You said you didn't want enter One race because you were two seconds off the pace and you thought you would be a safety hazard, when in reality you probably just didn't want to be that slow.
What I wrote:
Skipping Mount Panorama as I hate FF cars and I'm not confident enough on the track. Barely did 2:16 laps so I'm 2 seconds off the pace of my usual competitors. I don't want to risk ruining someone else's race so I'm staying out.
So, I was 2 seconds off the pace
and was not comfortable enough around the track, meaning I was still missing breaking points, apexes, etc. Also, I've entered plenty of races where I was slower but steady and confident, not winning but having fun racing other people for 6th or 7th position (or lower even). If you're not consistent and you don't know the track you won't have any fun racing wheel to wheel.
And you also refused to go into another race because you didn't want to give people who might have beaten you 'free points' so you do care about points
That's not the quote though. This is the quote:
Nations Cup. No way in hell I'm going to enter a race with an undrivable and boring car like the i3 and literally give other people more points due to my current DR. It would probably be a bumper fest too.
"too" referring to this
So, the points part was in the aftermath of having a race spoiled while I was 3rd and again when I was 10th just the day before. And I stand by that. I don't appreciate being rammed off track and seeing those guys not getting penalties / rewarded with points - because if the penalty system was working properly they wouldn't finish in the position they did. They should be DNF. And I defend that for myself as well. If I rammed someone off track and got DNF that would be fair.
EDIT: Maybe DNF for multiple bumps off track. But for sure a DT penalty.
I just find it funny that fast drivers like yourself come on here and tell everybody how winning doesn't matter and they should be happy running in the back of a pack or two or three seconds off the pace or receiving puny points for winning in a lower group when it's obvious you wouldn't be satisfied or happy with such a situation
No. What I've said is I don't think it makes sense to give the same points to someone who won a race against DR D drivers, on a race of 20 minutes to someone who won (or fight for it) against the faster DR A/S drivers, on a race of 15min. Or to the guy who finished last, with a total race time of 17 minutes. It doesn't makes sense.
Online, competitive games are not a place where every one wins the same. That's impossible. It doesn't happen in any other competitive game. Why would it happen in GTS?
But all this that you brought up has nothing to do with what we are discussing in this thread -
faster drivers who finish last against the best getting more points than slower drivers winning against slower drivers. I simply do not think it makes sense to give the same points for a win regardless of pace and who you're racing against. I don't think that drivers who push others off track should get any points at all. This is not me caring about getting points, it's a criticism of the penalty system in general.
I also don't like how easy it is to get SR S. Or the way the BoP is unbalanced for some cars. Or the weird penalty system. But each one of those things is a separate issue.
@MINKIHL I think it doesn't work because the DR and especially SR are so flexible. As it was already mentioned several times, you would see a lot of sandbagging from people lowering slightly their DR so they could go from position 9563431 in the X ranking to 1st in the Z ranking. Then, winning a race, they would go back to X. and so on... this happening every day on every DR class, because everyday there are people dropping and climbing DR/SR class (often in the same day, often the same person).
edit: Missed my Nations Cup race while writing this post.

No problem. I'll have dinner with some friends and then go out to listen to Steven Pinker live! A one in a million chance, since I'm in Portugal. ^^ Again, I couldn't care less I don't get the points for this race.