The amazing and cool photo thread

  • Thread starter UnoMOTO

Killer! Any details on the aftermath of this picture?

Yeah. He crashed.
OK... the following might not be "amazing"... but I wasn't sure where to post this.

We were up in Dallas last week visiting family and we went to a botanical garden to take some family photos with the various spring flowers. While I was looking around I was shocked to see a rather large falcon sitting in a crepe myrtle bush just a few feet of the ground, and who didn't seem the least bit intimidated by anyone!





Not only is it a very unusual place to see a falcon... but they tend to stay perched in very high open places. I thought maybe he was someone's pet that got lost, but there was no tag around either of his feet.
I get to watch falcons hunt small birds in my city fairly regularly. They do get pretty low sometimes, but I've only seen them perched atop buildings. They're amazing birds indeed.
I'm convinced the S2000 picture I posted it chopped. The second and third frames of the car are exactly the same, and you can see some discoloration on the track. He must have screwed it up when he took it. That much be why there's not a larger version, lol.

Nice pic Exigeracer. It's so weird how some frames of the car don't look like they could have come from the frame before it, but cars move around and do funny things while they're braking and cornering and accelerating all within a split second.
I love shots like that, especially in nature programmes. They used to fascinate me when I was a kid, so much so that for the first 17 years of my life I wanted to be a marine-biologist. That worked out well!
My grandparents had a giant clam shell in front of their house for the longest time. It was HYOOGE.
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Is that one pic from Somalia or something? That place is holier than the Vatican.
I didn't know moths could grow that big. On the tip of the left wing it looks like a snake/lizard head.
I didn't know moths could grow that big. On the tip of the left wing it looks like a snake/lizard head.

I had a moth that size on my balcony a year or so ago. My friend took a picture of me with my hand next to it... (side on)... fool!

And yes, I believe the reptilian head motif has evolved in order to deter potential predators.
Okay the original for this is way to large to simply post here so click on the pic for the full size version. It's 6740 x 4768 but absolutely fascinating!

I don't really understand it, but I'm very surprised that The Pirate Bay and Drudge Report are where they are. And The Daily Show, too, lol.
I keep saving these in my news reader, but keep forgetting to post them. These are the biggest versions I have.

Soyuz Spacecraft touchdown

Lightning in the Mt. Redoubt eruption recorded using a Lightning Mapping Array to detect eletrical charges inside the plume. Read the story here.

A picture of the shadow of Enceladus on Saturn's clouds, taken by the Cassini Spacecraft. Link

Galaxy NGC 7049 taken from Hubble. It is a part spiral/elliptical galaxy. Story.

And finally,

Drum roll, please.

The ISS sporting its brand new bling. This one will be going on my PS3, I think.
Smaller sizes available here
Check it out:

I opened some Rocky Road ice cream last night and it was smiling at me.

And I took a pic of my ampicillin-resistant E. Coli culture that I grew in bio lab. I've officially made a WMD (weapon of mass diarrhea).

I can't ever get enough of St Maarten runway 09 landing pictures, this seems a good thread for some





and a DC10 :scared:
