STDs Running Rampant In Retirement Community

  • Thread starter s0nny80y
Doctor Blames Viagra, Lack Of Sex Education

POSTED: 12:26 am EDT May 27, 2006
UPDATED: 2:12 am EDT May 27, 2006

Doctors said sexually transmitted diseases among senior citizens are running rampant at a popular Central Florida retirement community, according to a Local 6 News report.

A gynecologist at The Villages community near Orlando, Fla., said she treats more cases of herpes and the human papilloma virus in the retirement community than she did in the city of Miami.

"Yeah, they are very shocked (to hear the diagnosis)," gynecologist Dr. Colleen McQuade said. "I had a patient in her 80s."

"More and more senior citizens are ending up in the gynecologist office, and their diagnosis is a sexually transmitted disease," Local 6 reporter Vanessa Medina said.

Local 6 featured Louis Franklin, who used to date in the community at least three times a week.

"I have had a better dating life since I have been here than I have ever had," Franklin said. "I know there are things going around."

A doctor blamed Viagra, a lack of sex education and no risk for pregnancy for the spike in sexually transmitted diseases at The Villages.

"All I can repeat are the things I have heard which are things like, 'Should I bring the little blue pills over tonight?'" community singles group president Richard Matwyshen said.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

Copyright 2006 by Internet Broadcasting Systems and All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Forget asking granpa for a condom...chances are, he doesn't use any, either.

I think the old folks were buying animal skin condoms.

"Ethyl, are you on the pill?"

"Sherman, I lost my uterus thirty years ago."


...make those Mastadon-skin condoms. :yuck:
No wonder my Grandma loves it at her old age home, its nothing but a wrinkled skin slap party in a 24 hr orgy. Ewwww...Grandma no...bad... :yuck:
You boys are gonna get old soon enough... and after ten or twenty years with no teeth, a sperm count lower than the red sea and no hope of catching anyone younger than 50 who isn't interested in knocking you off for your inheritance, wrinkly butts are going to seem positively appealing. :lol:
This thread can be used for a new birth controll method.

instead of opening a rubber just open your browser and read...
This thread can be used for a new birth controll method.

instead of opening a rubber just open your browser and read...
AAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.. OH MY GOD THAT WAS GOOD 👍 :dopey: :crazy: :scared: :ill: :indiff: :nervous: :guilty: :yuck: :grumpy: :dunce:
