Subie Damage Vid

  • Thread starter Brainhulk
I hate the doors flying open like that. Especially on a race car. I have watched a fair amount of races in my time, and I can't ever remember a cars door flying open like that. You would have to hit pretty hard to knock a door open that's welded shut. Is F1 CE the only game that decided to use realistic damage. It's been a long time since I've played it, but it seems like if you hit anything substantial it pretty much ended your day.

What's the point of GT and Forza even putting damage in if it's going to be done so poorly. From what I've seen of GT5 and played of the forza 3 demo, dirt 3 has much better damage. At least when you hit something head on it totals your car. If that's how PD is going to do damage what's the point of even having it.
You would have to hit pretty hard to knock a door open that's welded shut.

WRCs don't have their doors welded shut... They also have all points of the frame braced with a full cage - the door is the weakest link.
WRCs don't have their doors welded shut... They also have all points of the frame braced with a full cage - the door is the weakest link.

Indeed - else how would the rally drivers escape their car when they roll it and it catches fire in the middle of a forest? (for instance)

What's the point of GT and Forza even putting damage in if it's going to be done so poorly. From what I've seen of GT5 and played of the forza 3 demo, dirt 3 has much better damage. At least when you hit something head on it totals your car. If that's how PD is going to do damage what's the point of even having it.

Stop whining. When you can develop a game perfect from the get go without any development time, come back and complain all you want.
I have no problem with seeing a door fly open.....on occasion. It COULD happen.

But based on what we have seen it looks like.


1st hit - nothing
2nd hit - nothing
3rd hit - maybe the bumper comes loose
4th hit - one door comes loose.
5th hit - nothing
6th hit - another door opens
7th hit - the hood pops up
8th hit - the trunk pops open.

Even having one door open up is RARE, but to see all the doors and the hood and the trunk open at the same time. The odds are astronomical and because of that it looks comical.

In a collision it's far more likely that the frame bends and that door can never be opened again.

But it looks like flapping doors and trunks will be the inevitable conclusion of EVERY race where enough damage occurs.

That's just not realistic.

They should be more sparing with these things. It should be RARE. Like someone on this forum reports that he had his door pop open in a race he had the other day, and 3 other people say they've never seen it before, one jackass calls him a liar, but then another person comes in and said they have had it happen to them aswell.
Stop whining. When you can develop a game perfect from the get go without any development time, come back and complain all you want.
I have no intentions of ever developing a game, but I will say when something seems to be a waste of time to me. The car hits a wall in 4th gear almost red lined and it drives away from it. Why would you put that in a racing sim. Seriously, Dirt 2 would have totaled that car several times in the video. If your PD why would you want dirt 2 to have more realistic damage then you have. It wouldn't be that hard to make a car mechanically finished if it hit a wall going 100 mph.

As far as the doors not being welded, I still think it looks goofy driving down the road with a door flopping around. I have seen several different damage videos where this happens. What percentage of crashes in real life have you ever seen this happen.

I welcome damage to race sims, but give us the option to make it somewhat realistic. It wouldn't be hard to make the damage physics more severe, or at least it doesn't seem like it would. Other games have done it, so I just don't understand why PD hasn't. They have worked on this game for a very, very long time. I really don't know how it's not looking to blow every other racing game ever made away.

If people didn't expect more out of games we would still be playing pole position. If in my business I told you I was going to send you 7500 feet of FAS lumber(realistic damage) and gave you 6500 feet of 2c lumber (the damage we have been shown) then I would lose their business, and owe someone about 4000$. You should not tell people that you will not implement damage until you can do it correctly, and then have damage like it appears GT5 will have. There is nothing at all realistic about what we have been shown.

You have to admit that what we have been shown is not in the least bit how a car reacts in real life to contact. I understand how hard it would be to visually represent a car crashing, but as far as how the car reacts mechanically, you would think that it wouldn't be that hard to make a game decide that if a car hits a wall almost head on going over 100mph that the car should not be able to be driven afterwards.

Maybe I'm wrong though, maybe PD will give us a total severe damage option or something, that makes the cars react much more realistic.

I'm just a little let down so far with the GT5 news. They've been working so long on the new GT, and forza 3 was made in what, 2 years or so. All of the reviews I have read so far form people who has played both, like forza 3 better in all categories. They say it looks better, feels better, sounds better, and has a much more stable frame rate. I'm a huge PS fan, and just hate to see that the 360 is really out doing it in all gaming aspects. GT and socom have always been what I said made the PS better, and after socom coming out like it did(unplayable for the first 3 months, and still not a finished game after a year) I would hate to see GT5 have the same release. I really just want sony to put out a game to help me shut up my 360 friends who always run sony in the ground. I thought that as long as it's taking them to make GT5 that it would be the game to do that, but it's looking like it will just be another good racing game.

I almost think PD is holding off until march in hopes that people won't compare it to forza 3 as much. I think they want to have their own moment and not have to be overshadowed by forza3. I can't say I blame them for this, but I don't think that was their original plan, until they got some hands on time with forza.
I've been in an accident a while back, 2 years I think, and my friends car was smashed. Passenger door hanging by a thread, trunk smashed to pieces a long ways from us, hood flew open to one side, windows smashed, etc. I'm sure the door won't close if you damage it hard enough. Think about it- there's a lock and a latch- latch being attached to the car.

You move the door enough, they won't meet up, and will connect untill fixed
If they add deformation to the doors, I'm sure the flapping doors wouldn't show up near as much, but realistically without deformation the only thing the doors could do would be to pop open. You could just leave them shut but if there is no deformation than how do you show the damage.

I believe there will be deformation in the full game, because I believe the E3 video, but only time will tell and all I can do is wait.
I have no problem with seeing a door fly open.....on occasion. It COULD happen.

But based on what we have seen it looks like.


1st hit - nothing
2nd hit - nothing
3rd hit - maybe the bumper comes loose
4th hit - one door comes loose.
5th hit - nothing
6th hit - another door opens
7th hit - the hood pops up
8th hit - the trunk pops open.

Even having one door open up is RARE, but to see all the doors and the hood and the trunk open at the same time. The odds are astronomical and because of that it looks comical.

In a collision it's far more likely that the frame bends and that door can never be opened again.

But it looks like flapping doors and trunks will be the inevitable conclusion of EVERY race where enough damage occurs.

That's just not realistic.

They should be more sparing with these things. It should be RARE. Like someone on this forum reports that he had his door pop open in a race he had the other day, and 3 other people say they've never seen it before, one jackass calls him a liar, but then another person comes in and said they have had it happen to them aswell.

So what about your "every forza cars are damagable " argument now ?

Do you still bring this up everytime someone mentions Forza's inferior graphics now that every single GT5 car are damagable as well ?
So what about your "every forza cars are damagable " argument now ?

Do you still bring this up everytime someone mentions Forza's inferior graphics now that every single GT5 car are damagable as well ?

Saying all the cars are damageable is a half truth at best.

We still have the "Premium" damage model like with the Impreza but the rest of the cars can..... have gray chalk smeared onto them. :ouch:

I suggest you go and watch the latest vids.
But it looks like flapping doors and trunks will be the inevitable conclusion of EVERY race where enough damage occurs.

Except that this is only a TGS demo...and a Sony rep said the damage model might change...obviously because it's still in development?

I have no intentions of ever developing a game, but I will say when something seems to be a waste of time to me. The car hits a wall in 4th gear almost red lined and it drives away from it. Why would you put that in a racing sim. Seriously, Dirt 2 would have totaled that car several times in the video. If your PD why would you want dirt 2 to have more realistic damage then you have. It wouldn't be that hard to make a car mechanically finished if it hit a wall going 100 mph.

As far as the doors not being welded, I still think it looks goofy driving down the road with a door flopping around. I have seen several different damage videos where this happens. What percentage of crashes in real life have you ever seen this happen.

I welcome damage to race sims, but give us the option to make it somewhat realistic. It wouldn't be hard to make the damage physics more severe, or at least it doesn't seem like it would. Other games have done it, so I just don't understand why PD hasn't. They have worked on this game for a very, very long time. I really don't know how it's not looking to blow every other racing game ever made away.

If people didn't expect more out of games we would still be playing pole position. If in my business I told you I was going to send you 7500 feet of FAS lumber(realistic damage) and gave you 6500 feet of 2c lumber (the damage we have been shown) then I would lose their business, and owe someone about 4000$. You should not tell people that you will not implement damage until you can do it correctly, and then have damage like it appears GT5 will have. There is nothing at all realistic about what we have been shown.

You have to admit that what we have been shown is not in the least bit how a car reacts in real life to contact. I understand how hard it would be to visually represent a car crashing, but as far as how the car reacts mechanically, you would think that it wouldn't be that hard to make a game decide that if a car hits a wall almost head on going over 100mph that the car should not be able to be driven afterwards.

Maybe I'm wrong though, maybe PD will give us a total severe damage option or something, that makes the cars react much more realistic.

You're still overlooking the fact that this is an early demonstration of damage. This is NOT final. All games have a development period where they "waste time" building the game, unfortunately they cannot just snap their fingers and have everything working exactly the way they want.

So yeah, until you can come up with a faster method, they need to "waste time" developing the game...
You're still overlooking the fact that this is an early demonstration of damage. This is NOT final. All games have a development period where they "waste time" building the game, unfortunately they cannot just snap their fingers and have everything working exactly the way they want.

So yeah, until you can come up with a faster method, they need to "waste time" developing the game...

They have been working on this game for at least 4 years. How much more of it can they change before march. Your telling me that in 4 years that this is the best damage they could come up with. The guy hits the wall going probably over 100 mph and the car backs up and drives away and is able to get up to 100 mph again while still having decent control over the car. If that's the realistic damage that PD came up with, why even bother with it.

All I'm trying to say that is PD said that they wouldn't put damage in the game until they could "get it right". How is any of what you've seen in the videos "getting it right". Nascar games from the 90's had more realistic damage then the videos so far for GT5. And that is no exaggeration at all.
They have been working on this game for at least 4 years. How much more of it can they change before march. Your telling me that in 4 years that this is the best damage they could come up with. The guy hits the wall going probably over 100 mph and the car backs up and drives away and is able to get up to 100 mph again while still having decent control over the car. If that's the realistic damage that PD came up with, why even bother with it.

I know what you're saying; I'm frustrated too. But the problem is not that they failed to build a good damage model, it's the fact they just started on it a couple of months ago. Apparently Yamauchi wanted it to be the last thing they worked on, and so they're just getting started on it. It's still bad, I know, but I don't care what order they follow as long as the end product is good.
Whos to say that the damage model that is being shown at TGS is as far as they have got right now? This model could be an earlier version, and they have the near enough complete model under wraps. Like you said, they have been developing for 4 years.