Steve Irwin Dead

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz
I read his obituary in today's Guardian newspaper - gives you a real appreciation of someone who grew up, lived and breathed dangerous animals from the outset.... The obituary suggests that he probably would have delighted in telling people just how deadly Stingrays are... a fact that he was no doubt aware of as he tried to film them.

Obituary (Guardian)
It is most likely that Irwin would have preferred to have been killed by a saltwater crocodile, his favourite creature, but he would, nevertheless, have relished telling an audience about the creature which killed him, the stingray, "with a 10-inch long serrated spine which flexes if it is frightened". Stainton was on the boat 1,200 miles off Port Douglas on the Great Barrier Reef where Irwin was attacked: "He died doing what he loved best and left this world in a happy and peaceful state of mind. He would have said 'Crocs Rule.'"

No prizes for guessing what he will have on his headstone... I think 'Crocs Rule' would be quite fitting for a man who had a passion for the creatures and a wicked sense of humour to boot... you can read the full obituary here...

edit: Looks like he survived long enough to remove the barb himself, and that the incident was caught on film :ill: (Article....)
Some of the people in this thread have posted that they find this "shocking". How can you find it shocking if you watched his shows. The man was constantly 2 seconds away from death. It really was just a matter of time. The only thing I'm shocked about is that it was a stingray that did him in. I mean I would have thought it would take something a little more potent, like a lion or great white.

I loved his show. He was fantastic at what he did, and even though he will be missed, his legacy will live on.
Crikey!! R.I.P. Steve

How annoyed are the crocs going to be that it was a manta ray that got him? Or maybe the crocs arranged a hit by Manta "Hitman" Ray?

maybe. but i'd a thought they'd of wanted him alive
Those stingray barbs are no joke. My grandpa got his leg impaled by one in the 60's.
It is a shame that he is gone now. I loved his shows on discovery. :nervous:

Its really ironic how he can wrestle crocs, swim with sharks, play with poisonous snakes with little or nor problem yet something like a stingray could cause his fatality :indiff:

He will be missed:guilty:
It is a shame that he is gone now. I loved his shows on discovery. :nervous:

Its really ironic how he can wrestle crocs, swim with sharks, play with poisonous snakes with little or nor problem yet something like a stingray could cause his fatality :indiff:

He will be missed:guilty:

Those stingray barbs are no joke. My grandpa got his leg impaled by one in the 60's.

They are around 20-30 cm long, serrated, shaped like a knife, and are coated in venom.
If you've ever watched one of his shows, what he does if prance around, getting really close to animals, poking them, etc, to try to get a response out of them.
That doesnt sound like Steve to me, you must have him mixed up with that jackass Jeff Corwin.
The funny thing is, there not known to attack like this one did.
There the kind of animal to run then fight. People better not kill all the stingrays just because they killed steve! He wouldn't want that!:(

[Quote:]That doesnt sound like Steve to me, you must have him mixed up with that jackass Jeff Corwin.
That is not nice to say about Jeff Corwin!!:grumpy:
He was just as good to the animals as Steve Irwin.:(
That doesnt sound like Steve to me, you must have him mixed up with that jackass Jeff Corwin.

Well. I can't get specific examples at the moment because I don't have a DVD set of him at the moment. But you have to admit that sometimes he does go over the top, the closest thing I found on the net where he jumps in a pool and start splashing around because he wants a croc to come after him. Then feeds the croc with meat on a rope and starts pulling on the rope for some reason. Maybe it's a tame croc, I don't know, but it seems to me that at any time that croc could have just ran up and ripped his face off.

I'm not saying that he's not a great Australian and a great bloke, I like danoff and someone else, is saying that it was always going to happen if he kept doing things the way he did them. Again, I'm not a expert on Stingrays, but he would have of had to been pretty close to have a barb piece his heart.

But I came across some other information...
Video footage of Steve Irwin's last moments shows the Crocodile Man pulling out the stingray barb which had pierced his heart, according to Irwin's producer John Stainton.

Mr Stainton described the video as the worst thing he had ever seen.

"I have seen the footage and it's shocking," Mr Stainton told reporters in Cairns. "It's a very hard thing to watch because you're watching somebody die and it's terrible."

"It shows that Steve came over the top of the ray and the tail came up, and spiked him here [in the chest], and he pulled it out and the next minute he's gone. That was it. The cameraman had to shut down."

So how long till this find it's way onto the internet....
Even though I thought he seemed a bit reckless at times (feeding the croc with his baby under his other arm, anyone?), I must admit he did wonderful things for wildlife, and boy, was he a character.

RIP "Crikey" Irwin.
Learned about this two days ago on another forum. Its really sad that he had to die from the stingray barb. His show was awesome.

What a great guy we lost. R.I.P.
I have a prediction that the video showing Steve's death will be on Youtube within a week. Out of respect for his relatives, I really hope I am wrong, but things do tend to reach the net at alarming speeds... :indiff:
Why would it be leaked.

He asked specifically that the video be released if ever he be killed on camera.
Why would it be leaked.

He asked specifically that the video be released if ever he be killed on camera.

Did he? I was under the impression that Animal Planet (or correct company here) was going to destroy it as soon as the police were finished with it?
Did he? I was under the impression that Animal Planet (or correct company here) was going to destroy it as soon as the police were finished with it?

I'm pretty sure the video belongs to the family..
Did he? I was under the impression that Animal Planet (or correct company here) was going to destroy it as soon as the police were finished with it?

Hopefully, I really hope it doesn't find its way to the internet.
A Manta Ray didn't kill him though a Sting Ray did. Just so anyone is still confused. Manta Ray's are really quite harmless. They do have barb's but they aren't poisoness like most Rays are.
Sting Rays are really quite harmless too, the poison on a Sting ray's barb is not likely to kill a man, the barb itself penetrating your heart on the other hand.
Whether or not they ever broadcast the video of Steve Irwin's death is a matter for the family to decide. I personally don't think it would achieve anything other than to upset people. People do have a natural albeit somewhat morbid curiousity, and even though most people here would agree that it shouldn't be broadcast, it would be interesting to know just exactly how many people would watch it given the chance...

...however, I reckon millions of people will watch the documentary that Steve Irwin was in the process of making when he was killed, ironically titled 'Ocean's Deadliest'. And news has broken that the film crew secretly returned to finish filming so that the documentary can be released as planned - something that would almost certainly have been the wish of Steve Irwin himself (he even once said that he hoped that if he were to be killed that it would be captured on camera - although not necessarily broadcast)... I think the completion and broadcast of his last work would be a most fitting tribute to a great character 👍