Tesla Master Plan: Part Deux

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
My previous post was obviously in jest, but the question occurred to me today, considering this thread's title...what exactly is Tesla's plan now? Now that the company is strapped for cash, I don't see the semi truck or roadster projects seeing the light of day, at least any time soon.
Their long-term goal? Try to captivate interest of young university graduates who've found themselves with a bit of extra cash after having their student loans paid off while also capitalizing on Silicon Valley tech fanatics who freak out at every Tesla grand-opening event. ;)
Looks like Javier Milei wants to open full circle production of Tesla in Argentina, he visits Musk on monthly basis.

Argentina is massive lithium holder and currently experiencing massive right turn which should make country more interesting for investments.

AFAIK, it could be first big EV production facility in region.

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This is ultra-hardcore Lean. What were the charging people doing? They already designed the best system, proliferated the world, and, basically, they won. Everyone is using NACS now, so they can just focus on manufacturing and uptime, with expansion of existing sites.

I seem to have read something somewhere about abandonment of the so-called giga-castings. That's a little more concerning for me. I figured that they would build the budget car in one shot with their biggest Idra machines. Maybe they will decommission the Cybertruck once the molds need to be refurbished, and move their largest presses to new casting designs. Who knows?

Business-wise, I think they are preparing for economic downturn and will start pumping out cars when interest rates come back down. Biggest mistake was to buy Twitter. Dude could've bought out the entire automotive sector for that money lol
This is ultra-hardcore Lean. What were the charging people doing? They already designed the best system, proliferated the world, and, basically, they won. Everyone is using NACS now, so they can just focus on manufacturing and uptime, with expansion of existing sites.

I seem to have read something somewhere about abandonment of the so-called giga-castings. That's a little more concerning for me. I figured that they would build the budget car in one shot with their biggest Idra machines. Maybe they will decommission the Cybertruck once the molds need to be refurbished, and move their largest presses to new casting designs. Who knows?

Business-wise, I think they are preparing for economic downturn and will start pumping out cars when interest rates come back down. Biggest mistake was to buy Twitter. Dude could've bought out the entire automotive sector for that money lol
How anti-innovation for the supposed visionary. It's not like there's no way to further improve the chargers, nor is the supercharger network robust enough in many countries, especially smaller and/or poorer ones. And while most manufacturers have announced support for NACS, I don't think many, if any, actually implemented it yet. The question is how well documented is the standard and how will Tesla now support OEMs in implementing it? I can see them walking back on that decision with so many seemingly impulsive moves.
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Who uses NACS in Europe?
Everyone, going forward. (Sorry from the future. See posts below)

Well here's a win. VAG/Porsche adopting NACS.
How anti-innovation for the supposed visionary. It's not like there's no way to further improve the chargers, nor is the supercharger network robust enough in many countries, especially smaller and/or poorer ones. And while most manufacturers have announced support for NACS, I don't think many, if any, actually implemented it yet. The question is how well documented is the standard and how will Tesla now support OEMs in implementing it? I can see them walking back on that decision with so many seemingly impulsive moves.
Manufacturing and support (i.e., the "robusting" team) was not laid off. The American network is pretty much built out, or at least this is what this move indicates. Now that you can get from A to B no matter where you have to stop at XYZ, the new focus is making sure there's enough space at XYZ for everyone. Nobody cares about poor countries. You don't use infrastructure-reliant vehicles in places without infrastructure.

As for your question, NACS was open-sourced by Tesla and is now an official SAE standard, J3400. https://www.sae.org/standards/content/j3400_202312/ It has nothing to do with Tesla's support anymore. It's just no longer necessary.
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Everyone, going forward.
Porsche Newsroom
for future products in the North American region

In Europe, CCS2 is the legally mandated DC fast-charging standard - even on Teslas, with the V3 Superchargers only using CCS Type 2, and Tesla cars sold since 2019 coming with CCS or CCS2 sockets only.

NACS doesn't support three-phase (which is essentially our transmission standard almost right up to domestic properties where it's converted to single-phase, and to industrial sites), while CCS2 does.
Like I said, nobody cares about poor countries. :lol:

Kidding. Anyway, my fault on that one. If I'm not mistaken, the whole point of J3400 was to include 480/277V capability via J3068 EVSEs. This way you can just charge directly from 3-phase commercial/industrial service on the single 277V phase. In Europe, you can just step down with a converter, but it's supposed to be directly compatible. Wasn't aware of the law surrounding CCS2, but it's not unreasonable to think that that the new receptacle could replace CCS as it expands throughout North America. It'd be just like NEMA and BS1363... oh wait.
We're living in a time of mass adage die-off.

"Avoid like the plague" has only recently departed this world, and now we have another to lay to rest...

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We're living in a time of mass adage die-off.

"Avoid like the plague" has only recently departed this world, and now we have another to lay to rest...

View attachment 1359592
All that extra effort and expense to do the same thing that cheap chrome wraps have accomplished for the last 15 years, right down to inevitably looking shabby after a few weeks of exposure to weather and road debris. At least it's keeping "just because you can doesn't mean you should" relevant.
A few Cybertrucks have been touring around Europe and Oceania. I'll be keen to check it out when it arrives in my neck of the woods in a few weeks/months.

The UAW isn't lining the pockets of Democrats.
Of course not! Except it's exactly what the UAW have been doing for decades:

Imagine responding to a 7 month old post to cherry pick one sentence out to double down against; and then even screwing that up.
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I haven’t visited GTPlanet in 7 months. Would have been rude to not at least acknowledge the reply to my last post, even if 90% of his post was utter fluff.
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Shoot for 9 this time.
Everyone visiting this site should feel welcome, regardless of their own personal views. I don’t mind the odd dig every now and then, but please keep it respectful 👍
I seem to have read something somewhere about abandonment of the so-called giga-castings. That's a little more concerning for me. I figured that they would build the budget car in one shot with their biggest Idra machines. Maybe they will decommission the Cybertruck once the molds need to be refurbished, and move their largest presses to new casting designs. Who knows?
Edit: Sorry, another old post - I'm catching up.
I hear they are continuing to expand the use of gigacasting machines. They've very much lowed the manufacturing costs of M3 and MY's, and kept the cars profitable after recent price cuts. If Model 2/cybercab vehicles are designed to be inflation-adjusted $25k cars, then the giga-castings will still be important.

There was also a batch of new IDRA deliveries at Giga Texas a couple of weeks ago (Roughly @11:10 in the video)

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A few Cybertrucks have been touring around Europe and Oceania. I'll be keen to check it out when it arrives in my neck of the woods in a few weeks/months.

Of course not! Except it's exactly what the UAW have been doing for decades:

I never said they didn't donate, I said they weren't lining their pockets like you suggested.

In 2020, the Democrats raised $1.5 billion. The UAW donated $2.1 million or about .14%.
I haven’t visited GTPlanet in 7 months. Would have been rude to not at least acknowledge the reply to my last post, even if 90% of his post was utter fluff.
Of course :rolleyes:

Never mind, it's a legitimate critique of the EV industry as a whole.
Everyone visiting this site should feel welcome, regardless of their own personal views.
You made a specific insinuation about political corruption/conspiracy in support of the greater narrative from InCloud about how legacy automakers were doomed and will inevitably need to be bailed out when Tesla and the Chinese leave them hopelessly behind by the end of the decade. You were given an extensive rebuttal to your post just like InCloud was given and then 7 months later completely ignored all but a single sentence of it (and admitted to blowing it off completely as meaningless when pressed) and posted something unrelated like it was a smoking gun. Super PACs made donations in election years so politicians in the party they donated to who traditionally aligned with them could get elected? Stop the 🤬 presses. That's not anywhere approaching the quid pro quo nonsense you were implying; and it's particularly absurd for you to come back and double down on "expect unionised auto makers to receive bailouts when they inevitably won't make the EV transition this decade" and act like nothing has happened in the industry since you last graced us with your presence. Here's a fun fact you missed: I had already joked about how absurd the scenario you and InCloud were presenting was way back when Joey was also responding to it:
To be fair, the prediction that domestic automakers are going to inevitably fall so far behind Tesla and the Chinese automakers (that US politicians will also apparently turn a blind eye to their products being dumped on the US market) that the US is going to bail them out instead of a much easier solution of altering the regulations they supposedly have no chance of meeting is pretty amusing.
Legacy American automakers are already not in any way going to be going to be taken to the cleaners by Chinese manufacturers by the end of the decade (not that they ever were). Elon Musk has spent the last 3 months doing completely contradictory things to try to pump and dump Tesla stock so he can try to get his 50 billion dollar payout and the industry changing Cybertruck has already turned into a punchline to mock people on Twitter over; so they probably don't have to worry an awful lot about Tesla completely conquering the US market either. The scenario that you're still trying to prop up from 7 months ago is already not going to be a thing (even if the benefit of the doubt was going to be given to assume it ever was). You're blindly trying to get the last word in on a topic... Oops... I mean, trying to acknowledge a response so as to not be rude, on a situation that already has substantially changed in the 7 months since you nonsensically talked about how the next 7 years of the entire US automative industry were going to play out.

So no, I don't think people who aren't posting in discussions in good faith do deserve to feel welcome to continue to post in them. If you feel that's an issue you are perfectly free to report me or Joey or anyone else for it, but I'll make a guess that R1600-ing yourself won't work out any better in the long run than it did for him. But enjoy your Cybertruck viewing. I still can't wait to see how specifically perfect the panel gaps happen to be on the example you inevitably will post in this thread.
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Joy of joys...all the affluenza teens in the Bay Area all seem to be driving their parents Teslas now like absolute asshats. This is of course in addition to the typical Tesla douchebag drivers. These cars really need a golf cart mode.
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Cyberstuck simps really are the stupidest of people:

Imagine spending $15k on whatever this is to protect your "truck" from an EMP when, in reality, it needs to be more shielded from a fine morning dew or a little bit of dirt.
I like how they call it "the ultimate doomsday vehicle", yet it apparently needs protecting from said 'doomsday' by a $12k tent?!? :lol:
Cyberstuck simps really are the stupidest of people:

Imagine spending $15k on whatever this is to protect your "truck" from an EMP when, in reality, it needs to be more shielded from a fine morning dew or a little bit of dirt.
Faraday fabric will mostly (not entirely) block an EMP if it's completely sealed, but even a tiny gap will reduce it's effectiveness by a lot and I can see that doesn't seal up entirely. But it will also very handily block weaker RF signals like wifi... so hope you never need any OTA updates pushed to your vehicle.

And also hope you have enough room in your garage to set that silly thing up, because it says right on the website that it's only for use in a dry indoor environment.
Surely an EMP would knock out any local electrical infrastructure that you'd need to charge the thing?

Okay, your truck has survived the EMP and is in perfect working order, but you've got 210 miles before it's effectively bricked.
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