The Autism Thread

I never knew how violent you people can be :surprised:.

If someone pushed me off a skateboard, I probably won't do much, tbh :indiff:.
@ Bodyguard, I fell in with the wrong crowd in the wrong neighbourhood at the wrong time.

@ Resh, I've decided, since Gr. 8, to reserve violence for the right time and place; a friendly wrestling match, or whatever "fun thing" I decided to do, with 0 intentions of actually hurting people now.
The ignore tactic never worked in my experience. Unless you can actually walk away from the situation, it's just another gratifying, exploitable response. My $0.02.

It hasn't worked for me either. At least when I was at school, the teachers gave a damn about stopping bullying, so I did report bullying every once in a while.

I've probably covered this beforehand in this thread.

I'm watching a NASCAR race; something I wouldn't normally do.

But, well, there's a pretty awesome reason to watching this one: it's the FedEx 400 Benefiting Autism Speaks.


I love the fundraising efforts people use, to raise money for speech therapy.

When I was really young, I had to go to a Speech Therapist. I could barely pronounce anything, but I could read high-school level books. So, everyone knew that it was just a difficulty with speech. The Speech Therapy really helped me a lot.

And, then there's the Awareness aspect: NASCAR is a very popular sport in America, where a lot of Autistic people are bullied. At least there will be more Awareness for the Spectrum now.
I'm not an autist either, but I am quite an introvert. Yes, I do hang out with people at times but mostly I like being alone or with very good friends. And these forums have helped me find some very cool people without which life would be less interesting... :gtpflag: 👍
I used to stutter alot while speaking, I still do but at a reduced level than before, I only do this when speaking to people as when I talk while alone or at something, I don't stutter in either of my languages (English/Spanish). I also speak in a rather low voice when speaking to people.

When Enraged I become a different person entirely :nervous:

I also suck at following instructions (usually takes more than once to fully understand them and I still screw up at times), I rarely talk to people I don't know or haven't got to know yet besides a simple hi.

I'm more at home on GTP. I still have my friends outside of this place but they're few.
I actually have ADD and NVLD, which is close but not technically autism, so I might be able to connect with some people here. Pretty much, I tend to drone on about stuff and can't really interact with people that well face to face. I've tried to work on this and can sort of fake being normal sometimes, but spaghetti still comes flying out of my pockets sometimes.
I also just can't focus completely on the same thing for long periods of time, which explains why I've never been good at the nurburgring.
Additionally, I also need more time to thunk about things than normal, especially when I'm tired. I tend to do the right thing after thinking, but sometimes I need to think for a really long time about stuff, which is not really helpful when I need to act quickly in a situation.
NVLD diagnosis came around 5th grade or so, but I never understood what it meant until recently. ADD diagnosis was way more recent though, it was like last year.
Well, my 20th birthday's coming up, 6 years ago, I never would've dreamed about being 20 years old. The message I'm trying to get across: Keep your heads up, guys, you never know where your life will lead you. Take it in stride, don't stress the big details, and party hard on the weekends. :)
So... How do/did you guys deal with meltdowns? You know, when everyone just looks at everything in a dramatically different way from you, and everyone angers you until you don't want any contact with anyone, want to kick many things hard and curl up into a little ball.
Ummmm, there's probably a story behind that. If you want to chat, my inbox is open. :)

Otherwise, dealing with meltdowns: leave the area, and grab a breath. Grab a bottle of water, and walk around outside. For those who are musically inclined, grab music and listen to it. For those who have a meltdown after physical exertion, lie down in cold grass or something similar.

If all else fails, walk to a forest with no people around and just scream it out. 👍
So... How do/did you guys deal with meltdowns? You know, when everyone just looks at everything in a dramatically different way from you, and everyone angers you until you don't want any contact with anyone, want to kick many things hard and curl up into a little ball.

I can't cope with stress well. I tend to let anger well up and it fizzes out a lot over time, though I also sometimes blow up. Some stuff happened to me the last week or so that has made me think about everything and how I approach things in mindset.
I become incredibly angry to the verge of breaking stuff and it terrifies people close to me at the time :(. I also start crying uncontrollably for some reason while screaming out my rage at anything. I usually just lock myself away and start crying it off as I start to be reminded of things which make me either sad or angrier :(
I can't cope with stress well. I tend to let anger well up and it fizzes out a lot over time, though I also sometimes blow up. Some stuff happened to me the last week or so that has made me think about everything and how I approach things in mindset.
Your not alone dude, I am like that all the time. I had similar stuff happen this week.

And not being an teenager anymore.

Being a teenager is nothing to do with it as far as I am concerned. I just sometimes don't take stress well. And funny you mention meditation, I have learned a few stress relieving exercises and activities in my time.

And not being an teenager anymore.
What does that have to do with it? I've been like this since a long time ago. I've even become a calmer individual compared to myself over five years ago and I'm proud of it :D

Being a teenager is nothing to do with it as far as I am concerned. I just sometimes don't take stress well. And funny you mention meditation, I have learned a few stress relieving exercises and activities in my time.
I usually relieve myself by staying away from the objective of anger and just cooling off, listening to music, driving the ring with a certain Matte Pink V10 machine and thinking, just thinking away.
My mum reckons I have aspergers, I have rather bad social skills, and a rather large stutter when talking, does this mean I have it? Btw, one of mums friends has a kid with autism, he is a great little kid, but has a tick (if that is what it is called) and bad speech and social skills. But apart from that he is no different to any of use. Great thread andrew.
My mum reckons I have aspergers, I have rather bad social skills, and a rather large stutter when talking, does this mean I have it? Btw, one of mums friends has a kid with autism, he is a great little kid, but has a tick (if that is what it is called) and bad speech and social skills. But apart from that he is no different to any of use. Great thread andrew.

Stutters aren't usually consistent with AS, and poor social skills isn't usually enough valid diagnosis. If you're only noticeable difference is poor social skills, as you put it, that could just be you being more an introvert, than necessarily autistic.
Stutters aren't usually consistent with AS, and poor social skills isn't usually enough valid diagnosis. If you're only noticeable difference is poor social skills, as you put it, that could just be you being more an introvert, than necessarily autistic.
Thanks, doctor peter haha :)
There have been some quite interesting theories and studies into the idea of "diagnosis" itself. It basically eludes to the fact that the diagnosis itself can actually create more problems in itself, in both the way other people treat you, and the way you come to see yourself, in some cases it could be said that the diagnosis itself created more "problems" than initially existed.

Now it's been a number of years since I studied the research so I don't know specifics, I just remember the case that was made.

I'd be interested to hear from any of you guys who have been diagnosed with Autism or Aspergers what your opinion on that is.
There have been some quite interesting theories and studies into the idea of "diagnosis" itself. It basically eludes to the fact that the diagnosis itself can actually create more problems in itself, in both the way other people treat you, and the way you come to see yourself, in some cases it could be said that the diagnosis itself created more "problems" than initially existed.

Now it's been a number of years since I studied the research so I don't know specifics, I just remember the case that was made.

I'd be interested to hear from any of you guys who have been diagnosed with Autism or Aspergers what your opinion on that is.
One direction mode engage: OMG it'd oink I watch all your videos, your awesome!! Sorry had to do that.
Sorry in advance for waking up a somewhat "dead" thread, but I feel like this is relevant enough:

I have a crush on a girl who is also Autistic. She's amazing.

Honestly, there's nothing wrong with us, or any Autistic people. She's intelligent, and witty... :)
There's something wrong with an autistic person who does morally reprehensible things, just as there is something wrong with a right handed person who does morally reprehensible things, or a Kiwi who does morally reprehensible things, or an ADHD person who does morally reprehensible things, or a sleepwalker who does morally reprehensible things, or a lung cancer patient who does morally reprehensible things, or a paedophile who does morally reprehensible things, or a green eyed person who does morally reprehensible things, or a schizotypal person who does morally reprehensible things, or a cisgendered person who does morally reprehensible things, or a dyslexic person who does morally reprehensible things, or a bipolar person who does morally reprehensible things...

And even then. there are better terms to use than "wrong with", for example by specifying whether that person did said morally reprehensible action(s) as a direct effect of said attribute, as an indirect effect of said attribute, or for reasons unrelated to said attribute.


Also, autistic women aren't all they're cracked up to be... Autistic guys make far better potential girlfriends.
I agreed until you said the bit about Autistic guys being better girlfriends. Check between your legs again, please.

The point of my post is more that I'd be happiest with someone who is Autistic, versus someone who isn't. I just honestly believe it speaks volumes to how well people can cope with the spectrum.

So, yeah, small win.
I've recently realized that there are quite a number of Autistic GTP members.

I'm hoping, with this thread, to discuss everything about the Spectrum.

Please post anything and everything you've experienced with the Syndromes on the spectrum, what you do, or just discuss it. Talking is therapeutical, and for Autistic people, it can be the difference between a tantrum/depression and feeling okay.

Please, non-Autistic members, be respectful, polite, and supportive; we were born Autistic. It's not a choice we made. It's not something we made up. Please respect us. If you don't have anything constructive, it's better not to say anything. The AUP is in effect, and this isn't the "Opinions and Current Events" forum.

And, my story:

I was diagnosed in 2004 with a very slight case of Asperger's Syndrome. In Grade 1, my teacher noticed my unwillingness to stop doing one thing and move on to the next thing, my slight speech impediment (gone, by now) and my general personality, and advised my mom to have that looked into.

She was right.

I experienced 10 years of very vicious bullying, as an indirect result of the Autism, and the psychological differences caused. Even still, I occasionally feel that the Autism is making me uncomfortable and nervous around large groups of people. I find that I occasionally miss the tone of what people are saying, because I focus on the words.

So, I'm battling with some of the negative social aspects of Autism, but, I also feel blessed to be Autistic, too.

Many of my friends and teachers accredit my ability to learn things relatively quickly to my Autism. I speak four languages fluently. I play several musical instruments. I have several hobbies and interests.

I believe it stems from a photographic memory, and a keen interest.

Alright, your turn. If you want to post your personal story, the results of recent studies, dietary plans or any relevant "stuff," please feel free! :)
I have very little bit of it. But can cause problems.. Like getting banned from things.