Strange noise heard around the world

Yeah but death will be with a saw or lasergun that makes that noise as seen in videos.

It happens after mega goes down.

As for the "You wouldn't steal a car"

I would if it is a hypercar that is unlocked cause the owner is a twit.
I would not see it as stealing but saving a hypercar from an idiot.
I'm starting to get the impression they are all fake!

Only the videographers hear the noise. There are absolutely zero credible reports of disinterested witnesses, widespread reports or public awareness of this stupid hoax!

Since I have not heard the noises myself, nor have there been any credible reports of numbers of people simultaneously hearing the noises, my opinion has not changed.

However, I ran across the first maybe, sorta/kinda, semi-credible explanation of what - in theory - might explain such noises if they were to actually exist:

Dubiously submitted,
This freaks me out! I would understand if it was just in one general area but it's all over the world! And there at least 100 videos on YouTube about it. If it was a hoax, whoever is doing it is really not messing around. I'm not saying it is or it isn't. I just don't know what it is.
This freaks me out! I would understand if it was just in one general area but it's all over the world! And there at least 100 videos on YouTube about it. If it was a hoax, whoever is doing it is really not messing around. I'm not saying it is or it isn't. I just don't know what it is.

GTPlanet has thousands of members all over the world. To my knowledge, not one has chimed in with the news that he has heard "the noise".

The whole affair is certainly amusing - but should not be worrisome.

Please restrain yourself. This website is loaded with libertarians and rationalists.


LOL :D actually it's not theory. It's a prophecy. It's ok. Some People will think it's rubbish anyway.
Fake or not, those videos gave me goose bumps..

When i first heard it I thought it was the sounding of the 7 trumpets or worse an alien invasion.

It freaked me out until i was able to debunk all the videos.

LOL :D actually it's not theory. It's a prophecy. It's ok. Some People will think it's rubbish anyway.

We're all friends here,so let's hear this prophecy.

I do like a good prophecy. :D
What I think I am the most curious about is why in the world are people randomly filming their backyards to pick up these noises. I mean I've done some strange things in my life, but recording for the hell of it in hopes of picking up something? Either people have more time than I think they do, or I'm totally off the mark in my life.

Oh for the noises, there are a multitude of things that could be happening. I highly doubt it's signalling the end of days though.
What I think I am the most curious about is why in the world are people randomly filming their backyards to pick up these noises. I mean I've done some strange things in my life, but recording for the hell of it in hopes of picking up something? Either people have more time than I think they do, or I'm totally off the mark in my life.

Oh for the noises, there are a multitude of things that could be happening. I highly doubt it's signalling the end of days though.

There is an old saying about humans: "Monkey see; monkey do!"

Copy-cats, faddists, hoaxers, techno-obsessives, self-styled Pied Pipers, Armageddon enthusiasts, pranksters, practical jokers, commercial publicists, or, as you suggest, the very bored, may all have the opportunity and motive to commit the anti-social offense of creating these weird noise videos.

Another, even crazier but related offense is the "metal boxes on the beach" hoax:

Respectfully submitted,
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Probably just an elephant farting or something.

Lots of people are so paranoid about this 2012 thing. I don't see why this year has any more chance of the world 'ending' than every year that has passed before it. I can't believe how people can be so...

*hears strange noise*

Ahhh help! :sly:

they say that every day 100,000 tons or so of dust adds to the earth's weight from space, but even that will have no effect on the earth coming off its orbit etc.

but in the Bible, it states that the earth will fall and won't get back up, because of the build up of sin(that's what will cause it to End)

we sin too much and the earth can't take it anymore

this is not related to the noises, but to your suggestion Tank ;)
Actually under careful consideration I think I figure out what it is.

After seeing many of the videos it looks like someone just dubbed the Inception soundtrack over a random video.
but in the Bible, it states that the earth will fall and won't get back up, because of the build up of sin(that's what will cause it to End)

The Bible? The people who wrote the Bible knew pretty much nothing about the world compared to what we know now. :rolleyes:
they say that every day 100,000 tons or so of dust adds to the earth's weight from space, but even that will have no effect on the earth coming off its orbit etc.

but in the Bible, it states that the earth will fall and won't get back up, because of the build up of sin(that's what will cause it to End)

we sin too much and the earth can't take it anymore

this is not related to the noises, but to your suggestion Tank ;)

You can't fall in space. :sly:
they say that every day 100,000 tons or so of dust adds to the earth's weight from space, but even that will have no effect on the earth coming off its orbit etc.

but in the Bible, it states that the earth will fall and won't get back up, because of the build up of sin(that's what will cause it to End)

we sin too much and the earth can't take it anymore

this is not related to the noises, but to your suggestion Tank ;)

God thread is that way. ----->
they say that every day 100,000 tons or so of dust adds to the earth's weight from space, but even that will have no effect on the earth coming off its orbit etc.

but in the Bible, it states that the earth will fall and won't get back up, because of the build up of sin(that's what will cause it to End)

we sin too much and the earth can't take it anymore

this is not related to the noises, but to your suggestion Tank ;)

just putting my 2 cents out here, but to me the sounds have a very "computerized" feel to them, and if these were real, that loud, and that deep
wouldn't car alarms be going off like crazy? due to vibrations and sound of that magnitude?
ive been to SMALL firework shows that have set car alarms off
and what about windows rattling?
ive seen footage, filmed storms were easy window vibration can be heard in the video, and yet the videos we have seen here, some have been filmed by LEANING OUT A WINDOW, and yet not even the slightest vibration can be heard, and deep sounds produce alot of noticeable vibrations
This is a great thread.

count_dynamo has a point, very loud low end frequencies would make structures/items resonate causing all kinds of mayhem.

<tin hat>

A lot of this thread got me thinking back to Tesla theories, perhaps the NWO is up to something nefarious.

</tin hat>
This is a great thread.

count_dynamo has a point, very loud low end frequencies would make structures/items resonate causing all kinds of mayhem.

<tin hat>

A lot of this thread got me thinking back to Tesla theories, perhaps the NWO is up to something nefarious.

</tin hat>


No seriously, I'm actually also wondering if it has something to do with the NWO. (Haarp)
No seriously, I'm actually also wondering if it has something to do with the NWO. (Haarp)

There are weird natural sounds, heard today, like the "Seneca Guns", "Guns of Barisal" and "Mistpouffers" that were heard long before HAARP or even basic electricity was in use. So, not even understanding how these natural mysteries work, we complicate our problem by compounding it to other things like hoaxes, attempts at mind-control or more charitably, conjectured military science experiments. It's too early to reach a conclusion. More evidence is needed. We are in unexplored territory.

Respectfully submitted,

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