Test Drive Unlimited 2

  • Thread starter McLaren
Am I not allowed to even post something here any more without getting flamed? I was only stating what I saw, I didn't even say that I won't like the game because of that. Don't jump to conclusions without any evidence. :rolleyes:

Just because I said rubbish about some things, it doesn't mean it's all bad. It's not that I really care, but I'm just sayin'.
You of all people would surely know that posting stuff like that like it matters would get you flamed, just look at the GT5 section for 5 minutes. Makes you sound like you need everything to be perfect.
Yes but this isn't the GT5 section now is it. I thought we're meant to be the bunch who can take some opinions without flaming. And it also wasn't the usual "Oh this game sucks", I actually posted some constructive criticism which people obviously didn't even bother to read properly as they only took out the bad points from it.

Anyway, enough of OT.

All of us put an application in for a higher chance of one of us getting in.

Leading up to the launch of Test Drive Unlimited 2, Eden Studios will be recruiting a team of dedicated beta testers to provide feedback, and help us make Test Drive Unlimited 2 the ultimate Massively Open Online racing experience. This dedicated group will be selected based on their knowledge of the genre, passion for video games, and ability to effectively test the evolving "beta" stage software in use. Many will apply, few will be accepted.

As a beta tester your feedback will be essential in driving the game to completion. Your opinions, feedback, and rigorous road testing will help us optimize the performance, handling, and final feel of the game. You will be among the first players on earth to experience Test Drive Unlimited 2, and your feedback will help make the game everything it can be.

The Podcast has now been released.

Lee Kirton talks about TDU2 and TDUC from 23m 22s.

PS: There are more TDU2 talk from 46m 44s as well


* Story: Its a story this time.
* Vehicle/Yacht: You can put your vehicle in the yacht. The yacht has an spesific kind of hightech garage.
* Buildings: Sticker shops.
* Customizing: Very Forza-like customizing.
* Races: Create races and price them. The creator takes a split revenue from everyone who enters the race.
* TDU Central: Lee Kirton Says hi!
* Platforms: No PSP version in production.
* Vehicle physics: Lee Kirton: "It's a lot more like moviestyle. It's more like Arcade, but it still not taking away that it's real cars".
* Bikes: Bike-packs for DLC not long after release.
* Opinion: Lee Kirton: "I'm a fan of Forza and espesially Grid. When it comes to comparison, TDU2 sit on it's own".
* MAP: You can scan for your friends and you can invite people to your location.
* Hints: "We got plans on how we are going to get people to testing" (probably beta)
* Other: "It takes a month to build a car".
* Vehicle physics - You can press a button to take the roof down (convertible roof).
* Weather: Puddles can get build up by rain (sorry in case of misspelling).
* Vehicles - 4x4
* Release date: Will be announced next week. The Podcast was recorded on Sunday so that means TDU2 release date will be announced this week

Thanks to HOAX and those fine folks over @ TDUC for posting this info.

EDIT: Sorry for some of the mis-spellings..
Most of that is sounding pretty good but I am still not sure of the physics.
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Are you signed into the website? I am pretty sure you have to have an account and be logged in to do it, if you are, thats unlucky, try it at work/school/ other computer.
Signed up, hopefully I get in. I've been in a couple of beta's now (ModNations, Supercar Challenge and something else which I can't remember) it would be good to add TDU2 to the list. :)
Vehicle physics: Lee Kirton: "It's a lot more like moviestyle. It's more like Arcade, but it still not taking away that it's real cars".

uh oh.....
I don't get the worrying over the physics, it's being marketed as an arcade racer...what's to be concerned about? As long as vehicles aren't obtaining ridiculous speeds *Cough* Audi R10 in GRiD doing 240+ *Cough* I don't see a problem.
I don't get the worrying over the physics, it's being marketed as an arcade racer...what's to be concerned about? As long as vehicles aren't obtaining ridiculous speeds *Cough* Audi R10 in GRiD doing 240+ *Cough* I don't see a problem.

Basically my view as well, as long as they aren't too far out there it will not be a problem.
Signed up, hopefully I get in. I've been in a couple of beta's now (ModNations, Supercar Challenge and something else which I can't remember) it would be good to add TDU2 to the list. :)
I have been in a couple as well, I cant remember one of them but the other was Supercar Challenge also. I stopped when I realised every patch was a half gig download.
If the physics are anywhere near those of the first TDU I'll be happy. Obviously they could have been better but it was never marketed as a "Sim".
I have been in a couple as well, I cant remember one of them but the other was Supercar Challenge also. I stopped when I realised every patch was a half gig download.

Ouch. While I wouldn't mind that here in the states, I hear internet speeds down under are not that great. I feel for you.
Just signed up, out of all the beta's i've ever signed up for, this is the one I want to be accepted for the most.:D

The first game stole many hours days of my life on PS2 and that wasn't brilliant, so with these new features (and improvements I hope!) I can imagine this one doing the same.

If the physics are anywhere near those of the first TDU I'll be happy. Obviously they could have been better but it was never marketed as a "Sim".

I know what you mean, though i'd like them to be at least a slight improvement over the first TDU's, but as long as they're nothing like MC:LA's i'll be happy.👍
Applied! :)

The graphics look like they still need some polish but early TDU1 stuff didnt exactly stun either. I love the prospect of off road trail driving.

I beg of you, whoever makes it into the beta just make sure the game is good with a wheel :).

I loved the first one and I really hope the new game works well with a wheel because I just want to cruise around in a Koenigsegg like the old days :drool:

I never tried the first one with a wheel by the way, I was a pad warrior back then.
I beg of you, whoever makes it into the beta just make sure the game is good with a wheel :).

I loved the first one and I really hope the new game works well with a wheel because I just want to cruise around in a Koenigsegg like the old days :drool:

I never tried the first one with a wheel by the way, I was a pad warrior back then.

I recieved an email from Atari for TDU2 today for a chance to be a Beta tester since I joined the TDU2 community on Facebook previously. I filled out the form and was suprised their was not question if you would be using a wheel? Well got my fingers crossed, If I get selected I can try it on a G25 or DFGT. There is a new trailer posted along with some new screenshots of the game.
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All of us put an application in for a higher chance of one of us getting in.

Most of that is sounding pretty good but I am still not sure of the physics.

Submitted thanks buddy. 👍
Thanks for taking credit for something I posted 2 days ago mate :grumpy:. I am not that angry but it is just annoying to see you get thank you's when I posted the info when people probably had a better chance of getting in 2 days ago.

I recieved an email from Atari for TDU2 today for a chance to be a Beta tester since I joined the TDU2 community on Facebook previously. I filled out the form and was suprised their was not question if you would be using a wheel? Well got my fingers crossed, If I get selected I can try it on a G27 or DFGT. There is a new trailer posted along with some new screenshots of the game.
I got the email this morning too but I applied, as I said, 2 days ago. I have an account on the actual forum so reading around there alerted me of it.

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