👍 👍...when instead the way you get the most fun is by just enjoying the on-track battle regardless of the position.
Especially you, Bloodyboy. Please, no more repaying to the people on the track just because they didn't give you back the position.I like heavy damage, but with the number of incidents involving lapped cars I feel like the leaders are going to be the ones most affected by it. Plus as Paul said the people not seeing other people could make every meeting take like 4 hours to get started since if one person can't see everyone it could ruin everything. With 16 cars every week it might not work since there's always someone having a bad connection day. And strong penalties is a good idea in theory but GT's penalty system has always been garbage. I still think we should be having qualifying sessions in a club time trial during the week, everyone gets a 10 minute session to set a fastest lap, and they they can do it anytime that fits in their schedule, then we let the 16 (or 15 plus sick if he struggles like last series, this series he doesn't have to worry) fastest people race. And if less than 16 get around to doing it people who set a time get precedence and then we can use the old asking the other people/reserves who can race to fill the field. We don't have to use those time trials to set the order, since that would involve lining up on track like I was trying to get everyone to do at Sierra, we can do qualifying again on Sundays as usual, those sessions will just decide who races each week. Or something.
Especially you, Bloodyboy. Please, no more repaying to the people just because they didn't give you back the position.
Yes, but before Zahara, I had divebombed on you in Ascari during the Nascar Road Racing Race 2 and you pushed me off track.That's not why I pay people back. I don't expect anyone to give back the position, I never give back positions unless I accidentally hit someone and it's completely my fault. Accidentally being the key word.
Max, you don't have to be sorry. I already apologized you about the incident.Thanks sick all understood yes had a dc at spa and watched and did see a little use of track limits. No comment on penalties but did say room was getting dirty.I have explained my actions with apologies and you will see a clean race from me.Max
But can I press "start" to avoid hitting the walls?Heavy damage will force a driver to race clean. The thought of losing a lap or so due to damage will have the driver trying to avoid it at all costs. As for the penalty system, I do agree with everyone when they say PD butchered it up. If someone collides into me, I get a 10 second penalty for no reason on top of heavy damage. Won't be very motivated to keep racing at that point. But if I were to just get heavy damage, I'd pit and say, "Damn, I got some ground to make up"
Heavy damage is the way to go to clean up the room a little. People will still get damage from hitting walls and whatnot but that'll happen. I promise it'll minimize car to car contact though.
But can I press "start" to avoid hitting the walls?
That's exactly I'm talking about! For example, if you would try push me off-track again, just because I didn't give you back the position, then I would press "start", so I wouldn't get damage like the previous incidents that I had with you.Pressing start to ghost and avoid other cars if you get on the grass going into a corner and lose control or if you're spinning across the track is ok, otherwise it's generally frowned upon I think.
As a tail ender can I say the leaders have just as much responsibility to pass clean as we have to try to get out the way.
Sometimes this means that the leading car may be caught behind a slower car for a couple of seconds and may lose the lead because of it, but that's part of the game. The leading car hitting a tail ender during lapping is in my opinion just as serious as when the second place car hits the leading car during an overtake
Sick, why will you put Heavy Damage? Isn't Light Damage enough?I've read through all the comments - we will try heavy damage on Sunday, but without the track penalties. After the race please all comment on whether you liked the damage or not.
In the past I've had a problem with damage due to accidentally hitting the side of cars which spin out just in front of me, but I'll try to avoid that. Personally I've never had a problem with track penalties except at Monza, but I know that they aren't popular.
I want to keep the room suitable for both experts and novices alike - after all, today's novices might become tomorrows experts.
Thanks Buybon and good luck with your commitents.Due to change in circumstances, I will no longer be able to take part in this championship. Please offer my slot to one of the reserve drivers for the remaining races.
It has been a pleasure being involved in such a well run set of events, with such a competitive field. One pole, one win and a handful of podiums in the last series made me very happy.
Good luck to all, and enjoy your racing. Have fun!