The amazing and cool photo thread

  • Thread starter UnoMOTO
"Hi guys, Crabzilla here, just chilling in my tank with the Stingrays"


Aw yeah, I met him today.

Did you shake hands when you met?

I wish I had a better picture, but the yellow spot above the road is the moon. It kind of took me by surprise when I came up the road and saw it just hanging right above the trees. It seemed HUGE when I looked at it too.
I wish I had a better picture, but the yellow spot above the road is the moon. It kind of took me by surprise when I came up the road and saw it just hanging right above the trees. It seemed HUGE when I looked at it too.

It's magnified by the Earth's atmosphere IIRC. You might also have noticed it was redder than usual, what with all the dust in the air. Maybe I'm talking tosh, but I seem to remember that being the case.
Reminds me of the Spirograph drawings from years ago that was so popular.

M78 and Reflecting Dust Clouds in Orion
Credit & Copyright: Ignacio de la Cueva Torregrosa

An eerie blue glow and ominous columns of dark dust highlight M78 and other bright reflection nebula in the constellation of Orion. The dark filamentary dust not only absorbs light, but also reflects the light of several bright blue stars that formed recently in the nebula. Of the two reflection nebulas pictured above, the more famous nebula is M78, in the image center, while NGC 2071 can be seen to its lower left. The same type of scattering that colors the daytime sky further enhances the blue color. M78 is about five light-years across and visible through a small telescope. M78 appears above only as it was 1600 years ago, however, because that is how long it takes light to go from there to here. M78 belongs to the larger Orion Molecular Cloud Complex that contains the Great Nebula in Orion and the Horsehead Nebula.
Reminds me of the Spirograph drawings from years ago that was so popular.

The effect is created by setting exposure to 0.5 - 1 second and throwing the camera while pointing at some light sources. I've not tried it yet as I'd probably drop it!

Spirograph was virtually impossible to complete without any mistakes, etch a sketch was less frustrating :ouch:

@ Joey D: Indeed amazing and cool 👍
Not really a photo, but a pretty interesting image nonetheless, I think it'd make for a good painting/print design.

That picture is awesome, its been my background on my desktop for a few days now.

I'm going to post some magnificent machines and go to sleep.





(random koenigsegg for good measure, amazing colour)
I was about to ask what was so cool about a blurry picture of St. Louis until I scrolled down a bit more. 👍

Please tell me there is a bigger version of that. :)


I'm going to post some magnificent machines and go to sleep.

Vehicular awesomeness

I see those things, and raise you something I've wanted to put in here for a while.






You can even get private ones these days.


Not a proper ekranoplan, but still pretty cool.
