The 2020 George Floyd/BLM/Police Brutality Protests Discussion Thread

Yep, we've got thugs too. Really hope this doesn't get any more stupid and starts to spread to other cities.

Also the Swedish Police having a go at emulating their US counterparts.

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Yep, we've got thugs too. Really hope this doesn't get any more stupid and starts to spread to other cities.

Also the Swedish Police having a go at emulating their US counterparts.

My daughter was there in Stockholm today. Got pepper sprayed for being in the proximity of a girl who shouted at the police.
But frankly, I have a hard time understanding what exactly they wanted to achieve with the demonstration. If it had been all peaceful it would maybe send a message of disapproval. Now it's merely sending a message of confrontation.
I have a hard time understanding what exactly they wanted to achieve with the demonstration.
I do not at all understand why there are protests in Sweden. What is the issue(s)? Why would anyone be unhappy, angry or restive? Is there a problem enduring the pandemic? Is there trouble in the economy? Is there systemic racism and prejudice? Is there violence of any kind? Has the weather been bad?
I do not at all understand why there are protests in Sweden. What is the issue(s)? Why would anyone be unhappy, angry or restive? Is there a problem enduring the pandemic? Is there trouble in the economy? Is there systemic racism and prejudice? Is there violence of any kind? Has the weather been bad?
Honestly to me it sounds like these riots were started over some identity political bs.
I'm gonna let you in on something. When you cite a legitimate source upon formal request for citation such as the one I made, you do something far more important for the purposes of discussion than provide "proof". You provide context. Legitimate sources typically give information that goes beyond "he had a license", such as where and when events transpired and insights into the events as they transpired.

Armed with context that I didn't have at the time that you made the claim, I am now given to understand that the primary subject was indeed hired to guard a storefront and that he was likely permitted to be armed (at least this is what I believe having gleaned information from multiple other sources) while doing so.

However, I have also found a source that indicates the altercation captured so briefly (and devoid of meaningful context) on video occurred two blocks away from the storefront that the individual was hired to guard. I'm given to understand that the law holds that an individual permitted to carry a firearm in the open is only permitted to do so in service to the task they were hired to fulfill, and it seems highly unlikely that protesters two blocks away--be they peaceful or have violent intentions--pose an imminent threat to said storefront. The storefront may have even been more susceptible as a result of the guard having left his post.

So he was a licensed security guard after all. Thank you. I really thought I was mistaken. Nice star btw.
The way how I see these riots happening, it’s like everyone that’s been brainwashed by identity politics or something have gone mad because a officer who was a POC was killed by a white officer even though the reason why the officers who restrained Floyd had nothing to do with race. Racism and discrimination against someone based on their skin color is screwed up and doesn’t deserve to happen to everyone *im looking at you liberals calling every Caucasian person who doesn’t agree with you a white supremacist also* but going on mass riots about it while destroying property and possibly putting people’s lives at risk is absolutely NOT OK!
The way how I see these riots happening, it’s like everyone that’s been brainwashed ...or something have gone mad

Brilliant! This is my question, too. Is there some kind of emotional or mental disturbance at work that we have not properly identified?
Wait, what?

The way how I see these riots happening, it’s like everyone that’s been brainwashed by identity politics or something have gone mad because a officer who was a POC was killed by a white officer even though the reason why the officers who restrained Floyd had nothing to do with race. Racism and discrimination against someone based on their skin color is screwed up and doesn’t deserve to happen to everyone *im looking at you liberals calling every Caucasian person who doesn’t agree with you a white supremacist also* but going on mass riots about it while destroying property and possibly putting people’s lives at risk is absolutely NOT OK!

After finding out what POC meant (Person Of Colour)...

Why couldn't you just fully word it out and then make it into individual letters for our international readers, especially from those who doesn't have full understanding of American English either?

The riots happened because there was a failing (from what I can see with my UK experience of no policeman being armed and having to be trained in de-escalating the situation down even if its the same person five times that day) in the United States individual States Police to have that same training in de-escalating the situation down to a non-lethal situation without guns or a less-than-lethal action taken
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I do not at all understand why there are protests in Sweden. What is the issue(s)? Why would anyone be unhappy, angry or restive? Is there a problem enduring the pandemic? Is there trouble in the economy? Is there systemic racism and prejudice? Is there violence of any kind? Has the weather been bad?
How about the idea that other people around the world are showing their support of what's happening somewhere else in the world. The idea that something happening outside your own country's borders can have some importance to you in some way. Ever thought of that?
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How about the idea that other people around the world are showing their support of what's happening somewhere else in the world. The idea that something happening outside your own country's borders can have some importance to you in some way. Every thought of that?
It’s fine for other countries to show their support for us but does that mean they need to show their support by creating riots like what’s going on in the US? Let’s refer to what @PzR Slim posted earlier.
Yep, we've got thugs too. Really hope this doesn't get any more stupid and starts to spread to other cities.

Also the Swedish Police having a go at emulating their US counterparts.

Not very cash money when you have to show your support of what’s happening here in Murica by emulating the violence that’s happening with the riots.
I don't think we know that for a fact yet. It very much could've been racially motivated, or it could've been something else completely.
Wasn’t he caught purchasing something with counterfeit cash? I’m pretty sure that’s illegal. Though who knows.
Wasn’t he caught purchasing something with counterfeit cash? I’m pretty sure that’s illegal. Though who knows.
If that's the extent of your knowledge on the topic you need to sit this one out or start doing some light reading.
Wasn’t he caught purchasing something with counterfeit cash? I’m pretty sure that’s illegal. Though who knows.

It's alleged he used a counterfeit $20 bill, whether knowingly or unknowingly we don't know. Interviews from the clerk at the store made it sounds like it happens frequently enough that there's a store policy around it. Basically, if someone uses a suspected counterfeit bill, then the store calls the police to check it out.

In the US there's upwards of $200 million in counterfeit currency in circulation. The odds of someone getting a counterfeit bill as change and then trying to spend it somewhere is higher than you think.

Still, Floyd was restrained and on the ground while Chauvin kneeled on his neck for nearly eight minutes. Doing anything to a restrained suspect is a gross abuse of power by the police. I don't know if you've ever been in handcuffs, but it's not exactly easy to flip over and stand up on your own so it wasn't like Floyd was going anywhere.
Pretty sure that on the scale of appropriate responses to using an alleged "counterfeit $20 dollar bill", being asphyxiated by a police officer is not near the top.
Sorry I left the asphyxiated part out. I will admit I rushed my post out.

From what was reported based on the security footage, he was resisting arrest. *Yes I know the $20 counterfeit thing is alleged* But literally making him asphyxiated and taking his life away instead of you know trying to handcuff him and arrest him is very wrong.
To have a knee on your neck means one of your vital arteries cannot go to your brain to keep you alive with your neck. But this only happens if the other side is able to pump blood at the same time. Which, if your neck arteries are being squeezed and cannot pump blood cos there isn't a way to do that.... you die in less than a minute due to brain failure.

Same time why MMA has referres to ensure no-one has died during the fights, even though its always a case that it will happen at some point, eventually. With MMA fights, they are (supposedly) trained in seeing when someone has lose their conscious and no longer able to defend themselves.
Sorry I left the asphyxiated part out. I will admit I rushed my post out.

From what was reported based on the security footage, he was resisting arrest. *Yes I know the $20 counterfeit thing is alleged* But literally making him asphyxiated and taking his life away instead of you know trying to handcuff him and arrest him is very wrong.

He was handcuffed on the ground while Chauvin knelt on him.

Yes, he initially resisted arrest. He was also drunk and apparently without a cigarette, that can turn people to be combative, especially when they're not really sure what's going on. I'd not be the most pleasant person if I was just sitting there and got ripped out of my car by police.

It's up to the police to restrain a suspect and get a handle on the situation quickly and without harm to themselves, the suspect, or anyone around them. Once Floyd was in cuffs, he was no longer a threat to anyone and by no means needed any additional restraint.

Seems like they're going all in on it. Let's hope they don't screw it up.

This part caught me: "second-degree unintentional murder"

This is what I found:

Subd. 2.Unintentional murders.

Whoever does either of the following is guilty of unintentional murder in the second degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 40 years:

(1) causes the death of a human being, without intent to effect the death of any person, while committing or attempting to commit a felony offense other than criminal sexual conduct in the first or second degree with force or violence or a drive-by shooting; or

(2) causes the death of a human being without intent to effect the death of any person, while intentionally inflicting or attempting to inflict bodily harm upon the victim, when the perpetrator is restrained under an order for protection and the victim is a person designated to receive protection under the order. As used in this clause, "order for protection" includes an order for protection issued under chapter 518B; a harassment restraining order issued under section 609.748; a court order setting conditions of pretrial release or conditions of a criminal sentence or juvenile court disposition; a restraining order issued in a marriage dissolution action; and any order issued by a court of another state or of the United States that is similar to any of these orders.

Per the complaint:

Charge Description: That on or about May 25, 2020, in Hennepin County, Minnesota, Derek Michael Chauvin, caused the death of a human being, George Floyd, without intent to effect the death of any person, while committing or attempting to commit a felony offense other than criminal sexual conduct in the first or second degree with force or violence or a drive-by shooting, namely assault in the third degree.

So they're using the first clause.

edit: read it wrong the first or second time around
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