Stock car race comparison/challenge

  • Thread starter hispeed
Fantastic job mcsqueegy! 👍
I figured that car might have a crack at this race!
Would you mind posting your setup here? I may have to have a shot at this one myself, love the El Capitan Enduro, and a tricky car to make an exciting race sounds like great fun!! :D

Special Conditions Hall : Tsukuba Wet : Normal Difficulty
Car: Mugen S2000 '00 / FR / 243HP / 1240kg / 5.1kg/HP vs. Saleen S7 '02 / 200 A-spec points!
Fantastic job mcsqueegy! 👍
I figured that car might have a crack at this race!
Would you mind posting your setup here? I may have to have a shot at this one myself, love the El Capitan Enduro, and a tricky car to make an exciting race sounds like great fun!! :D
Thankyou :). The car isn't very customisable, to be honest. But it had an SR suspension.
Ride height 75/70
Damper 5/5
Camber 0.0/3.5
TCS at 3 (it was needed)

Indeed, the lack of customisation made it harder to find a possible lineup. A good tactic is also to only change the rear tyres every second pitstop (even with S1s on the front, the S3's on the back will last twice as long). Try to last 8-9 laps between stops... I pitted in 9,18,27,35,43,51,&59. Oh yeah, watch out for the typical understeer :rolleyes:
Wow, the Trial Celica at El Capitan? Sounds... er... interesting. :scared: I'm sure it was fun, though!

I'm trying to see if there is any way I can break the WPR record for the El Capitan 200. alhajoth made a good pick with the Crossfire, and there's a distinct lack of competitive cars with a worse WPR than its 6.240 (I think). Most of the cars I've tried have been significantly too slow, or have worn out S2 fronts within 7 laps, or both. The best I've found is the Mazda RX-8 Type E, with a WPR of about 6.32, but its tall gears hinder it quite a bit and prevent it from breaking the 2-minute mark on its laptimes. Still, I think I could beat a very weak lineup if I found one, although the race would probably be very close.
Thanks :). It tested my patience finding an easy enough lineup! A good way of finding a capable car for that race would be to look at Famine's complete list of Trial Mountain lap times... but used cars have a different p/w ratio on there, so you can't really tell if they're good enough.
Wow, the Trial Celica at El Capitan? Sounds... er... interesting. :scared: I'm sure it was fun, though!

I'm trying to see if there is any way I can break the WPR record for the El Capitan 200. alhajoth made a good pick with the Crossfire, and there's a distinct lack of competitive cars with a worse WPR than its 6.240 (I think). Most of the cars I've tried have been significantly too slow, or have worn out S2 fronts within 7 laps, or both. The best I've found is the Mazda RX-8 Type E, with a WPR of about 6.32, but its tall gears hinder it quite a bit and prevent it from breaking the 2-minute mark on its laptimes. Still, I think I could beat a very weak lineup if I found one, although the race would probably be very close.

I too have had a crack at the WPR record with no luck

One car I tried with was the Mercedes-Benz SL 500 '98, used with no oil change [272HP & 1800kg = 6.6kg/HP]
I could manage 2:01 laps but front tyres (S2) were red going in to 9 laps and S1 could only manage a 2:04 lap.

Damn I say, because this would have set the bar extremly high. (problem is when you change oil it gains around 30 odd BHP and then the PWR is below 6 which is no good.)

I have also tried my worn out Crossfire (that netted max for Manu. Events) but it just cant keep up enough with the HP it now has.
Although come to think of........ Trails of to try some-thing & will report back later
Believe me, I've been through the cars very thoroughly. I've already tried a bunch of 220+ HP FRs, but they all weigh a lot to match their higher power and burn up front tires way too fast. I tried the SL500, as well, and had the same problem, along with the Supra SZ-R, R31 with an oil change, and several others. I have not tried out anything with under 200 HP because I just don't hold out any hope for it keeping up, since El Capitan places such a premium on power. I also skipped over anything FF and 4WD because they're literally guaranteed to wear out tires too fast. The only thing I think may work that I have not yet tried is to wear out the oil of something with a WPR under 6 so as to get it to 6.3 or worse. That's something I'll look into tonight, but obviously it would take a while to actually test out the newly reduced-power car in the race.

By the way, the RX-8 Type E turned consistent 2'00.4 laps on warm tires (S2) with me behind the wheel, and the wear was perfect for a lap 11 stop (right sides yellow-orange but not hindering the laptime much). It may or may not be good enough, but I'm using it as a benchmark to compare anything else I try out.

Edit: Hmm, I seem to have struck out with oil-wear cars, too. I tested some cars in Arcade Mode single race on strong tire wear, with power adjusted to give a WPR of 6.3 or worse. The 350GT-8, G35 Sedan, and Z4 all failed the tire endurance test, although the Z4 in particular was very fast (1'58s possible) on S2s. Unfortunately, it was slower on S1s than the RX-8, so no luck there. I also tried the Mercedes 190E, but it was quite disappointing. Acceleration was lacking and it didn't turn any better than the 1500 kg behemoths. Oh well, maybe one of you will figure something out.
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Another quick entry to this's my entry!

Special Conditions: Tsukuba Wet Race : Normal difficulty
Mitsubishi Pajero Evolution Rally Car '03 / 4WD / 269HP / 1825KG / 6.8kg/HP Vs Saleen S7 / 200 A-Spec Points by mynameissport
This has been done before, but:

Extreme Hall: Dream Car Championship- all races except Test Course

Car: BMW M3 GTR Race Car '01 (R2 tires, downforce @ 38/50)/ FR / 444 HP / 1120kg / 2.5kg/HP / 200 A-spec pts. against this lineup:

1. '02 Ford GT LM Race Car
2. '02 Nissan GT-R Concept LM Race Car
3. '01 Pagani Zonda LM Race Car
4. '01 Mazda RX-7 LM Race Car
5. '01 Jaguar XJ220 LM Race Car

This is an excellent car for 200 point races in this series. 👍 :) Tokyo was won by only 0.054 sec after one of the best races I've ever had in GT4. Test Course was obviously over before it started due to the power deficit, but I still managed to bring home a 3rd place finish after drafting the Zonda for 2 laps. (The Ford GT LM shot off like a cannon at the start and could not be reeled in.)
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Nice to see lots of activity in here recently! 👍

To chip in on the El Capitan WPR record debate, I'd hoped to equal alhajoth's record with the Lexus SC430 '01 which had been left undriven for a long while. However, as alhajoth rightly suggested to me elsewhere, it sucks. :yuck: Didn't stop me trying, but he's right. :(

New entries for this evening:

Special Conditions: Tsukuba Wet Race : Normal difficulty
Car: Spoon S2000 Race Car '00 (R1 tyres stock) / FR / 271HP / 1050kg / 3.9kg/HP vs. Saleen S7 '02 / 200 A-spec points!

European Hall : British GT Championship: All Races
Car: Jaguar XKR R-Performance '02 / FR / 389HP / 1735kg / 4.5kg/HP / 200 A-spec points! (per race :P)

vs. 1st lineup after reset.
I did the Sunday Cup with a stock Dodge Ram.
200 pts.

I beat the Easy Tsukuba Wet Race with a stock BMW M3 GTR Racer
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For how many points? One? I guess that beats the scores already done in that race of 173 and 200... :P Surely you can at least do Normal with this fairly powerful race car... you are against road cars, after all. Also, I'll let Smallhorses explain, but you need to put entries in a certain format, with much more information than just the car and race.
I did the Sunday Cup with a stock Dodge Ram.
200 pts.

I beat the Easy Tsukuba Wet Race with a stock BMW M3 GTR Racer


Welcome to GT Planet.

You're going to need to pay a little attention to what you post and how you post if you want to join this club.

Firstly, the rules in post #1 of this thread clearly state how you should post your submissions. Your posts don't match that and thus will not be included until you edit them suitably.

Secondly. Do not double post here please. Use the edit button if your next post is on the same day as your previous one and add the new info to your previous post. I have merged both of your posts together this time, but don't make the staff here keep having to do that, please.

Thirdly. The race with the BMW that you've listed would've earned you about 1 A-spec point. Congratulations, you've won a race in a stock car, but for virtually no challenge or effort. That's not what this thread is about. 1 point races will not make the list.

Everyone knows about the Dodge Ram "glitch" so it's not much to brag about if you've won a 200 point race in the Ram. If you can edit your post accordingly though I'll have to add your name to the list.


On another note, I finally finished my absurd mission to earn and drive every car in the game without using B-spec or driving any car more than once. :eek: (Screenshots are here!) This means I can now go back and begin collecting leftover points that I know are out there in re-driven cars. :) Have gained 372 points in 3 races so far, mostly for the Dodge Ram in the Sport Truck races, and 32 more than previously here:

Beginners Hall: Sunday cup Race 4 - Clubman Stage 5 Reverse
Car: Toyota Prius G Touring Selection (J) '03 / FF / 79HP / 1290kg / 16.3kg/HP / 200 A-spec points!

vs. 18th lineup after reset for a really easy win. Starts with MGF in 5th place and Citroen C3 in 1st, it's possible to get into the lead cleanly with no AI or wall contact just after the start of the 2nd lap, and then cruise home to win by about 3s!!! (Have the replay saved if anyone wants it.)
Anyone interested in a WPR competition for Tsukuba Wet Normal? :mischievous: I've got a couple entries here that I just did...

Special Conditions: Tsukuba Wet Race : Normal difficulty
Car: Honda NSX Type S '99 (no oil change) / MR / 250HP / 1320kg / 5.3kg/HP vs. Saleen S7 '02 / 200 A-spec points

Special Conditions: Tsukuba Wet Race : Normal difficulty
Car: Chrysler 300C '05 / FR / 340HP / 1878kg / 5.5kg/HP vs. Saleen S7 '02 / 200 A-spec points

I could not manage a completely clean race in the NSX because the Artificial Idiot slid up into me any time I tried to make a pass. :rolleyes: So that race had one contact and no offs: it tapped me in the rear fender as I passed it (for good( exiting the last hairpin on the first lap. But in the 300C, its superior power allowed me to lay back and make a run out of the left kink before the last hairpin, where I dove under it and managed to keep its bumper off mine, to go on to finish a completely clean race. :D

By the way, I'm using the WPR ratio as given on the list in the garage; the HP value listed as requested (from the "valuation" screen) actually gives a WPR 0.1 higher for both cars. Doesn't matter much, though.
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Beginners Hall: FR Challenge race 1 - Seattle
Car: Mazda RX-7 GT-Limited (FC,J) '85 (6.2 mile used, no oil) / FR / 182HP / 1280kg / 7.0kg/HP / 200 A-spec points!

@ Austin343, we need to be consistent here with the WPR values.
Using the garage value divides the weight of the car by the garage HP value (which is actually the PS value regardless of which units you select) and therefore is not accurate for giving a kg/HP value, instead yielding a kg/PS value.
You should, if the car has an HP value listed in the selling screen, use that value to divide the weight by in a manual calculation. It will yield a slightly higher, but accurate number for kg/HP.
Thank you, Smallhorses! I must have misinterpreted what you meant by all those times you said something like "?kg/HP (3.5kg/HP using garage value)." So indeed, the values are 5.3 and 5.5 kg/HP, respectively. I'll edit that post.

Anyway, I have three more Tsukuba Wet Normal entries (you don't have to keep all of them on if you don't want me dominating the list!).

Special Conditions: Tsukuba Wet Race : Normal difficulty
Car: Nissan Skyline Sedan 350GT-8 '02 / FR / 267HP / 1550kg / 5.8kg/HP vs. Saleen S7 '02 / 200 A-spec points

Once again, an inevitable nudge in the rear fender in the only feasible passing point, the last hairpin, made a clean race impossible. It was pretty easy once past the AI, though.

And then I ran across an opponent much weaker than any I thought appeared in this race... not only is the car slow, but the AI also drives it terribly!

Special Conditions: Tsukuba Wet Race : Normal difficulty
Car: Mercedes-Benz SL 500 (R230) '02 / FR / 302HP / 1840kg / 6.1kg/HP vs. Mercedes-Benz SL 600 (R230) '04 / 200 A-spec points (somehow)

I passed the AI car when it went wide into the grass exiting the first turn :rolleyes: and went on to a huge (15+ seconds) MOV. Almost too easy... so I just went straight for the gold:

Special Conditions: Tsukuba Wet Race : Normal difficulty
Car: Land Rover Range Stormer Concept '04 / 4WD / 350HP / 2500kg / 7.1kg/HP vs. Mercedes-Benz SL 600 (R230) '04 / 200 A-spec points
(This is one of the cars for which no power/torque numbers are available on the sell screen, so I used the garage WPR value.)

This race was very easy, too. The AI went a bit wide in the first corner again, although still on the track, but I powered past on the inside with superior traction and a better line. 10 second MOV in this one.

With the success of the Land Rover, I think my invitation for a WPR contest out of this race may be out the window. Of course anyone can try to beat it, but it may be hard to find a substitute for sheer power. I tried the Chevrolet SSR (you know, the hideous convertible "pickup" :yuck:, but it does have 290 HP and a WPR of 7.4 or something) but I felt like I was cheating when I used it against the SL 600. I could win by the strict rules of the competition, but it would require a dive-bomb to pass and blocking down most of the straights. :indiff:
Beginners Hall: FR Challenge race 4 - Laguna seca
Car: Toyota Celica XX 2800GT '81 (Used, oil changed) / FR / 167HP / 1235kg / 7.4kg/HP / 200 A-spec points!

vs. 4th lineup after reset. Able to pass all the AI cleanly, but got attacked by the Nissan 300ZX on the start/finish straight beginning lap 2, which made an otherwise completely clean race unclean! :grumpy:

@ Austin343 w.r.t. Tsukuba Wet Race : Normal challenge: I'll add the entries that're up so far, but there's going to be a lot of possibilities for this race and it's easily done since it's so short. If you want to run this challenge in a separate thread, go ahead, but I don't want the list to be swamped with easy entries to the Club 200 list. (El Capitan 200 miles is a little different since it takes 2hrs of effort to do, not 5 minutes like the Tsukuba race.) Hope that's a good enough reason / explanation? PM me if you want more info. :cheers: You should be plea-bargaining with your parents / sister for 3 full 8-hr days of PS2 use over Xmas holiday to get a 200 point 24hr Enduro under your belt anyway! :P
No, that's all right. The "challenge" was more of a thought than anything else, and the event isn't as popular as El Capitan anyway, and so I don't really suspect many people would have been interested. And the Land Rover may be the limit anyway, so it's no big deal. I only posted all of those because I did them in that order, bettering the stats each time, and if I go for some others for fun, I won't put them up here. Maybe instead I'll try to find new stock entries for other events... 💡
It's taken me a while, but I've finally completed the Formula GT for max points!👍

Extreme Hall: Formula GT - All Races
Car: Audi R8 race car '01 (R2/R2 or R2/R1) / MR / 770HP / 900kg / 1.2kg/HP / 200 A-spec

The hp-value shown is from after I'd completed the series, I never made a note of the original value, but the car was brand new with 0 miles on the clock when I started.
I used the settings posted by mynameissport for his Pescarolo, I found they worked just fine with this car as well. I started the series using an R2/R1-combo, but eventually settled for R2/R2.
The extra pitstops were more than made up for by the improved laptimes. This was especially noticable at Infineon and Suzuka, races mynameissport described as difficult, but I found them to be fairly easy with R2's at the back, being able to match or better the AI's pace in addition to making fewer stops.


Tyres: R2/R1 except Super Speedway where I did R2/R2

Springs: 12.0/12.2 (For bumpy/twisty go for 10.0/10.2 or 11.0/11.2)
Rideheight: 80/82 (For bumpy/twisty go for 90/92)
Damper Bounce: 3/3
Damper Rebound: 6/6
Camber: 2.0/1.0
Toe: 0/0
Stabilisers: 5/5 (For bumpy/twisty went for 5/4)

Gears: Used the tranny trick, move final to match each track's longest straight with some extra rpm’s to get slipstream in the FGT for extra speed

Brakes: 6/6

Driver aids: ASM 0/0 with some TCS

Downforce 63/88
LSD: 15/30/20

The most challenging races were probably the Ring and Seoul, somewhat surprisingly. By the time I got to the Nürburgring, the car was fairly worn out, and was very difficult to keep under control. Had to let up on all the straights to prevent it from going off.
At Seoul, I was still using the R2/R1 combo, which produced a lot of oversteer that really crippled me on that track.

Looks like you beat me to collecting all the cars, Smallhorses! Well done, I know how much effort it takes to collect all those credits without B-spec!👍
It's taken me a while, but I've finally completed the Formula GT for max points!👍

Extreme Hall: Formula GT - All Races
Car: Audi R8 race car '01 (R2/R2 or R2/R1) / MR / 770HP / 900kg / 1.2kg/HP / 200 A-spec

The hp-value shown is from after I'd completed the series, I never made a note of the original value, but the car was brand new with 0 miles on the clock when I started.
I used the settings posted by mynameissport for his Pescarolo, I found they worked just fine with this car as well. I started the series using an R2/R1-combo, but eventually settled for R2/R2.
The extra pitstops were more than made up for by the improved laptimes. This was especially noticable at Infineon and Suzuka, races mynameissport described as difficult, but I found them to be fairly easy with R2's at the back, being able to match or better the AI's pace in addition to making fewer stops.

The most challenging races were probably the Ring and Seoul, somewhat surprisingly. By the time I got to the Nürburgring, the car was fairly worn out, and was very difficult to keep under control. Had to let up on all the straights to prevent it from going off.
At Seoul, I was still using the R2/R1 combo, which produced a lot of oversteer that really crippled me on that track.

Looks like you beat me to collecting all the cars, Smallhorses! Well done, I know how much effort it takes to collect all those credits without B-spec!👍

Alhajoth nice work there, I am glad I can be some help with it. Yeah it does sometimes help using R2/R2 on certain tracks when I retry some of the races again, so technically on my one I did use R2/R2's on a few circuits that I can use it but forgot to mention it before. So my pace on some of the races using R2's was quicker than R2/R1 but it depended on the circuit I used. I am certain the LMP cars of the BMW V12 LMR and Bentley Speed 8 and the Group C car of the Mazda 787B will be able to handle these races with some difficulty and skill involved.

Anyway here is my effort....

Extreme Hall: Formula GT Race 2, 4, 6 and 12 (Twin Ring Motegi Super Speedway, High Speed Ring, Circuit De La Sarthe 1 and Nurburgring)
Car: Peugeot 905 Race Car '92 (R2/R1 or R2/R2 Tyres) / MR / 799HP/ 750kg / 0.9kg/HP / 200 A-spec by mynameissport

Even though the gearbox does make the car suffer in a few places, it makes it up on pace especially on the Circuit De La Sarthe 1 and Super Speedway races. In the Super Speedway it is best car to use even better than the Pescarolo, Audi and Mazda which I have used in the past thanks to some good settings in the car. The 905 lasts its tyres best for that track and with a good pace and pit stops you will be able to beat the FGT by at least 2-3 laps, better than the 1 lap win with the Pescarolo C60 Judd. The other circuits were pretty easy wins once you can turn disadvantage with the car into advantage and learn the car inside out.
Some that've been done before, but no harm in verifying them! ;)

Professional Hall: Supercar Festival Race 5 - Infineon
Car: Mercedes SL 55 (R230) '02 / FR / 493HP(no oil) / 1955kg / 4.0kg/HP / 200 A-spec points!

vs. Lineup #1

Professional Hall: Supercar Festival Race 2 - Fuji
Car: BMW M5 '05 / FR / 501HP / 1715kg / 3.4kg/HP / 200 A-spec points!

vs. Lineup #1

Still struggling to find a beatable Max points lineup for Seoul & NY, since lineup 1 can only be beaten by driving dirty, and that's not allowed here.

Claiming my leftover point (!) here:

Beginners Hall: 4WD Challenge race 4 - El Capitan
Car: Mitsubishi 3000GT SL (J) '98 (Used, no oil) / 4WD / 200HP / 1600kg / 8.0kg/HP / 200 A-spec points!

vs. Lineup #2

Beginners Hall: Spider & Roadster Race 1 - Twin Ring Motegi
Car: Chevrolet Corvette Convertible '54 / FR / 160HP / 1309kg / 8.2kg/HP / 200 A-spec by mbavaria30s

This entry is being removed from the list at the next update since it's patently impossible (I've just tried it!), as the poster later admitted when questioned:

What opponents did you race against for 200pts? I only managed 182 against a 350Z and a Speedster Turbo?

i don't have the replay, so maybe i misremembered. i haven't been able to get that high stock either since you mentioned it. OOPS! strike that one, i'll be sure to double check before i post again.
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Endurance Races: El Capitan
Car: Mazda RX-8 Type E (J) '03 (S2 tires, no oil change) / FR / 207HP / 1330kg / 6.4kg/HP :D / 200 A-spec points

vs. Lineup #a lot :dunce:, NTSC, in finish order (start order in parentheses):
Mazda RX-8 Type E (J) '03 (6), 2:14'11.712, fastest lap 1'58.862 on lap 59, pits every 11 laps
TVR Cerbera Speed 6 '97 (3), +~35 seconds, pits every 11-13 laps
BMW M5 '05 (1), +~1'30, pits every 13-14 laps
Dodge Viper GTS '99 (5), +1 lap (pitted on lap 65 and I roared by to the finish), pits every 13 laps
Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG (R230) '04 (4), +1 lap, pits every 11-12 laps
Aston Martin V8 Vantage '99 (2), +2 laps, pits every 11-12 laps

Sorry for the long post... I tend to do that. :embarrassed: Long story short, I won because I gained time each pit cycle, which in turn I did by gaining tons of time at the start of a run, on cold tires. There, that's basically all you need to know. :lol:

Long version:

Left for dead off the start line by cars that have as much as 400HP more than me, but I caught up to the pack by the tunnel. I passed the BMW for the lead at the bottom of the hill, was passed on the straight by the TVR, and then passed him permanently at the downhill right on lap 2. I gained a lot as his tires warmed, and then he came at me like a freight train, gaining a second per lap, starting lap 5 or so. By lap 8, he was passing me on the straight and I was passing him at the downhill right. By my stop on lap 11, he had passed me for good and was leading by about 2 seconds. The basic pattern continued for the rest of the race, with me gaining about 3-4 seconds per lap on cold tires and then him reeling me in over the rest of the run, although I was always ahead when I pitted from the second run on. The amount he gained per lap on warm tires varied throughout the race: near the beginning, with a mostly full fuel tank, it was a second or more. As my fuel load lightened, I distanced him even more at the start of the run and he could only gain fractions per lap; my average laps times dropped from about 2'00.3 to about 1'59.3. I was still behind when he pitted for the last time on lap 60, since I had already pitted, but he came out 25 seconds behind and lost 10 more on his cold tires. It ended up being a bit easier than I expected, helped by the ease of consistent laps with this car and its even and moderate tire wear.

The dunce cap is because, in hindsight, I could have won with lineup #5 or so, where the main competitors are a TVR Speed 6 and a Corvette Grand Sport, but quit because I wanted a more certain victory - I only had a narrow lead over the Corvette, who seemed to be holding up the TVR, and was worried both that the Corvette would need one less pit stop and that the TVR would be too fast when out in front. That turned out to be unfounded, and I had to search for a ton of lineups until the next acceptable one, but oh well.

The lineup I chose was far from perfect. A very good one would have five of these cars: Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG (R230) '04, Aston Martin V8 Vantage '99, BMW M5 '05, Callaway C12 '03, Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport (C4) '96, Chevrolet Corvette ZR-1 (C4) '90, Dodge Viper GTS '99, Ford Mustang SVT Cobra R '00. A perfect one would probably not include the Viper, M5, or Grand Sport, but as Smallhorses knows, the chances of finding a particular set of 5 cars are exceedingly small. However, I think that to beat the WPR of this car, it would be necessary to get all but one of the five slowest opponents, with the less slow one starting 4th or 5th, partly because it seems to me that when a car starts out front, it is faster over the course of the race than when it starts in the back, even when it's running on its own. :boggled:

Smallhorses, or alhajoth, are you up to beating 6.425 kg/HP? It may be difficult, but you both seem to get much better tire wear than me, which opens up a lot of options I didn't have.

Edit: Blatant copying of alhajoth's great find of car, but some of these are new entries. I'm amazed at alhajoth's win at Tour of Tahti both directions; I just can't keep up at all. Also, I sure see where you all are coming from when you say Grand Canyon is ridiculous for 200 points!

Special Conditions: Swiss Alps Rally : Easy difficulty
Car: Mazda MX-5 1800 RS '04 / FR / 161HP / 1080kg / 6.7kg/HP / vs. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution '92 / 200 A-spec points

Special Conditions: Swiss Alps Rally (reverse) : Easy difficulty
Car: Mazda MX-5 1800 RS '04 / FR / 161HP / 1080kg / 6.7kg/HP / vs. Ford Focus RS '02 / 200 A-spec points

Special Conditions: Tsukuba Wet Race : Easy difficulty
Car: Lotus Elise Type 72 '01 / MR / 120HP / 756kg / 6.3 kg/HP / vs. '02 Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R Vspec II Nur / 200 A-spec points

Special Conditions: Yosemite Rally I : Easy difficulty
Car: Mazda MX-5 1800 RS '04 / FR / 161HP / 1080kg / 6.7kg/HP / vs. Toyota Celica GT-FOUR RC (ST185) '91 / 200 A-spec points

Special Conditions: Yosemite Rally I (reverse) : Easy difficulty
Car: Mazda MX-5 1800 RS '04 / FR / 161HP / 1080kg / 6.7kg/HP / vs. Toyota Celica GT-FOUR RC (ST185) '91 / 200 A-spec points

Special Conditions: Yosemite Rally II : Easy difficulty
Car: Mazda MX-5 1800 RS '04 / FR / 161HP / 1080kg / 6.7kg/HP / vs. Toyota Celica GT-FOUR RC (ST185) '91 / 200 A-spec points

Special Conditions: Yosemite Rally II (reverse) : Easy difficulty
Car: Mazda MX-5 1800 RS '04 / FR / 161HP / 1080kg / 6.7kg/HP / vs. Toyota Celica GT-FOUR RC (ST185) '91 / 200 A-spec points

Edit 2: Wow, another gem of a car found by alhajoth. Great work!

Special Conditions: Swiss Alps Rally : Hard difficulty
Car: Mitsubishi CZ-3 Tarmac '01 / 4WD / 230HP / 1200kg / 5.2kg/HP / 200 A-spec points vs. Subaru Impreza Rally Car '03

Special Conditions: Swiss Alps Rally (reverse) : Hard difficulty
Car: Mitsubishi CZ-3 Tarmac '01 / 4WD / 230HP / 1200kg / 5.2kg/HP / 200 A-spec points vs. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Rally Car '03

Special Conditions : Tour of Tahiti : Hard difficulty
Car: Subaru Impreza Rally Car Prototype '01 (downforce 11/16) / 4WD / 301HP / 1230kg / 4.1kg/hp / 200 A-spec points vs. Ford RS200 Rally Car '85

Special Conditions : Tour of Tahiti (reverse) : Hard difficulty
Car: Subaru Impreza Rally Car Prototype '01 (downforce 11/16) / 4WD / 301HP / 1230kg / 4.1kg/hp / 200 A-spec points vs. Ford RS200 Rally Car '85

Special Conditions: Tsukuba Wet Race : Hard difficulty
Car: Nissan Motul Pitwork Z (JGTC) '04 (R3 tires) / FR / 478HP / 1080kg / 2.3 kg/HP / 200 A-spec points vs. Bentley Speed 8 Race Car '03
Car: BMW M3 GTR Race Car '01 (R3 tires, no oil change) / FR / 444HP / 1120kg / 2.5kg/HP / 200 A-spec points vs. Mazda 787B Race Car '91
Car: Chaparral 2D Race Car '67 (R3 tires, no oil change) / MR / 420HP / 771kg / 1.8kg/HP / 200 A-spec points vs. Bentley Speed 8 Race Car '03

Special Conditions: Yosemite Rally I : Hard difficulty
Car: Mitsubishi CZ-3 Tarmac '01 / 4WD / 230HP / 1200kg / 5.2kg/HP / 200 A-spec points vs. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Rally Car '03

Special Conditions: Yosemite Rally I (reverse) : Hard difficulty
Car: Mitsubishi CZ-3 Tarmac '01 / 4WD / 230HP / 1200kg / 5.2kg/HP / 200 A-spec points vs. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Rally Car '03

Special Conditions: Yosemite Rally II : Hard difficulty
Car: Mitsubishi CZ-3 Tarmac '01 / 4WD / 230HP / 1200kg / 5.2kg/HP / 200 A-spec points vs. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Rally Car '03

Special Conditions: Yosemite Rally II (reverse) : Hard difficulty
Car: Mitsubishi CZ-3 Tarmac '01 / 4WD / 230HP / 1200kg / 5.2kg/HP / 200 A-spec points vs. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Rally Car '03

Edit 3: Heh, kind of a bloated post. alhajoth yet again discovered a useful and fast chassis. 👍 As you can probably guess by now, I had done all of the Special Conditions hall with the Ram and GSX-R/4, and am now trying to have some better races. I inadvertently did exactly what alhajoth did at Swiss Alps Normal, Elise 111S at Forward and 111R at Reverse, so I won't post that. However, I find this way of doing Tour of Tahiti much easier.

Special Conditions : Tour of Tahiti : Normal difficulty
Car: Lotus Elise 111R '04 / MR / 189HP / 860kg / 4.6kg/HP / 200 A-spec vs. Subaru Impreza Sedan WRX STi spec C (GD, Type-II) '04

Special Conditions : Tour of Tahiti (reverse) : Normal difficulty
Car: Lotus Elise 111R '04 / MR / 189HP / 860kg / 4.6kg/HP / 200 A-spec vs. Subaru Impreza Sedan WRX STi spec C (GD, Type-II) '04

By the way, all the Swiss Alps and Tsukuba Wet entries in this post are 100% OLR clean. Don't you just love the wide open tracks? 👍
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Who said that pickup trucks were slow? :P :

Endurance Hall: 4 Hours Of Nurburgring

Car: '03 Ford F-150 SVT Lightning (no oil, S1 tires) / FR / 380 hp / 2132 kg / 5.61 kg/hp / 200 A-spec pts. against this lineup:

1. '04 BMW M3
2. '03 Mazda RX-8 Type S
3. '96 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport (C4)
4. '91 Lancia Delta HF Integrale Evoluzione
5. '03 Clio Renault Sport V6 Phase 2

The margin of victory after 4 hours of racing was approximately 31 seconds over the Corvette. 👍 The gap would've been much bigger, but I had to pit every 3 laps to the Corvette's 6. Despite having to make 5 more pit stops, the truck had more than enough speed to overcome the extra time spent on pit road. The :dunce: award of the race goes to the driver of the Clio. If he had pitted every 3 laps instead of going for a 4th and spinning out on every other corner, he would've definitely won.
Endurance Races: El Capitan
Car: Mazda RX-8 Type E (J) '03 (S2 tires, no oil change) / FR / 207HP / 1330kg / 6.4kg/HP :D / 200 A-spec points
Well done! I was thinking of using that car, but I found out my driving wasn't good enough. Congrats to you then for the new record :)
Mercedes Benz: SL Challenge : Fuji 80's
Car: Mercedes-Benz SL 500 (R230) '02 / FR / 302HP / 1840kg / 6.09kg/HP / 175 A-spec points.

vs. first lineup without the '54 Gullwing SL. (Required considerable amounts of blocking against SL 55 AMG on lap 2, then SL 65 AMG throughout lap 4.)

Mercedes Benz: SL Challenge : El Capitan
Car: Mercedes-Benz SL 500 (R230) '02 / FR / 302HP / 1840kg / 6.09kg/HP / 175 A-spec points.

vs. first lineup without the '54 Gullwing SL. (A "cakewalk" win by 14s!!!)
Extreme hall: Like The Wind Race - Test Course
Car: Saleen S7 / FR / 550HP / 1250kg / 200 A-spec points
I did this a long time ago, but forgot about it.
Just draft, and it plays itself out - as long as you time the end right, cause you'll be swapping place with the 2 lead cars all race

Settings and lineup, please... I've gotten as deep as Lineup #6 so far, and there's NO WAY this car, stock, can win this event against the lineups I've encountered...

I've won this event for 200 points with this car against cars that don't pit, but stock??? hmmm...

A little guidance would be greatly appreciated, as I couldn't find anything helpful in the race report/settings threads.

I'd take a look at posts 1067 and 1069 on page 54. They're probably pretty similar achievements as LeadSlead#2's, and since he doesn't post here anymore, that's probably what you should aim for.
I know there is a discrepancy between which cars pit, and which don't, from PAL to NTSC versions, but mcsqueegy is PAL and LeadSlead#2 was NTSC and he mentioned winning because the other cars all pitted.

Extreme Hall: Real Circuit Tours Race 7 - Sarthe
Car: AMG Mercedes CLK-GTR Race Car '98 (R3 tyres, Downforce F/R 26/41) / MR / ?HP (garage value 797HP) / 1000kg / ?kg/HP (1.3kg/HP using garage value) / 200 A-spec points!
Thanks, smallhorses!

Yeah, I saw those posts. The thing is that the cars used there have much more HP than the 550 for a brand new S7.

I'm NTSC/USA, and the GT-ONE, AMG, Sauber-Merc, R8, and a few others don't pit. I can only catch up to them if I add NA2, Turbo2, or a Supercharger, and that's with a good/mediocre launch.

But stock, the S7 can only go 215ish through the turns, and reaches 218 along the straights. That's still way too much time given up per lap to catch up to the ones that pit (who run in the 230s through the turns). This deficit is exacerbated by the fact that it takes so long for the S7 to get up to speed. I'm usually down 10-12 seconds to P1 by the time I reach the Tunnel Checkpoint.

It seems the only competitors that can be passed without problem (so far) are the Vertigo and one of the Peskies. I'll keep digging for a better lineup, but for now it looks like I'll have to buy some power to win with the S7.

Thanks again! Have a great drive!
You guys thought the S7 was amazing?? Mwahahaha...

Extreme Hall: Like the Wind
Car: Lancia Delta S4 Rally Car '85 (oil and settings changed) / 4WD / 478HP / 890kg / 1.9kg/HP / 200 A-spec points!
The rally cars have excellent launches, so I could get up to 3rd before having to draft. Also, I could hit 241mph while behind the Merc :eek:. But if that's still questionable, I can prove it another way.