I agree on the sound. It sounds good actually but my girlfriend might not be too keen to hearing it late at night.

I do however find myself shifting a little "softer" with the shorter throw.
Be careful with those magnets. I hadn't thought about this when you posted earlier but the shifter uses a hall sensor (magnetic) to determine it's position. If you get those super strong magnets too close it probably won't work right. As well, if you have them attached to any metal that runs down and around that area, the magnetism will travel down there. Anyhow, just something to be aware of. The field on a large neo magnet can be pretty decent.
I didn't see any inserts on that page you linked to that have an inside thread of m9 x 1.25

That's what you'll need. Odd thread choice.
I have an idea for you that MIGHT work... If you or a friend has a drill press...
Put the shifter shaft in the chuck so just a little more than the threaded portion for the knob is sticking out. Then put it on a medium/low speed. Carefully take a metal file and grind down the threaded portion and a little past it, until just a small amount of the threads are left showing. Then take a M8-1.25 die and run carefully rethread the threaded portion. If you are careful the threads should match up and all will work well.
The reason for this is that the minor diameter (the bottom of the grooves in the threads) on M9-1.25 is 7.466mm The major diameter (tops of threads) on an M8-1.25 is 8mm. So basically, it should thread easier than threading a bare rod and it'll go on their straight and true.
If you have a caliper, just keep measuring the diameter of the shaft while grinding it down. You're aiming for 8mm diameter. The threads will probably come off there QUICK so be careful and I take no responsibility for your injuring yourself in the process.
When done, get part number 450-8 from that page.
Edit: DO NOT try to thread the rod with the die while the drill press is on. DO NOT