Stranger Things (NETFLIX) General DiscussionTV 

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
I noticed the last couple of episodes were getting a longer and longer run time, reminding me of the final season of Game of Thrones, lol. I have to say I do like this season, and it started picking up for me after the first few episodes.

Kind of curious on who the American is at the end.
Kind of curious on who the American is at the end.
I thought about it too, but then dismissed it almost immediately. Then went into a Stranger Things group on facebook to see what people were saying and someone brought up the fact that we don't see Hopper's body, then the mention of an un-seen American at the end. A lot of people think he's alive.
I thought the same.
I didn't see him just before the machine went

This is not a negative about the season, not one bit, when I say this: This season would have done just as good, if it were told in a 2.5 hour movie.
I thought the same.
I didn't see him just before the machine went

This is not a negative about the season, not one bit, when I say this: This season would have done just as good, if it were told in a 2.5 hour movie.
TV shows like this are much better as TV Shows, more detail works better, High quality TV Shows with Movie like Production like this exceed what a Movie is capable of imo.

And my God Season 3 is the best soo far imo, better then Season 1 even, Season 2 was a massive fail when you compare it to this season.
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Well you guys have gotten my hopes up so I'm excited to start it this week.

I'm through the 4th episode now and it is definitely better than season 2. Hopper and Harrington are easily the best characters on the show.
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Loved watching season 3, but found it kind of weird that the Russian base with all the highly secret activity barely had any security cameras, neither did the mall.
Enjoyed season 3 more than 2 but less than 1.

The good:
Charisma is still there with most of the characters. Billy's arc was also solid. I have a little crush on Natalia Dyer based on all of the absolute bad-assery they lined her up with. Also tons of great references to 80s and 90s movies.

The bad:
Not much new ground broken. Scary got replaced by gore, which is always a bad trade. Motivations and plot holes abounded. The motivations of the Russians made essentially no sense, or the mayor for that matter. Here's just a small example of a plot hole... we're gonna blow up the laser so that it can't be used again... but like... it's not going to kill us if we're next to it in this room, but it is going to kill us if we're next to it in this other room... that explosion made no sense, which is a shame because it was a fairly crucial point in the show.

Here's another example of a plot hole... how exactly is the bad guy benefiting from the rift being open? He's trapped in the right-side-up, but also the upside-down? Or maybe not? Totally unclear. I have no idea why the rift being closed would stop him, or why having it open was enabling him... and that's also a shame because it's also a fairly crucial plot point for the show.

I've got more, but you get the idea.

It was fun. It's not something to think too hard about since it really doesn't hold up to scrutiny to the level of season 1. It didn't manage to recapture the magic or intrigue of the first season, but on its own it's a worthy of some couch time with popcorn.


Also I may have checked Bring a Trailer for prices on Firebirds.

Edit 2:

I guess Billy's was a Camaro... still makes me want a firebird.
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My Main Criticisms
The Corrupted Mayor story line could of been handled better, If the Mayor Himself was a Secret Russian it would of added more intrigue, instead we got the Sterotypical Corrupted mayor that hasn't been over done to death in Film Already or another way to handle it and it expands into my next point.

Not Enough Information is Given.

I understand that this is a Multi Season TV show so More information will be given later, but I don't feel like they gave enough Information on the Motivations of Too many things in the show to earn the suspense properly.

For instance:
We have No information on the Upside down or the Motivations of anything within it.

We Don't understand how the government even found out it exists.

We don't understand how the Russians also Know about it and what they are even trying to find.

Not enough Information is Given on how the Mayor got connected with what would be absolutely Ridiculous in the Cold War era.
Using Soviet Russians to make a shopping Mall, At first he sounds scared over it when explaining to Hopper so that means he understands who they are which makes it sound even more silly.

Not to say I don't like the show, it's great but Could of been handled better, there are signs there is alot to this show but then other signs saying there isn't. If there is alot more to this show giving a little bit more information to hint that, would help create more intrique massively.
Just finished binge-watching seasons 1 to 3. I thought it was OK. Really started liking it towards the end of season 3 though, the last two episodes were great.
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Season 4 confirmed this morning, which seems a bit earlier than they usually tease a new season. Wondering if they filmed much of Season 4 during or shortly after Season 3, so we may see it sooner than usual.

So finally we know what happened to hopper
in Russia!

9 episodes this season. The first 7 release on May 27, and the last 2 release on July 1st. Total run time for all episodes is over 13 hours, with the finale coming in at over 2 hours alone.
Volume I is real good. Felt like a long movie. The series has grown up a lot. More like American Horror Story mixed with classic slasher/ghouls ‘n ghosts/Scooby-Doo/murder mystery flicks. Filming looks better than the past three seasons and the actors do their thing well. Awesome writing too. Still the best intro ever.
I thought this season was really well done. The only real jarring thing was how much older the kids looked and it probably could've been toned down a bit with makeup, or have a bigger time skip forward. Still, it was pretty minor though.

I do like how the last episode was just the plot to Star Wars but not a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. I mean good vs. evil with 1 and El, join me and we can conquer the world, dude getting completely deformed by lightning, a force duel, etc.