Take a look at this guy.

  • Thread starter jonathansp
Evidently it was rushed if the online lobbys didn't work properly. That was the angle i was taking, but i drew conclusions from it just like he did to make a point. GT5 delayed to avoid competition not to polish? Then Forza was released early to avoid competition, and the fault with the online lobbys is a result of that.

Ahh, now I get it. 👍 Thanks for explaining. :)
my thoughts in the order that he makes them...

-Psp version is good. Cant expect gt5 quality on that console and its probably one of the most polished games on psp

-So what if gt5 didnt come out for xmas 2009? It will own the holiday season for the year it does come out.

-Pussies? we are not the ones wearin pussy polo/golf shirts

-Let them delay the game, it will still be selling years after its release.

-There are more forza releases but they make smaller jumps between iterations. They also have less cars and tracks. I will admit, the tracks in the game are pretty fun.

-Whats this AAA crap?!?! are you grading steaks or a video game?


BTW.... Ratings Disabled = less than 1 out of 5 stars
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There is just one explaination to why this guy behave the way he does. He simply think GT is the better game, but he doesn't want to admit it, even to himself. If he really was confident that Forza was much better, he wouldn't care about GT at all.

That's what I think anyway...
Damn, in the 360 Beats PS3 in Games Video, that Guy Its just Lying, notice how he doesnt blink....damn, thats a maniac fanboy ....


If he really was confident that Forza was much better, he wouldn't care about GT at all.

That's what I think anyway...

Not to sound nitpicking or anything, but the same can be said about everyone replying to this thread, including myself. ;) We are replying because we don't like that guy's attitude towards GT5. Not only that, but he seems to like Forza (I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt). If he liked any other game but Forza 3, this video wouldn't have made it to the GT5 sub-forum, get what I'm saying?
Just so you know, he is the premium user up near the top of this page so... I would watch out posting like that XD
GT for PSP is one of the best games for that console.

Keep in mind hes an msoft fanboy (read his info) and msoft does not have a portable console.
What a knob. Hes a gaming expert is he? mmmmm I see. He has absolutley no clue what on earth he is on about.
Who cares anyway. I'm not a Forza hater, yeah sure it came out before GT but I do agree that GTPSP was a bit of a waste of time like seriously whats the point of that? and GT5 would've been released earlier if they didn't do PSP version. but that said who cares, I'm willing to wait for something worth waiting for.

I mean yeah its been 5 years in the making but does that not tell you something? they've obviously worked their noses off and put in every single bit of detail that the makers of Forza may have missed for their game. Take NFS Shift for example, it looks nice, its a great game overall but how many glitches are in that lets be honest here.
Like the grid girl that stands inside the car, sometimes cars don't move, mine has frozen several times during the loading screen. But thats what you get when you rush things. Just rush it, get it out there on the shelves and make money to start on the next installment.

PD on the other hand (many people have said this on here in other threads) are genuine car enthusiasts and do not want glitches, bugs.. etc in their game. It's not called the real driving sim for nothing. This guy in that video not only needs a life but he needs to chill out and be patient. Buy FM3 and an XBox360 and play that until GT5 comes out and STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT IT!!

The point I'm trying to make is.. basically if PD really wanted to compete against whoever makes Forza Motorsport, they would've realeased it in 2007, or 2008 or something. Thats what I'm saying, I think EA were trying to make NFS Shift better than Forza and looks what's happend. Now take that into account and think about how bad GT5 may have been if they released it this year or last year to compete with Forza.

Clearly they don't care about compitition and have decided to take their time to perfect their game, so that the players can have something they wont get bored with. I'm quite sure Forza is indeed a great game. But like I said, PD seem to not care.. well KY seems to not care about competition. As long as his fans and GT players enjoy their gaming experience (and I have no doubts we will) thats it.
As soon as I saw the legendary trucker hat and retarded polo shirt, I knew it was GeneralMLD.

How does he have 2081 subscribers?
...PD on the other hand (many people have said this on here in other threads) are genuine car enthusiasts and do not want glitches, bugs.. etc in their game. It's not called the real driving sim for nothing...
Agreed, :)👍

I personally love PD's style in not caring what the competition says and does. Reason I believe this is the case is because, they know at the end of the day they will have an excellent game that is polished and free from error's. A game they are happy with and that has met there very high expectations and standards, not to mention knowing that follower's of the series will be absolutely stoked to play.;)👍
*Warning I was bored at midnight when I typed this* - I usually don't give a fiddlestick when I see these.

I really was never aware such fanboys of this caliber existed. Watching his other videos, I can't imagine how a person can be like he is. He is in a state of mind where he's completely possessed. Nothing will change his mind. Obviously I've been missing much in the world of fanboyism.

Point 1 (GTPSP) - The Psp version is a bit fishy I think. I still get the feeling that Sony had a big part regarding the planning time for developing the game and for it to coincide with GT5's development. Because of this, whether or not the GTPSP's version is really Kaz's real vision of what he intended it to be when it was planned back in 2004, we may never know. I do agree with some critics out there that it could be better, not necessarily a full fledged GT game though, just better. Whatever the case, this affected GT5, whether it'd be a small factor or not. I feel bad for PD regarding this matter because we don't know what goes on behind close doors aboout Sony's pressure to PD.

Point 2 (Pussies?) - I think this is a matter between maturity of the two companies. Yes, business is a competition, but it's not based on a specific rivalry between two of its products, and it will never be. Turn 10 I think, is the origin of this rivalry that's getting really ridiculous between GT and FM. Really, Turn 10 has done nothing much on trying to cool down this silly war, nothing. What did they do besides their boasting? It may not be completely direct, but we should get the sense they're cocky.

This isn't the case with PD or Sony. There was never a battle between the two in their eyes. Like Turn 10, Kaz isn't completely direct with his response either, but we get more of the sense that they are less into this whole silly war more than Turn 10. I bet more than anything right now, Sony and PD is completely ignoring this little silly war, and instead they are trying to focus about their business as a whole...not between FM and GT.

Point 3 (2 for 1?) - I have to admit, guy sometimes knows his way around words. If M$ needs a professional lawyer for a fanboyism war, he'd be the best candidate, no joke. He's the best I've seen.

If you go by the numbers, it's safe to say that Turn 10 has indeed released two next-gen titles before 1 GT5 title. These type of thing is the holy grail for fanboys to use as a support. They'd use numbers and completely ignore the factors that go into it.

The only way to see this is to be honest, which the guy is short of in many of his points. First point is that Forza 2 technically doesn't count. Overall quality of the game is obvious and that it didn't use the full potential of the 360's hardware.

Remember the silly little war I was talking about that PD and Sony are probably ignoring? If PD wanted to, they could go with their original plan to release GTHD to compete with Forza 2. I don't know how much of you guys were around then (you should've been!) but GTHD was suppose to be a full fledge game before it got canceled for GT5 Prologue. Whatever the reason was, it got canceled. The point is though, PD could've released a quick game for this current gen to coincide with Forza 2 if they wanted to. Like FM2, GTHD probably wouldn't be the game to use the PS3's full (or close) potential either.

Then the guy says Forza 3 is out even before Gran Turismo 5. Looking at this fact looks pretty convincing, but really it's completely reasonable. Let's face it, Gran Turismo 5 may take longer but its scale and caliber compared to FM3 is twice, if not more. Just ask ourselves this. Forza has 400 cars and 100 tracks (not sure about the tracks??) and it spans over two discs. GT5 will have 950 and maybe 70 tracks. Imagine if Forza 3 had as much as GT5 in the same detail PD puts on them (3-4 discs maybe?) . That is only regarding the content from the cars and tracks. On other things, PD is currently focused on making real-time damage for its non-stock cars, not the programmed damage most games used up to this point (aka the easy route). Then they have whole license franchises to worry about for Nascar and WRC. How big these two will be in the game, we don't know yet, but they should have a factor in making the game longer to develop than if they weren't part of the game.

Then there are other minor factors to how GT5 can take this long that I don't want to get into too much, like starting coding from scratch, tourist trophy, complex of the ps3's structure, graphics, experiments with weather effects, GT5P project, marketing, GTPSP, etc....things Turn 10 didn't have to face, or are not even willing to.

Point 4, his best point (GT5 will be a AAA, but a failure?) - This guy knows that GT5 will be a great game but he makes that look bad by saying that it takes too long, and that Turn 10 is playing it smart to releasing the game fast to the consumer. Yes, this is a great point, but it would contradict to every point he's trying to make.

The main point he's trying to make is that Forza Motorsport 3 will be better than GT5, or is that not it? If GT5 does indeed to be a better game than Forza Motorsport 3, then would it make sense that its release is a bit longer?...and this is just a straight up answer, not putting any other factor into play. If it is then its win/win for both games. End of war, end of story.
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Perhaps he's either

1. Annoyed about the March Release date (witch possibly isn't even a final release date) and wants the game NOW! or...

2. He's a Patriotic, die hard Forza player and hates GT for every possible reason he can think of.
Not to sound nitpicking or anything, but the same can be said about everyone replying to this thread, including myself. ;) We are replying because we don't like that guy's attitude towards GT5. Not only that, but he seems to like Forza (I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt). If he liked any other game but Forza 3, this video wouldn't have made it to the GT5 sub-forum, get what I'm saying?
Of course, and I can admit Forza 3 is probably an awesome game (haven't tried it). Some features I wish will be in GT5, such as livery editor, tire deformation and drag racing.
Although this ""GeneralMLD's"" videos are insulting the GT series,but I have to admit he is right about something.....(too lazy to list),but he always talks about GT's bad side rather than it's good side,and he does'nt do enough research on PD,GT or Sony.....

Haven't you noticed?
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What a hilarious thread!
@Devedander- I laughed so hard reading your last post! Funny stuff.
@the first video- da da da da D-BAG! I love how he repeats evrything. Like Judge Judy says, when you repeat things that shows how dumb you are.
@the second video- next time think of your arguements as a story: a beginning, middle, and an end. It was sort of disappointing heraring you build up an aguement, then end it with "you cant just give up."

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