Apparently the CEO of MegaUpload is rapper and music producer
Swizz Beats. That seem odd to you?
The MPAA and RIAA strongly supported the indictment of MegaUpload. Funny then that the artists themselves
like MegaUpload. They like it so much they made a song about it.
According to the Youtube description, the song features:
Doesn't that seem odd to you? This whole thing, I don't know. Kinda seems like Hollywood and the music industry only care about their own bottom line, and don't care about their artists at all, without whom the industries would not exist. It almost seems like the government is in bed with the Industry and will do anything they're lobbied to do. Doesn't it kinda seem like that? That kinda sucks.
EDIT: It's also kinda of funny that those people in the video supporting MegaUpload are together worth far more than MU was accused to ripping off from the Industry ($500 million). P. Diddy himself is worth a bout $450 million.