SRT Tomahawk X VGT Super Lap: Nürburgring Nordschleife

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Haven't played GT6 in months, I decided to give the Tomahawk X seasonal a go cause that thing is just so damn cool.

After nearly 2 hours, maybe 50+ restarts (I lost count), I placed 9th with a 3:53.642 with a DFGT. As someone who just races seasonals for the prize money, I feel like I've gone insane. Maybe I already was. Idk :/

I honestly don't really know why I even tried, but I just did. Maybe it was my obsession with the Ring, the adrenaline rush, or my absurd hidden desire of going 200 mph through turns with yaw force and reaching almost 400 mph on the straight. I went 25-50% on the section after Karussell though as it was practically impossible to push that thing to the limit (unless you're a superhuman like ferfer365bb). When I finally finished I felt my soul ascending through GT heaven, but only for a moment sadly. That lap was literally a blur.

Just wanted to share my strange experience with you all. This car is not for the faint of heart.



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I thought I'd do a lap by being ridiculously careful. Coasting round every corner (no choice really with TC10:D) and only pressing the accelerator once I was facing perfectly forwards. Slam the brakes on (what the hell are they using for brakes on this? Anchors out the back?) as soon as I reach the next corner and back to tip toeing round it. Rinse and repeat for the entire lap. I thought I'd get a break on the straight, but no. A couple of seconds later and I was back to :censored:ting myself.

Got 6:15 and 2499th with only another 1000 below me registering a time. The slowest time was 12 minutes and change so I'm not the wimpiest kid on the block.:lol:

Oh, I didn't press the KERS button once either. That button is for the certifiably insane or the 1%ers who really know how to drive and have prophetic reactions.

Using sticks, forget about getting any sort of flow going. Just concentrate on the bronze time. For those of you using wheels, a few laps will see you getting arms like Popeye.
So much fun, it's like driving a hurricane :lol:

To get gold:

  • The aerodynamics is being used to turn the car, so at high speeds you don't need a lot of steering. Delicate inputs, and don't steer too early.

  • Extremely lightweight + extreme speeds + extreme aero means that this car has some excellent braking capabilities. Don't be afraid to brake late, you'll be fine (well, your eyes might pop out, but the car will be fine).

  • Don't feel the need to push the tempo, the gold time is quite generous. Focus on making a clean lap, not to make it fast.
I just can't drive this car - it's on race softs which I never use and I find it has a ridiculous amount of front end grip. I'll have another try at getting bronze then stop. It's a totally alien feeling for someone who drives a van in real life (slowly!) and prefers old cars and slipperier tyres.

Many people have complained that the game is too easy and I suppose this is an event for them - not my cup of tea though!
I was able to scrape by with bronze. That being said, It was fun and terrifying and rage inducing all in the same swift motion. And if you haven't already, Go and try it for top speed and drag racing (If you're into that sort of thing.) You'll get a huge kick out of it.
This makes the GT-R LM NISMO combo seem like a walk in the park :crazy: Top tip to those not chasing world times: just leave the car in 7th gear and cruise around the lap. I got fed up after 1 hour of crashing and I got first time around using this method 👍 Massive respect to the top guys though :bowdown: I can drive the Red Bull fine, but this thing... *waves white flag*
Yeah I had let's not too much fun at Daytona so.... this may be impossible

Willow Springs: 1.00.8
Daytona : 1:12.6

Nurburgring: 4:56.??? (No assists but I kept it in seventh the whole way until I dropped a gear and disappeared)
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I drove at around 80% to try and get a clean lap in and succeeded by achieving a 4:42. If you hit the intermediate before the long straight at 4:20, you've got time to play with if you want the gold.
For these ones where I just want the car I'm not ashamed to say I use TCS 1 and ASM. Just do what you have to do.

But anyway this car is pretty much useless for anything anyway.

It only goes down to 864pp so you cant use it for ****.
Best time i can do is a 6:12.5xx

Can't get used to the combination of speed and tight twisty track. Think ill leave this one in defeat.

Also found out and this is with all three cars, they will have a love hate relationship with most people. They love it for its crazy speed and looks but hate it as there isn't really any were to use it online other then Route X.

Just tried driving in the S in a cruise lobby and got kicked. Tried using the GTS-R in 2 none PP limit (all cars welcome) race lobbies and got kicked. :banghead:
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First clean lap was a 6:01!! Second lap I pushed a little harder and got a, tempted to go for silver

Edit: DS3 user with ABS1 & TC1
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I love the Nur, have it memorized, but this car with a DS3 is just insane here. I'm sure I sound like a broken record lately, but PD is really forcing everyone to get a wheel if they want to continue to gold every event, which is far from admirable IMO.
I love the Nur, have it memorized, but this car with a DS3 is just insane here. I'm sure I sound like a broken record lately, but PD is really forcing everyone to get a wheel if they want to continue to gold every event, which is far from admirable IMO.

I got a gold on DS3. Patience. It is more than doable.
Went all out crazy on this one last night. No point and no fun on cruising in this thing, it's not what it's built for.

But my body just can't handle going more than 3 minutes like that. Hit some crazy fast check points but 400kmh+ (even 500kmh at times) on this track makes my wheel shake so much that i get cramps, i sweat... here, you really need to learn how to walk before you run...

Tonight i'll blitz through the first 2 minutes, then i'll cruise, see what kind of time that gives me.
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i know that there are nurburg junkies. And I aplaude for them. Nurburg above 600pp makes me sweat.

Yeah i hear you... considering the nature of this car, it would probably be less physically torturing and just as memorable if they had chosen La Sarthe for example.

But since Senna's last time trial, i learned to love these frustrating challenges... :lol:
I really wish PD would implement some sort of rewind feature for events like these. I could use it greatly.