"Standard Car" does not correspond to the interior view.Update read 1st page

  • Thread starter JDMKING13
The truth is you people are so inebriate with GT5's alleged greatness, you just can't fathom it can have such a overwhelming flaw.
I personally have a hard time thinking Kaz would accept such an absurd compromise like that. This is the same crazy man who personally had GT3 delayed so he could add like 2 cars from the 2001 Detroit Auto Show.
These are the post I'm talking about :rolleyes: Its one thing when a person comes on here and says O their is going to be cockpit view because they design the Golf GTI Interior dash in GT5P why wouldn't they do it for a standard car so anybody saying there is no cockpit view is stupid. Nah thats not the case there are mature people stating and providing good evidence to back up there argument. Whatever man.

You're awfully defensive for some reason.

I'm simply stating there are people who turn a blind eye to the truth. You're the one saying doing that is stupid and childish.
The truth is you people are so inebriate with GT5's alleged greatness, you just can't fathom it can have such a overwhelming flaw.

Nobody can change that apparently.

While I would insist that GT5 will indeed make us drunk with ecstacy - and not the drug :sly: , I'd agree with you about the cockpit thing, if it wasn't for the pesky words of a couple of journalistic sources other than OPM who spoke of the Standard cars having interior driver views, including dashboards.

Hey, maybe that was a planned inclusion PD just couldn't keep. Maybe they misspoke, or didn't understand what a SONY rep was saying. Heck, one reporter who's heavy into the PC sim world (Sean Cole) is saying that the Standard cars are of Prologue quality.

Maybe we'll find out the solid word at GamesCom, or maybe not till TGS in September. But till then, let's not be too... dare I say it, definitive. ;)
The truth is you people are so inebriate with GT5's alleged greatness, you just can't fathom it can have such a overwhelming flaw.

Nobody can change that apparently.

You're awfully defensive for some reason.

I'm simply stating there are people who turn a blind eye to the truth. You're the one saying doing that is stupid and childish.

I'm not defensive what you just said now does not match up with what you said earlier. My question to you is what gives you the right to call people Inebriate, Blind to the truth which makes me laugh because that means you know the answer, you are right everyone who disagrees with you is wrong. :lol: I know this is a free country and you can right write you want to, but don't expect Hallmark cards from me when your coming out the way like that 👍
I'm not defensive what you just said now does not match up with what you said earlier. My question to you is what gives you the right to call people Inebriate, Blind to the truth which makes me laugh because that means you know the answer, you are right everyone who disagrees with you is wrong. :lol: I know this is a free country and you can right write you want to, but don't expect Hallmark cards from me when your coming out the way like that 👍

Technically I think he is right in this case though... what PD means or what will really be can be argued, but by the letter of the word, the position he represents is right.

Now there are some who admit that's what it says but that's not what they want to believe for any number of reasons... and I don't think that's what he is talking about either...

I think he is talking specifically about those who see what it says but won't believe it for the specific reason that they cannot believe PD could have such a failure.

So if PD suddenly releases a press statement that says: :"GT5 200 automobiles total" then:

Technically it says absolutely 200 cars total. Not more, not less.

Someone claiming it said that would be right.

Now maybe PD screwed up and released a partial press release, maybe they meant something else, maybe someone had a typo... maybe any number of things that means GT5 won't really have exactly 200 cars...

That doesn't mean that it doesn't say that. And if Dravonic comes along and says "It says 200 cars total and thats it" he is indeed right.

Now someone may say "I don't believe it because everything else has said 1000 cars and it just doens't make sense." That's a reasonable argument... they aren't saying it doesn't say 200 cars only, they are saying only they don't believe it will end up being factully acurrate based on previous information.

But now let's say someone comes along and says "No I don't believe that, PD are artists and if they released only 200 cars it would be a total failure and Kaz wouldn't do something like that because we all know Kaz doesn't fail at the things he tries to do."

That is the kind of circular, idolizing logic I believe he is talking about. And it certainly doens't encompass everyone who disagrees with his position, but I think we have all seen at least one or two such examples in our time here... I know I have. And that's my take on it anyhow :)
I actually think my newest argument, (#3), is the best.

It really hits hard the fact that premium cars are just better detailed inside.

And that gives hope to the notion that standard cars do one basic thing; and that basic thing is a cockpit view; whereas premium cars render all parts of the interior (multiple camera views).

Srrd if it turns out you are wrong, it will be me who throws the first stone at you. :lol:
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I'm not defensive what you just said now does not match up with what you said earlier. My question to you is what gives you the right to call people Inebriate, Blind to the truth which makes me laugh because that means you know the answer, you are right everyone who disagrees with you is wrong. :lol: I know this is a free country and you can right write you want to, but don't expect Hallmark cards from me when your coming out the way like that 👍

Since most appeared to understand what I wrote I think you should read it again. I'm not calling anyone a drunkard if that's what you mean.

Either way, of course I know the truth. It's on PD's website. You've seen the sentence innumerous times. Yet you refuse to take it for what it is. If that's not turning a blind eye, I don't know what is.

Anyhow, I don't mean to offend anyone. That's why I never wrote anything offensive like you implied I did. Yet somehow you feel offended, so I apologize.
Technically I think he is right in this case though... what PD means or what will really be can be argued, but by the letter of the word, the position he represents is right.

Now there are some who admit that's what it says but that's not what they want to believe for any number of reasons... and I don't think that's what he is talking about either...

I think he is talking specifically about those who see what it says but won't believe it for the specific reason that they cannot believe PD could have such a failure.

So if PD suddenly releases a press statement that says: :"GT5 200 automobiles total" then:

Technically it says absolutely 200 cars total. Not more, not less.

Someone claiming it said that would be right.

Now maybe PD screwed up and released a partial press release, maybe they meant something else, maybe someone had a typo... maybe any number of things that means GT5 won't really have exactly 200 cars...

That doesn't mean that it doesn't say that. And if Dravonic comes along and says "It says 200 cars total and thats it" he is indeed right.

Now someone may say "I don't believe it because everything else has said 1000 cars and it just doens't make sense." That's a reasonable argument... they aren't saying it doesn't say 200 cars only, they are saying only they don't believe it will end up being factully acurrate based on previous information.

But now let's say someone comes along and says "No I don't believe that, PD are artists and if they released only 200 cars it would be a total failure and Kaz wouldn't fail like that becuase we all know Kaz wouldn't do something like that".

That is the kind of circular, idolizing logic I believe he is talking about. And it certainly doens't encompass everyone who disagrees with his position, but I think we have all seen at least one or two such examples in our time here... I know I have.

Im sorry D you lost me bro :lol:
Head-tracking and Photo Mode pose a huge blockade in front of the "no cockpit" debate.

It gives it some...."meat". It really does.

I am not really picking sides, but because most of the comments are negative, I am trying to inspire some sort of hope or rational thoughts.

But I can totally understand if 800+ (limited) detailed cockpits were too tough to handle for PD. But come on, GT PSP had at least a black frame.

Like I said in another thread,I got the HD ver of the Standard car trailer,native HD.not upscaled.and it makes a HUGE difference.the cars dont look as terrible as I thought,but..I noticed.when the camera is up in the air over the american muscle cars,the windows look very dark.almost black.when the camera in another scene is low down on a track,a red classic car (cant remember what car :/) you clearly see the windows are not that dark.you can see the driver detail very well,namely the driver.to me,the dimensions of the interiors are there.also,digging around I found the GT4HD vids Kaz had at E3 2005/6,clearly the models are much much more than the HD GT4 cars. Now,people keep refering to the little pic of the standard cars pic on the gran turismo site,the fact that those windows are completly black while the Premium car pic on there,you can see the interior.well,clearly in the Standard car trailer..the windows arnt as black as GT4's.as for the comment on there about interiors in standard cars next to the asterisks,I believe that was only on the american site,I think the guys editing the american one is out of the loop with PD japan.I would think SCEA edits it.and judging by the trailer they made prior to E3.90% of it was made with old material we've seen long ago,containing old builds.
Since most appeared to understand what I wrote I think you should read it again. I'm not calling anyone a drunkard if that's what you mean.

Either way, of course I know the truth. It's on PD's website. You've seen the sentence innumerous times. Yet you refuse to take it for what it is. If that's not turning a blind eye, I don't know what is.

Anyhow, I don't mean to offend anyone. That's why I never wrote anything offensive like you implied I did. Yet somehow you feel offended, so I apologize.

Don't need to apologize bro its all good. I respect your opinion on the matter the difference between me and you however is you say you KNOW the truth right. Thats cool, but unless i see it with my own eyes im not going to say nothing is the truth, we have seen basically nothing about standard cars If you want to make a decesion like that off of a text that can mean many things be my guess. Again i will say that whole segment was not about driving it was about detail. If they were talking about driving a premium car from the detailed Interior dash view, and said that standard cars will not support a interior dash view it would be over. This is not the case that section was mainly boasting about the fine detail of the premium cars in and out. On the contrary It gave a small message about the standard cars because of their blacked out windows.
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I am simultaneously feeling wordy and tired (ate a big steak for dinner... food coma time) which is a dangerouus mix, so maybe I didn't make as much sense as I had hoped :D

:lol: Its all good bro yea we might not agree all the time, but you are a very intelligent person your post always show it. 👍
You know, just to throw some fuel on the fire... surely people have wondered about the convertibles that are going to be ported over from GT4, right? The SL55, Miata, and some others might've been turned to Premium, but there are plenty of others, with partially detailed interiors...

You know, just to throw some fuel on the fire... surely people have wondered about the convertibles that are going to be ported over from GT4, right? The SL55, Miata, and some others might've been turned to Premium, but there are plenty of others, with partially detailed interiors...


Slip i was thinking about that two even in GT4 you could see the detail in the Interior of the convertibles. Thats something when your thinking about it makes you go hmmm :lol:
Obviously this is all opinion... but they don't change anything for me. They were modelled in GT4 to a basic degree, and you could see inside pretty clearly in Photomode, but it's not like we got a driver's view in them. Having those basic interiors would probably look like hell if you had a cockpit view, anyways; they're incredibly low-detail, just because they had to be. I feel like Kaz would rather take the blow and not give us any views in the interior while racing because as beautiful as the surroundings may be, imagine how jarring it'd be to see the Nurb in full PS3 detail, and then a blocky, very ugly Merc SL interior? It'd be like having half the screen in a digital time-warp.

Obviously this leads to the same old "they might improve" argument... but seeing as how I'm playing GT4 today, it crossed my mind, and it does something that hasn't happened in many pages in this thread; brings a different angle to the table.
Obviously this is all opinion... but they don't change anything for me. They were modelled in GT4 to a basic degree, and you could see inside pretty clearly in Photomode, but it's not like we got a driver's view in them. Having those basic interiors would probably look like hell if you had a cockpit view, anyways; they're incredibly low-detail, just because they had to be. I feel like Kaz would rather take the blow and not give us any views in the interior while racing because as beautiful as the surroundings may be, imagine how jarring it'd be to see the Nurb in full PS3 detail, and then a blocky, very ugly Merc SL interior? It'd be like having half the screen in a digital time-warp.

Obviously this leads to the same old "they might improve" argument... but seeing as how I'm playing GT4 today, it crossed my mind, and it does something that hasn't happened in many pages in this thread; brings a different angle to the table.

They did it in GT PSP.

"Gran Turismo 5 Prologue" Introduction
Enjoy the details through the new in-car view.

If that page had something like this on it describing the Interior dash view and said Standard cars will not support this view then i would not even argue the fact this is not the case the main focus of premium and standard article was DETAIL between the two cars. It had nothing to do with driving views. When they talk about driving view I think they will go into more detail.
That's the facts. That right there is from GT5P. And there is no wording on the page now that dispels that view for standard cars. Interior views do not = driving positions. If it did, that would be stated. Anyone who says interior camera views means no driving position view for standard cars is taking it out of context. Not vice versa. Until there is confirmation of this all we have here is speculation.

So to the posters who say they are posting 'fact', you are not.
This should be renamed the Lawyer Thread.

Since lawyers come up with definitions for words, then argue about the words in the definitions.:crazy:
That's the facts. That right there is from GT5P. And there is no wording on the page now that dispels that view for standard cars. Interior views do not = driving positions. If it did, that would be stated. Anyone who says interior camera views means no driving position view for standard cars is taking it out of context. Not vice versa. Until there is confirmation of this all we have here is speculation.

So to the posters who say they are posting 'fact', you are not.
There's no way to take it out of context. A driving position view is still a view from the interior of a car b/c said driving position sits in the interior of a car.
There's no way to take it out of context. A driving position view is still a view from the interior of a car.

Yess My boy is back!! Mclaren I know we do not agree on this subject, but i couldn't go to bed without seeing some of your post :lol: If there is anybody who can switch my postion on this topic it is you man :lol: 👍 In Shang Tsung voice from Mortal Kombat "IT HAS BEGUN" :lol:
They did it in GT PSP.

Did what? Give us a blacked-out cockpit? Because every time you try to drive a convertible, the roof will be up. The Cobra, any Merc SL... the only car that doesn't get the black-out treatment is the Ferrari F1, which is kind of expected. Note that they took out the Jay Leno, Caterham, Prowler, and other cars like that to specifically avoid having to show us semi-detailed interiors?

If it did, that would be stated. Anyone who says interior camera views means no driving position view for standard cars is taking it out of context. Not vice versa. Until there is confirmation of this all we have here is speculation.

Can you stop with the "my way is fact, the other way isn't"? Most of us have agreed that there isn't any way to decide for sure until we see proof at one of the upcoming events, or on release day. Although McLaren has tried to talk grammar, it still seems to be ignored. With the part that I just quoted... are you going to tell me a driving position isn't an interior camera view? If it isn't... then where is it?

And before you use the defense that "camera view must mean Photomode"... do you not call the other views "bumper cam"? Or "chase cam"? I'm genuinely curious how taking the wording by the very rules of English is somehow out of context.
That's the facts. That right there is from GT5P. And there is no wording on the page now that dispels that view for standard cars. Interior views do not = driving positions. If it did, that would be stated. Anyone who says interior camera views means no driving position view for standard cars is taking it out of context. Not vice versa. Until there is confirmation of this all we have here is speculation.

So to the posters who say they are posting 'fact', you are not.

The irony is that you are not posting fact. There is no real context other than that it is about standard cars. Failure to clarify does not mean you can assume it does not mean a certain detail.

The argument you put forth is about the same as:

No interior sitting areas.

It doesn't say bedrooms specifically so there are sitting areas in the bedrooms.
Because of the two different type of cars and upcoming game events i think PD will resolve this cockpit issue by putting more information on the GT5 website. I think it will clearly have a list of what view each car has just as they did with the damage and the headlights. The information we got now does not get into any detail about actual driving views for both cars.
The irony is that you are not posting fact. There is no real context other than that it is about standard cars. Failure to clarify does not mean you can assume it does not mean a certain detail.

The argument you put forth is about the same as:

The irony is that I said before that all we have is speculation. I guess you don't read everyone's posts. You just look at the latest one and read into it. Just like you did with the statement of Standard cars not supporting interior camera views.

The funny thing about it is that if it were talking about a driving position why isn't it saying that? Why go into camera views? Like I pointed out before, camera views mean more than one view. If it were speaking of a driving position why would the statement be plural? Why wouldn't the statement say "Standard cars do not support interior camera driving views"? Point is, there are no more than one position inside or the 'interior' driving view. So why point out camera views? It makes little sense to go into that detail. And why is it that when the articles of numerous magazines have said that all the cars have been recreated inside and out they are wrong?

That's the facts. The facts are there are things that I stated about people saying things that are facts that are not. I spoke before that my opinions were just that; opinions. But others here speak that they know for sure 100% that there is no 'cockpits' in the standard cars. That's not a fact.
Did what? Give us a blacked-out cockpit? Because every time you try to drive a convertible, the roof will be up. The Cobra, any Merc SL... the only car that doesn't get the black-out treatment is the Ferrari F1, which is kind of expected. Note that they took out the Jay Leno, Caterham, Prowler, and other cars like that to specifically avoid having to show us semi-detailed interiors?

Can you stop with the "my way is fact, the other way isn't"? Most of us have agreed that there isn't any way to decide for sure until we see proof at one of the upcoming events, or on release day. Although McLaren has tried to talk grammar, it still seems to be ignored. With the part that I just quoted... are you going to tell me a driving position isn't an interior camera view? If it isn't... then where is it?

And before you use the defense that "camera view must mean Photomode"... do you not call the other views "bumper cam"? Or "chase cam"? I'm genuinely curious how taking the wording by the very rules of English is somehow out of context.

You're out of context, and you take my posts out of context. You don't have any right to talk when you're on a side of the fence that says your views are fact. When in fact they are not fact. I never said my theories are fact. I said they were opinions. I also said that instead of people like YOU posting their opinions and calling them fact, that we should all take a step back and post our views as opinions. Of course you disregarded that post and again like other posters here took my post out of context just like you say I take interior views out of context.

I speak English, thanks. I've been to school, thanks. I know what grammar is, thanks. I don't need you nor McLaren nor any other poster to tell me how to speak or read the English language. The fact that the sentence was TRANSLATED makes a big difference. The fact that the sentence was originally in Japanese with an arguably different meaning/text makes me feel like this sentence on the American site is a bit misleading to some. I do have to say if you read any of my other posts you would realize that I'm all for new details, but I don't even drive in 'cockpit' view, so to me, it won't matter. Asking me whether I call it bumper view or bumper cam is irrelevant. I'm not apart of PD, I'm not Kaz, I don't see how what I call it matters to what they call it.
This is from Amar thread https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=128422 official fact sheet.

And another "cokpit/no cokpit" debate can begin.

Here is the official PRESS RELEASE from SCEA regarding GT5.

Most intresting bit is bolded:

Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment America, LLC.
Developer: Polyphony Digital Inc.
Platform: PlayStation®3 system
Genre: Racing / Driving Simulator
Players: 1 – 4 Local, up to 16 online
Release: TBA (November 2nd confirmed)
Rating: RP – Rating Pending

From Polyphony Digital Inc. (PDI), the development powerhouse that has shipped more than 55 million units worldwide, the award-winning Gran Turismo® franchise makes its way to the PlayStation®3 (PS3®) system in the first complete installment of the fan-favorite series on the console. Developed exclusively for PS3 by the internal team of designers and engineers at PDI, Gran Turismo® 5 brings the world’s most realistic and comprehensive driving experience to fans in one of the most highly anticipated games of all time. Consistently setting the bar in terms of quality of design and physics technology with every product release, Gran Turismo 5 on PS3 is no exception and aims to set new standards in terms of graphics, presentation, and gameplay.

Gran Turismo 5 features more than 1000 licensed cars from the world’s top manufacturers and more than 20 tracks with more than 70 variations, including famous world circuits, city courses, and other environments. Featuring exciting gameplay and modes to suit newcomers, automotive enthusiasts, and seasoned fans, Gran Turismo 5 raises the bar on the franchise’s depth of content and unparalleled visuals including lifelike graphics that are difficult to distinguish from a live race. Further reflecting this realism, cars will feature real-time visual damage with adaptive and accurate car deformation based on point of impact and velocity. Additionally for the first time, Gran Turismo 5 will feature an extremely deep online and community feature set.

Players can progress and acquire credits through a variety of modes like GT Career Mode, Championship Races, License Tests and more, or they can explore different tracks and circuit variations in Arcade Mode. Additionally, players can race online with up to 16 players through PlayStation Network®(PSN). Players can also participate in a robust online system, and transfer vehicles unlocked in Gran Turismo® for PSP™ into their garage in
Gran Turismo 5.

· A first for the franchise, vehicles will now show real-time damage and wear that reflect the driver’s treatment of the car. Cars will collect dirt (and can be washed at car washes) and will feature adaptive and accurate body deformation and performance damage based on point of impact and velocity (on select vehicles).
· Additional graphic touchups that add to the realism include smoke from tires, sparks that fly from vehicle rollovers, and dirt accumulation.
· Brand new vehicle physics engine that replaces the engine from Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, making the action more realistic than ever.
· PlayStation Eye camera features that add a new level of detail to the game, including face tracking for looking around the interior of vehicles while in the interior dash view.

· More than 1000 licensed cars, including those representing racing organizations from around the globe such as NASCAR, World Rally Championship, Super GT and more.
· More than 20 tracks with more than 70 variations featuring famous world circuits and real-world city locales.
· Arcade mode lets players take in the stunning tracks and environments of
Gran Turismo 5 alone or with a friend in split-screen two-player mode.
· The fan-favorite career mode returns with a full world map, licensed car dealerships, tuning and body shops, and car washes. Start your car collection, customize them to your liking, and live the life of a pro racer.
· Compete in franchise mainstays like point-based Championship Race series and hone your skills with License Tests.
· Gran Turismo TV Video gives players access to an online clearinghouse of great motorsport video programming (both HD and SD – all broadcast quality) through PLAYSTATION Network. Users can now export this content to the GT PSP Museum (GT PSP required).

· Photo Mode and Photo Album allows users to capture their greatest GT moments, and share with friends. Players can stage and capture stylish shots from a number of angles and locations.
· Photo Album can be shared online, and the Online Replay Album lets players capture replay video from their favorite races and upload them to YouTube for the world to see.
· Players can create custom soundtracks from music stored on their PS3s to play in-game.

· Online racing evolves in Gran Turismo 5 with robust racing options that are shaping up to deliver the deepest online racing experience available.
· Players can join in on public races featuring up to 16 players at once with text and voice chat, or host private races with lobbies supporting up to 32 players per lobby.

· Players who own Gran Turismo PSP and Gran Turismo 5 Prologue can transfer cars unlocked in that game directly to their garage in Gran Turismo 5 for use in Arcade Mode through special cross-talk interoperability.
· Gran Turismo 5 will feature full PSN Trophy support, making players’ accomplishments that much more satisfying.


So, what does "Lobby" stands for? Does this mean we can expect races of 32 players in Private Lobbies, or is it just a way to put 32 players in lobby prior to the actual race?

Lights, please!

And another "cokpit/no cokpit" debate can begin.
<< :lol:

· A first for the franchise, vehicles will now show real-time damage and wear that reflect the driver&#8217;s treatment of the car. Cars will collect dirt (and can be washed at car washes) and will feature adaptive and accurate body deformation and performance damage based on point of impact and velocity (on select vehicles).
· Additional graphic touchups that add to the realism include smoke from tires, sparks that fly from vehicle rollovers, and dirt accumulation.
· Brand new vehicle physics engine that replaces the engine from Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, making the action more realistic than ever.
· PlayStation Eye camera features that add a new level of detail to the game, including face tracking for looking around the interior of vehicles while in the interior dash view.

If you read the bold it clearly says interior dash view. This is what I'm talking about why don't say this. Even when talking about the damage it clearly says on select vehicle to let people understand that not every car will feature this. This is not the case for the interior dash view, it did not say on select vehicle. This makes me believe we will get cockpit for standard cars
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And another "cokpit/no cokpit" debate can begin.
<< :lol:

If you read the bold it clearly says interior dash view. This is what I'm talking about why don't say this. Even when talking about the damage it clearly says on select vehicle to let people understand that not every car will feature this. This is not the case for the interior dash view, it did not say on select vehicle. This makes me believe we will get cockpit for standard cars

Because of the two different type of cars and upcoming game events i think PD will resolve this cockpit issue by putting more information on the GT5 website. I think it will clearly have a list of what view each car has just as they did with the damage and the headlights. The information we got now does not get into any detail about actual driving views for both cars.

Damage: Premium Cars have it in full. Standard Cars have scratches.

Headlights: Premium Cars have High and Low Beams. Standard Cars have Low beams only.

We have about the same level of information for all three items I've highlighted in red. Unless I'm missing something.


Ultimately, you can believe what you want to believe. Honestly though, with nothing but split hairs pointing in one direction and solid evidence pointing in the other, I'm going to assume that there are no cockpit/interior views for standard cars. Do I want them? Yes. The reality is that they're more than likely not going to be included though.

Please, this thread has passed intellectual... or allow me to rephrase.. "fresh" intellectual discussion... and has moved on into word-playing, hope-building, rephrasing, recycling and remphasizing.
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Is there anyone here who'll bet me money that standard cars will have "cockpit view"? (Feels kinda exploitative but I'm pretty broke...)