- 782
- Bronx, NY
- DomSupra
- Dom Supra
Bring back hardcore mode!!
Yes. Expect quite a few reveals during the game's unveiling.Are we expecting any news from e3?
That is the current plan, around the fall.So this is out this year isn't it?
....their overhauled website.
O.o, BETA info you say? I will join right now in the hopes that some early birds will get some BETA codes.
Lee "Pizza & Games" Kirton, head of PR for Namco Bandai Partners UK posted on his twitter that a TDU2 trailer is coming very s**n!
UPDATE #2 - 2010-04-21
UPDATE #1 - 2010-04-18
Hmm wonder why he has the One-77 as his page background also, a hint perhaps? I wonder. Wait I already said that, well you get the picture.
I've known Diablo for quite a few years now.McLaren you know Diablo personally or something?
According to the forums and possibly some guys twitter, the trailer has been delayed, for the better, or something along those lines.
Google Translation (German to switch English)
Preview GameStar 06/2010
04/24/2010, 22:15
The game magazine Gamestar had the opportunity to see the developers in Lyon on the shoulder. Since we have most things are already known, we will continue to jump directly to the further revelations.
- There are two islands (more)
- Free walk-in flats
o You can set up their homes not only himself but also in the first-person committing freely.
- Wash clouds of dust and mud tracks of the cars
- In addition to sun and rain storms, there is also to adult
- Improved physics
o Every car is different. Types of drives are now clearly distinguished compared - was an Audi TT (AWD) and a Ford Mustang Fastback (RWD)
- Avatar and statistics
o A new menu now displays information about the character
--- On the left you can see information about his character and an overview of the game progress
--- On the right you can see the game progress in the detail (how many challenges you win, what and how much you have collected, etc.)
Google Translation (German to switch English)
Test Drive Unlimted played on the island of O'ahu hawaiiianischen.
The second part then plays against on the Spanish island of Ibiza and O'ahu.
When you reach a certain level, you can commute by air between islands.
Due to the different landscapes we have the opportunity make our game so, as we want. Do we prefer to drive through narrow streets, we select Ibiza. Those who prefer wider streets chooses O'ahu. Both islands have their charms, so:
Ibiza is a picturesque Mediterranean island. Here is a very high landscape diversity exists.
There are Mediterranean coastal town, curving mountain roads and desert areas.
To a large road network of about 900 Km. But you can not only ride paved trails, but also on off-road tracks. This was the first part would not be possible.
Ibiza is the third largest island in the Spanish autonomous region of Balearic Islands and the largest island of Ibiza and Formentera. Ibiza has an area of 572 square kilometers, is the capital Ibiza Town.
Together with the southern island of Formentera and numerous smaller islands and uninhabited rocks formed the islands of Ibiza and Formentera Ibiza. The official languages are Spanish (Castilian) and Catalan, which is prevalent on the Island Catalan dialect called Ibizans.
The island from the first part offers more tropical landscapes. In addition to tropical landscapes, there were desert-like areas, individual villages or small towns and the capital of the island - Honolulu. O'ahu has a 1600 km wide road network. The road network was expanded in TDU2 slopes by newly added off-road.
Oahu is one of the eight main islands of the Hawaiian archipelago. It is called The Gathering Place. On Oahu is Honolulu, the capital of the State of Hawaii.
With 1557 square kilometers of Oahu is the third largest of the islands, just under 900,000 residents make up about 75 percent of the population of the state. Oahu is 64 km long and 42 km wide and is also the economic center of Hawaii. The coastline of the island is 336 kilometers.
Oahu is the result of two volcanoes, the Waianae and Koolau the, which are connected by a broad saddle with one another. The highest point of the saddle of Mount Kaala, with a height of 1220 meters above sea level.
The island is mountainous and reaches Mount Kaala at an altitude of 1225 meters. Honolulu extends over most of Oahu, outside the city are pineapple and sugar cane cultivation.
If you want to go to O´ahu you have to reach a certain level.
You have the option to fly from Ibiza to O´ahu.
One of these levels you´ve got to reach:
- Complete all challenges
- Complete the cruising part
- Complete the social part
In TDU1, the game spanned around 1,000 miles of roads, so some are assuming the 2,000 miles is combining both islands.Interesting part is that some webpages and magazines say that there's over 900km of roads, yet original homepage mentions over 2,000 miles of roadway and back roads.