That Awkward Moment...

Walking in the snow (well, slush!) with my very excitable Labrador who absolutely adores other Labradors/Spaniels etc... cue other Labrador walking in the opposite direction, my Labrador loses herself and tries to lunge to meet this exciting looking companion, manages to do a full 360 around my legs and down I go onto my arse. There I am flat on the pavement (sidewalk) in the slush having had to let go of my dog's lead (leash) very cold, wet and very embarrassed as the other dogs owner is apologising profusely. That's because his Lab also made a lunge for my Lab, and he's now convinced he caused the problem!

This was a few years ago, my Lab has grown up a little since then and is a little less of a puppy now. On the plus side I did have my husband with me to help me up out of the slush and collect the runaway dog :lol:
This happened to a junior colleague of mind some years ago, but I am a reliable first-hand witness to the event, so here goes.

Picture a busy London design studio and one of our junior designers who has a desk to the side with his back to the door. Let's call him Mike because, well, that's his name.

We had a reasonably important client come in who needed to run through some amendments to a project with Mike at his workstation. When she arrived she turned out to be, shall we say, a large lady who didn't look like she'd let anyone push in at a buffet. Anyway, Mike dutifully made her amendments and she was very happy. Great. She then said her goodbyes to everyone, turned and left (just about) via the aforementioned door behind Mike's desk.

Mike then waited for a few seconds before his manners could no longer hold him in check and he stood up to announce "Did you see the arse on that?!", dutifully opening his arms wide to illustrate the shear width of her, as the kids would say, booty. But oh no, what's this? The client had forgotten her umbrella and trundled back into the studio and, like us, had a front row seat to Mike's verbal and visual exclamation at the size of her backside!

I have never seen him run out of the studio as fast before or since this incident. The picture of a bright scarlet studio member rapidly departing past an aghast client is a picture worth savouring for ever. Pissing yourself laughing doesn't even get close. :lol:
Lucky you. Ours is a 10 year old 'puppy' and still capable of pulling off such stunts!
Ah, but I didn't say she's no longer capable!! (She's still puppylike - just listens a little more than she used to :lol: )

Haha! Awesome.

Not awkward for me but for the other involved was the time when, as a check 16 year old, I went into KFC for some grub.

After being handed my change I had a word with the chap and told him he'd changed me for a tenner but I'd given him a twenty. He thought i was trying to scam him so said I should come back the next day and if the till was 10 over he'd know that it was a mistake.

I was not amused and caused a big fuss to the alarm of the whole place ending in the manager being called and all the staff ready to cart me out by my limbs.

He calmly said, in a matter of fact way, "I know you gave me a ten because I put it in the ten draw in the till." The manager then opened the till to find a twenty in the ten slot.

The guy must have felt embarrassed after being so smug, also I got my lunch on the house. :sly: