The 2020 George Floyd/BLM/Police Brutality Protests Discussion Thread

Was there a video in the article you told us to read up on? Then you should highlight it in your post. Maybe summarise it as you did just now instead of expecting other people to try and feel their way around whatever it is that you're trying to say.

Shooting into traffic may be pretty bad as crimes go but I'm not sure they make Toronto the worst city for gun shootings in North America unless severity trumps frequency. And I'm still not sure how it justifies or excuse police brutality even if it did.
Watch the video. I could care less what any media outlet has to say to sell papers.
Great find!

The editorial board of the Wall Street Journal has labeled the movement anarchy.

IMHO, the popularly elected city council of Seattle is dominated by socialists and crypto-communists, so this list of demands likely has a good deal of "establishment" and common citizen support. Seattle and her citizens are possibly the most liberal in the known universe, The swift removal of neoliberal Mayor Jenny Durkan needs to be an early step, and of course the self-proclained "apolitical" Chief of Police Carmen Best needs to be replaced with one more politically motivated.

As one who is steeped in the literature and the personal experience of primitive anarchy, I look forward to the social experiment in progress.

Here's some local reporting:

The autonomous new little nation of CHAZ is settling in to rule their 6 blocks. Police are almost entirely staying out. They have their own borders and checkpoints, armed men with rifles patrolling, but it's truly almost like a street fair or summer of love festival in some ways. The city is supplying portable toilets and keeping them cleaned, so it's clear the mayor is good with it.
I've already answered that twice and you have already ignored it twice

Then head back to that thread to be proven wrong again.
But I'm not sure what the point is if you'll still fail to understand how averages, or more importantly statistical analysis works.

For instance, in this post you seem to say that it's wrong for @Rage Racer to say it would be relevant to adjust for crime rates/encounters:
Yep @UKMikey, it didn't take long for someone to do exactly what you said.
But, that is exactly what researchers do, even the ones who conclude that there is racial bias!

It is sometimes suggested that in urban areas with more black residents and higher levels of inequality, individuals may be more likely to commit violent crime, and thus the racial bias in police shooting may be explainable as a proximate response by police to areas of high violence and crime (community violence theory [14, 15, 23, 35]). In other words, if the environment is such that race and crime covary, police shooting ratios may show signs of racial bias, even if it is crime, not race, that is the causal driver of police shootings. In the models fit in this study, however, there is no evidence of an association between black-specific crime rates (neither in assault-related arrests nor in weapons-related arrests) and racial bias in police shootings, irrespective of whether or not other controls were included in the model. As such, the results of this study provide no empirical support for the idea that racial bias in police shootings (in the time period, 2011–2014, described in this study) is driven by race-specific crime rates (at least as measured by the proxies of assault- and weapons-related arrest rates in 2012).

That paper also acknowledges its limitations in not being able to model based on encounter rates by ethnicity:

It is important to reiterate that these risk ratios come only from the sample of individuals who were shot by police and census data on race/ethnicity-specific population information. The USPSD does not have information on encounter rates between police and subjects according to ethnicity. As such, the data cannot speak to the relative risk of being shot by a police officer conditional on being encountered by police, and do not give us a direct window into the psychology of the officers who are pulling the triggers.

I mean we can go through that post that supposedly proves I don't like Muslims in the Islam thread but I really don't see how I can explain it any better.

But I'm not sure what the point is if you'll still fail to understand how averages, or more importantly statistical analysis works.

For instance, in this post you seem to say that it's wrong for @Rage Racer to say it would be relevant to adjust for crime rates/encounters:

But, that is exactly what researchers do, even the ones who conclude that there is racial bias!

That paper also acknowledges its limitations in not being able to model based on encounter rates by ethnicity:

I mean we can go through that post that supposedly proves I don't like Muslims in the Islam thread but I really don't see how I can explain it any better.
The very conclusion of that paper clearly disagreed with your claim, however if you wish to discuss it go to the correct thread to do

I think you also need to reread my post in regard to @Rage Racer again, as you seem confused as to what I said.

In this thread however you’ve failed to answer the very simple question I asked you, tell me what the statue I posted teaches you?

You’ve had more than enough time to do so, as such I’m interested to know why you’ve not done so?

So stop avoiding it and let me know, remember no google, statues teach you things (your claim).
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So the far right we’re out in force in London today, apparently to protect memorials from BLM.

Which they did by throwing Nazi salutes at the Cenotaph, attacking the police and urinating next to a memorial for a dead police officer.

Oh and the Daily Mails description of the last one problem statue protestor’, they refuse to call the far right what it is.
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So the far right we’re out in force in London today, apparently to protect memorials from BLM.

Which they did by throwing Nazi salutes at the Cenotaph, attacking the police and urinating next to a memorial for a dead police officer.


These sort of things should be called out and debunked for everyone to see...

My parents in France think that we are crumbling down into the hells of fire...

These sort of false narrative with fake photos have got to stopped... The government and FOX are shamelessly taking the same tactics as authoritarian and communist government!!!!

I am sick and tired of that!

Stupid ignorant people in the deep south don't know any better and would gobble up all this fake images like gospel...

Sad... Voter manipulation right there if you ask me.
Just to add, footage emerging of the far right attacking and harassing people in Hyde Park, no statues around, but they still felt it was a civic duty to kick people and spit on them.
Just to add, footage emerging of the far right attacking and harassing people in Hyde Park, no statues around, but they still felt it was a civic duty to kick people and spit on them.

Obviously the purple crowned bishop is speaking.
Is this is an anatomical term?

it's not rioting, cowardly violence and property destruction as far-left does it but outright idiotic nontheless
People's lives are more important than property. Those picnickers were doing nothing wrong. Turning up mob handed and picking on innocent people very much is cowardly violence in my opinion.

But thanks for the whataboutism, anyway; the far left stayed home that day if the lack of violence against property at the Stand Up To Racism protest on the same day is any indication.
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Excellent reporting from Daily Beast on the burgeoning leftist gun-culture keeping order in the new nation of CHAZ - or is it now CHOP (Capitol Hill Occupy Protest)?
Members of the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club (PSJBGC)—a leftist community defense and firearms education organization that gained a spate of notoriety last year when a former member, Willem van Spronsen, set fire to an ICE parking lot—have been a constant presence. The club is often asked to provide security for protests and rallies around the Seattle area, and while their involvement in CHAZ is structured more loosely, the presence of armed civilians has raised a few eyebrows.

Leftist gun clubs have been on the rise, and organizations like the Socialist Rifle Association—of which, full disclosure, I am a member—Huey P. Newton Gun Club, Trigger Warning Queer & Trans Gun Club, and other chapters of the John Brown Gun Club have successfully introduced the issue of gun rights and firearms education into the broader leftist discourse. In Seattle, John Brown members have generally been showing up on an individual basis, rather than as part of a coordinated campaign. But as Nick—the group’s towering spokesperson, who like other members requested his full name be withheld given law enforcement’s fixation on left-wing activists—told The Daily Beast, the group was also tapped to provide a security escort for “some very prominent black voices who were doing speeches here at the Autonomous Zone” following the events of last Sunday evening.

That was when a white man armed with a Glock (with taped-on extended magazines) drove into a crowd of protesters, and shot a civilian named Daniel Gregory in the arm. According to Nick and local news reports, the driver then ran over to the police, where he was taken into custody.

Though a suspect has since been charged with first-degree assault, Vixen told the Daily Beast, “We have to rely on each other to protect each other.”

So right now, while police mostly steer clear of the Zone, that’s what they say they’re doing. Right-wing media has worked itself into a lather over the specter of armed leftists patrolling the area’s makeshift borders, but that hysteria only underlines what activists see as their profound misunderstanding of both leftist gun culture and what exactly these people are defending themselves against. As Nick explains, they’re there to discourage white supremacist groups, accelerationist boogaloo bois, and violent gangs like the Proud Boys from trying to harm the people inside.
it's not rioting, cowardly violence and property destruction as far-left does it but outright idiotic nontheless
Would you like to see the videos of them attacking the police from behind, throwing bottles at them and urinating on a memorial ( and plenty more beside)?

I do have to ask how spitting on someone and kicking them while they are on the floor isn’t cowardly violence.
A few dead people would beg to differ.
They aren't deadly when used properly. That's the point of them. Potentially if you have a heart condition and get shocked in the neck you have a higher chance of something going wrong but it's not a death weapon by nature.

I hate the way Joe Biden said it, but I'm all for shooting people in the leg. It won't kill them and it will immobilize them. Police Department pays for medical fees. Job done. Pretty sure anyone that's not on PCP would stop fighting after that. Anyone on PCP that still fights gets a second shot to put them down because they don't deserve to be a part of society. They gave up on that when they became drug addicts. (Sounds harsh, I know)
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A few dead people would beg to differ.

Okay, you're right, but the likelihood of being killed by a taser is probably lower than the likelihood of choking on a Big Mac. Taser isn't considered "deadly force" in 99.999% of its deployment which is the exact reason for officers carrying it in the first place.