Take a look at this guy.

  • Thread starter jonathansp
That dude called me a pussy and I now want to knock him out. :irked:

Half a decade though.... lol, it's true.

I'm not changing my stance, however. I'm not buying a system for one game. The logitech incompatability is really what's stopping me right now. And besides, I don't have any HDMI ports available on my TX-607. :D

Dammit PD, you'd better deliver. I'm sure you will.

But I'll be a little pissed if you don't.

Spoken as if you're reading this, you.

/shakes fist

edit: GT PSP is cool, but I have to admit... I have no real compelling reason to stop typing this and go play that.
The truith is, when we reach March 2010. Nobody will give two ****s about Forza 3. It will be just another old racer in our memory.

He who laughs last, laughs longest ;)
I don't think GT5 will be a AAA title. I think it will be a AAAAAAAAAAA title in my eyes. I have Forza 3, it's a great game, loads of fun, but it just doesn't touch my soul the way Gran Turismo does. Then feeling of excitement I had the first time I played GT4 wasn't there when I started up Forza 3 for the first time. I do think that anyone who has ever enjoyed any Gran Turismo game before and owns a PS3 will get GT5.
ACt likeyou never seen an African American before, or a African, or maybe a Haitian, maybe you should post videos of yourself talking and we can poke at your beady eyes or underbite maybe your emo haircut, or maybe you think he has such large lips because yours are indeed razor slits, which to me is much more comical, HEY PAPER CUT!, how does it feel?

The thread gets funnier!
All we need now is Napoleon Dynamite to chime in.
even better...
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2081 subs for General?? Must be his fellow rednecks in his neck of the wood…
Seriously, who the heck call himself “General” other than RedNecks? (well seems like he is a redneck from the North (Canada))

I am sorry for insulting “rednecks”, I don’t like to accuse anybody wrongfully and behind their back, but this video just reinforces the bad image RedNecks unfortunately and already wears (if indeed he is one, I am not sure if he is one but to me that sure looks like one :P) if Anyone here consider themselves “RedNecks” or has relatives in that social category: My apologies to you and your close ones, please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

Until then, I will be laughing hard at this video :

LOL “NeverTell” … Video showing “Oral Diarrhea”

I agree with “Seismica” and i want to add the following:

Heres what everyone here (and beyond GTP) should know :


- MS / Turn10 released FM3 (and FM2) ahead of GT5 because it would be much more profitable for them, since (they know it themselves) direct competition would simple crush Forza3 ;), would you buy FM3 if GT5 was out?

- SONY / PD choose to postpone the release of GT5 (NOT because they wanted to avoid competition with FM3, they could not care less about FM3) BUT rather because they want to protect their little sibling (GT-psP) and give it a chance to survive… in other words, PD wanted to save the very best for last, otherwise GT5 would simply crush GT-psP and would NOT give it a shot or any reasons for living or even existing) SONY is not stupid, it’s all about profits, Tell me: would you buy GT-psP if GT5 came out first?? :sly:
It's part of the (japanese) Art of War, you dont go fighting if you are not ready, and you dont release your best until the time is right... until your opponent has exhausted all their firepower. :)

It’s Simple as that… … and yet the General seems to have missed that point: “Supply and Demand”,
the GeneralMLD must have miss that class in High School :dunce:

PD is not scared about T10, PD is silently unworry and confident that GT5 is above FM3.

That’s why I agree with “Strittan” as well… and by extension understand “CODEName L”

but I want to precise that the General’s reaction is different from ours here.

I believe it’s exactly as “Strittan” wrote, but for our reactions, we do it so because we could not let those kind of unsupported accusations be out there where others less aware might make it their truths…
It’s only a matter of correctly set things right and what we know in our GTP community’s subconscience… and for everyone’s understanding sake, sometimes it just would not hurt to simply state what is it, because often enough the obvious is out of grasp for some of us.
I dont like the look of that interior view. I think I would play bumper cam if I had a 360... Anyone in the UK selling a very cheap 360? :)
GT for PSP is one of the best games for that console.

Keep in mind hes an msoft fanboy (read his info) and msoft does not have a portable console.

:yuck: I think not. I'm not going to assume you have a PSP but I've been playing GT PSP since the release. Check out the thread on bugs and glitches:
The quality assurance in that game is definitely hurting. I have not played one GT title with this amount of physical compilation errors.
In terms of "best games" for PSP, GT doesn't hit that rank in my opinion. GTA, metal gear solid, Tekken, Lumines...those are considered the "best games" for the PSP. I personally consider, despite the glitches, GT may be my favorite driving sim for the platform.👍

Seeing as how it came out 10/09, they can take those 2 months :lol:

:D Yeah, maybe if there were as many PSP owners as there are PS3 owners :) Most people buy a PS3 just to have a cheap bluray player. Salesmen at Best Buy actually recommend people to get a PS3 if they want a BR player.

I have all the current platforms: Wii, PS3, 360. I don't play with any of them because the PSP is my focus right now. (Well, the Wii will be booted up tonight for the Halloween party) Anyway, I will agree that this guy voices some matters that bug "GT fans", issues that may be sensitive to us. Quite frankly, I am too busy getting 102 gold's in the game to care about other stuff. :P
In terms of "best games" for PSP, GT doesn't hit that rank in my opinion. GTA, metal gear solid, Tekken, Lumines...those are considered the "best games" for the PSP. I personally consider, despite the glitches, GT may be my favorite driving sim for the platform.👍

Have to agree... best game on the PSP? As poor as some PSP games are, there are definitely some gems out there... GoW, the GTA series, Soul Calibur... I have to agree GTPSP is easily not the best game on the PSP.

Best driving game on the PSP... Well I love me some burnout and it that Arctic Thunder game was pretty fun... best sim type game on the PSP? Well now we narrowed it down to like 2 choices... I think all you have are Toca and GTPSP... Between the two I would even be hard pressed to say GTPSP is the best becuase Toca has some features I really like that GTPSP doesn't, while GTPSP has a lot going for it too... between the two I would have to say it depends on if I feal like juicy citrus or cripsy sweetness that day :)

Overall though... best game on the PSP... that is not a statement I think can be made with any validity.
I dunno about unfinished game release, but after GT4's loss of online, and the fact that every PSP has Wifi built in... I do have to agree it was just stupid not to include more online functionality than ad hoc party.

And some slightly more in depth single player mode, don't mean anything like the full GT games but some sort of alternative appropriate to a handheld would've been nice.

And about that video reply to generalmld, I didn't think generalmld said gt5 would score low on any points. Then again, both of them are full of nonsense.
This is from the Xbox 360 beats PS3 video.

"To prove each and every one of you, wrong.. dead wrong.. dead last wrong". *Notice the creepy smile he gives, showing that he's pleased with himself.

Yeah he's a idiot.
The worst part about his flamebaiting:

He called Polyphony Digital lazy.
This redneck has much better grammar than CTznOfTime.
I wouldn't type so stupid if you plan on degrading someone.

I can already fill the contract guaranteeing that GTPlanet would be a much better place without you making fun of other members, IsmokeGT. I had my doubts about that before, but not any longer. :) If you can't post while staying on topic at the same time (unless you are making a joke that suits the topic) don't even bother to post. 👎

Anyways, I agree with you, CTznOfTime, about PD's/SONY's way of marketing the game. However, there's something people need to have in mind when talking about "direct competition" between GT5 and Forza 3. To be direct competition, both should be on the same console, in my opinion. Why? Because the only factor influencing a person about which game to buy out of the two is then quality. In two different consoles you have:

1 - Quality of the console.
2 - Price of the console.
3 - Price of the games.

1 - Quality of the console affects how good the quality of the games will be. A better console is likely to offer better games (in terms of complexity) than a bad console. If both games were released on the same console, then they would be truly in direct competition (people wondering which game to buy), and we would get a better view on which one is drawing the most out of the console.

2 and 3 - Personally, I would rather get a "cheap" Xbox 360 and Forza 3 to the PS3 and Gran Turismo 5. To some people, money isn't a problem, but to some people it is, like me. If a person has both a Xbox 360 and a PS3, I'm almost sure he/she will buy both games. It would be just stupid to miss one of the two, Forza is by no means better than Gran Turismo in every aspect, and vice-versa.

Just my view on the subject. ;)
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He is now the definitive xbox fanboy of this gen! He should get an award, "Retard Of the Year". I'll vote for him. 👍
GeneralMLD here? I never thought this could happen LOL. This guys is just a Xbox360 fanboy that post nonsense at youtube all the time. His videos are quite entertaining. I really don't thing you guys should bother with him. Not even youtube retards buy what this guy says.

Polyphony lazy. Man that guy is quite amusing :lol:

You know what's even funnier? This guy uses sales as an argument to determine which is the best console. Someone should tell the guy that the $40 demo sold more than Forza 2. Following his own stupid logic he should have arrived at the opposite conclusion :lol:
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Omg not GeneralMLD...he hates anything about the ps3, he's just an ignorant fanboy and should be ignored, he makes videos like this all the time, just ignore him. I think people lose brain cells just looking at him :crazy:
Where to begin? Well, www.metacritic.com has GT PSP ranked at an average of 75. That is really good considering its a handheld game and there are about 20 different opinions on the table. He is treating GT PSP like a full console, the PSP is limited in every aspect in comparison to Forza 3 and GT 5P, etc. I would say I'm a PS3 Fanboy ONLY because I can't use my G25 on a 360; they won't help me, I won't help them :)

I love his 'I'm so confident, I don't care what you say' attitude. He obviously is just trying to be the center of attention. It is true that there have been two Forza games out, but if he knew anything about GT, there is ALWAYS delays as KY is a perfectionist. GT 3 and 4 got delayed an additional year from initail 'release' date if memory serves and there was no competition. Now that there is a market created by Sony, he is taking the easy and bull headed way out by creating a fallacy of 'ps3 Fanboy= Stupid'. I have always been impressed with Forza the few times I've played it and would own a 360, but like many of you here, I won't buy a 2nd wheel (especially when its plug and play under the Windows OS).

Also, his point about GT5 being a 'AAA' game, if he so surely believes that and GT PSP has done moderately good (aka not 'flopped') then how has the franchise failed if GT5 is already a success without a release date. Did Forza have that kind of perfect expectation? No. Imo, if you truly know Gran Turismo, you expect delays and welcome them because it will pay dividends in the future. Race on.


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