
If I've come across to anyone in this thread as being on either side of the fence on this then I appologise. I've tried to remain impartial and I also said that in my opinion, no one can be correct based on the interpretation of the statement, and that definately includes myself. I only wanted to try and clear up why both the 'crazies' and the 'normals' ( whichever way around they eventually end up being

) have different opinions.
This is the exact sentence:
Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views.
Let me try and break it down into how the two groups are reading it:
To put it another way, the same sentence can either mean, there is no support for cameras
in the vehicles interior, or, there is no support for camera views
of the vehicle interior.
I can definately see both sides of the argument, but I dont claim to know which opinion is the right one. When visual evidence is provided I think we can put it to rest. Until then though, and its made obvious by this very thread, no one can be 'correct' until proof is provided.
Thats some wishful thinking right there

I think almost 800 posts show just how much people care for the cockpit view. After prologue, I think it would be a sad day if GT5 didnt have full cockpit support, and I think a lot of the posters in here will be very vocal about it.
As for me, I just hope that IF cockpits ARE fully supported, people who have been less than complimentary about so called 'crazies' are at least a little apologetic. Both sides are guilty of writing as though their opinions are gospel, but no one
really knows until the finished product is out. In the end, in the calm after the storm, I just hope we can all be friends and enjoy the long awaited game together. Yay.
