Steve Irwin Dead

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz
A sas day not just for australia but the world.
he will be missed. and yes we will miss the ´crikey!´and ´what a beauty´
i really liked that guy aswell



Crikey!! R.I.P. Steve

How annoyed are the crocs going to be that it was a manta ray that got him? Or maybe the crocs arranged a hit by Manta "Hitman" Ray?
'Twas a stingray. Mantas won't hurt you, as they they are filter feeders, and they lack a barb, so they can't bite or sting you.

Like many have said, you knew it was coming, but damn, this is too early.


If you listened to him do a serious interview, he really did think he was invincible. I really don't want to put a downer on the thread, but he had it coming. If you've ever watched one of his shows, what he does if prance around, getting really close to animals, poking them, etc, to try to get a response out of them.

Even though it's simply a hazrd that comes with the job, but it's still hard to accept, despite the fact that it should've happened years ago. As people have said, he really did seem invincible. He probably thought so, too. He was a professional, even when he would act silly, and after that many years of handling dangerous animals with no major accidents, I'd probably believe I was invincible, too.

It's all a gamble. Everything involves risk, especially in his line of work. The odds can't always favor you, but it can still take everyone by surprise, no matter how likely it was anyway.

Rest in Peace, Steve Irwin, you will be surely missed. :(
I just heard, and I still can't believe it, I always found him a bit weird, but that's what I liked about him! :( Now I have no reason to watch Animal Planet.

R.I.P Steve Irwin, you'll never be forgotten.
He had great contributions to the wildlife community and helped animals all over the world. He dealt with extremely dangerous animals, I think it was just a matter of time before something went wrong. His time came too soon at to high of a price

May you rest in peace
Whether you liked the guy or not, to type stuff like that is wrong. He never hurt anyone, he was eccentric and he did put himself at risk, but he did it to learn and study the animals. He also spent a lot of time at the zoo, and helping to protect wildlife. To make fun of his death is wrong. As it is for anyone's death.

There was one thing he was wrong about though
"If something ever happens to me, people are gonna be like 'we knew a croc would get him!"
I heard about it earlier in the morning. It's sad. I never expected this to happen and it's nice to know he died doing something he loved. Rip Steve you'll be missed.

And hopefully his family can keep their head up after the tragedy...
Hmmm I heard the news this morning, just didn't really know what to post. That man is a legend, a class act both on the entertainment side and educational. I'm sure he will be sorely missed by many hundreds of millions across the world and I just hope he can catch that one big croc up there in heaven.

God bless Steve Irwin.
When I'm sister told me about what happend, I didn't think it was true.:(
Now every time I think about it, I come so close to crying that... I almost can't hold it in any more.:(:( I can't even think any more:ouch:!!
I loved his shows, I loved how much he cared about the animles, I loved... everthing about him.:( If I could have taken his place, I would have in a heart beat!!:(

He well be messed, not just in his home land, but all over the planet!! Man or Beast!
Good bye, Steve Irwin.:(:(:(
OMFG they gonna put the video of him being killed by the stingray on the net

don't they have respect for the guy

& mindy is going to fell gulity has was on a break while filming the doco & he wanted to get footage his mindy TV show when it happend
I found out about this while browsing Wikipedia (of all places), I thought it was a joke at first. Seriously, the guy spends his whole life ****ing around with killer crocs and poisonous snakes; and a stingray finally takes him down??

I’ve always enjoyed watching him on TV. His enthusiasm for what he does was infectious; it was hard to not like the guy. What a damn shame, he’ll be missed. Rest in peace, you crazy bastard. :(
The police have apparently viewed the footage taken when he was attacked and have found he was merely observing the 'rays at the time and not doing anything to intimidate them. It seems the 'ray must have been spooked only because of his presence. Procedure says that the coroner will see the footage for a final analysis and release his results, but there are no plans to release any of the footage to the public ever.
:( i'm going to miss his shows:(

I've been watching it on the news

it's been on the news every 10 minutes since yesterday morning

apparently he was swimming above a stingray and it turned around and tore a hole in his heart with a barb on his tail

edit: damn wrong smiles

edit2: all fixed
The police have apparently viewed the footage taken when he was attacked and have found he was merely observing the 'rays at the time and not doing anything to intimidate them. It seems the 'ray must have been spooked only because of his presence. Procedure says that the coroner will see the footage for a final analysis and release his results, but there are no plans to release any of the footage to the public ever.

It will find it's way on to the intraweb somehow. I really hope it doesn't just out of respect for his family.
He did if you live in Australia, it was first thing yesterday for us here in the UK.

Actually. It heard it at about 1am yesterday. I don't know if it happened that day or the day before.
Hmm I might be wrong, but wasn't there an (faked comedy-)interview with him in GTA : Vice City ? I think so, well, it was on a channel without music, and it was about him having sex with animals and such... I laughed my ehm you know off, it was great....
Which doesn't mean that his death makes me happy, very sad indeed, I always liked watching his show every now and then...