Suggestions Box

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Any chance we could have a 'Show our support' race, for the Hamster please Cyril?

In any of the supercar comparison tests they have done on op Gear, the trip to that bloody big bridge in France comes to mind, he always drives the Zonda's!
He also owns a wodden Morgan (missing from the game), a Porche 911, and absolutely loves the Mazda MX5 (Miata to the Americans)

So maybe the C12S or one of the others, around the Nurburgering, or another scenic track would be nice!

By the way, Hamster is improving!
He is out of the Intesive Care Unit now, on the high dependancy ward instead. And is now conscious for short periods, and talking. He has had a conversation with James May, and he says that he seems to be 'all there'!

So that's good news, isn't it?

Well, maybe, but you were actually a D2 driver in hiding, so... Maybe we need to do it again? :sly:

I guess so, but i'm always getting faster so I don't know.

I drove that thing fully modded once in GT Mode, was a HOOT like that! Wing and all(or could I not get a wing? I don't remember...)

I have too, and it is fun to drive. Also it can't have a wing(sad because it
would be fast with one).
Costa di Amalfi is the track you're looking for Metar.

Yeah well... I was trying to avoid mentioning that track. It's photoshoot/moneymaker for me, I'm too used to cheating on it. Isn't there any chance for another track?

Any chance we could have a 'Show our support' race, for the Hamster please Cyril?

In any of the supercar comparison tests they have done on op Gear, the trip to that bloody big bridge in France comes to mind, he always drives the Zonda's!
He also owns a wodden Morgan (missing from the game), a Porche 911, and absolutely loves the Mazda MX5 (Miata to the Americans)

So maybe the C12S or one of the others, around the Nurburgering, or another scenic track would be nice!

By the way, Hamster is improving!
He is out of the Intesive Care Unit now, on the high dependancy ward instead. And is now conscious for short periods, and talking. He has had a conversation with James May, and he says that he seems to be 'all there'!

So that's good news, isn't it?


It is - I haven't heard anything yet...
Latest news (as of midday Sat) is he's out of intensive care now and has made good progress. He's even managed to take his first few steps since the accident.

Things are looking good so far, it's only been three days since the accident so fingers crossed for a full recovery. 👍

Any chance we could have a 'Show our support' race, for the Hamster please Cyril?

In any of the supercar comparison tests they have done on op Gear, the trip to that bloody big bridge in France comes to mind, he always drives the Zonda's!
He also owns a wodden Morgan (missing from the game), a Porche 911, and absolutely loves the Mazda MX5 (Miata to the Americans)

So maybe the C12S or one of the others, around the Nurburgering, or another scenic track would be nice!

By the way, Hamster is improving!
He is out of the Intesive Care Unit now, on the high dependancy ward instead. And is now conscious for short periods, and talking. He has had a conversation with James May, and he says that he seems to be 'all there'!

So that's good news, isn't it?


yeah, alot of much better news on poor little hamster has been filtering out. I'm not exactly sure what a "good recovery" from a "serious brain injury" really entials... but its certainly better than the alternative when you crash a dragster @ ~300mph.

its too bad the game doesn't have a caravan to wreck. ;)
but on a more plausible note... I kinda thought he was a muscle car nut, and in one of the early episodes of the rebirth of top gear; didnt he say that dodge charger he had in the studio was one of his childhood dream cars?
.....its too bad the game doesn't have a caravan to wreck. ;)
but on a more plausible note... I kinda thought he was a muscle car nut, and in one of the early episodes of the rebirth of top gear; didnt he say that dodge charger he had in the studio was one of his childhood dream cars?

I'm pretty sure he's got a dodge charger, not sure if he can see over the wheel mind. :) He also has or has owned a 911 so maybe we could have the yellowbird again?

Caravans in GT:lol: :sly:


V :lol: V
Camper-vans with leaking hulls and tea, perhaps?

Or something... *thought drifts away*. I dunno. He drove so many good cars in GT4...

But hey, he's still alive, and improving.
I've got a killer idea, but I'm not sure if it's been done yet...

Back when GT4 was in development (or at least prior to its release), PD got a professional race car driver--a Japanese driver obviously--to play the game. They had him run a lap at Nurburgring with a Skyline then they had him repeat the lap in GT4 with normal tires to replicate the tires they used in real life. The result was that his times were within 1% of each other. I think it would be pretty cool to compare ourselves with that. Even though I hate the Skyline, I like the idea of a race at the 'ring with normal tires. :D
Apparently, he hasn't broken a single bone in his body!
And the only thing to show so far is a black-eye!
And yes, his teeth are fine!
That's how the paramedics found him, the reflection off his ( "I have not had my teeth whitened") choppers!
He has now been moved from the High Dependancy ward, to a normal ward. And he has even eaten some breakfast cereal.

Maybe some shredded Wheel......i mean wheat!:sly: Or some rice crispies, just for the snap,crackle and POP!:lol:

Sorry! Couldn't resist.

didn't know he had a Charger, but that is a hideous car to drive round ANY corner. Let alone the Ring.

Yes he has a 911, but I think it's a convertable (not a boxter tho, that's May's)

So maybe Yellow bird on normal tyres would be good!


So maybe Yellow bird on normal tyres would be good!

It's already been done (I can't remember the week number, but it was on Apricot Hill Reverse) for the lack of a better word it sucked hard.

Maybe we should do the TVR Speed 12 on N1 tyres. Because that'll be as close to death as we can get in GT4.
Yeah, that rings a bell! Or was it at Hong Kong? can't remember!

OK So the Zonda C12S would be the next best thing then? :crazy:

Apparently, he hasn't broken a single bone in his body!
And the only thing to show so far is a black-eye!
And yes, his teeth are fine!
That's how the paramedics found him, the reflection off his ( "I have not had my teeth whitened") choppers!
He has now been moved from the High Dependancy ward, to a normal ward. And he has even eaten some breakfast cereal.

*Homer voice* That's good

So maybe Yellow bird on normal tyres would be good!

*Homer voice* That's bad.

Salesman: Beware, the book is cursed.
Homer: That's bad.
S: But you get a free Fro-gurt.
H: That's good.
S: The Fro-gurt is also cursed
H: That's bad.
S: But you get your free choice of toppings!
H: That's good.
S: The toppings contain monosodium glutamat.
H: *Shrugs*
S: That's bad.

It's already been done (I can't remember the week number, but it was on Apricot Hill Reverse) for the lack of a better word it sucked hard.

Maybe we should do the TVR Speed 12 on N1 tyres. Because that'll be as close to death as we can get in GT4.

Try completing a top-speed run on N1s with the TVR. With full volume... This car has so much power, it can't even fight it's own aero-drag on N1s.
we already did a zonda though.

Even two, the Zonda C12S and the Zonda LM. And the LM was not too long ago.

*now inserts Monty Python quote*
(Guy 1 is carried by Guy 2)
Man with carriage for the dead: "Bring out your dead!" *rings bell*
Guy 2: "Take him, he's dead"
Guy 1: "I'm not dead yet!"
G2: "Yes you are"
G1: "No, I'm getting better"
G2: " No you aren't!"
G2 to man with carriage: "Can't you still take him?"
MWC: "Only dead"
G2: "Can't you do something about it?"
*Carriage-guy whacks Guy 1 on the head*
MWC: "Now it's fine"
How 'bout a Viper or Saleen on normal tires?? *grins evilly*

*Gets mad*

Wasn't a N-tyres Qualifier-race, an N-tyres race, an R5-tyres with a super-slippery car, and a this week, in a car which wheelspins because you sneezed at the throttle in 4th gear, weren't those enough?

I guess Cyril's getting into drifting :sly:
*Gets mad*

Wasn't a N-tyres Qualifier-race, an N-tyres race, an R5-tyres with a super-slippery car, and a this week, in a car which wheelspins because you sneezed at the throttle in 4th gear, weren't those enough?

I guess Cyril's getting into drifting :sly:

Me thinks you mean R2 tyres... :P
Me thinks you mean R2 tyres... :P

R5s was for the NSX-LM, the mad rear-wheel lockup-er.

R2s was the sneezer.

But seriously, how about a week with enough grip, not too much understeer, not too much weight, and not too much power? C'mon...
tvr speed 12 @ fuji 80's

specs: gt mode! - minimum power - r1 tyres - otherwise full options

i know many think this is a horrid car but actually it's great once you've got the setup sorted out. to prove my point please check this setup, which i should keep for myself but it's online and everybody would find it anyway.
tvr speed 12 @ fuji 80's

specs: gt mode! - minimum power - r1 tyres - otherwise full options

i know many think this is a horrid car but actually it's great once you've got the setup sorted out. to prove my point please check this setup, which i should keep for myself but it's online and everybody would find it anyway.

Nah, Arcade on S2s would be better. I mean, we've had two GT Mode weeks very closely to each other...

And AngelCreator I'd love the Suzuki, but we've done SSR5 not too long ago, on Week 68...
metar: we don't need my suggestion this week, it could be later. and: the speed 12 is hideous to drive in arcade 'cos those settings really suck.

james: love the suzuki but again also only in gt so you can make it fit like a glove.
metar: we don't need my suggestion this week, it could be later. and: the speed 12 is hideous to drive in arcade 'cos those settings really suck.

james: love the suzuki but again also only in gt so you can make it fit like a glove.

I love the stock Speed 12 - TVR has done a great job on it, only the overpowered it a "little" bit.

And the GSX-R is already a glove in Arcade...

EDIT: Cyril, you know what happens next week, sunday-monday? Yom Kippur. It's a day where all the religious people cry about the sins they commited, where all the unreligious go out and drive around on bikes on the streets, since motorized vehicles are not allowed on those days.
And you know what happens the week after? A whole week off, from Tuesday to Tuesday. Guess what this means... You'll better get two good combos for it...
Sorry about that, I was tring to think of a track and thats all that came up.
And yes it would like it in GTmode as well, if you want a race I know of a
really good one:mischievous:. And we would be racing 700+ horsepower LM cars:lol:.
Gooood combo this week. Muscle-car, choices, unknown city-track, N-tyres. The most challenging event I could imagine...
I guess I'm lucky that I spent 5 'ring rounds with the Superbird, and some laps in the Sixpack Cuda on Laguna Seca...
after week 75 i expect no more city tracks for the rest of the year, and cars that actually listen to the steering wheel and the braking pedal.
more suggestions coming up from my side soon.