Hmm... I looked through the list of unused tracks, and thought, perhaps, a multi-lapper around Twin-ring Motegi West or Foogee '80s. It's the only suitable use I can see for them. Motegi West is just too short for anything but the Sunday Cup. I wonder why they even bothered to put a pitlane in there...
Steven seems like a GT Mode fan.. While I like tuning, and trying different "styles" of the car (Hard, Soft, Smooth, sudden), I prefer Arcade for OLR - simple, honest and equal.
Cars: How about a TVR? Sounds like heaven, its' the proof that PD actually recorded the cars, rather than synthesizing. Tuscan Speed 6

Or... another non-race Concept-car? I'd love to see some of the weirdo concepts in action. Mitsubishi HSR, Honda DualNote, Or some other weirdo with "Concept" in the name... Perhaps even the Toyota Triathlon or Nike '22?
Or... though not really possible, since we've done the 'Ring on Week 74, the Auto Union Streamline? The Super-weirdo on the Super-track. Casio will have some extra excuses... Or the test-course? It'd be dead-boring, but still... A possibility? It'll be the closest-ever WRS, I reckon that the only thing that will seperate people will be not the Division (WHAT can go wrong on such a track? Where's the time to loose?), but perhaps by controller - DFP will receive a smoothness-bonus, I guess.