- 8,725
I don't know for sure; I'd say some effort went into setting up those views on PSP, because if it were an intrinisic property of the models, they'd work on PS3, too.My guess that the standard cars doesnt have an interior view like the vgt cars is because the standard models are to low res for PD to be shown from such near distance and because they had to remodel the outside of the cars too due to possible incompatibiltys between the black cockpit model and the original standard outside model.
Didnt gtpsp just put you inside the original car models instead of a newly created cockpit model? Due to the small screen size you dont notice all the pixels and jaggies which would look horrible on a tv!
It's obviously something weird between the PSP hardware and the PS3, that made the content (the views and the "black frame" and the model LoD / visibility configured on PSP) not work directly on PS3.