If anyone is going to argue for cockpit views, this is how:
1. The GT site says: *Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views*. What does that mean? It could mean that the game does not support the ability for the camera's view to see the interior. Therefore, these camera views are not supported because the interior was not modeled. Note: this does not mean there is no cockpit. That is reserved for racing in game. But as far as Photo Mode is concerned, standard cars won't support such views because such views simply do not exist.
2. The cars are blacked out on the GT site. Why? Photo Mode. They are blackened out so that you cannot see the interior, because frankly, there isn't one. Therefore, the phrase: *Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views* is simply stating: *Standard cars are blackened out because the camera's view cannot take a photo of what the camera cannot see.* How can one expect to take a photo of a standard car's interior when it is blackened out? You cannot, and that was planned by PD because it takes far too long to model. Note: You may not be able to see the cockpit from the outside, but that is reserved for racing in game.
In conclusion, the ambiguous use of the words "vehicle interior camera views" has opened a wonderful debate for the hopefuls. These few words could be referring to the new and improved Photo Mode, and that gives much life to this argument.
In conclusion part II, if anyone from PD, Sony, or the person who made the infamous adjustment to the U.S. Gran Turismo website, your ambiguity has brought new life to a once dead debate. If you wish to clear this up, use other words. Most fans only care for the cockpit during racing, so if there are no cockpits, be fair to us and simply say it.
Yours truly and forever, SrRd RacinG