Regardless of the debates being discussed here, I certainly hope that some powerful eyes open wide from this and take a serious look at the root of the problem and fix it at the source. Stories such as this, and sure it may be media sensationalization, are happening more and more often. Unfortunately people keep their blinders on as long as possible and pretend serious societal issues don't exist until it either impacts them, or it impacts children directly. Sandy Hook for instance, finally got authorities talking about many issues in our society, it's just too bad it took such a horrible tragedy for leaders to wake up...about 4 decades late too. My point is we wake up, try to fix a problem, grow complacent, put the blinders on, and wake up again to fix the same problem down the road. I just hope it won't be too much longer before we look at the root of the problem, whether it's violent crime, domestic crime, etc. and seriously study it, then offer up real solutions to fix the issue at the source. Humanity has never been known to learn from the past....