"Standard Car" does not correspond to the interior view.Update read 1st page

  • Thread starter JDMKING13
Of course, once again, "nothing can be proven until we have the game" and everyone's entitled to make up their own mind.

I just hope you crazies are actually right, because although I would roll naked on the floor with joy if we get a thousand nice HD dashboards, every fibre of common sense and logic in me says you're wrong :P
HERE'S A THOUGHT!! How about we all just take a step back and look into what Kaz said is offered. Views is plural. Now from the Japanese site, it doesn't seem as if Views is supposed to be plural but interiors are. If that's the case like Akira has said above, then we can speculate that interiors view is what was meant. Not interior views.

If that's the case here is what the wording should read. "Standard cars do not support interiors view" Like Akira said before, there is a Japanese kanji for 'cockpit' and it wasn't used in this sentence, in Japanese nor English. That to me signifies the view of the interiorS signifies CAMERA angles. What CAMERA signifies is PICTURES. You take pictures with a camera.

Camera (Pictures) view of interiors is not supported in Standard cars. Thats my take on the matter. I come to this conclusion because it doesn't say at all, Interiors driving position is not supported in Standard cars. While some of you may disagree that is fine. This is my take on the understanding of Akira and the way the Japanese word their sentences.
Except they can. That simple statement says a standard car does not support an interior view of any kind.

How can we be wrong when the sentence says we're right? There's no other way to interpret it without purposely doing so.

If the words "do not" suddenly mean a positive, then someone has changed the English dictionary

I'm pretty sure the sentence does not say, 'standard cars do not support interior view of any kind', but i'll forgive your embellishment and move on.

Its not the words 'do not' i'm questioning either, but the fact that there are those that seem to purosely interpret interior to mean cockpit.

As far as i'm concerned, the words 'interior view' could mean two things. Either, the cars will not include a driving view point from the interior, or, the cars will not support an exterior view point of the interior.

Until we have definitive proof of either of those two possibilities the sentence in question remains confusing. In my opinion no one can be correct based on the interpretation of the statement.
HERE'S A THOUGHT!! How about we all just take a step back and look into what Kaz said is offered. Views is plural. Now from the Japanese site, it doesn't seem as if Views is supposed to be plural but interiors are. If that's the case like Akira has said above, then we can speculate that interiors view is what was meant. Not interior views.

If that's the case here is what the wording should read. "Standard cars do not support interiors view" Like Akira said before, there is a Japanese kanji for 'cockpit' and it wasn't used in this sentence, in Japanese nor English. That to me signifies the view of the interiorS signifies CAMERA angles. What CAMERA signifies is PICTURES. You take pictures with a camera.

Camera (Pictures) view of interiors is not supported in Standard cars. Thats my take on the matter. I come to this conclusion because it doesn't say at all, Interiors driving position is not supported in Standard cars. While some of you may disagree that is fine. This is my take on the understanding of Akira and the way the Japanese word their sentences.
Ok. So after the idea that the plural in 'views' in the statement would allow for cockpit view to be available for standard cars has been debunked time and time again, you're now assuming that PD is putting a false translation on their site and then proceed to assume what they might wanted to say? Really?
Remember when there was an interview with Kaz and people said everything that didn't fit with what they wanted to believe was a mistranslation? Considering what we know now, it seems it wasn't translated wrong.

With that in mind, and I know this is going to come of as quite harsh, I'm kinda going to believe that PD phrased the statement on their site the way they intended to. Or rather, I'm more inclined to believe the guys at PD then some (again, sorry if this is coming of as harsh) random guys in a forum who're displaying a huge bias, to boot.

And yet again, why didn't they use the kanji for cockpit? because they went for a statement that's even clearer. A statement that each and every camera view that's related to a cars interior is not available for standard cars.

The whole camera = pictures thing... Ever considered that, not only in GT, but in every single game, the term 'camera' is used? Like 'right analog stick: rotate the camera' and so and so forth. The virtual camera is the point of view that's displayed on the screen, it's used like that quite often.

Honestly, what's next? Turn 10 and Microsoft hacking PD's website and posting false statements on it?
I've just noticed that the
Standard cars do not support interior camera views
is only on the American version of the official GT website, I've checked the UK version and Austrailian versions and both do not have that comment.
As far as i'm concerned, the words 'interior view' could mean two things. Either, the cars will not include a driving view point from the interior, or, the cars will not support an exterior view point of the interior.
Sorry, but that statement on PD's website does not correspond to that specific idea at all. The sentence is clearly talking about a view from the inside. You'd be as bad as these "crazies" (as tron put it) if you believe the latter of your sentence.

You people go ahead & continue to make up definitions & meanings behind that sentence. But for those of us who know better, plain English says otherwise. The fact some of you actually need PD to hold you hand & say, "Premium does include a cockpit view. Standard does not include a cockpit view" on a list of differences tells me you all are just grasping at straws. Some of you are now also referring to 2 year old writing for GT5:P as proof without realizing that what you're using as evidence is PR talk for the average consumer & is not in any way, a form of telling you what is and isn't in the game. Also take into account (which you all probably won't) that the wording for GT5:P was written 2 years before we were told there were 2 "types" car models in the game.

Come November, a lot of you who "have the most faith" (again, acting like PD is a god), will hopefully restrain yourselves from criticizing PD when you find 800 cars don't have an interior view for yourself, in your home, in your playstation, in your own eyes. I say this, b/c apparently, that's the only proof that will convince some of you.
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I'm pretty sure the sentence does not say, 'standard cars do not support interior view of any kind', but i'll forgive your embellishment and move on.

Its not the words 'do not' i'm questioning either, but the fact that there are those that seem to purosely interpret interior to mean cockpit.

As far as i'm concerned, the words 'interior view' could mean two things. Either, the cars will not include a driving view point from the interior, or, the cars will not support an exterior view point of the interior.

Until we have definitive proof of either of those two possibilities the sentence in question remains confusing. In my opinion no one can be correct based on the interpretation of the statement.

👍 Thank you for this post this is what I'm saying to people see that and it automatically means we have no cockpit .
Ok. So after the idea that the plural in 'views' in the statement would allow for cockpit view to be available for standard cars has been debunked time and time again, you're now assuming that PD is putting a false translation on their site and then proceed to assume what they might wanted to say? Really?
Remember when there was an interview with Kaz and people said everything that didn't fit with what they wanted to believe was a mistranslation? Considering what we know now, it seems it wasn't translated wrong.

With that in mind, and I know this is going to come of as quite harsh, I'm kinda going to believe that PD phrased the statement on their site the way they intended to. Or rather, I'm more inclined to believe the guys at PD then some (again, sorry if this is coming of as harsh) random guys in a forum who're displaying a huge bias, to boot.

And yet again, why didn't they use the kanji for cockpit? because they went for a statement that's even clearer. A statement that each and every camera view that's related to a cars interior is not available for standard cars.

The whole camera = pictures thing... Ever considered that, not only in GT, but in every single game, the term 'camera' is used? Like 'right analog stick: rotate the camera' and so and so forth. The virtual camera is the point of view that's displayed on the screen, it's used like that quite often.

Honestly, what's next? Turn 10 and Microsoft hacking PD's website and posting false statements on it?

Where do you get off saying this? I gave you an example and yet you refrained from acknowledging it. You speak of random guys on a forum, but you're one of them. You ignored everything i said and put your own little jabber in there to make it seem like you're somewhat intelligent? Come on now. You're little words do nothing to aid to your side of the fence. You have nothing to suggest to me that's new in the argument that there will not be a view from the drivers seat in standard cars.

Like Akira said, Japanese is his first language, it is not yours. Therefor, going from the JAPANESE site, he came to the conclusion the the wording was off for the English site. If you didn't get this you're just not paying attention, or you're blatantly ignorant. I'm guessing it's both.

You claim you know things but give no proof of your theories. You just go to a website and see a sentence containing some words and you have your mind made up? So when a game like FM3 has 'cockpits' of 400+ cars on a DVD-Rom based game you think it's impossible for GT5 to have cockpits of 1000+ cars on a Blu-Ray disc game? I see no fact in that. DVDs can support maybe a 3rd of what the Blu-Ray can. And if that's so and if what's rumored to be true that the Blu-Ray being used in GT5 is dual layer, a perhaps even 5 times the information of what FM3 has is in GT5.

I gave an example and a thought and an opinion. You gave me your's but stated it was fact. Which it is not. Until you revert to saying your opinions are in fact fiction, I will not hesitate to blast you a new one in every lame post that you put out there.

Also your little attempts at joking aren't even remotely humorous. Maybe you should go pick up a new joke book while you're out and about looking for new arguments to come up with. I stated clear as day that Cameras take pictures. Camera views could be a statement of photo mode. There was no indication that it was speaking of a driving position or a photo mode. So no, you're guess isn't as more factual than mine. All of it is speculation. I merely gave a point of view that made sense to me. So please, next time stop ACTING as if your points are FACT when they aren't.
Sorry, but that statement on PD's website does not correspond to that specific idea at all. The sentence is clearly talking about a view from the inside. You'd be as bad as these "crazies" (as tron put it) if you believe the latter of your sentence.

You people go ahead & continue to make up definitions & meanings behind that sentence. But for those of us who know better, plain English says otherwise. The fact some of you actually need PD to hold you hand & say, "Premium does include a cockpit view. Standard does not include a cockpit view" on a list of differences tells me you all are just grasping at straws. Some of you are now also referring to 2 year old writing for GT5:P as proof.

Come November, a lot of you who "have the most faith" (again, acting like PD is a god), will hopefully restrain yourselves from criticizing PD when you find 800 cars don't have an interior view.

McLaren what cracks me up is this god statement you keep saying, Just beacause some people are not taking it the way you take it we treat PD likes Gods :lol: I bet you had some faith or a strong beliefe T10 was going to make a better game than Forza2 right? Anyway me and most of the people posting the reason we believe we will have some type of cockpit, will not be disappointed even if their is no cockpit. Majority of the people are just stating their opinion on the matter. In the end cockpit or not we understand we are getting the best racing game for any console.
I'm just bringing out the point that the american site says Does not support interior CAMERA views. But doesn't say Interior DRIVING views. There's a difference, and I know people think that Camera views would include a driving view from inside. But thinking of such and the fact that GT5P said 'Dashboard view' maybe it'd go a ways to say that on the website rather than CAMERA. This is why I thought that maybe if they were speaking of CAMERA views they could be speaking of interior PHOTO/CAMERA views. If we take what Kaz has said, that the Premium cars only get detailed interiors, than maybe it's signifying that this is a photo-mode option that standard cars don't support.
I'm just bringing out the point that the american site says Does not support interior CAMERA views. But doesn't say Interior DRIVING views. There's a difference, and I know people think that Camera views would include a driving view from inside. But thinking of such and the fact that GT5P said 'Dashboard view' maybe it'd go a ways to say that on the website rather than CAMERA.

Not only that the GT5P site uses the word camera to describe how beautiful the car looks from every aspect of viewing it.
Like Akira said, Japanese is his first language, it is not yours. Therefor, going from the JAPANESE site, he came to the conclusion the the wording was off for the English site. If you didn't get this you're just not paying attention, or you're blatantly ignorant. I'm guessing it's both.
Oh, I got it, alright. What I was saying was the following: PD enploys someone to translate stuff from Japanese to English. Someone who's good at both. I never said my Japanese or English was better than anyone else's, but what I was saying was that I'm rather inclined to go with someone who's working as a translator than someone on a forum. So it's not Akira vs. me, it's Akira vs. PD's transolator.

You claim you know things but give no proof of your theories. You just go to a website and see a sentence containing some words and you have your mind made up? So when a game like FM3 has 'cockpits' of 400+ cars on a DVD-Rom based game you think it's impossible for GT5 to have cockpits of 1000+ cars on a Blu-Ray disc game? I see no fact in that. DVDs can support maybe a 3rd of what the Blu-Ray can. And if that's so and if what's rumored to be true that the Blu-Ray being used in GT5 is dual layer, a perhaps even 5 times the information of what FM3 has is in GT5.
I don't quite get why you're mentioning DVD vs BluRay. And I never said it wasn't possible for PD to add cockpits for the cars. Judging from their statement, that they translated themselves, they just didn't do it, for whatever reason. Maybe they just didn't felt like it, I don't know and I honestly don't care.

I gave an example and a thought and an opinion. You gave me your's but stated it was fact. Which it is not. Until you revert to saying your opinions are in fact fiction, I will not hesitate to blast you a new one in every lame post that you put out there.
Well then, have a go at me all you want. I for one am keen on calling you out every time you're making some unlikely assumptions to base support your opnion. Deal?

Also your little attempts at joking aren't even remotely humorous. Maybe you should go pick up a new joke book while you're out and about looking for new arguments to come up with. I stated clear as day that Cameras take pictures. Camera views could be a statement of photo mode.
A camera takes movies as well and the word camera is used as a figure of speech to describe the point of view for video games on a regular basis, so why exactly would you assume that it's use this time does imply anything else? As I said, you can have a go at me whenever you feel like if it makes you feel better. I'm still going to point out what I think are unlikely assumptions.

There was no indication that it was speaking of a driving position or a photo mode. So no, you're guess isn't as more factual than mine. All of it is speculation. I merely gave a point of view that made sense to me. So please, next time stop ACTING as if your points are FACT when they aren't.
I'll add an 'in my opinion' to each second sentence in the future :rolleyes: Not that it's going to have any impact on any of the things I said, but whatever.

And, besides, while both guesses might not be factual, there is a difference in probability.
Not only that the GT5P site uses the word camera to describe how beautiful the car looks from every aspect of viewing it.

Right, and then they say 'driving' as well. But when they say those two things, they differentiate between them. A new 'dashboard view' was for driving purposes. 'Standard cars do not support interior CAMERA views' to me signifies viewing it. Not driving it.
Right, and then they say 'driving' as well. But when they say those two things, they differentiate between them. A new 'dashboard view' was for driving purposes. 'Standard cars do not support interior CAMERA views' to me signifies viewing it. Not driving it.

No doubt thats what I'm talking about! but wait its invalid because it 2 years old from GT5P. :lol: When i use to play football for Rutgers university we use to game plan on films years back to get new schemes, but i guess all my coaches are dumb because its old information. :lol:
Oh, I got it, alright. What I was saying was the following: PD enploys someone to translate stuff from Japanese to English. Someone who's good at both. I never said my Japanese or English was better than anyone else's, but what I was saying was that I'm rather inclined to go with someone who's working as a translator than someone on a forum. So it's not Akira vs. me, it's Akira vs. PD's transolator.

I don't quite get why you're mentioning DVD vs BluRay. And I never said it wasn't possible for PD to add cockpits for the cars. Judging from their statement, that they translated themselves, they just didn't do it, for whatever reason. Maybe they just didn't felt like it, I don't know and I honestly don't care.

Well then, have a go at me all you want. I for one am keen on calling you out every time you're making some unlikely assumptions to base support your opnion. Deal?

A camera takes movies as well and the word camera is used as a figure of speech to describe the point of view for video games on a regular basis, so why exactly would you assume that it's use this time does imply anything else? As I said, you can have a go at me whenever you feel like if it makes you feel better. I'm still going to point out what I think are unlikely assumptions.

I'll add an 'in my opinion' to each second sentence in the future :rolleyes: Not that it's going to have any impact on any of the things I said, but whatever.

And, besides, while both guesses might not be factual, there is a difference in probability.

Probability is not determined by whether PD likes your opinion or mine. There's no such thing as probability when opinions are concerned. While you say cameras take movies, that is true, and movies in my view could be replays. Do you watch a replay of your car and switch to the 'interior view'? I bet you do. And weve seen videos of such that the premium cars have 'interior VIEWS' being more than one. Regardless of whether that is dashboard view or rear seat view or whatever view, that's a lot of views that weve seen a replay of. Are you going to drive from those positions? I doubt it. So to say that the camera VIEWS are not supported in Standard cars, it makes a lot of sense to think that these VIEWS from replays or photo-mode won't be supported by the Standard version of cars. Not to say 'interior driving view is not supported' or 'cockpit view is not supported' which is easy to say. But in terms of generality and the VIEWS that the camera offers, Video and Photo are what CAMERAS do. Does that not sound plausible to you?
Nowhere have PD clearly stated "For the standard cars, whilst playing the game, when driving the car (not looking into the interior from the outside), the driver's perspective camera (no, not a camera like in photomode) which is sometimes referred to as "cockpit view" by some people, and which some other PR translator guy once referred to years ago as dashboard view whilst promoting GT5:P, will not be supported for standard cars."

Now why can't they just be clear about it??
Oh, I got it, alright. What I was saying was the following: PD enploys someone to translate stuff from Japanese to English. Someone who's good at both. I never said my Japanese or English was better than anyone else's, but what I was saying was that I'm rather inclined to go with someone who's working as a translator than someone on a forum. So it's not Akira vs. me, it's Akira vs. PD's transolator.
I have to quote myself

from now on a lot of people will say that "I know more that the guys who translate from Japanese" ,trust me I don't ,I don't know English as first language but I do know Japanese as first language,the Japanese language is more complex that you think it is,and if we compare it with the simplicity of the English we found a lot of misunderstandings

I don't saying that I can translate better to English,the differences between the two languages are huge and the phrase is a bit complex to have a direct translation,please do not compare me with the guys who translate the web pages,they should have their reasons to posts the phrase in that meaning,sorry for posting again but I don't want a comparative between PD translators and I,the translator from PD are by all means better,but as an advice I recommend to you guys wait for gamescom.

PS:the term cockpit in Japanese is コックピット,is valid for all the vehicles, aircraft,trains,cars,buses,etc.. and is a conversion to kana from the romanji cockpit,please don't compare and wait until gamescom 👍 .
It's not clear whether or not he is meaning the driving position or something else. But why go into the viewS if he is specifying one thing, which would be where you sit in the car? It makes little sense to me to say 'Standard cars do not support interior camera views' but say that the Premium models are recreated inside and out with stunning detail. So to me it just sets off an alarm with the 'views' situation and with the translation. It's not everyday that the translation is incorrect, nor is it everyday it's spot on. I'm just getting my opinion in here to see if I have any takers on this side of logic.
Probability is not determined by whether PD likes your opinion or mine. There's no such thing as probability when opinions are concerned. While you say cameras take movies, that is true, and movies in my view could be replays. Do you watch a replay of your car and switch to the 'interior view'? I bet you do. And weve seen videos of such that the premium cars have 'interior VIEWS' being more than one. Regardless of whether that is dashboard view or rear seat view or whatever view, that's a lot of views that weve seen a replay of. Are you going to drive from those positions? I doubt it. So to say that the camera VIEWS are not supported in Standard cars, it makes a lot of sense to think that these VIEWS from replays or photo-mode won't be supported by the Standard version of cars. Not to say 'interior driving view is not supported' or 'cockpit view is not supported' which is easy to say. But in terms of generality and the VIEWS that the camera offers, Video and Photo are what CAMERAS do. Does that not sound plausible to you?

Damn thats good 👍 this is what i have been saying all the time. Yes i can understand why someone would say camera views mean interior view but with all the context clues from the article it seems to me they are talking about actual viewing modes such as replays, racing against, photo mode, and the new replay mode. Time will tell.
don't saying that I can translate better to English,the differences between the two languages are huge and the phrase is a bit complex to have a direct translation,please do not compare my to the guys who translate the web pages,they should have their reasons to posts the phrase in that meaning,sorry for posting again but I don't want a comparative between PD translators and I,the translator from PD are by all means better,but as an advice I recommend to you guys wait for gamescom.
I didn't want to attack you personally and I apoplogize for coming of that way (which I'm sure I did), I just wanted to make my point clear.

So sorry again for dragging you into this :cheers:
It's not clear whether or not he is meaning the driving position or something else. But why go into the viewS if he is specifying one thing, which would be where you sit in the car? It makes little sense to me to say 'Standard cars do not support interior camera views' but say that the Premium models are recreated inside and out with stunning detail. So to me it just sets off an alarm with the 'views' situation and with the translation. It's not everyday that the translation is incorrect, nor is it everyday it's spot on. I'm just getting my opinion in here to see if I have any takers on this side of logic.

Im sorry to keep quoting you but thats what im talking about!!. That whole section had nothing to do with driving it was just explaining the difference of the detail between the 2 models. 👍
I didn't want to attack you personally and I apoplogize for coming of that way (which I'm sure I did), I just wanted to make my point clear.

So sorry again for dragging you into this :cheers:

Don't worry I just want to avoid some pointing out,because if I'm wrong(by 60% of possibilities,maybe 75%)I don't want to be treated like an idiot,BTW freshseth83 don't take it so seriously is just a possibility that I am right,calm down a bit, lets just wait until gamescom,we're coming back to the plural issue again :lol:
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Sorry, but that statement on PD's website does not correspond to that specific idea at all. The sentence is clearly talking about a view from the inside. You'd be as bad as these "crazies" (as tron put it) if you believe the latter of your sentence.

lol :lol: crazies.

If I've come across to anyone in this thread as being on either side of the fence on this then I appologise. I've tried to remain impartial and I also said that in my opinion, no one can be correct based on the interpretation of the statement, and that definately includes myself. I only wanted to try and clear up why both the 'crazies' and the 'normals' ( whichever way around they eventually end up being ;) ) have different opinions.

This is the exact sentence:

Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views.

Let me try and break it down into how the two groups are reading it:

Those who are convinced there is no cockpit view:

Standard cars, do not support, vehicle (interior camera views).

Those who are convinced there IS a cockpit view:

Standard cars, do not support, (vehicle interior) camera views.

To put it another way, the same sentence can either mean, there is no support for cameras in the vehicles interior, or, there is no support for camera views of the vehicle interior.

I can definately see both sides of the argument, but I dont claim to know which opinion is the right one. When visual evidence is provided I think we can put it to rest. Until then though, and its made obvious by this very thread, no one can be 'correct' until proof is provided.

Come November, a lot of you will hopefully restrain yourselves from criticizing PD when you find 800 cars don't have an interior view

Thats some wishful thinking right there :lol: I think almost 800 posts show just how much people care for the cockpit view. After prologue, I think it would be a sad day if GT5 didnt have full cockpit support, and I think a lot of the posters in here will be very vocal about it.

As for me, I just hope that IF cockpits ARE fully supported, people who have been less than complimentary about so called 'crazies' are at least a little apologetic. Both sides are guilty of writing as though their opinions are gospel, but no one really knows until the finished product is out. In the end, in the calm after the storm, I just hope we can all be friends and enjoy the long awaited game together. Yay. :lol: Puke!
It's not clear whether or not he is meaning the driving position or something else. But why go into the viewS if he is specifying one thing, which would be where you sit in the car? It makes little sense to me to say 'Standard cars do not support interior camera views' but say that the Premium models are recreated inside and out with stunning detail. So to me it just sets off an alarm with the 'views' situation and with the translation. It's not everyday that the translation is incorrect, nor is it everyday it's spot on. I'm just getting my opinion in here to see if I have any takers on this side of logic.

👍 That's they way I am leaning more to.
lol :lol: crazies.

If I've come across to anyone in this thread as being on either side of the fence on this then I appologise. I've tried to remain impartial and I also said that in my opinion, no one can be correct based on the interpretation of the statement, and that definately includes myself. I only wanted to try and clear up why both the 'crazies' and the 'normals' ( whichever way around they eventually end up being ;) ) have different opinions.

This is the exact sentence:

Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views.

Let me try and break it down into how the two groups are reading it:

To put it another way, the same sentence can either mean, there is no support for cameras in the vehicles interior, or, there is no support for camera views of the vehicle interior.

I can definately see both sides of the argument, but I dont claim to know which opinion is the right one. When visual evidence is provided I think we can put it to rest. Until then though, and its made obvious by this very thread, no one can be 'correct' until proof is provided.

Thats some wishful thinking right there :lol: I think almost 800 posts show just how much people care for the cockpit view. After prologue, I think it would be a sad day if GT5 didnt have full cockpit support, and I think a lot of the posters in here will be very vocal about it.

As for me, I just hope that IF cockpits ARE fully supported, people who have been less than complimentary about so called 'crazies' are at least a little apologetic. Both sides are guilty of writing as though their opinions are gospel, but no one really knows until the finished product is out. In the end, in the calm after the storm, I just hope we can all be friends and enjoy the long awaited game together. Yay. :lol: Puke!

Very good post.
lol :lol: crazies.

If I've come across to anyone in this thread as being on either side of the fence on this then I appologise. I've tried to remain impartial and I also said that in my opinion, no one can be correct based on the interpretation of the statement, and that definately includes myself. I only wanted to try and clear up why both the 'crazies' and the 'normals' ( whichever way around they eventually end up being ;) ) have different opinions.

This is the exact sentence:

Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views.

Let me try and break it down into how the two groups are reading it:

To put it another way, the same sentence can either mean, there is no support for cameras in the vehicles interior, or, there is no support for camera views of the vehicle interior.

I can definately see both sides of the argument, but I dont claim to know which opinion is the right one. When visual evidence is provided I think we can put it to rest. Until then though, and its made obvious by this very thread, no one can be 'correct' until proof is provided.

Thats some wishful thinking right there :lol: I think almost 800 posts show just how much people care for the cockpit view. After prologue, I think it would be a sad day if GT5 didnt have full cockpit support, and I think a lot of the posters in here will be very vocal about it.

As for me, I just hope that IF cockpits ARE fully supported, people who have been less than complimentary about so called 'crazies' are at least a little apologetic. Both sides are guilty of writing as though their opinions are gospel, but no one really knows until the finished product is out. In the end, in the calm after the storm, I just hope we can all be friends and enjoy the long awaited game together. Yay. :lol: Puke!

I cant agree more to that,just take my statement as a possibility, don't take it so serious people we just have to wait,I'm just based on the thesis of the lack of mention on cockpit views and the last pronouncement in the web site .that is all.

BTW:nice one Captain Roh,well done 👍👍👍👍👍
Im sorry to keep quoting you but thats what im talking about!!. That whole section had nothing to do with driving it was just explaining the difference of the detail between the 2 models. 👍

Plural is used cause "standard cars" is plural as well.

"Standard cars do not support interior camera view" is grammatically incorrect. That's like saying there's one shared view for all these 800 cars. It's plural because all 800 cars don't support the interior camera view. Car number 1 doesn't support it, number 2 doesn't, and number 800 doesn't -- carS. And if they said "standard car does not support interior camera view" it doesn't make proper sense either. They said it in the most adequate and proper manner.