The Avengers: Age of Ultron is Live. Don't forget the Spoiler Tags, Damnit.Movies 

  • Thread starter niky
They already built it.


Looks like they will be expanding.
Damn you early releasing countries and your hype generation, just watched The winter soldier to warm my cravings.
Damn you early releasing countries and your hype generation, just watched The winter soldier to warm my cravings.

Its kinda worse for me as I have ALOT of catching up to do in the Marvel Movie universe :lol:
I didnt really get hyped with this movie anyways, maybe that's why i'm not too disappointed with it.

I'm worried about how Mad Max will do though.
While I'm dying to see it, I'm so much more excited for the Infinity Wars because I really want to see how it's handled.

Will the first part consist of nothing but Thanos laughing hysterically as he kills too many people to count just to satisfy Death? How will Adam Strange be involved? Will we even see Death or will she only serve as motivation as seen in the end credits for the first movie?

I could be wrong, and I hope that I am, but this could prove difficult to adapt into two separate two hour-plus films as there's a lot of material to convert and next to nothing can be lost; the power of Thanos by himself can't even be downplayed, but once he has the gauntlet it literally becomes a game of "Come one, come all, watch as the grizzle-chinned Titan godstomps everyone!"

There's going to be so much death. :lol:
While I'm dying to see it, I'm so much more excited for the Infinity Wars because I really want to see how it's handled.

Will the first part consist of nothing but Thanos laughing hysterically as he kills too many people to count just to satisfy Death? How will Adam Strange be involved? Will we even see Death or will she only serve as motivation as seen in the end credits for the first movie?

I could be wrong, and I hope that I am, but this could prove difficult to adapt into two separate two hour-plus films as there's a lot of material to convert and next to nothing can be lost; the power of Thanos by himself can't even be downplayed, but once he has the gauntlet it literally becomes a game of "Come one, come all, watch as the grizzle-chinned Titan godstomps everyone!"

There's going to be so much death. :lol:
I have a bigger question: Why Infinity Wars? The Infinity War is a whole other story.

All signs point to Gauntlet as the story we are going for, but the title suggests otherwise. Or a third option, as the films are called Infinity Wars, could two films be a culmination of the two stories?

Part 1 be Thanos as the villain and Part 2 being Magus. I honestly believe it has to all be Gauntlet because bringing in beings like Eternity and whatnot is a huge order, but who knows what things we may see in Dr Strange?
Am I the only one who found the new Avengers line-up to be really weak?

I get that Whedon wrote four characters out, and needed to find four replacements. And part of the appeal in the franchise is the rotating line-up. But none of the four new characters are strong enough to carry their own film, and they all pretty much have the same powers: three of them (Vision, Falcon and War Machine) can fly, and two of them (Vision and Scarlet Witch) can pretty much do anything they want.

When he finished The Avengers, Whedon wanted to introduce the likes of the Maximoff twins because the original heroes essentially had the same powers. So it seems odd that he would replace them with another set of similarly-powered characters.

A better line-up would be to keep Pietro Maximoff, and de-power Wanda - give her reality-bending abilities, but tone down the psychokinesis (just explain it as proximity to the Mind Gem accentuating her powers). Bring in Spiderman, too, since he's got a few unique tricks. I suppose Falcon is okay as the fourth new member, since he is the most balanced of the four Whedon introduced. But someone like Magneto (yes, I know he's a villain) or Iceman would be good for their elemental manipulation powers. In terms of physical strength, that's a fairly weak line-up, but Thor could easily join as needed to lend a fist.
Ant-Man and possibly The Wasp are due. I bought the first Ultimates Avengers comics like 10 years ago. The lineup is Cap, Hulk, Thor, Iron-Man, Wasp and Hank Pym. Black Panther, Captain Marvel will arrive as well. Looong way to go.
Well, Ant-Man is coming next year.

It's kind of sad that the train crash sight gag got one of the best laughs from the audience in my screening of Age of Ultron.

Although the "Good talk, guys. / No, it wasn't!" line was very well-received.
Well, Ant-Man is coming next year.

It's kind of sad that the train crash sight gag got one of the best laughs from the audience in my screening of Age of Ultron.

Although the "Good talk, guys. / No, it wasn't!" line was very well-received.
Isn't Ant-Man coming out this year ?

which train gag was that again ?
which train gag was that again ?
Ant-Man and Yellowjacket are having an epic fight atop a speeding train, which causes it to derail - then smash cut to a long shot of a living room, showing that the train is actually a toy and the crash is anti-climactic.
Ant-Man and Yellowjacket are having an epic fight atop a speeding train, which causes it to derail - then smash cut to a long shot of a living room, showing that the train is actually a toy and the crash is anti-climactic.
Oh that one, i thought you were talking about AoU, my bad.

Anyway, i might have missed this but anyone can tell me

why is Tony Stark leaving the Avengers ? With the new line up being shown to us, it gives the impression that Stark is retiring or something. Also i think Falcon is not really needed since they have Vision and Scarlet Witch that are already powerful. War Machine is still useful for tactics i guess since he's the military guy even though they have Cap
Ant-Man and Yellowjacket are having an epic fight atop a speeding train, which causes it to derail - then smash cut to a long shot of a living room, showing that the train is actually a toy and the crash is anti-climactic.

My screening didn't have an Ant-Man trailer before it :(

I'm not as good as PM for pinning down what I like / don't like about films, however I certainly didn't feel the same as when the first Avengers film came out. The big wow factor came in the form of seeing 4 characters big enough for their own movie blockbusters coming together for one score. I was hoping that with the team formed and knowing what could be achieved together that Ultron would prove to be a bigger issue that required team development. As it turned out though, it just divided the team up partly to piece it back again.
@Pezzarinho17 - This was posted in the Ant-Man thread.

Anyway, i might have missed this but anyone can tell me

why is Tony Stark leaving the Avengers ? With the new line up being shown to us, it gives the impression that Stark is retiring or something.
He's definitely retiring, at least from the Avengers; he's expected to appear in Civil War. He's starting to recognise his own limitations - Ultron was intended to defend the world, but came very close to destroying it, while he took a huge risk in creating Vision. He has very much been unable to reconcile the idea that there are threats beyond our world, but feels compelled to try and prevent them. His ideas on how to do that are becoming increasingly dangerous, and if he allows them to continue, then he will become a liability - not just to the Avengers, but to the world.

In short, Ultron was right. Stark wants to protect the world, but he doesn't want it to change because he's afraid of what that change might mean. So long as everything remains the way it is, then he knows what he is fighting for and how to fight it. And that is getting in the way of the Avengers' ability to protect earth.
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Am I the only one who found the new Avengers line-up to be really weak?

I get that Whedon wrote four characters out, and needed to find four replacements. And part of the appeal in the franchise is the rotating line-up. But none of the four new characters are strong enough to carry their own film, and they all pretty much have the same powers: three of them (Vision, Falcon and War Machine) can fly, and two of them (Vision and Scarlet Witch) can pretty much do anything they want.

When he finished The Avengers, Whedon wanted to introduce the likes of the Maximoff twins because the original heroes essentially had the same powers. So it seems odd that he would replace them with another set of similarly-powered characters.

A better line-up would be to keep Pietro Maximoff, and de-power Wanda - give her reality-bending abilities, but tone down the psychokinesis (just explain it as proximity to the Mind Gem accentuating her powers). Bring in Spiderman, too, since he's got a few unique tricks. I suppose Falcon is okay as the fourth new member, since he is the most balanced of the four Whedon introduced. But someone like Magneto (yes, I know he's a villain) or Iceman would be good for their elemental manipulation powers. In terms of physical strength, that's a fairly weak line-up, but Thor could easily join as needed to lend a fist.
Without having seen the movie and only going by comics and what future films I know are coming:

Scarlet Witch is introducing the mystical element to the MCU. This will be extremely important for Dr. Strange and into the Infinity Wars films. They can't tone her down and make the future plans work on the massive scale that is required. Currently, they plan to have two more mystical powered characters in Dr. Strange and an Iron Fist Netflix series, as part of their Defenders lineup.

On top of that, comic fanboy outrage at toning down the powers of a character who basically rebooted the entire Marvel universe, by altering all reality during a delusional state, would be insane.

As for your characters wishlist; it ignores the unfortunate realities of Hollywood business. I don't believe that you need to worry though, as Dr. Strange, and the world that can open up (literally, another realm), will make elemental bending abilities seem small scale.

Just keep in mind that Infinity War will be dealing with a villain that has god-like powers over the entire universe. Toning down powers on characters now will make the future plans hard to pull off.
I think watching the first Avengers and Cap 2 is enough. Maybe add Iron Man 1 and Cap 1 to the mix.

This is how badly behind I am on the Marvel Movie universe:

Iron Man
Captain America
Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Solder
This is how badly behind I am on the Marvel Movie universe:

Iron Man
Captain America
Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Solder

Are those the ones you saw or didn't see, if the former that watch the Avengers and you're set, if not than like I said before. Enjoy the ride either way ;)
Without having seen the movie and only going by comics and what future films I know are coming:

Scarlet Witch is introducing the mystical element to the MCU. This will be extremely important for Dr. Strange and into the Infinity Wars films. They can't tone her down and make the future plans work on the massive scale that is required. Currently, they plan to have two more mystical powered characters in Dr. Strange and an Iron Fist Netflix series, as part of their Defenders lineup.

On top of that, comic fanboy outrage at toning down the powers of a character who basically rebooted the entire Marvel universe, by altering all reality during a delusional state, would be insane.

As for your characters wishlist; it ignores the unfortunate realities of Hollywood business. I don't believe that you need to worry though, as Dr. Strange, and the world that can open up (literally, another realm), will make elemental bending abilities seem small scale.

Just keep in mind that Infinity War will be dealing with a villain that has god-like powers over the entire universe. Toning down powers on characters now will make the future plans hard to pull off.
Toning a character down would only be temporary. When Scarlet Witch was introduced, she was only really capable of reading minds and temporarily manipulating a person's reality. By the end of the film, she's hurling psychokinetic balls of energy at will, stopping bullets and ripping Ultron's forces to pieces. It escalated to the point where pretty much anything she wills to happen will be realised.

If that's the final form of the character, then fine. But if Olsen is like the other actors in the franchise, then I imagine that she will be woven in and out of other films. The House of M reboot could easily be used as a soft reset ahead of Infinity Wars to focus the narrative ahead of the confrontation with Thanos. So why not use those films to show her development? The explanation would be simply - her close contact with the Mind Gem opened up the potential of her power, but she needs time to fully realise it.

I don't know if you ever watched the show, but in the sixth season of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", Willow Rosenberg turned evil following an extremely traumatic event - the death of Tara. In that moment, she completely changed, but in order to sell it, Whedon has to spend most of the season setting it up to make it convincing. Likewise in "Firefly" and Serenity, where River Tam was an immensely powerful psychic assassin - but where her potential was implied, she was unstable and confused to begin with; it wasn't until Serenity (which covered storylines intended for the second season of "Firefly") that she was able to reconcile her memories and emerge as a powerful character.

So it seems very un-Whedon for Scarlet Witch to go from moderately powerful to demi-god in the space of fifteen minutes.
I have a bigger question: Why Infinity Wars? The Infinity War is a whole other story.

All signs point to Gauntlet as the story we are going for, but the title suggests otherwise. Or a third option, as the films are called Infinity Wars, could two films be a culmination of the two stories?

Part 1 be Thanos as the villain and Part 2 being Magus. I honestly believe it has to all be Gauntlet because bringing in beings like Eternity and whatnot is a huge order, but who knows what things we may see in Dr Strange?

I'd forgotten all about Magus. Interesting. With Adam Warlock likely to be introduced before then it would only make sense to see Magus in some capacity (perhaps being seen with the gauntlet or something of that nature), but I really don't see Marvel directing the attention away from Thanos at all at this point. It would have been built up for seven years at the end of the day and to have Thanos be anything short of the ultimate end-game "boss" would make everything seem ill thought out.
I'd forgotten all about Magus. Interesting. With Adam Warlock likely to be introduced before then it would only make sense to see Magus in some capacity (perhaps being seen with the gauntlet or something of that nature), but I really don't see Marvel directing the attention away from Thanos at all at this point. It would have been built up for seven years at the end of the day and to have Thanos be anything short of the ultimate end-game "boss" would make everything seem ill thought out.
Marvel aren't above adapting their own storylines for the sake of better translating them into film. After all, James Gunn wrote the MCU backstory for the Infinity Gems. Could they potentially tweak Warlock's backstory to make him a rival entity to Thanos, with Thanos needing the Gauntlet for the fight against him?

After all, a lot of the mythos surrounding Thanos has been anchored in the established franchises - each of the Infinity Gems has been woven into the storylines that have been covered so far. As of Age of Ultron, four have been accounted for, which means that there are two more out there - but Marvel have plans to introduce three major new characters in the form of Ant-Man, Black Panther and Doctor Strange, not to mention the Inhumans. Plus, they're continuing stories for Captain America and Thor. It wouldn't surprise me if they introduce Warlock as a rival to Thanos, albeit as a secondary villain since they need something for him to project onto, alerting the Avengers to his presence, and giving them some opportunity to prepare for the confrontation.
Marvel aren't above adapting their own storylines for the sake of better translating them into film. After all, James Gunn wrote the MCU backstory for the Infinity Gems. Could they potentially tweak Warlock's backstory to make him a rival entity to Thanos, with Thanos needing the Gauntlet for the fight against him?

After all, a lot of the mythos surrounding Thanos has been anchored in the established franchises - each of the Infinity Gems has been woven into the storylines that have been covered so far. As of Age of Ultron, four have been accounted for, which means that there are two more out there - but Marvel have plans to introduce three major new characters in the form of Ant-Man, Black Panther and Doctor Strange, not to mention the Inhumans. Plus, they're continuing stories for Captain America and Thor. It wouldn't surprise me if they introduce Warlock as a rival to Thanos, albeit as a secondary villain since they need something for him to project onto, alerting the Avengers to his presence, and giving them some opportunity to prepare for the confrontation.

While plausible, tweaking Warlock's background that much would make him a hybrid of HIM and Adam Warlock which would be interesting to see at the very least, but I don't think it would be necessary as Warlock is the one that eventually leads (with help of course) to Thanos being defeated. I don't expect the Infinity Watch to emerge from this so I think they'll either kill Thanos, or at the very least trap him somewhere he can be written off.

I don't know really. There's a lot of content to adapt but I do expect them to tweak the story a little bit as necessary, I just hope they don't alter too much that it isn't what I'm thinking it'll be - an almost direct adaptation of the story arc.
Toning a character down would only be temporary. When Scarlet Witch was introduced, she was only really capable of reading minds and temporarily manipulating a person's reality. By the end of the film, she's hurling psychokinetic balls of energy at will, stopping bullets and ripping Ultron's forces to pieces. It escalated to the point where pretty much anything she wills to happen will be realised.

If that's the final form of the character, then fine. But if Olsen is like the other actors in the franchise, then I imagine that she will be woven in and out of other films. The House of M reboot could easily be used as a soft reset ahead of Infinity Wars to focus the narrative ahead of the confrontation with Thanos. So why not use those films to show her development? The explanation would be simply - her close contact with the Mind Gem opened up the potential of her power, but she needs time to fully realise it.

I don't know if you ever watched the show, but in the sixth season of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", Willow Rosenberg turned evil following an extremely traumatic event - the death of Tara. In that moment, she completely changed, but in order to sell it, Whedon has to spend most of the season setting it up to make it convincing. Likewise in "Firefly" and Serenity, where River Tam was an immensely powerful psychic assassin - but where her potential was implied, she was unstable and confused to begin with; it wasn't until Serenity (which covered storylines intended for the second season of "Firefly") that she was able to reconcile her memories and emerge as a powerful character.

So it seems very un-Whedon for Scarlet Witch to go from moderately powerful to demi-god in the space of fifteen minutes.
Without having seen the film I can't respond to your individual points, as I don't know what you are talking about, but I will say this:

We first saw Scarlett Witch in the end credits of Winter Soldier. She was playing with psychokinetic balls then.
While plausible, tweaking Warlock's background that much would make him a hybrid of HIM and Adam Warlock which would be interesting to see at the very least, but I don't think it would be necessary as Warlock is the one that eventually leads (with help of course) to Thanos being defeated. I don't expect the Infinity Watch to emerge from this so I think they'll either kill Thanos, or at the very least trap him somewhere he can be written off.

I don't know really. There's a lot of content to adapt but I do expect them to tweak the story a little bit as necessary, I just hope they don't alter too much that it isn't what I'm thinking it'll be - an almost direct adaptation of the story arc.
I think the important part is that the Avengers have to become aware of Thanos before they are drawn into a conflict with him. They will have to, since they control the Mind Gem. But they can't just go straight into battle with him, and nor can they learn from an outside source like Thor. And that's why I feel that the new Avengers line-up is a bad choice: none of them are strong enough to carry a film on their own. Sure, there's Captain America, and Black Widow could pull it off, but the others can't.

Thanos also needs to directly take action within a film. Guardians 2 is the most likely candidate for that, since Thanos has already played a significant role there, and bringing those five characters into a crossover event would be tricky to say the least.

Without having seen the film I can't respond to your individual points, as I don't know what you are talking about, but I will say this:

We first saw Scarlett Witch in the end credits of Winter Soldier. She was playing with psychokinetic balls then.
True, but:
She goes all the way to eleven very, very quickly.

It's like this: imagine Bruce Banner's origin story, plus The Incredible Hulk and Banner's development in The Avengers and a similar amount of development in another film ... in fifteen minutes. Stuff that should take time is rushed, and the end result is that Scarlet Witch goes from vulnerable to being one of the most powerful Avengers very, very quickly.
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This is how badly behind I am on the Marvel Movie universe:

Iron Man
Captain America
Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Solder

Skip both Iron Mans, and the second Thor. The only thing you need to know about the latter is the MacGuffin is another Infinity piece of the puzzle. There's nothing terribly important to the over-arching story otherwise. I suppose there isn't much to the first Cap film either, but it's a good one to watch, and Hydra still has a place in the MCU. Definitely do not skip Winter Soldier.

We've just started rewatching all of them to get refreshed and excited for Ultron on Thursday. The only thing I've really enjoyed with the 2008 films (Iron Man and Hulk, the only two we've done so far) has been seeing Coulson. Origin stories just don't do much for me these days, though it's worth mentioning the first Iron Man was definitely the best of the three solo films for Stark.
"What happened to Ronin the Destroyer? Red Skull? Odin? Loki(Secret Wars?)? Other than killing off the Frost King and Malekith, theres so much more to play out. If Strucker kept a Chitauri beast, what else is lying around on Earth? "
Falcon has his uses for flight. He's training with Cap, Vision and both Scarletts. He may be "enhanced" as well. Lots of tech being shown to make one stronger in the MCU. We also have to wait and see where Spidey fits in all this. He's teamed up with so many characters and fought many villians. With Infinity War and Civil War, will we get to see Secret Wars?
I think the important part is that the Avengers have to become aware of Thanos before they are drawn into a conflict with him. They will have to, since they control the Mind Gem. But they can't just go straight into battle with him, and nor can they learn from an outside source like Thor. And that's why I feel that the new Avengers line-up is a bad choice: none of them are strong enough to carry a film on their own. Sure, there's Captain America, and Black Widow could pull it off, but the others can't.

Thanos also needs to directly take action within a film. Guardians 2 is the most likely candidate for that, since Thanos has already played a significant role there, and bringing those five characters into a crossover event would be tricky to say the least.

I don't know if I agree with only Captain and Black Widow being able to carry films on their own, you have Iron Man. I'll grant you the argument you're likely to make that 2, and to a far lesser extent, 3 damaged the overall integrity of the character but that could easily be undone with a little bit of direction. The Extremis arc was done very well but despite everything being near accurate (in regards to how those with the virus were portrayed) it still felt a little too on the nose. My gut is telling me it was Pots. There was a far better way to make her Rescue without going through that whole rigmarole.

You definitely have a solid point with Thor though as they haven't exactly portrayed him for what he is and it's damaged his stock a little. He relies too heavily on Mjolnir and they really need to move away from that and have him engage in hand-to-hand combat as it's something he excels at. So far the action scenes in Thor's movies haven't really been memorable outside of The Destroyer, and I remember that solely because of The Destroyer.

As for your criticism of Thanos it's actually being done superbly as he's one to bide his time to perfection and strike when the time is right and not one second sooner, however, having said that I actually do agree with you.
I don't know if I agree with only Captain and Black Widow being able to carry films on their own, you have Iron Man. I'll grant you the argument you're likely to make that 2, and to a far lesser extent, 3 damaged the overall integrity of the character but that could easily be undone with a little bit of direction. The Extremis arc was done very well but despite everything being near accurate (in regards to how those with the virus were portrayed) it still felt a little too on the nose. My gut is telling me it was Pots. There was a far better way to make her Rescue without going through that whole rigmarole.
I think the problem is that Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron are slightly contradictory. At the end of IM3, Stark makes his peace with the idea that he can't anticipate every threat and instead trust to the idea that other people can step in when he can't. But then in AOU, he's building Ultron.

Ideally, IM2 would never exist. It was a weak re-tread of IM1. And at the end of IM3, Stark would start building Ultron as a passive, complimentary system designed to support the other Avengers, but making no progress and coming to the conclusion that Ultron needs an AI.

As for your criticism of Thanos it's actually being done superbly as he's one to bide his time to perfection and strike when the time is right and not one second sooner, however, having said that I actually do agree with you.
I appreciate the idea that Thanos is the kind of villain who bides his time, but I feel the risk Marvel runs is that they will make him the kind of genius villain who can not only accurately predict complex responses from the heroes, but actually integrate them into his own plans so that they actually support his plan. For example, it would be like Ultron setting up the Iron Man vs. Hulk fight so that they will specifically destroy the half-finished skyscraper because he needs it to be demolished, but doing it himself would reveal his plans. I actually find that kind of complex, multi-faceted adaptive planning to be pretty cheap.

If Marvel really want to sell us Thanos as a villain, they can't just say "he's Thanos" and rely on his reputation from the comics to sell it. My second cousin loves the films, but he hasn't read the comics too extensively, so he won't appreciate the idea of Thanos being the villain.

Also, it makes sense that Thanos has to reveal himself earlier than he would have liked. The Power Gem is currently in the possession of the Nova Corps, and Vision holds the Mind Gem. Thanos won't get either - much less both - without revealing himself sooner than he might like. So I think he will take a much more active role in Guardians of the Galaxy 2, which would allow the audience to see him in action in advance of Infinity Wars without necessarily revealing him to the Avengers. And he may pop up in Thor: Ragnarok, since Vision was part of Thor's hallucinations.