Super long post time, sorry!
Because it was YOU that asked.
I don't know how to respond to this, it makes no sense.
The above is a perfect example, I was trying to inspire change within you. To make you a better person. I may have taken a more critical route to do that, so I'm sorry.
Like I said, read the Japanese autosport webpage. They report that the Japanese will construct their own chassis. Likeness with DTM will be shared.
We'll get to that in a second.
Like I said, read above in the Japanese autosport page. Or go to google. The NSX will retain it's MR layout. The chassis can be modified because the Japanese makes are going to construct their own.
There is no evidence to support the first half of this (the bold part). The second part has contradictory evidence to put it (the not bold part) into question. And since it puts the not bold part into question, it consequently puts the bold part as well. Here is that contradictory evidence:
Racecar Engineering
...when it was agreed that the two series would share the same basic design of chassis though the GT500 cars will have thier tubs manufactured in Japan, almost certainly by Dome Carbon Magic...
This puts your speculation based assumption (about the NSX being MR) into question as there is also a possibility of the car being FR, just as much as there is it being MR. Unless you want to link me a page where it says the tub made by Dome Carbon Magic can be adapted to make the car MR.
I think I answered this already.
There is a thing called the wrong answer. If you had answered correctly, you wouldn't have four people disputing it with you, or do you think we're all wrong?
Current (banned) regulations are not 2014 regulations.
It's not my fault if he didn't read the other thread and keep up to date with it.
So it's my fault, then? Right.
I don't think I'm wrong to assume someone is up to date on the Super GT thread if they've posted there.
So I take you also don't think it's wrong for someone to be up to date on a business conversation since they contributed to it three hours ago and then left to get lunch? Do you expect them to know everything when they come back? That's a hypothetical situation used as an analogy, by the way.
As for the "nonexistent conversation", that makes little sense because I explained the NSX will receive BOP in 2014 like it used to receive (50kg weight handicap) when it raced in SuperGT and JGTC. How is that snotty?
Here's the nonexistant conversation Toronado and I are talking about.
Is the 2014 season the first year of the new rules package shared with DTM? How is a Mid-engine'd car going to fit into that?
I told you, car specific BOP. Remember that the original NSX was handicapped with a 50kg minimum weight increase (1100kg to 1150kg).
I, in this case, means you. You, in this case, means me. Therefor I read that as "You told me". Which I (and any other person who understands comprehensive English) would understand as you having told me something. My response to this was...
We have not had a conversation about Super GT NSX's before, so no, you didn't.
Because I assumed that You had told Me, since
you said you did. And since
you did not, that means there was a nonexistent conversation.
This ignoring the fact that your response about "car specific BOP" did not answer my question. Maybe if I had asked "How are they going to make an MR car compete on equal grounds with FR cars?" then it would've been a good answer, but that's not what I was asking.
I shared information and you choose not to believe it.
You did not share information. You gave us the link to a website's main page. Example: "Go read the new review over at motortrend on the new Porsche Boxster S!" Here's the link:
I'm 'making things up' now?
Since no one said that you're making things up, your use of quotes is incorrect.
I don't need to have discussions with people who act like argumentative teenagers and 'know it all's' (then proceed to label me as such).
When you say things like this, that's why we say that. You are dismissing the situation and belittling us to try to get your way.
If you choose to be ignorant and uninformed, you do so. But don't harp on with
the bs about me being 'snotty' or having 'attitude' on a forum

It's pretty sad.
Do you know what irony is?
On a separate note, you are at least using quotes correctly now.
If you just take the opportunity to do a little reading on the SuperGT thread where the HSV discussion really belongs,
We, or at least I, did... would understand everything I'm saying.
... but we, or at least I, still do not.
As I stated (and gave an example of) above, you did not give proof. You linked to the main page of a website. That is not proof.
What about those warnings and infractions from a long while ago? If I had a warning or infraction that's unrelated to 'proof', its not right to call me a liar without doing the research when I provided the link to the information.
I'm not a moderator, so I don't know what you received warnings or an infraction for, but I believe he's talking about your behavior, which would mean that they're relevant to your behavior in this conversation, which is why he brought it up.
He also did not call you a liar, and the link you posted was (for the umpteenth time now) useless to prove anything.
If you don't want to search through the Super GT thread, the link is here-
So, just out of curiousity, if I did search through the Super GT thread... I would find this link? Because the very little discussion I read in that thread posted no links like the one you did above.
Finally, you provided a source in a correct way. Sadly, it does not prove that the NSX will be MR. It speculates that the NSX could be MR, and that if it did end up being MR, it would be performance adjusted in the BOP, but considering the dreadful job that google translate did of the page, you could really infer anything out of the article. So to call this single page your sole source of proof makes your insistence of the NSX being MR quite laughable, since your argument is so poorly supported.
This explains that they will allow the NSX to retain it's MR layout.
No, it does not. I know it does not because I read it. Just like you did.
Vehicle specific BOP will be applied.
...if the vehicle does happen to end up being MR. Which we don't know whether or not it will at this time.