Steve Irwin Dead

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz
It's a big shame, I only heared about this when I walked into work half an hour ago. He was great to watch, extremely enthusiastic and had a real love for his work.
I'm saddened to hear this news, I saw it on MSN Home as I came online this morning... The man was, in one of the truest senses of the word, a legend. He did what he loved to do, and everyone always knew he loved it. His catchcalls were almost as infectious as his enthusiasm. He will be missed.

It was certainly a freak accident that finally sealed Steve's fate - the stingray barb the killed him hit him in the heart. Not only is this incredibly unlikely, but no stingray would intentionally do that, preferring to go for the limbs as TheCracker says.

G'bye, Steve, you will be missed.

That's really sad news.

Out of all the creatures that he has encountered you wouldn't have picked a stingray to be the one that actually kills him. From what I've read I understand that they rarely attack. Most accidents happen when people tread on them. I had a read up on the effects of what happens when you get stung by a barb. It sounds really painful

Never underestimate the penetrating ability of a stingray’s barb, even on the smallest of stingrays. The stingray’s barb is designed to penetrate virtually all sorts of dense materials, including wood and leather. And as unbelievable as it may seem, it’s been documented that large stingrays are able to drive a barb through a boat’s wooden planks or completely through a persons arm or leg.

According to Dr. Shipp, when a stingray strikes, it either removes its barb entirely, or breaks it off inside of the victim. When this occurs, doctors must probe the wound to make sure all particles have been removed, so the injury will not result in gangrene. In cases where the barb deeply penetrated, the wound must be enlarged to make sure it is properly cleaned.

Aside from the pain and serious laceration caused by the razor-sharp barb, which can sever arteries and possibly an Achilles tendon, a poison is released that can produce a drastic decrease in blood pressure, increased pulse, dizziness and possible shock
Yeah, it's a real shame... I've never known anyone to be quite like him, especially with the Crocodiles...

I'm shocked. He was such a great guy doing what he did.

The entertainment and learning communities have suffered a great loss.
I’m suprised how much Americans have reacted to this. I mean I knew he had American fans, but I didn’t think it’d send such a ripple through the States…
Yes, a very sad day for Australian's. We have lost one of our greatest 'ambassadors', if you like, both for the environment and Australia itself.

I’m suprised how much Americans have reacted to this. I mean I knew he had American fans, but I didn’t think it’d send such a ripple through the States…

It will be the same here in the UK, he is a house hold name and the reason a lot of kids here have an interest in wildlife, his approach and enthusiam appealed to all ages, but kids could relate to him wonderfully.

I just know that mine will be gutted when they find out, as they have grown up with him.

We used to talk about his shows in school 10 years ago or more, I don't think there was anyone that didn't like him.
Except those activists that went nuts when he dangled his kid into the Croc enclosure.
Well I was talking about the kids in school, theres bound to be some people in the world who didn't like him as much as most.
You know, you have a point. He's done so much crazy stuff, before I really knew about him, I'd have thought he should have died long time ago. I guess I just thought that he was invincible and nothing could harm him. It really is kind of hard to believe that he is gone.

If you listened to him do a serious interview, he really did think he was invincible. I really don't want to put a downer on the thread, but he had it coming. If you've ever watched one of his shows, what he does if prance around, getting really close to animals, poking them, etc, to try to get a response out of them.

I was listening to a Reptile guy on the radio tonight and he was saying that he didn't believe that Irwin respected the risks that some of the animals pocessed. A marine biologist also was called and said Sting-ray are pretty placid animals and will only attack if they feel genuinely threatened, or you pull on their tail. (Only 3 other people have ever been killed by a stingray)

Except those activists that went nuts when he dangled his kid into the Croc enclosure.
I know. Because having a 6 month old baby in your arms while you're hand feeding a crocodile is a sensible thing to do.
I know. Because having a 6 month old baby in your arms while you're hand feeding a crocodile is a sensible thing to do.
But as you've said, little of what he did was sensible. And think he's probably fed those crocs hundreds if not thousands of times with seemingly little problem. Would never say it was a good idea, but I certainly didn't think he deserved the critisicm he got for it.

We lost another great in my opinion. Some people loved him, some didn't, but no one can deny that he helped bring animal awareness and the idea of conservation to millions of people around the world.

He will be missed. RIP. :(
It's too sad. This was the first thing I woke up to this morning. I can't believe it, it's too shocking.

My condolences to his wife and children. It's going to be hard.
This is very sad. But a man that played with death so often must have known that this would eventually happen. Even so, the world has lost a great man.
Big shame, I liked this guy and so did millions of others.

He really cared about the animals and had a really engaging style of presenting that everyone could enjoy. He'll be missed.
R.I.P. Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter.

He was great, and I always watched his shows on Discovery Kids (on NBC).

Have fun wrestling crocs in the big clouds.

:indiff: even though he's gone, he will never be forgotten. one last time for Steve Irwin right here:


R.I.P. Steve Irwin :(
Crikey!! R.I.P. Steve

How annoyed are the crocs going to be that it was a manta ray that got him? Or maybe the crocs arranged a hit by Manta "Hitman" Ray?