Teenagers Kill Baby

It's not the mother's first loss of a child to violence. Sherry West said her 18-year-old son, Shaun Glassey, was killed in New Jersey in 2008. She still has a newspaper clipping from the time.

A strange sequence of events indeed.
Um let's see..Pay taxes to support their lives in jail.


.22 round to the head and call it day!

Now why would/should we pay for life in jail....And no, I'm sorry, rehabilitation does not work... Try looking at the reoffender rate.. These scumbags will offend again.
Um let's see..Pay taxes to support their lives in jail.


.22 round to the head and call it day!

Now why would/should we pay for life in jail....And no, I'm sorry, rehabilitation does not work... Try looking at the reoffender rate.. These scumbags will offend again.

Execution is more expensive than a life sentence.

As for rehabilitation, Norway would argue that it does, indeed, work.
At least we can maybe agree that the U.S. incarcerates at a very high rate.


Here is an execution chart.

This is horrible. I hope they have a horrible life. Killing them is too good, they need torture. The inmates will do that for us.
I expected it would at least encourage you to put more thought and less emotion into your response.
When they are put in jail, the inmates will kill them.
No one likes a baby killer.
Unfortunately they will be separated out from general population. The people-huggers made it so every major penitentiary has a separate population for child rapists, baby killers, and other scourges of mankind so they don't get shanked the first time they hit the rec. yard. Sad to say these turds will live a better life than the family of their victims. It makes my stomach turn thinking about it :guilty:.
Also, there's a lot more to this than meets the eye. Without starting a war, I'm just going to say, tongue-in-cheek, that this oozes either gang initiation, thug street cred., or hate crime.
I expected it would at least encourage you to put more thought and less emotion into your response.

Sorry, things like this naturally make me angry and for me, it isn't as easy to think when emotions kick in. :guilty:
Um let's see..Pay taxes to support their lives in jail.


.22 round to the head and call it day!

Now why would/should we pay for life in jail....And no, I'm sorry, rehabilitation does not work... Try looking at the reoffender rate.. These scumbags will offend again.

Inclined to agree with this, I'd rather have my tax dollar fill a pothole.

Execution is more expensive than a life sentence.

What does that say about the system ?.... there is way too much unnecessary bureaucratic red tape.
What does that say about the system ?.... there is way too much unnecessary bureaucratic red tape.

Well, despite all that red tape, people still get wrongly convicted from time to time. It does exist for valid reasons.
I've seen plenty of wrong murder convictions overturned, I've yet to see one where the defendant was already executed.

In this case, it seems pretty evident the guilt but tbh I have not followed up on the story. I simply enjoy the convo :)
What does that say about the system ?.... there is way too much unnecessary bureaucratic red tape.

It needs to be there. Sure it would be easier if we didn't have to give people their right to a trial and ensure they're guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt, but the fact of the matter is it's necessary to ensure that if we're putting people to death they're actually guilty. I'm not sure I'd call that unnecessary.
What is unnecessary is a teenager feeling the need to rob a lady with a baby in a stroller. All to often we look to solve the result rather then the problem.
What is unnecessary is a teenager feeling the need to rob a lady with a baby in a stroller. All to often we look to solve the result rather then the problem.

Well of course, I just meant that if you're advocating for the death penalty, you should take any possible steps to ensure suspects are actually guilty.

I just don't even know where to start on this story though. Such a heart wrenching thing to read and addressing the core issues is no easy task.
Just got up and... Well, I feel sick now. Excuse me for not reading all of the thread. I felt the sore need to get this out and I, sadly, don't have the time to read through everything but the first few pages.

On the whole death sentence thing: I oppose it. Not because of some morale of mine or anything. Frankly, someone who acts like this forgoes their humanity in my eyes. I can't look at someone who murders a child in front of its mother as a human being. This might be wrong - or rather, I know it is. But whatever goes on in those bastards' heads, I can't think that I'd consider these workings to be even remotely human.

Part of being human is stuff like compassion, right? It's always said that empathy, the ability to imagine what emotions are being felt by another being, is something that sets us apart from animals - and these subjects clearly don't have any of that anymore. You'd put done a rabid animal and, my personal, emotional, response to this is, well, frankly, I don't rank these subjects any higher than a rabid animal. The second you forgoe your humanity by commiting such an unspeakable crime, you're forgoeing your human rights as well.

However, I still wouldn't kill them. Death is short and the sort of death sentence that is handed out today is, usualy, not very painful. No, that's too easy. So, yeah, two possible options: One, hand them over to the mother. Mutilate them before hand so they're just as defenseless as the child who's life they have takem. Let them experience what it's like to be at someone's mercy who as absolutely not the slightest bit of regard for their lifes. Let her have her way with them - without anybody ever asking questions about what happened. If they resurface, so shall be it, if not - that's perfectly fine as well.

Second: Make sure they get a sentence that really puts them trhough their paces. Dunno, let them work themselves to death in a labour camp or something.
Trust me, the other inmates will carry out their "justice" in the showers.
Or something like that. Just make sure they don't enjoy it in the first place.

And yes, I know that these words are beyond horrible to say and so would be to do these things. This isn't what a modern society should do and even I, myself, know fully well that it would be wrong to handle this case the way I described above. On a rational level, I do. I have to admit, though, that I am not thinking this through on a rational level. And frankly, I don't even care. Never could I bring myself to regard such subjects as human beings again - which is probably why I'm even able to wish such a fate upon them. Because, really, I wouldn't ever wish for a human being to turtured to a slow death - or to be killed in the first place. Neither do I know whether I would be able to carry out the deed if I was, say, pointing a gun at their heads. In fact, I probably wouldn't.

But from behind my computer screen, with all these emotions of disgust and hatred towards what I would have previously considered human being - at this very moment, I'd consider swatting a fly to be murder before I would consider putting such a subject down murder. And nobody gives two ***** about swatting a fly, right? So, why would I value the lifes of these subject who, clearly, have no appreciation of life in them?

Besides, the reason why these two subjects ended up being the way they were - well, I don't think that these reasons are directly linked to whether a society approves of the death sentence or not. A lot of people point to the death sentence and point out how it doesn't solve anything. I really don't know whether it causes anything by itself, on the other hand. It's hard to say, really, when there are a lot of other differences between countries that do and countries that don't hand out death sentences as well...

Anyways, I absolutely do not think that a subject like these two could ever be set straight again. Whether the idea behind sending someone to jail is the same in other countries is beyond my knowledge, but in Germany, the idea is to actually mend them. To try and turn them into a functional part of society again. And even though I believe that human beings can actually change and turn around, 180° degrees at times, I have lost all hope in these subjects. Maybe because I am unable to view them as a human being in the first place - which in and off itself might be a weak attempt at seperating myself from them as much as I can as well as a defensive reaction to not lose all faith in that species of mine.
Now these (as Luminis said) "subjects" get to wake up (if they wake up at all) and know how hated they are.
What gives someone the right to execute someone else? The fact that the person has killed? If that's the case then where does it end? Someone has to be accountable for killing someone on death row, so what gives them the right to do exactly what the same? It's non sensical.
Never really bought this argument. The two actions are not directly comparable just because the murderer is killed. Someone on death row is on death row because they have had their right to life stripped from them in what is hopefully the most humane way possible in response to their actions; just like someone given life without parole has had their right to liberty stripped from them. And while I'm certainly not going to even imply that they all get a fair trial, that's why the appeals process for death row inmates (justifiably) makes the death penalty so much more expensive over life in prison.

The person/people that they killed to get on death row usually have had no such luxury, and thus the death row inmate should hardly expect to get any sympathy over the issue in terms of having their actions equated.

And I'm also of the mind that life without parole has functionally very little difference from capital punishment. In both cases the goal is purely to punish the criminal and rid greater society of them instead of do anything to improve the person; so the "they don't deserve to die" argument, at least in the case of murderers, seems to me to just be a semantic one on that point. Furthermore, if one of those "never gonna get out anyway" criminals causes harm to even one more person while incarcerated, I see it not only as a failure of the prison system to provide safe incarceration for other prisoners as has been mentioned in the thread already (I think by arora, but I'm not positive and I don't really want to read through it again); but also as a failure of the legal system to met out the proper punishment to the lifer the first time around.

Execution is more expensive than a life sentence.

That only works as a rebuttal to the death penalty when they are arguing from a financial perspective to just kill them and be done with it. While I can see where you're coming from in response to his post, it seems to me that he was arguing on the principle of paying for them for the rest of their lives versus being rid of them regardless of if it costs more.
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The cost is much higher then a monetary value anyway, the way things stand atm we are loosing tons. To say it's more expensive to jail or execute is missing the entire point to me.
Regardless of the debates being discussed here, I certainly hope that some powerful eyes open wide from this and take a serious look at the root of the problem and fix it at the source. Stories such as this, and sure it may be media sensationalization, are happening more and more often. Unfortunately people keep their blinders on as long as possible and pretend serious societal issues don't exist until it either impacts them, or it impacts children directly. Sandy Hook for instance, finally got authorities talking about many issues in our society, it's just too bad it took such a horrible tragedy for leaders to wake up...about 4 decades late too. My point is we wake up, try to fix a problem, grow complacent, put the blinders on, and wake up again to fix the same problem down the road. I just hope it won't be too much longer before we look at the root of the problem, whether it's violent crime, domestic crime, etc. and seriously study it, then offer up real solutions to fix the issue at the source. Humanity has never been known to learn from the past....
I would rather kill myself than let dumba** hooligans kill my own kid. They deserve to be put on death sentence, or at least torture. I prefer death sentence. I also feel very sorry for the mother. I cannot imagine my own baby being murdered just for money. :guilty: :yuck: That's just disgusting!

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