2081 subs for General?? Must be his fellow rednecks in his neck of the wood
Seriously, who the heck call himself General other than RedNecks? (well seems like he is a redneck from the North (Canada))
I am sorry for insulting rednecks, I dont like to accuse anybody wrongfully and behind their back, but this video just reinforces the bad image RedNecks unfortunately and already wears (if indeed he is one, I am not sure if he is one but to me that sure looks like one

) if Anyone here consider themselves RedNecks or has relatives in that social category: My apologies to you and your close ones, please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
Until then, I will be laughing hard at this video :
LOL NeverTell
Video showing Oral Diarrhea
I agree with Seismica and i want to add the following:
Heres what everyone here (and beyond GTP) should know :
- MS / Turn10 released FM3 (and FM2) ahead of GT5 because it would be much more profitable for them, since (they know it themselves) direct competition would simple crush Forza3

, would you buy FM3 if GT5 was out?
- SONY / PD choose to postpone the release of GT5 (NOT because they wanted to avoid competition with FM3, they could not care less about FM3) BUT rather because they want to protect their little sibling (GT-psP) and give it a chance to survive
in other words, PD wanted to save the very best for last, otherwise GT5 would simply crush GT-psP and would NOT give it a shot or any reasons for living or even existing) SONY is not stupid, its all about profits, Tell me: would you buy GT-psP if GT5 came out first??

It's part of the (japanese) Art of War, you dont go fighting if you are not ready, and you dont release your best until the time is right... until your opponent has exhausted all their firepower.
Its Simple as that
and yet the General seems to have missed that point: Supply and Demand,
the GeneralMLD must have miss that class in High School
PD is not scared about T10, PD is silently unworry and confident that GT5 is above FM3.
Thats why I agree with Strittan as well
and by extension understand CODEName L
but I want to precise that the Generals reaction is different from ours here.
I believe its exactly as Strittan wrote, but for our reactions, we do it so because we could not let those kind of unsupported accusations be out there where others less aware might make it their truths

Its only a matter of correctly set things right and what we know in our GTP communitys subconscience
and for everyones understanding sake, sometimes it just would not hurt to simply state what is it, because often enough the obvious is out of grasp for some of us.