TH8 RS Shifter Thread!

  • Thread starter sandboxgod
his 7th gear - block idea is quite cool.. prevents miss shifts!!
Looks like he slot in a pool cue white tip over the metal divider between 5-7
his 7th gear - block idea is quite cool.. prevents miss shifts!!
Looks like he slot in a pool cue white tip over the metal divider between 5-7

That would be handy if you don't want to change the original plate out. You can also get alternate plates that don't have 7th.

Just keep trawling back in the thread and you will find them. You can get them from MobSim, DSD, Yip Zone (GTP Member itrdc5r), etc.
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He actually has 4 different comparison videos for this mod on his channel, but I cannot find mention YET of how he did it. Will keep digging though, and if found I will post it here.

He refers to the mod a a "Gimmick Lever", but that can be interpreted in different ways, he states the mod is a "Trial Version" in the comments he posted for the 2nd video.

I don't believe its a rubber band mod, Japanese use different terminology for rubber bands; Gomu Bando (ゴムバンド).

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

These mods look interesting. Especially the first and second video have my interest. I don't have the seventh gear issue so much. Though that mod looks easy enough. ;)
I wish I knew Japanese or I'd send him a PM via youtube to ask him about the mods. I'd love to get some more rigid feel in my TH8.
Appears like I will have to try to rma mine. I have one valid thing and that is the plastic ring that is supposed to seal the chamber is loose from the fabric. I guess it´s doomed without dust protection anyway. I have tried to clean it a couple of times with paper and tops. There is obviously some dust in there in the oil mix. Got it to feel good again. Don´t take many minutes of use if even that before I get this gravelly issue again. Loosen the knob helps but then soon again it reappears... I noticed the adjustment screw seem to have gotten tilted somewhat. It´s not as easilly accessed as before.
I believe the specs for 4" Hardbar are posted on page 64.

If you go with 3" instead of 4" (page 64 specs are for 4") make sure to ask P.I. to adjust specs for the shorter length.

This is what I got:

3" custom shift knob.
3" black hardbar with .75 thread engagement,
(M9 x 1.25 thread size and pitch), as high as possible.
0.5" diameter counterbore on the bottom to clear the shift rod.

Thanks for the info... just payed for mine. Can't wait for it to arrive :):):)

My league is running an event for those of us with a shifter- the site is and the race is in Race 07, Retro Expansion- 2x15 laps at 1975 Silverstone

The Race thread to sign up
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If the TH8 RS shifter is connected to a CSR-E with a basherboards SFA-1, in GT5, can the shifter still do 7+1, or is it limited to 6+1 because of the wheel?
If the TH8 RS shifter is connected to a CSR-E with a basherboards SFA-1, in GT5, can the shifter still do 7+1, or is it limited to 6+1 because of the wheel?

It's limited because of the wheel...

However, I can give you a firmware that will do 7th in GT5.

7th will not work in the Forza series due to the way they handle shifting. (It drops the car into 1st)

The adapter currently ships without 7th enabled in order to reduce confusion...
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The CSR-E can only do 6+1.
But depending on which firmware you use on the SFA1, 7th gear should work.
For a while MrBasher included a function in the firmware, that when you shift in gear 7 on the TH8, the SFA1 shifts up one gear.
Would have to confirm it though.

Edit: Question answered :D
If the TH8 RS shifter is connected to a CSR-E with a basherboards SFA-1, in GT5, can the shifter still do 7+1, or is it limited to 6+1 because of the wheel?

The first firmware for the SFA1 allowed 7+1. The current firmware only allows 6+1.
Mrbasher has stated in a post on the SFA1 thread that this may be revised in the future.

So in GT5, just like on the Fanatec shifters, you have to use the paddle shifter to go from 6th to 7th, and back to 6th.
Thanks guys. :)

I haven't had anyone that owns one inquire about getting 7th back on there, odd considering the number of these that have sold... Thus I haven't really put that much effort into getting it re-implemented and functional with Forza.
Anyways it's pretty unrealistic to use a manual gear 7 in a race, as it's usually the economy or fuel saver gear.
And most of the other 7 gear cars are sequential anyways.
So, no worries Jon ;)
Thank you guy's, got curious yesterday after driving the C7.
Do not see it as very usefull either as most 7 speed car have paddle shifting and the 7th gear in the C7 is useless for racing.
I would prefer the 7th gear having the ability to use the TH8 with the Fanatec gear has me using the Shifter more and more. Even in cars you wouldn't find an H pattern, like the GT500 seasonal etc. I lengthened the throw on the clutch in the CSPV 2's and never miss a shift now at all in GT5.
Today I plan on getting some high quality bearing grease and cleaning the ball pen bearing and applying the new stuff to see if it will stop the god awh full squeaking. And then I will look at elastic bands to see if they stiffen the gear change any. Although I think this will take away the click into gear the ball pen bearing gives. Wish the Japanese guy on youtube would share his mods I'd happily pay him as his looked great!
I have had some idea's myself for giving a more satisfying click when changing gear. It's just finding a good way to implement it in a way that's clean and not ghetto looking :lol:
I would prefer the 7th gear having the ability to use the TH8 with the Fanatec gear has me using the Shifter more and more. Even in cars you wouldn't find an H pattern, like the GT500 seasonal etc. I lengthened the throw on the clutch in the CSPV 2's and never miss a shift now at all in GT5.
Today I plan on getting some high quality bearing grease and cleaning the ball pen bearing and applying the new stuff to see if it will stop the god awh full squeaking. And then I will look at elastic bands to see if they stiffen the gear change any. Although I think this will take away the click into gear the ball pen bearing gives. Wish the Japanese guy on youtube would share his mods I'd happily pay him as his looked great!
I have had some idea's myself for giving a more satisfying click when changing gear. It's just finding a good way to implement it in a way that's clean and not ghetto looking :lol:

You use high quality and probably expensive bearing grease. Wanna know what I use? Simple white vaseline. Cheap and effective. ;)

Haven't played GT5 in a while. Well, not with the CSW as I was fiddling with the belt slippage issue. The new Vette Stingray is nice though (which comes from a guy that usually hates American cars).

On note of improving the shifter. I have no clue yet as to how to improve it to give a more rigid (or stiffer if you will) shift action. Basically because I never opened it to have a look myself. But yeah, I wonder what the Japanese guy did too.

Very high quality heavy-duty lithium complex grease
Suitable for all wheel bearings
High level of protection over a wide temperature range
Excellent anti-wear & extreme pressure properties giving longer bearing life
Meets Mercedes Benz & MAN requirements
(Unit price: £1.20 per 100g)
I think this is reasonable.
I know from experience vaseline isn't good with heat, and would wonder how long it would be effective for after hours of gear changes. But thanks for the heads up mate!
I'm sorry the anti belt slippage spray was a bust. It must be a pain cleaning the csw!
Mine is going back to Fanatec on Monday.......They finally got back to me and I mentioned the loose wiring you told me about as I think it could be why I get intermittent loss of FFB in my base

Very high quality heavy-duty lithium complex grease
Suitable for all wheel bearings
High level of protection over a wide temperature range
Excellent anti-wear & extreme pressure properties giving longer bearing life
Meets Mercedes Benz & MAN requirements
(Unit price: £1.20 per 100g)
I think this is reasonable.
I know from experience vaseline isn't good with heat, and would wonder how long it would be effective for after hours of gear changes. But thanks for the heads up mate!
I'm sorry the anti belt slippage spray was a bust. It must be a pain cleaning the csw!
Mine is going back to Fanatec on Monday.......They finally got back to me and I mentioned the loose wiring you told me about as I think it could be why I get intermittent loss of FFB in my base

I wouldn't worry about heat too much changing gears. Though the price of that stuff isn't too bad. :)

Cleaning the CSW takes up a whole evening with that stuff. What a mess. Tooth brushes, half a roll of kitchen paper, soap and brake cleaner. Not to forget patience.
It's nice and tidy again though.

I mailed Fanatec today after Claudia sorted out some account issues and stuff. I hope I can get some new belts. Now I keep wondering where my FFB ran off to everytime my belt slips again. lol
Plus I need some other bits to get my stuff up to current Fanatec spec. ;)
Plus the reason I will never part from this base is the QR that is bigger in diameter. So no need for safety screws, thank god. Unless I even want to get those last 0.05 mm (or something close to that number. Can't rember from the top of my head) of play to be gone.

Anyways, enough OT. Back to the TH8. ;)
Hi guys,

I've seen some pics of a shift boot on the TH8. How did you guys get a boot on the thing? I feel like I need a mod of some sort to get it on and have it stay on lol.

Hi guys,

I've seen some pics of a shift boot on the TH8. How did you guys get a boot on the thing? I feel like I need a mod of some sort to get it on and have it stay on lol.


I used a 2002 Audi shifter assembly. Fits almost perfectly but you do have to void your warranty so proceed with caution. You've been warned.
Anybody had their TH8 act up during GT5 races? I'm using it with interfaceone's board on CSR-E. Mine started pretty much disconnecting completely during long races. Car would go to neutral and not shift. Shortly before that I'd miss a few shifts that would go in fine early in the stint.

Re-starting the wheel seems to help, for another 20-40 minutes. I'm wondering if it's the shifter or the interface board. Could also be the clutch pedal (although other pedals work) I guess.
I am about to give up on my TH8RS. Why is that you get this sandy feel you open it up and try to clean it. It appear to be enough to just open it up sometimes. That ALWAYS somehow works though you can´t see what is making it grind. After a while it´s the same story again. Hince repeat though it generally don´t get quite as good as stock anymore.

Last time I adjusted the bolt so I had no resistance whatsoever. Feel ridiculous but sure enough after a while it start to get a bit of this sandy feel.

I don´t understand why it would help just open it up and close it again though? I have heard many reports about the TH8RS do this so it does appear to be quite a floored design with shorter lifespan then a G27 shifter in H-shifter mode? In the Seq shifter orientation it works as good as always
I took mine apart a few weeks ago as the squeaking when changing gear really bugged me. I cleaned all the black glue like grease that was factory applied and used some high quality bearing grease I'd bought. The results were great, no squeaking and the changes felt far more satisfying. Perhaps a change of bearing grease would help and clean away whatever dust or stuff that's making it feel gritty/sandy. Also the little eyelet that held the shifter boot in place around the shaft had came loose and was letting in dust in mine so I fixed that as well. Have a look at your boot perhaps their is a hole that's letting in dust, maybe that's what makes it feel gritty?
I believe that with the moving parts in the shifter it needs maintenance, like a mini service every once and a while
Rather mega service. How on earth did you get all that black goey out and then how get all the new grease in without totallly disassemble everything which mean I have to solder it seems?

The dust filter protector is loose too. Not sure how I would be able to put it back nicely. but since the problem come back within hours I don´t believe it´s the dust.
Rather mega service. How on earth did you get all that black goey out and then how get all the new grease in without totallly disassemble everything which mean I have to solder it seems?

The dust filter protector is loose too. Not sure how I would be able to put it back nicely. but since the problem come back within hours I don´t believe it´s the dust.

I took the ball pen screw out and then slid the shifter shaft out and used a cloth to clean all the black gunk away.
I then reapplied the new grease and put everything back together it really didn't take long.
For the shifter boot I just used some black insulating tape I had lying around to tape the underside to the shifter shaft. All nice and sealed and out of sight.
All of you will eventually get to the point where the bolt will no longer provide adequate resistance to shifting gears. The stick will feel very light with no resistance whatsoever. Mine's been this way for over a year so I've just learned to accept it. Everything else still works fine however.
I had an issue way back last year in this thread about the tension screw
This is the result of over tightening the screw. Then it looses all tension very quickly
You want to still feel the stick click into gear