The Artistic Competition - Week 1 - Closed

Did people forgot about this one?
4/5 days to deadline and only 8 entries. I am doing mine, but I’ll probably can’t finish before Friday. So get those Entries IN!!!
Did people forgot about this one?
4/5 days to deadline and only 8 entries. I am doing mine, but I’ll probably can’t finish before Friday. So get those Entries IN!!!

Oh, Shoot, I guess I did forget about this one! I should come up with a concept for this one after work tonight, then I should have an entry tomorrow or so.
Well sorry for the late entry, not that I forgotten about it or anything. Just been busy with school and stuff. Hopefully I can come up with something better next time :)

Final Entry
^awesome reflections coming off of the skyline jinjin. and the midnight purple. my fav. kudos...

thanks man! yeah I don't know what I was thinking. I liked how the front of car disappeared but it sucked. Just looked way toooooooo messy.

Thanks Swiss!
Final Entry

I cant figuire out that hotlink goes back to imageshack load page and not my image. The instructions are pics of an old format and I dont know what the hell is going on. If it DQ's me...then whatever.I tried.
Final Entry

I cant figuire out that hotlink goes back to imageshack load page and not my image. The instructions are pics of an old format and I dont know what the hell is going on. If it DQ's me...then whatever.I tried.

Try this:

(Reply to this, and copy & paste the code)

Explanation: The Thumbnail URL is in between the IMG tags, and the full size URL in between the URL tags.

Example: {URL=<full size image url>}{IMG=<thumbnail image url>}{/IMG}{/URL}
-note in example: '{' should be '[', and '}' should be ']'

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