The amazing and cool photo thread

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Colourized image of Osama Bin Laden (age 14, second from right) and Family in Sweden, 1971

That is insane.
Tardigrades; the water bear that can survive being frozen or boiled, float around in space and live for 200 years!


Posted this photo earlier of my little friend:
I see one problem. If you don't have it properly positioned you will find it is too loose at the end and have to start over...I think.

I may have to try it to see. It's tempting, because I'm already that guy that tries to show people how to do a Full Windsor, because it has better symmetry and just looks better. Showing this one to someone will leave them tears.
And here it took me twenty years to learn a half-Windsor...

USFA Fleet- 1959
*cut huge photo*

Lovely that B36. If I recall, Chuck Yeager relates that he was coming in to land the XB36 during one flight and it simply would not hit the ground. It was so aerodynamic that it just floated there, feet above the ground while he and his co-pilot looked bemusedly at each other.
An aerial view of San Francisco.


Random fact: I've eaten in the restaurant you can see right at the bottom of Golden Gate Park there. The building you can just see in the large rectangular park nearest the coast.

Boring facts over with, on to a pic:


It's an ant's nest. I'm assured it was empty, and the artist poured molten aluminium down it, let it set, and then dug it out.
^That is seriously cool. Spent more time on that than I should have :lol:

Random fact: I've eaten in the restaurant you can see right at the bottom of Golden Gate Park there. The building you can just see in the large rectangular park nearest the coast.

Haha nice. It's cool you could point that out. I've been to so many parts of that city but I've never ventured down to that area. Looks gorgeous.

Sliver of orange by MRL 390, on Flickr

This is an installation in the Whitney Museum of American art called "Fireflies on the Water" by Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama. Part of her Infinity/Mirror series.

Asiago Plateau, Italy shrouded in fog

Also, planes.

Mig-29 by Joerg Amann

And an Su-27UB of the Russian Knights dumping a crapload of flares

Fire! by angad84, on Flickr


Fuel to Noise by angad84, on Flickr
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Not sure if this was posted before, but I guarantee the zooming in/out alone will blow your mind, let alone the picture. (To remove the ad, drag the marker icon onto the screen, then an "x" will appear on the ad)


Found a funny one:
Damn right that car is disabled.

And a birdy:
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Random fact: I've eaten in the restaurant you can see right at the bottom of Golden Gate Park there. The building you can just see in the large rectangular park nearest the coast.

More random fact - my cousin use to live on the 2nd row of homes/apartments not too far up from the line of trees extending from the right of Golden Gate Park. He'd often drop and then go for ride in the park on his mountain bike. I spent a few days there a couple years back and ended up taking this picture from his balcony.
I'm just amazed by the parking:

How many bumpers were "used" in the learning of how to park like that?

Granted, that is quite close for a car that expensive, but folks who grow up in cities where parking is at a premium learn to parallel park in a space not much bigger than the car. Back up slow enough and you won't damage anything.
The craziest example I have seen is in the residential areas of Manhattan - no more than a couple of inches between cars all the way down the block.
I'm not sure if these fit the thread named like that but let me try.

Those of you who can't bear the look of destroyed classic cars, do not watch:







Not thread-suitable? I'll remove it.