No, I was talking about danoff.
You still don't see what I'm saying, though. If, according to you, he can't tell that it isn't a touchdown, then how can he tell it IS a touchdown? Things shouldn't be ruled a TD if there is no concrete evidence, but, because he was blind and "did the best he could", this principle is violated. That's bad officiating. It kind of works like the court system. Innocent until proven guilty...No score until a proven touchdown. In this case, it should've been pittsburgh's obligation to challenge the play for the touchdown, not seattle's to challenge against the TD.
I'm not complaining that the hawks lost....I'm complaining about a bad umpire.
Bad ref, he's not an umpire.
Anyway, you're not hearing me.
The Line Ref (He's the guy responsible for standing on the 1 yardline to determine if it's a TD or not) saw and thought that it was a TD.
When the officials upstairs (because there are) saw that it was questionable, they sent it under review, not a coach. This is why we have box ref's.
When the play went under review, there was no possible way for them to overturn it, because from the video you cannot tell, it can swing either way, so you can't overturn it, and the ref who saw it happen in real time, thought it was in, ruled it a TD, end of story.
danoff - No, I wouldn't be on the "other side of the fence" because I've been watching football for 18 concious years (the other 4 were yenno, childs play). I played little league, middle school and highschool football. I know the rules of the game, and to me, there was ONE bad call, and it was NOT the deciding factor. If we were to simply "trade logos" for the teams, I'd be pissed at my players, and NOT the ref's. There were more points lost by player mistakes and failures on 3rd down conversions than there were bad calls.
Also, I didn't say I was going to find you calls from each game, twist my words to make me look stupid, amusing, but no. I said I could find you twice as many bad calls throughout the playoffs. Hell, even situations where they WEREN'T bad calls, and we STILL produced.
Like, for instance, the Denver game, here's the scenario, should be familiar to Seattle fans.
We were on the 7 yardline, and it's 3rd goal. We fake the playaction, and toss it to the Bus, he runs 7 yards untouched and get's a TD. But wait! Flag on the play! Holding, TD is GONE. So what now? We're 3rd and 17, and we STILL manage to produce a TD off of it.
Now, please explain to me, if Seattle were "truely" champions, how they could not accomplish the same, but instead threw an INT to Ike Taylor? I mean, NO amount of officials are going to force a Quarterback to throw an interception, that was his fault, why is HE not to blame? Do you see where I'm getting? Fans are being to petty and blaming their first superbowl loss ever on the ref's because they are afraid to take the brunt of the beating.
There are so many more reasons besides officiating that lost this game for Seattle, plain and simple.
Drifster - You don't have anything to say anyway, Ref's do the best they can, they are only human. I'd like to see you do something similar and be that "good" at it. Go out there and watch all those linemen tangle up, each one of them, and find holding calls, or illegal penalties. Yea....