming
but some of you may be interested.

Tokyo R246
Nothing worth while here but I know it came up in conversation.
Tokyo R246.jpg
Tokyo R246_1.jpg
Tokyo R246_2.jpg

No connection to any other track visible. The darkness around the track is completely black, no camera adjustment will
lighten the surrounding areas.
Special Stage Route 5.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_1.jpg
Special Stage Route 5_2.jpg

Once again no connection seen and beyond walls the city is very incomplete. They still could've possibly be connected but
in GT5 PD didn't bother with the extra rendering.
Special Stage Route 7.jpg
Special Stage Route 7_1.jpg
Special Stage Route 7_2.jpg
Special Stage Route 7_3.jpg

A lot of pictures here but still connections with the others are not seen.
But I did find a hidden track inside SSRX. I'm sure someone else has found this so I'm NOT laying claim nor seeking
a pat on the back for the find. Just wanted you guys to see some decent shots.
Special Stage Route X_19.jpg
Special Stage Route X_4.jpg
Special Stage Route X_5.jpg
Special Stage Route X_6.jpg
Special Stage Route X_7.jpg

Runway with Airport
Special Stage Route X_1.jpg
Special Stage Route X.jpg
Special Stage Route X_3.jpg

Now the hidden track starts it's own path at this off ramp/loop
Special Stage Route X_14.jpg

Goes into this rock formation
Special Stage Route X_15.jpg
Special Stage Route X_16.jpg

At the top of this picture right below this text the car enters the formation below and exits into what seems like a
water reservoir. And it does, but look closely.
Special Stage Route X_20.jpg
Special Stage Route X_22.jpg
Special Stage Route X_23.jpg
Special Stage Route X_24.jpg

Follow it and it exits to the main track and is only blocked off by these orange dividers. Possibly PD was going to give us
this high-banking ring but decided it wasn't necessary. Or my guess they were too lazy... Yea PD I haven't forgotten
about that NSX DLC WE NEVER GOT!
Special Stage Route X_25.jpg

Some extra aerial shots for the people that made it to the end of this post :lol:
Special Stage Route X_26.jpg

Special Stage Route X_27.jpg

Special Stage Route X_28.jpg
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@jryeargin in the overview photo of the banked track (attached it to this post as well), it goes into a loop. Do you know where it goes?


  • Special Stage Route X_20.jpg
    Special Stage Route X_20.jpg
    38.9 KB · Views: 39
@jryeargin in the overview photo of the banked track (attached it to this post as well), it goes into a loop. Do you know where it goes?
I have no idea. I assume the vehicle can enter then exit the same loop on the top right and follow the S pattern to the main track. Something goes on underground after it exits the bridge till it hits the first loop but I have no idea how it ends up there.

I do have a vehicle that can go under tracks but it's movements are limited unfortunately.
Absolutely fantastic suburb photos from "jryeargin" !!! Route X has always caught my interest and attention for many reasons... it has a... shall I say... kinda spooky and military feel to it, but also with sailboats kinda thing going on. Hard to explain, but many will get what I'm trying to say. Anyway, I always took photos in photo travel during my testings around that circuit so I though I'd share them. Certainly Not as cool as jreargin's, but I've had a lot of fun taking them for sure...

Special Stage Route X-1.jpg
Special Stage Route X-2.jpg
Special Stage Route X-3.jpg
Special Stage Route X-4.jpg
Special Stage Route X-5.jpg
Special Stage Route X-6.jpg
Special Stage Route X-7.jpg
Special Stage Route X-8.jpg
Special Stage Route X-9.jpg
Special Stage Route X-10.jpg
Special Stage Route X-11.jpg
Special Stage Route X-12.jpg
Special Stage Route X-13.jpg
Special Stage Route X-14.jpg
Special Stage Route X-15.jpg
Special Stage Route X-16.jpg
Special Stage Route X-17.jpg
Special Stage Route X-18.jpg
Special Stage Route X-19.jpg
Special Stage Route X-20.jpg
Special Stage Route X-21.jpg
Special Stage Route X-22.jpg
Special Stage Route X-23.jpg
Special Stage Route X-24.jpg
Special Stage Route X-25.jpg
Special Stage Route X-26.jpg
Special Stage Route X-27.jpg
Special Stage Route X-28.jpg
Special Stage Route X-29.jpg
Special Stage Route X-30.jpg
Special Stage Route X-31.jpg
Special Stage Route X-32.jpg
Special Stage Route X-33.jpg
Special Stage Route X-34.jpg
Special Stage Route X-35.jpg
Special Stage Route X-36.jpg
Wow those are some great shots my friend:cheers:

I agree Route X is a mysterious track to say the least and probably my most favorite. I think collectively I've spent days worth of time on that track and every now and then you find something you've never seen before. Best DLC track IMHO

Wish you would've been playing while it was online. It's the best time I've ever had on a game. Online now is different than it was 7 years ago, the community back then was a lot more wholesome.