TH8 RS Shifter Thread!

  • Thread starter sandboxgod
Mine arrived yesterday, identical spec as above. Fit PERFECTLY.
Agree with all the points above.

Will take some pics tonight and update post.

Yes please post pics. :dopey:

Next on my list once I get my short shift plate, should be any day now...
Pictures as promised (mobile phone ones for now):




A bit disappointed. Of all the plastic shifters I owned with no problem my TH8RS shifter is acting up. I noticed some day ago that I thought it didn´t recenter as freely from second gear as it used to. Didn´t think that much about that. Today though after getting ton of usage of the shifter in vintage Ferrary cars. I was driven Misty Loch with a 67 ferrari F1 and having a hell of a time when I suddently started to notice click noise from the shifter. Similar to the hated clicknoises of my T500RS paddle shifters. Gonna be hard to do night racing if it´s going to go on like this. However after I finished driving. I was into it so bad I didn´t even notice that much how it appear to struck against metal and give a really grating sound and of course way to much resistance. Opened it up couldn´t see anything really loose but some of the metal parts is not okay obviously. Got it so the resistance is okay but I get clicking sound and some other noise that is easier to neglect while using headphones.

Maybe they should use plastic parts instead for more durability? Plastics is underrated... It hasn´t exactly seen heavy use.
A bit disappointed. Of all the plastic shifters I owned with no problem my TH8RS shifter is acting up. I noticed some day ago that I thought it didn´t recenter as freely from second gear as it used to. Didn´t think that much about that. Today though after getting ton of usage of the shifter in vintage Ferrary cars. I was driven Misty Loch with a 67 ferrari F1 and having a hell of a time when I suddently started to notice click noise from the shifter. Similar to the hated clicknoises of my T500RS paddle shifters. Gonna be hard to do night racing if it´s going to go on like this. However after I finished driving. I was into it so bad I didn´t even notice that much how it appear to struck against metal and give a really grating sound and of course way to much resistance. Opened it up couldn´t see anything really loose but some of the metal parts is not okay obviously. Got it so the resistance is okay but I get clicking sound and some other noise that is easier to neglect while using headphones.

Maybe they should use plastic parts instead for more durability? Plastics is underrated... It hasn´t exactly seen heavy use.

LOL, grass is always greener on other side I guess, I got tired of busting plastic shifters, and went to the TH8RS.

Any chance you had been using the tensioner screw on your TH8RS to increase the inter-gate resistance?

There are posts about that here degrading the internal mechanism.

Just a thought, don't know if its relevant to your issue.
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Try taking it apart clean off the old grease and reapply some good quality bearing grease. I had a slight grinding in my shifter when I first got it. I used a good grease and havent had any issue since with regards to the movement.
On another note. The shifter is now $111.47 at Amazon. :) The price seems to be dropping everywhere by about $30.
I have touched the screw once. Didn´t like the result so ran it stock until now. The noise is from the cylinder the shifter stick is attached to. It doesn´t make a difference in this case but I loosened it even further just because. As it´s under warranty I don´t want to take it apart completly however I am not sure you can rma it for clicking sounds. Maybe it´s supposed to click. Thrustmaster seem to think paddles should click loud in use going by my T500RS and F1 integral wheel shifters. Is yours silent or do you get clicking noise when going into neutral or in gears. Mine click on neutral and odd gears currently.

Will try to apply more oil to it though it sure look well greased already. Btw this plastic thingie that is for dust protection went loose. Got quite a bit of oil on my fingers when fishing that up. Put it back as well as I could but gonna need to do something to get it dust proof.

As for green on the other side. Plastics is underrated really. There is different forms of plastics. SST Lightning shifter is plastic and had superb feel and never gave me any problem. That is until I got a water leak from the roof and it dropped down right on my shifter and caused corrosion lol. Talk about bad luck.

Surely less then 150h use and already showing wear is not impressive at all. I would be quite disappointed even if it happened to the 40$ Fanatec H-shifter for example or the G27s...

Lets hope it breaks before warranty is over or surprise me and go on running :)
I pretty sure you wont void the warranty opening the housing. There isnt any warranty seal or paint on the screws where they would know. There is screws inside the housing that has paint on them so they would know if someone messed with them. I wouldnt use oil youll just make more of a mess. The grease Thrustmaster used isnt very good. My shifter felt like it had sand in it. Cleaned it off and put a high grade wheel bearing grease on it and its now smooth as silk.
After I saw a post by Villeneuve73 on page 7 of mrbasher's SFA1 Thread of this short shift TH8RS plate he made, I asked him if he might be able to make another one for me.


Well it arrived today in the mail. Villenueve73 this thing is outstanding! 👍
Inside edges of the shifter gates are silky smooth too! 👍

Just had to recalibrate the TH8RS with the windows utility and reset the neutral zones after install.


Installation was a snap, I just had to add four double-flange rubber bushings that are about 5mm thick in-between the underside of the plate and the shifter housing because the short shifter plate is flat.

This is because TH8RS plate has a slight dome shape, so the inside edges of the shifter gates in the center are actually about 3mm higher than the outer edges of the plate.


It may not be as pretty as your MobSim 6 speed plate Mayaman (post #1287), :sly: but the overlay picture above (red arrow) with the TH8RS plate on top shows the difference in gate distance, and thats what counts.



After spending a couple of hours using it, it makes a huge difference in being able shift quickly on the H.
It even makes driving with the clutch in GT5 doable to a degree that's fun.
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My Product Innovations Hardbar arrived today.

I got it in 3" instead of the 4" that others have.
Great CS by Product Innovations & fast shipping.

In use with the stock TH8RS shaft, pictures tell all.

TH8RS Stock Shifter Bar


Product Innovations 3" Hardbar


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So I have read in this thread before seeing that the TH8 has a m9 thread size, and that site doesn't offer m9 threads. How did you get that knob to fit on your TH8? I would love a white derlin knob! :dopey:

edit: I just skipped back a page and had seen someone tap new threads on the shaft, I would love to do this but I would rather not void my warranty. So my next question is what size are the threads at the bottom of the shaft where it separates, almost at the plate level?
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So I have read in this thread before seeing that the TH8 has a m9 thread size, and that site doesn't offer m9 threads. How did you get that knob to fit on your TH8? I would love a white derlin knob! :dopey:

edit: I just skipped back a page and had seen someone tap new threads on the shaft, I would love to do this but I would rather not void my warranty. So my next question is what size are the threads at the bottom of the shaft where it separates, almost at the plate level?

Keep going back and reading, its all there including where to get a replacement shaft. :sly:

1) Product Innovations can custom thread a Delrin knob for M9 x 1.25 and machine it so i sits lower like mine, their link is in my preceding post. At least two other posters on this thread have posted about theirs in the last 3 pages.

2) The shaft's base end thread is M6, can't remember the pitch, just keep going back few pages and you will see info regarding replacement shafts, and where to buy. Just keep trawling backwards.
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Thanks man all of my questions are answered now except one. Do you recall the specs you ordered for your knob? I would like the same fit you have there.

edit: Never mind I figured things out on page 65.
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Thanks man all of my questions are answered now except one. Do you recall the specs you ordered for your knob? I would like the same fit you have there.

edit: Never mind I figured things out on page 65.

I believe the specs for 4" Hardbar are posted on page 64.

If you go with 3" instead of 4" (page 64 specs are for 4") make sure to ask P.I. to adjust specs for the shorter length.

This is what I got:

3" custom shift knob.
3" black hardbar with .75 thread engagement,
(M9 x 1.25 thread size and pitch), as high as possible.
0.5" diameter counterbore on the bottom to clear the shift rod.
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Can someone here give me some guidance or information on how to order the MobSim gear plate? Also, how much does it cost?

I speak no French.
Voltaic, you can use their contact page on their site . Just explain in the message section you want the plate for the Thrustmaster. They will email you a paypal invoice. Takes about a week from France to USA.

Cost about $70 with shipping.
Ouch! $70!

Is it worth it?

Thanks for the info Cheeba.

It depends what you want from the plate. The length of the MobSim gates appears to be very close to the stock TH8RS plate, go back to page 67 on this thread, plain to see in the photos I linked.
(Look at the 4 mounting holes in relation to gates' ends) the biggest difference between the MobSim and the stock plate seems to be that 7th gear is not present.

DSD also offers alternate 4, 5, & 6 speed TH8RS plates, but like the Mobsim, the gates seem to be similar in length to the TH8RS stock plate (at least from the posted pic, look at the 4 mounting holes in relation to gates' ends).

On the other hand, if you want faster shifting, then a short shift plate like this one sold by GTP member itrdc5r is the way to go.

Or find someone you can pay to make one for you like GTP member Villenueve73 kindly did for me.

They are not as pretty as the MobSim but they do make shifting faster, especially when used together with a shorter shaft or a shift knob like Product Innovations Hardbar that sits lower on the stock shaft.

EDIT: If you take the time to trawl backwards through this thread, everything in my post has already been covered in great detail by other GTP members.
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Ouch! $70!

Is it worth it?

Thanks for the info Cheeba.

Well, from a functionality standpoint, probably not. I really only wanted it for the chrome finish :lol:, which is very nice. The 7th gear block off was a bonus also.

I do have the short shift plate from YipZone also. Ordered it but never used it. Decided to use the Mobsim plate instead. Ordered it with the pre-filed edges. Nice if you want the short shift gate. It's laying here in the package. If you're interested just pm me.
It depends what you want from the plate. The length of the MobSim gates appears to be very close to the stock TH8RS plate, go back to page 67 on this thread, plain to see in the photos I linked.
(Look at the 4 mounting holes in relation to gates' ends) the biggest difference between the MobSim and the stock plate seems to be that 7th gear is not present.

DSD also offers alternate 4, 5, & 6 speed TH8RS plates, but like the Mobsim, the gates seem to be similar in length to the TH8RS stock plate (at least from the posted pic, look at the 4 mounting holes in relation to gates' ends).

On the other hand, if you want faster shifting, then a short shift plate like this one sold by GTP member itrdc5r is the way to go.

Or find someone you can pay to make one for you like GTP member Villenueve73 kindly did for me.

They are not as pretty as the MobSim but they do make shifting faster, especially when used together with a shorter shaft or a shift knob like Product Innovations Hardbar that sits lower on the stock shaft.

EDIT: If you take the time to trawl backwards through this thread, everything in my post has already been covered in great detail by other GTP members.

Wow, thank you for the information JogoAsobi.

From what you say, I am better off with the Yip, I am looking for a shorter shift mod.

Question on the Product Innovations Hardbar; get the 3" or 4" length?

Well, from a functionality standpoint, probably not. I really only wanted it for the chrome finish :lol:, which is very nice. The 7th gear block off was a bonus also.

I do have the short shift plate from YipZone also. Ordered it but never used it. Decided to use the Mobsim plate instead. Ordered it with the pre-filed edges. Nice if you want the short shift gate. It's laying here in the package. If you're interested just pm me.

Thanks Cheeba

I sent you for the reply, very helpful. I sent you a PM.
Wow, thank you for the information JogoAsobi.

From what you say, I am better off with the Yip, I am looking for a shorter shift mod.

Question on the Product Innovations Hardbar; get the 3" or 4" length?


I went with the 3" instead of 4" in case I decide to lop off a bit of the shaft down the road like TroySloth did here on Pg. 66, Post #1303.

Hwangm who currently has a longer knob installed on one of his TH8RS's that is similar to a Hardbar stated the 3" length is probably better if the shaft were to be shortened on Pg. 67, Post #1334.
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Just got my TH8 and love it. I'll mainly be using it in sequential mode as I mainly race SuperGt in GT5. I'm very dissapointed with the cheap plastic plate provided to convert the shifter from 'H' pattern to Sequential. What I ideally want is a polished metal plate (like the 'H' plate) for sequential mode and to have slightly more movement in it i.e. a longer hole between the + and -. Obviously this will take a little more machining than the different 'H' plates as there is the spring and the part under the plate that tells the shifter its in sequential mode rather than 'H'. Does anyone know if there is someone who does or would custom make one? Surely I can't be the only one to think the plastic one is rubbish???
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Does anyone have any info with regards to 'what mods' were made to the shifter for it to behave in such manner

see vid.

rubber bands?

He actually has 4 different comparison videos for this mod on his channel, but I cannot find mention YET of how he did it. Will keep digging though, and if found I will post it here.

He refers to the mod as a "Gimmick Lever", but that can be interpreted in different ways, he states the mod is a "Trial Version" in the comments he posted for the 2nd video.

I don't believe its a rubber band mod, Japanese use different terminology for rubber bands; Gomu Bando (ゴムバンド).

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