Test Drive Unlimited 2

  • Thread starter McLaren
No, update your game with some community patches and then use my physics. :dopey:

Very interesting. Can I still go online if it's modded? Just drove the Aston Martin DB4 in a car delivery mission - blew me away. I went to buy one immediately but it costs $3 million! :drool: Anyhow, it really does seem like I've missed the boat on this game - thankfully the new one is on its way 👍.
Unfortunately you can't use physics online, however all you need to do is have an extra install of the game somewhere that is dedicated to offline so that you can mess around with that game instead of online. I'm just suggesting this as TDU has hundreds, and hundreds of mods now and once you get bored of the original cars, you can switch over to that.
OK. Hardcore physics should be OK then. :crazy:

Trust me, if you're using a G25 or a wheel for that matter, it isn't as good as people make it out to be. For people who are used to arcade physics (Eg. old NFS, MC games) the Hardcore mode feels real. But for us players who want a bit more simulation, I can honestly say it's absolutely crap. It also doesn't help that races are disabled in it.

Enough of off topic too, I think we can continue discussing this in the original TDU thread. 👍
This game looks good and I want to get it. The only thing I'm undecided on is the "expensive" lifestyle. This looks like the one thing that can ruin this game. But as long as 75-90% of the game is racing supercars, I'm good.
This game looks good and I want to get it. The only thing I'm undecided on is the "expensive" lifestyle. This looks like the one thing that can ruin this game. But as long as 75-90% of the game is racing supercars, I'm good.

Have you ever played the first one? It's the exact same thing, just more added to it.
Is it me but car handling still looks stiff as hell ?

Oh and another thing that bothers me, is it just me or they are emphasing too much on the ''douchebag lifestyle'' ?
Is it me but car handling still looks stiff as hell ?

Oh and another thing that bothers me, is it just me or they are emphasing too much on the ''douchebag lifestyle'' ?

The cars do look a little on the stiff unresponsive side to me also. I really hope they don't make the cars feel heavy, like some games do. When they do that it always causes too much body roll and makes the driving horrible. On the first one the cars felt way too arcade to me, hopefully they modeled the physics a little better but didn't try to hard because I know from playing the first one they can't model realistic driving well. Hopefully it is between real and arcade, that would be perfect for this type of game to me. I hope it doesn't start having problems online like the first either, I tried playing online but people were using a glitch to use cars that were way faster in different class type races:tdown:
The physics arent even attached to the cars yet, physics are something they are going to keep tweaking until the very end or when they think it is perfect. In the trailers, there is no body roll, there are ridiculous turns and drifts that are not possible at all, its mainly a showcase of the cars, lifestyle and game as a whole, physics arent shown yet.
There were Ferraris in the first one so there should be in this one and read my above post about the physics. They arent applied to anything yet...
did the devs say that?
No but I saw this question coming, have a look at this video:

The first trailer for TDU 1, I dont know if you ever played it but the physics were NOTHING like that in the final game which leads me to believe the same of TDU 2.
That TDU1 trailer is a clear pre-render not running off the games engine, whereas the TDU2 trailers are running off the game engine, or appear to be so. Either way I don't see why everyone is trying to form opinions about physics based on trailers so early on, it's simply speculation and for all we know they could be including a improved hardcore mode compared to the originals. We simply don't know, so let's wait until we see some solid gameplay footage until we try to make judgements of them.
I agree. I wasn't making judgments on the physics from the trailer my self, I was just saying that I hope they do something better in the physics department compared to the first one. Even if it was running off the engine in the trailer you still can't really tell how the cars will handle or feel just from watching a trailer. You can kind of get an idea but you just don't know for sure until you play it. When I watched the final Blur trailer the physics didn't look anything like how the game plays, the cars handle allot better than they look to in the trailer.
New pics:










Guise. Take another look at those pictures...

1. Garage Shot
- Car shadows are all over the joint.
- Reused car models from TDU1

2. CCXR + Zonda Cinque
- Crappy CF texture
- Rims and tyre wall moving, not the actual tyre itself
- Missing Zonda interior
- Reused tyre texture from TDU1

3. Rear shot of CCXR and Cinque
- Again, tyre not spinning
- Reused sparks from TDU1

4. CCXR rear shot
- Once again, rims and calipers spinning, but not tyre

7, 8. Audi Q7 rear shots
- 2D grass, trees
- Rubbish mud on car, also note badges and lights are not affected

10. Audi TT
- Front wheel spinning, rear not?
- Tyre not spinning
- Fail on the TTRS badge, it has a white rectangle around it
Guise. Take another look at those pictures...

1. Garage Shot
- Car shadows are all over the joint.
- Reused car models from TDU1

2. CCXR + Zonda Cinque
- Crappy CF texture
- Rims and tyre wall moving, not the actual tyre itself
- Missing Zonda interior
- Reused tyre texture from TDU1

3. Rear shot of CCXR and Cinque
- Again, tyre not spinning
- Reused sparks from TDU1

4. CCXR rear shot
- Once again, rims and calipers spinning, but not tyre

7, 8. Audi Q7 rear shots
- 2D grass, trees
- Rubbish mud on car, also note badges and lights are not affected

10. Audi TT
- Front wheel spinning, rear not?
- Tyre not spinning
- Fail on the TTRS badge, it has a white rectangle around it
Dude, who cares, those things really only matter if you are looking at every detail or it is failing you in photomode. I dont care if things are reused because TDU was a great game and having a few things reused should be fine. I wont be looking at grass much and definately not at the spinning tires unless of course I am in photomode. What you said doesnt matter to most people, it will in GT5 but for these earlyish screenshots I am really not fussed, are you?
-List of complaints-

Oh my God this games going to be crap, I think there's a blade of grass out of place in the first Q7 shot, and the sky is 2 shades too light.
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I like how the Audi is off road with summer sports tires. That amuses me.
You Aussies sure are fussy about this game....lol. Its an early trailer, its not final game play for gods sake, ease up a bit mate!

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