TH8 RS Shifter Thread!

  • Thread starter sandboxgod
I've thought that through. Yeah I'll definitely post pictures. Only thing I'm still unsure of is of mounting the PS3 in the side walls of the wheel rig....worried about vibration. Main reason would be to hide cables and usability. Maybe use some kind of padding. Any thoughts??

Maybe putting some rubber vibration absorbing feet that you can stick under it is more then enough.
Something like this:

Those you can just stick on the PS3 and then mount it further onto your rig. The feet will then absorb the vibrations hopefully enough from the rig. It really depends on how solid the rig will be.
Maybe putting some rubber vibration absorbing feet that you can stick under it is more then enough.
Something like this:

Those you can just stick on the PS3 and then mount it further onto your rig. The feet will then absorb the vibrations hopefully enough from the rig. It really depends on how solid the rig will be.

Thanks, they might just be perfect! The rig I have at the min is very solid and the next will be made with the same timber. I think the Ps3 will be fine with the vibration buffers. I just worried as the speakers I have on the top desk part of the rig beside the wheel move when I'm racing. That's were the idea of built in speakers came from
Thanks, they might just be perfect! The rig I have at the min is very solid and the next will be made with the same timber. I think the Ps3 will be fine with the vibration buffers. I just worried as the speakers I have on the top desk part of the rig beside the wheel move when I'm racing. That's were the idea of built in speakers came from

lol, maybe you can use those feet for that as well. Or use something like spikes for your speakers. Don't know what kind of speakers you have so it's hard to advice what would be the best solution, without damaging the speaker casing.
lol, maybe you can use those feet for that as well. Or use something like spikes for your speakers. Don't know what kind of speakers you have so it's hard to advice what would be the best solution, without damaging the speaker casing.

Yeah maybe lol the plan will probably change and evolve once I find the best position for the shifter. lucky I can mock up and test on this rig once it comes.....Added bonus of timber, I'm pretty sure I can get a functional shifter mount knocked up in 10 min's lol
Yeah maybe lol the plan will probably change and evolve once I find the best position for the shifter. lucky I can mock up and test on this rig once it comes.....Added bonus of timber, I'm pretty sure I can get a functional shifter mount knocked up in 10 min's lol

True.. true... timber is the easiest to use without special skills like soldering.

I'd vote to put the shifter at the side of the frame, with the shifter plate reaching no higher then the bottom of the seat. Also connect the shifter frame to the bottom of the rig's frame and not the chair. Just to simulate a real car more (in those just the seat slides, to accommodate longer or shorter people with either longer or shorter legs and arms).

Another brain fart:
To mount the shifter mount to the wooden beam of the rig, you could just use slots in the shifter to slide over the wooden beam. Only need to put some blocks on the beam so the shifter won't slide back and forth and so you can easily find the right placement again, and put two screws in there to keep it from going up.
Kinda like making a separate table to mount onto your rig. lol
Only works with the T500RS on the PS3 and only with GT5...
well there goes me even thinking about buying it to use it with my DFGT
I hope you'll enjoy. ;)
I tried iRacing yesterday and it's a good game, but it's not my kind of game. As in, I don't like that it's purely American orientated for the greater part (i'd like to see more balance in that) and the fact that it's so expensive. :ill:
I'll use it for CSW testing and review probably, but after that... no more iRacing for me.

Here I discussed iRacing's pricing, etc and my reasoning why it's worth the cost:

I bet this shifter will feel amazing in it 👍
Here I discussed iRacing's pricing, etc and my reasoning why it's worth the cost:

I bet this shifter will feel amazing in it 👍


The only famous racing driver that I heard that played that game was "Jacques Villeneuve" I don't even know the rest of the guys they mention on the website. So they must be from American motorsports.
The car I drove (MX5 roadster) in my opinion is slow to responding to my wheel movement, or they just put crappy tires under it or something by default with weak cheeks causing bad steering response between the rubber on the road and the wheel). Even my car (Lancia Delta HPE) in real life is far more responsive then that, and it just has Michelin Energy Savers under it. :ill:
Also I found that the gas response was slow, but that just could have been the car. I never driven a MX5 in real life. It's at least far less responsive then my real car. Also I feel that GT5 has faster and more direct responses to both of these points. Braking felt good though, although a bit mushy like my car of which I think the brakes are underpowered as well. (side note: Might put some brembo's under my Lancia at some point).
The car selection itself is very much tuned to American players and there is no arguing that. The only cars I've seen here were the MX5 and a VW Jetta (which isn't standard).
The laser scanned tracks are great though, drove Laguna Seca which I know pretty well from all other games. The track felt far more accurate in iRacing.
Unfortunately that's the only track you get standard thats widely known to European folk that aren't into American motorsport. Tracks like Brands Hatch, Spa, Zandvoort all are 15 dollars per track which makes it expensive for a European player like me that likes to drive the tracks he knows best. And as for me personally I dislike going around in circles as I love to have to do something in a car. The more the better, so technical tracks for me are the most fun.
So yeah, because I think the car physics are a bit slow on the pick-up and it being tailored to American players at the start, and just expensive to make it more European ish. I don't like it.
I am sure it's great that it's more real to racing and not having idiots playing the game like bumper cars, but I personally rather play offline or in my own lounge on GT5 then spend so much money on a single game.
It's a personal choice and opinion, so don't get me wrong that it's a bad game or anything. It's great and realistic (one of the best games out there, if not the best just because of the accurate tracks), but it's just not really my cup of tea. I rather go for a better driving experience then a race experience.
Also one other thing. I read that iRacing 2.0 came out this summer with upgraded graphics? But to be honest I think they could have used better textures overall (still felt like an old Papyrus game at least).

Anyhow that's what I think about it. Not my cup of tea, so i'll be moving on. ;)
Besides, everyone is free to spend their money how they wish in my opinion. Or to like or dislike something for that matter.

So yeah, I am more of a guy that prefers Formula 1 over indy car, or Rally over Drag racing. ;)

This is my car btw.

On topic:

This is going to be fun as I don't know how to mount my shifter. :ill:
I only have got a table to attach it to, but the knob will be too high up. Ehm... I've got to think of something. I got a nice small table, but it's not heavy enough. Has anyone got about 5 kilos of lead? I'll strap that to the little table. lol
Yeah for sure iRacing should be discussed in the thread I linked above. We can answer your questions there (as well the query about the drivers) 👍
Yeah for sure iRacing should be discussed in the thread I linked above. We can answer your questions there (as well the query about the drivers) 👍

I don't have questions mate. Just stated my opinion, but I could post it there. But I know I will get flamed for it. lol
Besides, I don't need a discussion. Either I like something or I don't simple as that.

But on topic... has anyone got an idea on how to mount this shifter in a useful way without a rig? Since having it next to your wheel is not an option. ;)
Say like get some furniture from IKEA that works or something?
I'm waiting on wheelstand pro to make a mount for mine...

edit: and yeah you would get flammed badly most likely :D
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I don't like single pole wheelstands. =/
Argh... I'll figure something out. I'm resourceful enough... I hope.
Yeah a racing rig would be great like the one left888 showed earlier (* CSP vs t500 thread). I just don't have the room for it atm :indiff:
I'll never have the room for something that isn't foldable. So if I had to buy something then it would be something along the lines of the Apiga AP2.

Aaah, figured something out. I'll just mount it with the clamp to my guitar amp. lmao :P
It's the prefect height.
We only have beer crates here and there's no one here that drinks beer. Lol

Besides, the guitar amp is just as heavy as new full crate. So why buy something when I've got something? It wont move I can guarantee that. :P
And it's at the right height for my chair. So I don't need to sit on the floor.
So Logi what's the plan will you be sticking to the Formula F1 rim + TH8 RS Shifter?

And when you get your CSW shortly you will keep using the TH8RS with it til the CSS? Just curious....

Btw, I agree that agipa wheelstand you mentioned looks really sweet. Havent heard those mentioned in quite awhile so I forgotten bout those. I wonder how much shipping is to the US...
So Logi what's the plan will you be sticking to the Formula F1 rim + TH8 RS Shifter?

And when you get your CSW shortly you will keep using the TH8RS with it til the CSS? Just curious....

Btw, I agree that agipa wheelstand you mentioned looks really sweet. Havent heard those mentioned in quite awhile so I forgotten bout those. I wonder how much shipping is to the US...

Just send Johnaten at Apiga a mail via the general email address on the hongkong site. He will tell you what everything will cost. He is making a new shifter mount for the TH8 RS.

The plan is to get myself the TH8 RS and use that with the T500 RS with the only exception that I'll use the CSP when playing on the PC. This I will do until the CSW gets here at least. Then I'll use that for the pc at least. Since I can't use the TH8 RS with anything else then the T500 RS on GT5 I'll keep using that until I have a ClubSport shifter I think. Or maybe I'll get some CSR shifters. I am just afraid I'll waste my money for the few months (read as I reckon it will be 2 to 6 months) in which the shifter will be released after the CSW. Also that I will be disappointed by the CSR shifter as temporary replacement for the th8 if I wanted to use a h-box with my CSW.

So yeah, kinda mixed feelings still on what to do. I think I won't know until I get the CSW. The more I think about it the more unsure I become. I hope Thomas can step it up a bit with the ClubSport shifter though. Having maybe something like different style shifter plates of different gate patterns. I'd love to get my hands on it to test it as well but yeah, can't have everything.

On a side note: my order still hasn't been cancelled at the previous webshop, so I might have two in the near future unless I get a mail in the following week. Dunno what to do with two though? Maybe use the second one as a analog progressive handbrake. *shrugs*
Got my shifter stand planned out on paper. It is going to be all that and a bag of chips!
I've been following this thread for a few months now and have yet to post so here goes...
I have been a racing sim fan since i got GT1 in 1992. I have only had the privilege to own a Logitec Formula Force (the first real FFB wheel available in the retail market in Australia at that time) and that moved me to the PC sim world.
I stayed in the PC world (playing everything from Rally 2000 to F1 and even tried NFS :yuck: not sim enough for me)and that wheel served me well for many years and after many thousands of km's it still works almost as good as new.
After growing up and life takes hold work, kids and wife had pushed me away from upgrading my PC's over the years and I could no longer use my old wheel. I then inherited a PS3 and bought GT5 as soon as it came out. Using a DS3 was like committing a sin so I started looking into a new wheel and pedal system. I settled on the T500 RS after much deliberation and couldn't be more impressed with the quality and performance from this piece of hardware.

So finally on topic the fact that Thrustmaster were offering the TH8 was one of the features I liked about the T500.

Well as I said before I'm in Australia and my TH8 arrives at my door tomorrow!!!! :cool:
Not sure if the deliver overseas but if your in Australia or neighbours Pagnian Imports has it (there add appears on the news page quite regularly)

So once I have it up and going (shouldn't be more than 10 mins as I have a Next Level GTxtreme cockpit that has a fully adjustable shifter mount that sits just in line with the seat - left for shifter in Australia :lol: :)
I will post some pics and a quick review of how it goes (not too sure on posting pics yet so may need to do some research on that first :dunce: :)
hope you all get your shifters soon as they must be out there if mines comes tomorrow.....
sorry for the long post but thought you guy's would appreciate the story :) :guilty:
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ISR Review


Currently for Playstation 3 users = ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH GT5

How long will it be before or if other games get support?
Thats a major drawback for console owners/fans of the T500RS.
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ISR Review


Currently for Playstation 3 users = ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH GT5

How long will it be before or if other games get support?
Thats a major drawback for console owners/fans of the T500RS.

Let me correct you on the PS3...

Currently for Playstation 3 users = ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH GT5 when used in conjunction with the T500 RS. It is NOT compatible with other wheels!
Hooray it's real!

How much do you like / need your job? ;)

Unfortunately I need my job to pay for all the hardware I just bought (T500, GTxtreme cockpit, 55inch Full HD LCD and now the shifter) :) its all worth it though.
Australia usually gets everything technology wise months after the rest of the world so I'm over the moon.