Takanobu Ito, the President, Chief Executive Officer and Representative Director of Honda Motor Co., Ltd., addressed on the stage of presentation, "This will be the last season for HSV-010 GT. Next year, we are going to field the "NSX Concept" in the GT500 class ahead of production model. I would like to express appreciation to the promoter GTA for their understanding in this shift." At last, President Ito revealed the debut of new NSX. Technical regulation of GT500 will go through a drastic change in 2014, but it was informed that the car will be a compliant racing car in MR configuration and is currently under development.
Wrong.They said the NSX will have a mid engine with hybrid power at all 4 wheels. They did announce the NSX to be MR. And with the SGT rules stipulating 2.0 liter 4 cylinder turbo's, the hybrid powertrain can't be used in GT500. Honda has said they will use the NSX based off the concept. The concept is not an FR layout. No one needs to tell me anything. Honda has said themselves.
Are you sure you know that? Because you seem to think they'll use some alternate layout from what the NSX is going to be on the road. They are basing it off the NSX concept which is mid engine. But you all know that.
Wrong again.The article from December said GTA accepts Honda's request to use the NSX in 2014. Honda said this month they will go ahead and use it in 2014. No "if's" there bud.
Of course it won't change their minds. You watched the Honda motorsport activity press conference, correct? They said they will use the NSX in 2014, correct?
The article I linked to about the BOP for Mid Engined NSX from the GTA was dated from last year, December I think. That's 3 months from GTA releasing this information to the public. You really think Honda would change their mind about using the NSX now? That makes no sense.Why even announce the NSX for 2014 if they have doubts of using it?
You spoke of reading comprehension before, then used an example in your last post. So when I use one, I'm mis-quoting you? You're being hypocritical and it's pathetic. What I said was hypothetical in itself. 👎
No, you're wrong. As is everyone else who thinks the NSX won't be an MR GT500.
They will not change the layout of the engine just because that's what everyone else is running. You don't even specify which link you're denying.
There's at least 2 links saying the acceptances of Honda using the NSX because it's MR and there is also a link describing the change to the chassis in 2014 from what DTM currently run because of the NSX being MR. So you're denying which source? Or both?
That makes absolutely no sense. Honda asks the GTA for permission to use the NSX as their 2014 car because it's a mid engined car, GTA grants them permission. But somehow you seem to believe they won't make it MR? So what's the point in their bargaining with GTA and seemingly ITR to use the MR layout/NSX?
Really? CTSCC has run Porsches, those are mid/rear engine, Rolex has the cars I listed, DP being ALL mid engine. On top of that they are joining with ALMS with... Mid engine GTE's and Mid engine LMP2s and Rear engine Porsche GTCs. I don't think you can say they won't be kind to MR cars.
The nsx has been announced as MR in concept form. The GT500 car is based off the concept. I don't get the confusion or reluctance to believe what numerous motorsport outlets reported.
Holy crap, stop it already. I came into this thread to try and find news about this years cars, but if there ever was any news it's been buried in 6 pages of pointless arguments. At least one side needs to take the high road and let it slide, because its pretty clear if you don't this argument will continue all the way until 2014.
Now, has there been an entry list for GT300 yet? Are there any crazy Japanese cars left or are they all switching to GT3 cars?
Holy crap, stop it already. I came into this thread to try and find news about this years cars, but if there ever was any news it's been buried in 6 pages of pointless arguments. At least one side needs to take the high road and let it slide, because its pretty clear if you don't this argument will continue all the way until 2014.
Now, has there been an entry list for GT300 yet? Are there any crazy Japanese cars left or are they all switching to GT3 cars?
I don't care what you have to say. I don't go by what guys on a forum think. I gave links, with actual quotes from the people in charge of Super GT, and Honda themselves. So what you and the others have to say to me is irrelevant. 👍We've gotten that you don't get what we are trying to say by this point.
That's the proof you need? So my previous link where Maasaki Bandoh (representative of GTA) has said "BOP to MR NSX" isn't what you are speaking of?It is an assumption, you're crazy if you don't think it is one. You act like just because it's in a journal it's final fact - not the case.
Allow me to re-write the press release in order to show you what proof we need.
Like I said, what you think or what you say are meaningless. Until you can prove that Honda will run the NSX as an FR you haven't done anything to show my links are wrong.It's actually not wrong, you just cannot comprehend anything anyone tells you, thus you come to conclusions like calling me wrong, when I'm not.
See above. It's not what I say. It's what "GTA", "Honda", "Racecar Engineering" and "Sportscar Racing" say. Argue with them, call them untrustworthy. Your words are pointless to me. All I can suggest is you find a better translation site, invest in better translation software, find a Japanese member of these forums or go by what I linked you. I even linked to a Japanese member of another motorsport forum who is kind enough to translate these stories, you still deny it.Given that you clearly can't understand anything we say to you, how can we possibly trust anything you say when it's based on a rubbish-ly translated Japanese Article. Especially when that article doesn't confirm the NSX to be MR. And that's your only source.
So when they released the concept of the NSX and said it was a mid engined car, that's not saying it's MR?Because I don't know if you watched or read the Honda NSX Super GT intention release, but they don't say anything about it being MR. Merely that they're going to be running it in 2014.
I'm responding to you in a different context? Ok, bud. Let me know when you know something other than NSX in GT500 in 2014.You're responding to me in a different context than which I was speaking. You stated that the NSX would be used in 2014. We all know it's going to be used in 2014. That's how the conversation got started. You seem to think the car will be MR based on them having permission to run MR. That's not a confirmation.
Repeating I don't understand doesn't make it true. I don't care what you or anyone else is saying. I don't go off guys in a forum. I go off information by reliable motorsport resources.Again, not wrong. You just don't understand what anyone is saying to you.
You opinion is irrelevant because it's not factual. I'm not speaking my opinion. I'm speaking what is available for you and everyone else here to read. You calling me out is pointless, as is your opinions. The websites I've linked to say specifically about the NSX being MR. Why do you continue to deny the facts?There's that attitude again (then again, this argument has gone on so long that I'm now displaying it, too. Sorry). Why you think that by assuming I haven't watched those some how makes my opinion less relevant is silly.
Another assumption. You can't link to any article that says they will run an FR NSX.Because, and get ready for me to blow your mind on this one, they could run the NSX as an FR in Super GT. Just like the Nissan GT-R and Audi A5 are run as FR.
You should probably just stop. Reading 'comprehension' was your words trying to poke fun at me for not 'understanding' you. You made up some silly hypothetical situation I made up some silly hypothetical situation. Never did I say I was following or elaborating on your hypothesis, that's another assumption on your part. I didn't misquote you, I gave my own. How's that for 'reading comprehension'?I could go back and explain it for you, if that would make it feel better. Continuing to show a lack of comprehension and then calling me hypocritical and pathetic... is pathetic. If what you said was hypothetical, then you need to be more concise. Because I read it as you inferring that the GTA would change their minds. As my hypothetical situation never played that out in the scenarios I gave, you were thus misquoting me. Because you inferred that the GTA would change their minds.
I'm not arguing with you. You're not showing me any facts, I showed you facts in the links. When you can do that you will be right. Until then all you have is what you think Honda will do, not what they will actually do.Congratulations, you've won the argument!![]()
Au contraire, they all say the NSX is going to run as an MR. You need to translate the articles that are in Japanese and you will see.I don't have to, because none of them do.
Wrong, again. I won't repeat myself as you'll still deny the factual evidence in the articles. There isn't any 'implying' by me. Your conclusion is false.To make it easy, I'm denying any source you've given. Because every source you give, I read, and come to the conclusion that the MR NSX Super GT car is only a possibility. Not a fact, as you continue to imply.
So they'll waste money building two concepts when they've already been told back from at least December that GTA will accept their MR NSX?It doesn't cost anything to get permission to run an MR car. And since Honda clearly has the funds to build one-off development race car prototypes, they were simply looking for permission so they could justify the expense further. Honda could build an FR and MR Super GT car and test them against each other under the regulations that would be posed on each, and then pick which car was the fastest.
You really don't understand how Grand-Am and the future American DTM series works. It's hilarious.
Like I said above, as of now there is no American DTM series. Talk about that when it comes back up. "#TheFuture" that they speak of about Rolex is still in connection with the ACO which runs LeMans. Not ITR which runs DTM, not GTA which runs Super GT. Unless you have some proof, there's no reason to even talk about DP's in an American DTM type series.But to continue on this little bit of off-topic we have here, let me post you this.
Oh look, a mid-engined car based on a front-engined car that was made to be mid-engined because that's what the regulations stipulated. An FR NSX Super GT race car isn't out of the realm of possibility just because the road car is MR. And yes, I know these are two completely different series. But regulations are regulations, and it seems that if Corvette can't be allowed to run an FR DP in the Rolex series, then when Grand-Am starts their American DTM series, we might as well expect all the cars to be FR.
You clearly don't understand. Why would I be upset that guys on GTPlanet don't understand Japanese or want to believe links from sites that they themselves have linked to in the past? I'm really just laughing inside at how naive and uninformed you're acting. I said it before, don't believe me, don't do any reading of the translations, don't follow the links; I don't care. You choose to listen to what they say or not. These aren't my words.I understand that you're upset that we are not so willing to readily believe a poorly translated Japanese website, but that doesn't mean you should criticize us. Especially when we all feel we're in the right.
I don't care what you have to say. I don't go by what guys on a forum think. I gave links, with actual quotes from the people in charge of Super GT, and Honda themselves. So what you and the others have to say to me is irrelevant.
That's the proof you need? So my previous link where Maasaki Bandoh (representative of GTA) has said "BOP to MR NSX" isn't what you are speaking of?![]()
If you build a house and you insure it for flooding, that does not guarantee a flood will come!
And you reply why? What do you have to add? You're not discussing Super GT, you're continuing with your agenda in replying to me saying simple two line replies which have no bearing to the topic of this thread. 👎Yeah, we got that part too. It certainly is interesting just how actively involved you are in not caring, though.
GTA doesn't tell autosport Japan that the NSX will be MR and receive BOP for Honda to make it FR and not base it off the concept which was released. Nice analogy with no relative meaning.If you build a house and you insure it for flooding, that does not guarantee a flood will come!
And you reply why? What do you have to add? You're not discussing Super GT, you're continuing with your agenda in replying to me saying simple two line replies which have no bearing to the topic of this thread. 👎
GTA doesn't tell autosport Japan that the NSX will be MR and receive BOP for Honda to make it FR
"If I keep repeating it, it will make it true. If I keep repeating it, it will make it true. If I keep repeating it, it will make it true. If I keep repeating it, it will make it true."and not base it off the concept which was released.
Nice analogy with no relative meaning.
No, seriously if you have nothing better to do than argue with what I post why are you here in a SuperGT thread? I don't listen to arguments saying things like "we have to wait and see", why? Because there's already confirmation on Honda and GTA's part that the NSX will be MR. I find it funny how you can say I misrepresent posts, because I don't follow your line of thought I'm misrepresenting it? So If I have sources that say one thing and you go off and post something like "we have to wait" and give silly false reasonings that have no real merit you come to that conclusion? Do you even know the definition of misrepresent? It's "to give a false or misleading representation of"... if the quote is in the post how is it misrepresenting, tornado? If I reply to someone with what I say, saying how it has no basis as it's unprobable and unfounded, that's misrepresenting? 👎 Whatever you say.No, seriously. If you don't care what people say against what you are stating to be fact (and you've made it clear that you don't want to listen to anyone else on the subject considering how much you've twisted words, misrepresented posts and ignored responses that don't suit you), then why do you keep going out of your way to write entire essay posts repeating the exact same set of assumptions and interpretations of news that you've been saying since the start if you don't have any interest in reading what the responses say?
You're wrong, again. I said they announced the NSX will be used in 2014 after GTA told Honda would receive a "BOP towards the MR NSX". Those are direct words from Masaaki Bandoh, representative of GTA. I think you're getting confused as to what the words I said are. They told GTA their intention to run the NSX in 2014 before the story in autosport Japan which I linked to numerous times was dated at least from December last year, that's 12/2012. When was Honda's motorsport press conference? February 8, 2013/ 2/8/13. You don't need me to tell you the difference between times.GTA didn't tell Autosport that the NSX would be MR and receive BOP as a result. Just because you keep saying that that is the exact 100% true meaning of the translation you keep using as proof doesn't mean that is in fact anything more than your interpretation of the translation. GTA told Autosport that it would receive BOP for being MR. That's the only thing that that news means for certain; which means whether it actually will hinges entirely on if Honda is going to go through with making it MR now that they know it will take the penalty. You said yourself they they made the decision to make it MR before they knew what penalties they might receive for it, but you still don't grasp the idea that because they now know what those penalties are they might not make it MR in response?
Whatever works for you. I read it once and knew it was true. Like Ambrose Bierce said;"If I keep repeating it, it will make it true. If I keep repeating it, it will make it true. If I keep repeating it, it will make it true. If I keep repeating it, it will make it true."
"Doubt, indulged and cherished, is in danger of becoming denial; but if honest, and bent on thorough investigation, it may soon lead to full establishment of the truth."
"I failed to grasp the meaning" ≠ "analogy has no meaning"
Your sources aren't good enough for us, but they're good enough for you, bottom line. I agree to disagree.
This is still on topic. You guys coming in here and complaining about how things are supposedly getting clogged are the ones adding absolutely nothing to the conversation by mini-modding.
Your sources aren't good enough for us to make a conclusion, but they're good enough for you, bottom line. I agree to disagree.
This is still on topic. You guys coming in here and complaining about how things are supposedly getting clogged are the ones adding absolutely nothing to the conversation by mini-modding.
So that was back in October before the developments of late which I linked to in the sportscar-racing article. Running MR in SuperGT isn't a problem. Running in MR in DTM was the problem. But the sportscar-racing article explains that the chassis will be modified and made by the Japanese and the Germans. The chassis changes in SuperGT because of the MR layout of the NSX.One complication is the desire of Honda to run a mid engined car in GT500 based on its new NSX model, this will almost certainly be a challenge with the DTM tub, however the GTA will allow Honda to run whatever engine position it likes which may require a different tub, however that car would only be permitted to take part in domestic races and not international races.
Yep. I'll be sure to come to you, and only you, seth, to translate all of Kaz's future interviews about GT6.
Were talking about Super GT and the fact that the NSX is a mid-engined car. Not standard cars corresponding with interior views. This shows how you are getting caught up in petty word play and using examples that don't pertain to the topic at hand. GT5's standard car debacle does not equal 3 or 4 different sources confirming an MR NSX GT500. Your connection is lost, try another line.I mean, can you imagine how much grief would have been saved if we had your perfect translation skills back when there were 5 different interpretations of what exactly "Standard Cars do not correspond to interior views" meant? Since, you know, even from similar languages it is very easy for the meaning of words to be changed through direct translations, nevermind mangling sentences with Google Translate. I just hope the Rosetta Stone people don't go out of business.
Wheelman posted a video on the 16th in a new thread that has since been merged with this oneAnd by the way, we had already seen that article. thewheelman posted it.
Here's a live shot of the MOLA GTR's new livery
No, I noticed that you provided a translation of some actual validity. Then I noticed that you turned right around and continued to defend the Google Translate mess that you posted before that:Your condescending posts are a waste of your time. I'm not Japanese, bud. If you actually read my posts you would see that the translation of these articles isn't from me or google or bablefish or rosetta stone but from a Japanese member of another forum. Guess that one must have skipped past you.
As if it meant anything whatsoever when you told us to basically find the information and then translate the information ourselves. Which I was responding to.Google, even though hard to understand at times, had the words pretty spot on.
*whoosh*Were talking about Super GT and the fact that the NSX is a mid-engined car. Not standard cars corresponding with interior views. This shows how you are getting caught up in petty word play and using examples that don't pertain to the topic at hand. GT5's standard car debacle does not equal 3 or 4 different sources confirming an MR NSX GT500. Your connection is lost, try another line.![]()
Wheelman posted that exact article on the 19th. So... yeah, we did see it.Wheelman posted a video on the 16th in a new thread that has since been merged with this oneI posted my link on February the 8th
It seems only the Weider HSV (the one featured in GT5) is using the old single rear exhaust layout.
Because the google translate said almost the exact same thing. 💡 But you were complaining about the validity of such a tool. So how is it that google translate comes to a translation almost verbatim with what a Japanese member has said but you and others have an issue with it? Right...No, I noticed that you provided a translation of some actual validity. Then I noticed that you turned right around and continued to defend the Google Translate mess that you posted before that:
Which goes in hand with what I just said. You seem to think my google translate is iffy, so I give you the same article translated by "Japanese Samurai" from ten-tenths.com and it comes to be almost the same words. So I'm making an example of how you can use your own way of translating these articles and still come to reach the same conclusion as what a person who's native language is Japanese. Basically the google translate doesn't skew the information and what I've said is what 'someone in the know' also said. 👍As if it meant anything whatsoever when you told us to basically find the information and then translate the information ourselves. Which I was responding to.
You work for Nike or something? Looks kinda familiar*whoosh*
AwwYour inability to grasp even the most basic of comparisons for why we aren't jumping at the idea that it is definitely MR, even after they are spelled out to you (at which point you just blow them off as... how did you put it? "Silly false reasonings"), kind of says a lot for why you resort so quickly to treating everyone who disagrees like invalids.
That's nice. Glad you saw it. That means it was posted at least twice officially that Honda says they're using the NSX based off the concept next year. So in October we have the GTA saying Honda wants to use the NSX and it will receive BOP. Then about 4 months later we have Honda confirming they will use the NSX. 💡 For someone that talks about comparisons and how they relate, you sure can't put the two together. GTA- MR NSX, BOP. HONDA- NSX 2014, based off Concept, Concept is Mid engine.Wheelman posted that exact article on the 19th. So... yeah, we did see it.