The amazing and cool photo thread

  • Thread starter UnoMOTO
I agree that if he's frying cars in the lane next to him, his bike should not be used on public streets. Especially not anywhere near pedestrians.

It's not entirely clear to me how that exhaust is directed. It looks like back & outward to me.
Even for an insane amount of heat output that Lexus must have been really close.

I think the point is that Leno pulled up to the Lexus, the Lexus didn't pull up to Leno. Pretty tricky to move a car sideways without moving forward or backwards.
It's been a while since we've gone big with a pic.


original size
I think the point is that Leno pulled up to the Lexus, the Lexus didn't pull up to Leno. Pretty tricky to move a car sideways without moving forward or backwards.

I agree that if he's frying cars in the lane next to him, his bike should not be used on public streets. Especially not anywhere near pedestrians.

It's not entirely clear to me how that exhaust is directed. It looks like back & outward to me.
I posted about this a while back in the "Cars you never knew existed until now" thread, but I figured I would share some pics of it here also.

1939 Antarctic Snow Cruiser




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BTW: I just got off the phone with Spaz and he is still planning on attending Cars & Coffee on the 31st and will most likely be driving his Atom in his Vader outfit (and it'll be the first time he has made a public appearance in the outfit). In fact, he is trying to see if Shawn, the owner of the infamous H-Wing will be able to join him, as having both of them drive in together would be quite a sight to see:

Shawn couldn't make it out, but Spaz did turn my son to the Dark Side...






An appropriate plate if ever I have seen one! :D
Your son + Vader helmet = priceless.

So is Spaz's last name Wier or something? That would make it an awesome plate. Otherwise he just spelled it wrong.
Beautiful. One of natures genuine wonders, the shapes are astounding and geometrically perfect. Here's a picture of a snowflake I particularly like too... fascinating to see them in detail:

I take it, you mean a photo which ironically doesn't appear to have a real bridge in it. :P
No clue , but I would not want to live there, everybodys your neighbor , need more space. :lol:
This thread needs some Jack Delano. A photographer for the Farm Security Administration during the Great Depression. If you like old Kodachrome pictures, it doesn't get much better. These are from the Library of Congress' photo archive. If you get some time look up Jack Delano and the other FSA photographers from the 30's and 40's, it's really cool stuff. Jack has over 13,000 photos there and they're not just trains, there are pictures of people, landscapes, etc.




I'm guessing some eastern block location. Some city in Turkey or whatever country that I have no knowledge of what its called now a days.