Super Tuner Car Championship Season 2

  • Thread starter djchon661

Should we all turn off our mics before race start?

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I think a formation lap would really cool but trying to keep everyone in line and on the same page would be tough. It would definately help with the first lap cold tire deal. The key is you can't win the race in the first corner everyone relax, give each other room and there shouldn't be an issue at the start. That being never happens adrenaline and testosterone take over, fenders and mirrors go flying every where. As far as passing lap cars... if your a good enough driver you should be able to p[ass off the driving line with no contact. Yes everyone bumps or rubs during side by side racing. It's an accident an ooops or " i'm sorry" is all thats needed. Punting .... well you know if you've been punted. That's "mediocre" driving!


Good idea Snoopy about a set qualifying time. Maybe 15-10 minutes before the start of the race will be qualifying period. When you think you've had enough enter pits and pause. Sit there till the race starts. This is how we run it for the Prototype races and it's works great, the grid is always correctly set.
I'll be running #29 tonight

Got it. Done and done.

I think a formation lap would really cool but trying to keep everyone in line and on the same page would be tough. It would definately help with the first lap cold tire deal. The key is you can't win the race in the first corner everyone relax, give each other room and there shouldn't be an issue at the start

I know we all want to have as smooth and clean a race as possible but I want to remind everybody that this is a casual/average racer league. That being said I feel that on certain tracks, such as this one, instituting the no passing till after the first corner rule should work well enough. During the week of practicing we can determine which tracks should use this rule as well. Lets all police ourselves on this.

Actually, I think it would be helpful if we all do that. What we could do is this:

(1) lobby opens. Run practice laps and re-tune.
(2) before qualifying starts. DJ will reset the track so all time is deleted.
(3) qualifying starts. Everyone goes out and block everyone else. Go back into the pits when you are done (or in my case, when I give up).
(4) race starts. We all race to the first corner and mayhem ensues.

I am in favor of doing this. If no one has any issues with this we can start implementing this immediately.

I like the public rooms over private lobbies myself. Tire wear and lag issues are minimized and it just seems to work better.

I am definitely interested in trying this out. Anything that makes our race events better or more enjoyable is definitely wanted. I feel that we should try out the public lobby next week though. I don't like changing things at the last minute so todays event will be run in my lounge as usual. Next week I will have the OP updated to reflect that the event will take place in an open lobby and participants should be awaiting the room number on this thread or on our leagues website.

someone told me that a grid start with false start check gives you more credit/xp, not sure if that's true but should be easy enough to verify

We did that in season 1 but I felt like it caused alot of black screen issues, especially when we had more than 10 racers.

Hey, big shout out to snoopy! Thanks for pointing out some key rules.

This race will have incidents. The course is tight and fast so expect some rubbing to happen. Keep your temper in check. Just do your best to not make contact even if you have to brake and lose speed. If you wreck somebody, whether intentionally or accidentally, stay behind them till they are up to speed. Remember this league is for FUN. Nobody is winning any money or anything substantial for winning this league. So go out there with a mind for fun fair racing and everything will be fine.

If you DO happen to have an issue that you want to report, (:ouch:) message me in private either here or through our leagues website. Lets not clutter this thread with arguments.
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I have a CRAZY suggestion for a about a no points fun race about mid season with go carts. Snoopy, Scorpion, Dangit and I did this at LaMans and we had a blast! We could do a small to mid size track (Laguna Seca?). Imagine going through the cork screw in a cart. Hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen!
I'm opening a practice lobby if anyone wants to run laps and some 6 lap sprints
Hey Coolracer 101 is your psn soccer 67 or something like that,because I notice last night that I had a friend request with that name?
The following racers are pre-registered and are guaranteed a spot in tonights event. If you are not on this list it is first come first serve. Also the numbers to the right of their names are their race car numbers. Please do not use a number that is already taken. These numbers will be used throughout season 2.

    1. djchon661......82
    2. thlogan............22
    3. snoopykuan.......8
    4. ScorpionPHVH57...46
    5. Grayfox32.........32
    6. xRoadRashx.......29
    7. Godangit...........13
    8. brettcee..............40
    9. AllinWitJT...........28
    10. Itoss....................17
    11. SoopamanLuva......79
    12. Mattics71.............71
    13. KJeezy..................23
    14. ncrthree................3

If you are on this list and do not attend tonights event you will be removed from this list.
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DJ, just let us know how many minutes before the race the qualifying session will begin. I don't want to walk away from the game just before this period starts doing something dumb.
DJ, just let us know how many minutes before the race the qualifying session will begin. I don't want to walk away from the game just before this period starts doing something dumb.

i'm thinking about ten minutes before race time.
I have a CRAZY suggestion for a about a no points fun race about mid season with go carts. Snoopy, Scorpion, Dangit and I did this at LaMans and we had a blast! We could do a small to mid size track (Laguna Seca?). Imagine going through the cork screw in a cart. Hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen!

How about adding that we all must drink at least 4 cans of beer or 2 stiff drinks 10-15 minutes prior to race start?
Roadrash, I mentioned the lapped car procedures and it is lifted from the GTP OLR:

10: Defensive Driving:

Leading cars have the right to choose their own line down a straight. They can change their racing line once while driving down a straight (Move from the outside line to the inside, or vice versa). As they approach the next corner, they can return to the racing line of their choice However, they're not allowed to change their line when the behind driver is directly behind and changes his line to try and make a pass. If your movement causes an accident, you're responsible.

Leading cars have the right to take their line of choice through corners. I.e. they may drive a defensive line around the inside of a corner to protect their position, thereby forcing an attacking driver to try to pass around the outside. This is not blocking and is part of normal racing etiquette. In fact, apart from the restrictions of rule 10:A, a leading driver can drive any line which they feel is the most inconvenient for any following car to try to pass them.

Drivers that are about to get lapped have to make sure not to interfere with the lapping cars. Slow down on the straights on either side of the track or maintain the outside line during cornering. If for whatever reason you happen to be on the inside line when being overtaken, stay on the inside line until all drivers that were about to lap you have passed. You are not allowed to deliberately block the lapping cars.

I think normally w/o pitstops, the leaders will lap no problem. However, with pit stops, it could be that the leader (on older tires) may be running just slightly faster than a lapped car on new tires. In that case, from all the real life racing I have seen and from the OLR, the lapped car should yield if it could be holding up the leaders. I think this is prudent and it is what I will do personally, because if I am being lapped, that means I am slower and have made mistakes and probably will make more mistakes. Best to let the leaders have their fight and I have my own fight.

On a different note, kart race will be real fun. Maybe if we have time we can do a kart race after the race tonight too. I will race whichever track, although I have been known to spin out at the corkscrew every single time.
How about adding that we all must drink at least 4 cans of beer or 2 stiff drinks 10-15 minutes prior to race start?

I prefer a jack and jack (thats a double shot of jack with a drop of coke).

That oughta make it interesting!
i'm thinking about ten minutes before race time.

Maybe a little more time so we don't have 16 racers trying to get their hottest lap in a 10 minute window.

I haven't practiced on track with anyone yet so I'm reeeeeal curious to see how the braking zones shape up. See you guys tonite. I should be in the lobby just after 9-(kid's school play this evening).
15 minutes could be enough if we all police ourselves. 1/2 of the group would go out and run for about 7 to 8 minutes. Then go back into the pits. The rest would go out and run for about 7 to 8 minutes and go back to the pits. Then race starts. When you go out, just remember to give yourself some space.

Another thing, if you have a mic, please announce to the room if/when you crash at the turn 5 chicane. I will do so.

I do not mean to list a whole bunch of rules when I am not running the league. So DJ, feel free to tell people to ignore some of my suggestions. I just thought that the more we can all follow these rules, the more fun we will have. I find it most fun when I am racing someone, either keeping someone behind me or trying to catch someone with the same type of speed. And I find a lot of fun when we run the post-race races, where drifting and bumper cars are required.

Post race, I propose that we run go karts on cape ring (the short version with the ring)...
I'll pop in and see if there are any spots left.:)

While I do not agree with the "move over and let leader pass" rule. I'll go along with whatever the series rules are. I just think it's going to be hard at times, especially on a short track with pit stops, to know that the car behind you is the leader. In a real race you have corner marshals to let you know the leader is coming up on you, how do you know it's the leader behind you in an online race? I still think that not blocking the leader, or any other car that is obviously faster is a better idea, I just don't see how the leader can be held up that much if he is fast enough to be lapping people in the first place. I'm sure if I regularly ran in front, my view would be different, I would want everyone to move out of my way also to lessen the chances of anyone to catch me. :D
Bo, I agree 100%. That is why it is also the leader pack's responsibility to let the lapped cars know that they are coming up. I would suggest using some diplomacy when you are announcing this, as the whole room can hear you. So I would prefer not to hear something like: "hey slowpoke pink car move out of my way" :)
When your last place it is easy to know when your getting lapped!
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When your last place it is to know when your getting lapped!

When I'm racing I keep an eye on the track map. If I see someone catching me, I will be prepared when they get to me to get passed and either tell them what side to take me on or what side they want. If I'm leading and getting to a slower car or lap car I usually let them know when i get close and were I'm going to go around them...That way there isn't any confusion or an accident