Ok so here is another sway bar thread.. I will keep it short. I know what sway bars do in real life so no long winded explination. I just need a short answer. Saying you have a car and you keep the front springs lets just say at 10lbs.. If you increase the front sway bar does that GIVE grip or TAKE AWAY grip??? IF you LOWER the sway bar does that GIVE grip or TAKE AWAY grip. Im trying to figure out as for the game if going larger on the sway bar INCREASES grip or LOOSES grip with th same spring settng.. Or is it messed up like ride height where u go soft on front for more grip and bigger on the rear for more grip. Or reverse where bigger on the front more grip and smaller on the rear more grip. It is a game not real life so I wana know how they work in the game.. Thanks for the reply..