TH8 RS Shifter Thread!

  • Thread starter sandboxgod
Had a little fun with the lathe today. I don't use it much and I needed the practice. The threads turned out nice but I didn't allow enough relief on the small one, oh well. :) Not like you can see it.

This is about as short as I think you'd want to go... This was made from a single mild steel rod I happened to have laying around. I haven't had a chance yet to try it out...



Had a little fun with the lathe today. I don't use it much and I needed the practice. The threads turned out nice but I didn't allow enough relief on the small one, oh well. :) Not like you can see it.

This is about as short as I think you'd want to go... This was made from a single mild steel rod I happened to have laying around. I haven't had a chance yet to try it out...

Looks nice, especially where it joins up with the knob. I see you left that plastic spacer out of the equation though. I wonder what impact that will have on performance, sound and durability.

Nice work.
Had a little fun with the lathe today. I don't use it much and I needed the practice. The threads turned out nice but I didn't allow enough relief on the small one, oh well. :) Not like you can see it.

This is about as short as I think you'd want to go..

I love it Jon, would be interested if you are producing more. I would've thought you made the top bit an M10 size to cater for aftermarket knobs.👍👍

You now what's funny about that part where it meets the knob? I knew it would look good but the real reason for it is, #1 strength (since it's just mild steel) and #2 I didn't feel like taking all that material off. lol The bar started out at .5 inch diameter.

I think I will put the plastic on actually. I wanted to see what it felt like without but the purpose of the plastic is to keep wear down and I think it would serve it's purpose well if I put it back in place. :) 5 minutes on the lathe and it'll slip right on there :)


Well... That's the beauty of having a lathe. I could easily make the top M10 or really just about anything else. :D I don't have any other knobs to try with it right now though and wanted to experiment with the length.

As for making them to sell... Hmm. Not sure on that. I have an idea that I will be checking into on Monday and it doesn't involve me having to make these myself. :)
So, I just tested this out... WOW. Awesome difference, unexpectedly so. Never missed any gears or anything, felt completely natural. I'm glad I took the time to make it!

I do need to put that plastic on there though... Just for sound reasons mostly. It makes a pretty decent *THUNK* with just the metal shaft.
Very nice quality indeed, would not expect any less from you! 👍 👍
Would really like one of these if I get a second shifter for dedicated sequential!

One of these with the proper threads and I could use one of my extra SiR knobs for the H-shifter, and use my P.I. knob for the sequential.

Haven't had much time for sims though, have been spending a lot of time with my head under the hood of one my real cars lately.
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So, I just tested this out... WOW. Awesome difference, unexpectedly so. Never missed any gears or anything, felt completely natural. I'm glad I took the time to make it!

I do need to put that plastic on there though... Just for sound reasons mostly. It makes a pretty decent *THUNK* with just the metal shaft.

Very nice work my man! Good job. I personally took out the plastic ring because I want to hear that metal THUNK you're describing. I avoid all plastic like the plague if I can lol.

My new lever arrived from Thrustmater today yay! The bottom is nice and greased up but I want to grease it up some more. I wonder what kind of grease I should apply to the three round holes? Lithium grease?

Anyway just waiting on my magnets and the short shaft plate and then I'll be putting it back together. I hope I didn't damage the circuit board with all the fumbling around I've done.

Oh and still trying to source that m12-1.75 threaded insert to screw over the top. I think I may have found a place that has some but I'll have to check it out by going up there:
I agree on the sound. It sounds good actually but my girlfriend might not be too keen to hearing it late at night. :) I do however find myself shifting a little "softer" with the shorter throw.

Be careful with those magnets. I hadn't thought about this when you posted earlier but the shifter uses a hall sensor (magnetic) to determine it's position. If you get those super strong magnets too close it probably won't work right. As well, if you have them attached to any metal that runs down and around that area, the magnetism will travel down there. Anyhow, just something to be aware of. The field on a large neo magnet can be pretty decent.

I didn't see any inserts on that page you linked to that have an inside thread of m9 x 1.25 :( That's what you'll need. Odd thread choice.

I have an idea for you that MIGHT work... If you or a friend has a drill press...

Put the shifter shaft in the chuck so just a little more than the threaded portion for the knob is sticking out. Then put it on a medium/low speed. Carefully take a metal file and grind down the threaded portion and a little past it, until just a small amount of the threads are left showing. Then take a M8-1.25 die and run carefully rethread the threaded portion. If you are careful the threads should match up and all will work well.

The reason for this is that the minor diameter (the bottom of the grooves in the threads) on M9-1.25 is 7.466mm The major diameter (tops of threads) on an M8-1.25 is 8mm. So basically, it should thread easier than threading a bare rod and it'll go on their straight and true. :)

If you have a caliper, just keep measuring the diameter of the shaft while grinding it down. You're aiming for 8mm diameter. The threads will probably come off there QUICK so be careful and I take no responsibility for your injuring yourself in the process.

When done, get part number 450-8 from that page. :)

Edit: DO NOT try to thread the rod with the die while the drill press is on. DO NOT
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Another option.... If you don't want to bother possibly ruining your shifter rod...

I have several rods that are already threaded with M6x1.0 on the bottom (so it threads into the shifter). If you'd like I can put some M8x1.25 threads on it and send it to you. Just tell me how long you want it. I can send it tomorrow in fact. Threading it takes like 5 minutes.

It is blackened steel though, not stainless or chrome plated.
Be careful with those magnets. I hadn't thought about this when you posted earlier but the shifter uses a hall sensor (magnetic) to determine it's position. If you get those super strong magnets too close it probably won't work right. As well, if you have them attached to any metal that runs down and around that area, the magnetism will travel down there. Anyhow, just something to be aware of. The field on a large neo magnet can be pretty decent.

Thanks for the warning. Yeah I definitely am taking that into account. Let's hope they don't interfere like you said. Otherwise I'll just do without them.

I didn't see any inserts on that page you linked to that have an inside thread of m9 x 1.25 :( That's what you'll need. Odd thread choice.

Thanks for telling me the exact proper size. That was what I was looking for. Cool :) Yeah, weird thread choice indeed.

I have an idea for you that MIGHT work... If you or a friend has a drill press...

Sorry nope, no such friend(except this one guy named MrBasher ;) )

Another option.... If you don't want to bother possibly ruining your shifter rod...

I have several rods that are already threaded with M6x1.0 on the bottom (so it threads into the shifter). If you'd like I can put some M8x1.25 threads on it and send it to you. Just tell me how long you want it. I can send it tomorrow in fact. Threading it takes like 5 minutes.

It is blackened steel though, not stainless or chrome plated.

Dude....that would be AWESOME!!!! Wow that would be great man! But just to clarify, the inside thread of my B&M Shift handle is M12-1.75. If you send me the rod, I will still need what size threaded insert again? Anyway check your PM :)
Hi all

i'm interested to have two things:
- a draw (autocad printed as image?) of the last short shifter arm i see at page 77 made from mrbasher
- i use a second TH8RS as handbrake (itrd5 thank you for the plate): thinking to have a longer arm in order to install the TH8RS base in a lower position and the knob in the correct position. What i need from you is an help to understand the correct arm lenght and the max angle (real) for a rally handbrake similar to this: htttp:// But the angle and the lenght is the main problem.

Thank you for your help.
mchallo69 AT
Had some fun with the lathe today... :D

From left to right:

M12x1.25 threads (short, with Delrin sleeve), 3/8"-16 threads (short, with Delrin sleeve), M9x1.25 (short, three of them), Stock shaft. All of these are 303 stainless.

Had some fun with the lathe today... :D

From left to right:

M12x1.25 threads (short, with Delrin sleeve), 3/8"-16 threads (short, with Delrin sleeve), M9x1.25 (short, three of them), Stock shaft. All of these are 303 stainless.
Very nice. So, can we place our orders? :D
I'd be interested in an M10x1.5 and an M12x1.25 (with Delrin would be nice) :)
Had some fun with the lathe today... :D

From left to right:

M12x1.25 threads (short, with Delrin sleeve), 3/8"-16 threads (short, with Delrin sleeve), M9x1.25 (short, three of them), Stock shaft. All of these are 303 stainless.

Dang!!!!!!!! :drool: :drool:
I will be needing an M10x1.5 for a black SiR 6 speed knob I have laying around.
I'll pony up for a few of those Delrin sleeves too, mine has taken a beating on my short shift plate.
Then I'll be able to use my PI knob for the sequential.
Gotta get going on building my sequential shift mount for the TH8RS so I can get one of these. :dopey:
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Had some fun with the lathe today... :D

From left to right:

M12x1.25 threads (short, with Delrin sleeve), 3/8"-16 threads (short, with Delrin sleeve), M9x1.25 (short, three of them), Stock shaft. All of these are 303 stainless.


Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and say I've finally got my shifter put back together! Thanks to Mr Basher, I got a spankin new M12 shaft as shown above and it ROCKS!!! 👍 :dopey:

I'll take a pic once I get my camera charged.

When coupled with my B&M shift knob, it adds a nice weighty feel when shifting gears in H-pattern mode. Man, the shifter feels night and day from the way it was before. There is a nice "clank" sound and due to the new bottom shaft, it's a bit more snappy. I can finally use this awesome T-handle knob I've owned for years.

Unfortunately I have a feeling the bottom shaft containing the three round holes is probably going to wear out again eventually. I have the tension screw twisted in a bit tightly but hopefully not too tight. It's greased up a bit so we'll see.

itrdc....that plate is really good man. However after mounting it and comparing it with the original, I think I still prefer the original due to the slightly longer throw. Still, good work my man and thanks.

Welp, back to some more shifting goodness :D
Quick pic with Basher shaft:


Unfortunately I had to put the plastic plate back on. Reason being, without it, the metal frame of the shifter will rotate when you shift gears, and the only way to keep it steady is to keep the plastic plate mounted, as it helps keep the round round part held down firmly. Kinda sucks but in actually it doesn't really feel any different without it. Go figure.
Quick pic with Basher shaft:
Unfortunately I had to put the plastic plate back on. Reason being, without it, the metal frame of the shifter will rotate when you shift gears, and the only way to keep it steady is to keep the plastic plate mounted, as it helps keep the round round part held down firmly. Kinda sucks but in actually it doesn't really feel any different without it. Go figure.

Seriously? A T-handle knob for H-pattern shifting? No wonder you don't like my short shift plate.

That's just me getting back at you ;)
Had some fun with the lathe today... :D

From left to right:

M12x1.25 threads (short, with Delrin sleeve), 3/8"-16 threads (short, with Delrin sleeve), M9x1.25 (short, three of them), Stock shaft. All of these are 303 stainless.

looks really really good Mr Basher:tup:👍👍
looks really really good Mr Basher:tup:👍👍

Thanks! :D That second one over is somewhere along it's journey to you at the moment :)


Nice :) That makes me think I should have made the top threads shorter though. Maybe on the next one ;)

Nice :) That makes me think I should have made the top threads shorter though. Maybe on the next one ;)

Nah the thread length is fine man, the jam nut is actually working very well. Plus now that you mentioned the thread length, I think what I will do is add another nut to add a small amount of weight to the top portion of the shaft.
Nah the thread length is fine man, the jam nut is actually working very well. Plus now that you mentioned the thread length, I think what I will do is add another nut to add a small amount of weight to the top portion of the shaft.

Ding! Ding! Ding! 💡
Jam nut is what I need for a shaft extension with a slight bend to use for sequential.
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Had some fun with the lathe today... :D

From left to right:

M12x1.25 threads (short, with Delrin sleeve), 3/8"-16 threads (short, with Delrin sleeve), M9x1.25 (short, three of them), Stock shaft. All of these are 303 stainless.


Are these for sale Mr Basher?
I'll be placing an order for your SFA1 this week and would love the third from the left with the delrin sleeve :)
And here I am thinking the stock shaft is rather short. lol
I would love to add some more length to my... Eh to the TH8 shifter's shaft. Though the throw should be made smaller, with the gates closer to each other.
Now pardon me while I take my mind out of the gutter for a second. lol
Got the plate from itrdc5 few days ago, thx!!

I got my shifter rod back from a frd CNC lathe for me, he measures the top bit is M9 size. it work great with itrdc5's short shifter plate, gives more solid feel when shifting.

itrdc5 your short shift plate works good, I have ordered the pre-filled plate, however the filled finish and the dent was out of my expectation. It cuts the plastic sleeve really bad, the plate edge is quite sharp still.
but all of those won't matter because ...

short shift plate + shorten shifter rod = nice feel!!
itrdc5 your short shift plate works good, I have ordered the pre-filled plate, however the filled finish and the dent was out of my expectation. It cuts the plastic sleeve really bad, the plate edge is quite sharp still.
but all of those won't matter because ...
VanWeeD, first thing I noticed in your photo was the dent. I don't think that was there when I sent it. Might have been inflicted in transit. Sorry about that.

Yeah, even when filed, it still cuts, hence why I include some heat shrink tubing to be used instead of the original plastic sleeve. Cut, heat and repeat. (ie. 2 layers) is what I normally do.

Nice short rod. Too bad I don't have a friend with a lathe but I'm waiting for 2 rods enroute from Mr Basher. Maybe he can supply replacement Delrin sleeves too.

BTW, I'm glad you like the feel and nice red stitched boot! 👍
Thank you Mr Basher

it is here !!! :D


Love it , I am going to test this with trucks on charlotte. the good thing is if I want to extend it to a bent shaft, there are plenty of 10" shaft extension rod that can fit this now.
and that Delrin sleeve, thanks for offering it with the shaft. works out very very well. now time to test drive this thing.
Thank you Mr Basher. you've done it again. first the brake bushing. gets me from Rookie Oval to A license in 15 days, and I have recently won 3 times in a row on a corvette @ laguna, im very impressed 👍👍👍