Supercar Festival - Help, tips, information.

Ummm, that would be because it had race livery OR you were trying to race the Buick Special. From memory you can't enter with that car as it's not a factory road car. Someone else can confirm that for me.
Nope. None of them.

I tuned an R390 Road Car, and it didn't like it.

Even though it mentions it in the art behind the regs.
R390 is a Concept Car, not a Road Car.

Go into Arcade Mode. Any car listed as a Road Car (top left) is eligible, in any state of tune. Anything else (Concept, Tuned, Race) is not permitted in any state of tune.
R390 Road Car is in the same category as the Buick Special, can't race it. :yuck:

And as for the TVR, which TVR did you use waggles........the Speed 12? If so, you'll get nowhere fast with that car. A better TVR option would be to get the Griffith 500 (can get it for 20k in early '90s used lot!!), fit stage 1 weight reduction (goes down to 996kg) then work the motor. The following should get you over the 500hp mark.

Racing Exhaust
Racing Chip
Port & Polish
Engine Balancing
Stage 2 NA.

Then fit all the driveline goodies and racing brakes and you should be set. You don't even really need the FC Gearbox with it either, will easily top 280km/h which is usually enough on most of those events and acceleration of a banshee!!

*added bit* Thanks Famine for the backup. 👍
Actually, I've just hunted through my data sheet (available in a sticky thread near you) and the R390 is listed as a Road Car, so should be eligible - the Buick GNX being a Tuning Car.

I need to double-check this with the game itself, however.
Sorry Waggles, it was clutchkick, my bad. My turn for the :dunce: cap. :lol:

Famine, I know the R390 is supposed to be a road car, but I think in Supercar Festival they want full factory editions. Correct me if I'm wrong. 👍
I think it's because of how rare it is-I think they only ever produced one or something, for homologation reasons.
It would be unusual for an exception to be made for a reason not quantifiable in-game - generally, one-off cars are given a Concept or Tuning tag and then specifically excluded from Road events. It's possible it has adjustable downforce, which is another exclusion criterion for "Unmodified" cars. But I still haven't looked it up yet...
While your opinion is, I'm sure, interesting, it holds very little sway with what happens in reality. In this case the R390 road car, despite meeting the criteria of being a Road Car (as opposed to Race Car, Concept Car or Tuning Car - the four classes in GT4) for entry to the Supercar event, isn't permitted to race.

Could you perhaps demonstrate some evidence for your opinion - cars you've tried to race without adding a wing or changing wheels, cars you've tried to race after changing the wheels only and, lastly, cars you've tried to race after adding a wing and cars you've tried to race after adding a wing and changing the wheels would do the job nicely.
As I seem to habitually do now in answer to questions like this one, here are my notes from this series:


Supercar Festival

Entry Requirements:

Unmodified Cars of 493 BHP or Over Only
Normal or Sports Tyres
International A-Spec Licence Required

Prize Money: 15,000cr/race
Prize Car: Cizeta V16T (Value 135,290cr)

Start Type     Circuit	             Laps
Rolling	       Seoul Central	     8
Grid	       Fuji '90's	     6
Rolling	       New York	             6
Grid	       Midfield Reverse	     6
Rolling	       Infineon Sports Car   6

When I first came to this race, I tried to use a TVR Speed 12 as I didn't seem to have any other car that qualified.
My notes for Race 1: Seoul Central were:

Absolute waste of time. The 12 spins it's wheels in all the gears at half throttle or less. It won't slow down or turn. PD have totally wrecked it. What's the point of even including it?.

Angry words it would seem (but still not completely unjustified) .

I then tried an Aston Martin Vanquish with an oil change to give ... only 490HP i.e. not enough. After a bit, I realised that Unmodified in the race regulations simply meant "No race-bodied cars" and had a go with a TVR Cerbera Speed Six. I initially got beaten by 4 seconds (a Zonda being the executioner). I needed softer tyres at the front because they took too long to warm up, or so my notes say (!). That gave me horrendous corner exit understeer so I swapped to S3's all round which delivered me victory (oh the shame of it!).

I went on to win the remaining races in the Cerbera, my notes essentially showing that my mastery of GT4 wasn't very secure back then (is it now?) with reports of handling problems in the car that are, in retrospect, obviously drivers errors (spinning the drive wheels, poor braking performance, corner entry spin-outs, corner exit understeer etc etc) . I didn't record the A-Spec values for these wins but I don't think they were very high.

I came back to this series a while ago and this time attempted it in an Aston Martin DB9, initially fitted out as follows:

Semi-Race Exhaust and Chip
S3 Tyres
Semi-Race Suspension
3-Plate Clutch, Brake Balancer, Racing Flywheel, Carbon Prop Shaft, Custom LSD

I found that the VW Nardo, Cadillac Cien, ZZ II and Saleen S7 are 'rabbits' in the series, with each seeming to have a 'speciality' track where they are particularly fast. For example, I was lapping at around 1:01 at Seoul and the Cien beat me by 14 seconds. However, if you could trap the 'rabbits' in the pack, rather than having them start at the front, then a win was possible.

Circuit	             A-Spec	Grid
Seoul Central	     144	SLR McLaren, Spyker, Nardo, C12S Zonda, Spirra
Fuji '90's	     144	ZZ II, Cizeta, Saleen S7, Spyker, HSC
New York	     178	Spyker, Cizetta, C12S Zonda, SLR McLaren, Nardo
Midfield Reverse     182	Calloway, Nardo, Saleen S7, ZZ II, Ford GT '05
Infineon Sports Car  127	Cien, R390, HSC, Cizetta, Calloway

Having by now been bitten by the 200 A-Spec bug, at least for races where I can use cars that I like, I came back to this again, this time in an Aston Martin Vanquish (with hardware modifications similar to the DB9).

At Seoul, I had a 180 A-Spec win, on S3 tyres, versus Spyker, Nardo, Nuvolari, R390 and SLR McLaren. Only shameless blocking of the Nardo achieved this. I downgraded to S2 tyres and added 71KG Ballast and took an easier 200 A-Spec victory than before .

New York proved to be a trial. I made many, many attempts until, on S3 tyres, I finally took a 200 A-Spec win versus Calloway, Nardo, ZZ II, Saleen S7 and GT '05.

Midfield Reverse saw me add a Semi-Race Exhaust for more power and was still being left by the ZZII ... until he pitted at the start of lap 4 . Held the lead but still had to block the ZZ II as I crossed the line . Grid was ZZ II, Saleen S7, Nuvolari, Nardo, Spyker.

Ran the same hardware at Fuji '90's and got 200 A-Spec against Cien, ZZ II, Nardo, GT '05, SLR McLaren.
Took a 200 A-Spec victory at Infineon, on S2 tyres, versus McLaren, Cien, Calloway, C12S Zonda and Saleen S7. I have no notes on Power Mods or Ballast, I'm sorry to say but I think I recall taking the Exhaust and Chip off and running with no ballast.

This was something of a frustrating series to run, mainly owing to the numerous restarts required to get a grid that provided the requisite 200 A-Spec points but was also beatable .
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While your opinion is, I'm sure, interesting, it holds very little sway with what happens in reality. In this case the R390 road car, despite meeting the criteria of being a Road Car (as opposed to Race Car, Concept Car or Tuning Car - the four classes in GT4) for entry to the Supercar event, isn't permitted to race.

Could you perhaps demonstrate some evidence for your opinion - cars you've tried to race without adding a wing or changing wheels, cars you've tried to race after changing the wheels only and, lastly, cars you've tried to race after adding a wing and cars you've tried to race after adding a wing and changing the wheels would do the job nicely.

You most definitely can use the R390 in this event. You just give it a Turbo to reach the minimum BHP level.
Nope. None of them.

I tuned an R390 Road Car, and it didn't like it.

Even though it mentions it in the art behind the regs.

You most definitely can use the R390 in this event. You just give it a Turbo to reach the minimum BHP level.

Iiiiiiiinteresting. So it is a Road Car and my sheet's not wrong.

I wonder what waggles tuned it with to upset it. A wing?
That shouldn't be a problem Famine, as the Spec-C I was using to explain to waggles actually has a wing & wheels fitted. 👍

So, I don't know why it's happened for him. I thought the R390 Road Car didn't have enough power when left completely stock, something around the 350Kw mark (about 475hp). :confused:
Yes it is short of the minimum power limit. A Turbo sorts that out and then it can enter. It is important to remember that unmodified in GT4 is not the same as GT3.
Hmm, I really thought it was the fact that you couldn't fit a Wing that was one of the entry requirements for this series. Obviously my memory is playing me false.
True - but it can't be a Concept Car (Cien, for example) or Tuning Car (Buick GNX) either.
Oh well-must have found a rare bug-or something.
Or a one-off.
I did it anyway, so it doesn't matter.
if I felt like wasting 1,000,000 Cr. on that car I would test this out but I bought one awhile back and hated it so I sold it...

And sukerkin? how can you not like the Speed 12 under the right controls car is just scary amazing... it does require good throttle control or TCS if your lazy...
I think I used a Aston Martin Vanquish on this race but I cannot remember...
I do love the Speed 12, RzB :D. It's not as much a pleasure as it was in GT2 but it's still fun. You have to bear in mind that the initial parts of those notes were written over four years ago when GT4 was just released.
One thing nobody has mentioned yet (I think) is that you have to enter a car over 493 hp, but after you've entered, you can detune lower than 493. I only mention this because I entered some "supercar", only to find myself blowing these races away. Came back with a Shelby Series 1, and in some races, I was running it with nearly stock power (330-ish bhp)

Not to brag, but these races aint that hard. I found the clumsyness of the Ai at certain tracks to be disappointing, matter of fact.
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One thing nobody has mentioned yet (i think) is that you have to enter a car over 493 hp, but after you've entered, you can detune lower than 493. I only mention this because i entered some "supercar", only to find myself blowing these races away. Came back with a Shelby Series 1, and in some races, i was running it with nearly stock power (330-ish bhp)

Not to brag, but these races aint that hard. I found the clumsyness of the Ai at certain tracks to be disappointing, matter of fact.

so,i'm not the only one who notice it,right?
Well,maybe next time i can try it with the skyline R34 or other powerless cars.
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