The Avengers: Age of Ultron is Live. Don't forget the Spoiler Tags, Damnit.Movies 

  • Thread starter niky
In the comics, certainly - but film is a different medium. You can't really have villains constantly recurring (especially when Loki and HYDRA already have a presence), because it feels a little cheap. It feels like there is no meaningful advance in a story, and it's easy to over-use a character and retroactively weaken them. And with each new Big Bad that gets introduced, it adds an extra layer if complexity to the story. If Marvel have an end-point in mind - you need to know where are story will end before you start it - then they need to tie off plot threads at some point. As one entity falls, another rises.
Which is why I can see him triggering a Kree incident and opening the door to Thanos. That leaves room for him to be thoroughly vanquished as a threat to Thanos. It would be as a plot device, not a second big bad role. But Marvel has tossed movie convention out for comic convention plenty, so who knows?
True, but there's only so much that they can do. If they keep rehashing old plot threads, it will wind up like "How I Met Your Mother" - the worst episodes late in the series' run were the ones where Ted couldn't get over Robin. The audience expected (and indeed, had been led to believe) that this sub-plot had been wrapped up, but the writers wheeled it out constantly. Marvel run the same risk if they keep resurrecting plot elements. It would be one thing to have one hero square off against another's antagonists - like Thor and HYDRA, or Captain America and Loki - but I think it is something that would wear thin quickly. They're clearly building up towards a "Civil War" arc; at this point, Bucky seems interchangeable with Captain America, so if Rodgers and Stark had a falling-out, Bucky could fill the Captain America role in Stark's Avengers, and Hulk could probably be Captain America's equivalent of Iron Man. Thor and Loki could be split up (they seem to be aiming to redeem Loki; Whedon did something similar with Spike and pitting him against Angel), as could Hawkeye and Black Widow.

I wouldn't put it past Whedon to kill a character off in AGE OF ULTRON. He racked up quite the body count in "Buffy", "Angel" and "Firefly" - Tara, Doyle, Wes, Fred, Cordelia, Anya, Book and Wash all got themselves killed - and he usually did it to force the other characters in new and interesting directions. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Rhodes is killed off, with his death forcing Stark to reevaluate what he is doing, leading up to the Civil War.
The whole MCU is a giant crossover. Thanos is playing that role now. It's a common element in comics and Marvel has been quick to set aside movie elements for comic elements.
I'm not opposed to cross-overs. I just think that a time will come when the MCU needs to move it along. Once a story is over, don't bring it back up. It's the mistake IRON MAN 2 made - Stark fought another villain with a powered suit of armour. IRON MAN 3 at least tried to be different.
I just think that a time will come when the MCU needs to move it along. Once a story is over, don't bring it back up.
Don't forget that Marvel doesn't have access to their full cast of characters to keep things as new as they might want to.

As for not bringing up a past story, you can't have a huge interconnected set of movies and do that. It creates giant plot hole issues. The personal struggles in Iron Man 3 wouldn't exist if they just moved on from past stories. We would have spent a lot of time on backstory in Captain America to explain the tesseract. The nature of the the MCU doesn't allow just moving on. Everything and everyone is affected on some level by the events in the other movies. It is one universe.

Think of it as the film version of a serialized TV show. You can be three or four seasons in and an event from the first season can come back, or a single character can mucky muck with everything in the show for an extended time.
I get where you're coming from, but that's not my concern. My concern is that Marvel will revive characters or plots at a later date, and it runs the risk of stagnating the series. Audiences need some kind of forward motion, so once a plot thread is tied off, it should remain tied off.
Well, if last week was Warner Brothers/DC flicking boogers at Disney/Marvel, man, today was Feige giving them the double middle-fingers. I mean, c'mon:

  • Captain America: Civil War - May 2016
  • Doctor Strange - November 2016
  • Guardians of the Galaxy 2 - May 2017
  • Thor: Ragnarok - July 2017
  • Black Panther - November 2017
  • Avengers: Infinity War Pt 1 - May 2018
  • Captain Marvel - July 2018
  • Inhumans - November 2018
  • Avengers: Infinity War Pt 2 - May 2019
I mean, this is crazy. Marvel is finally pulling the trigger on a female-lead film, we're getting Black Panther (!!!), and they're taking a dump directly on the nonsense that DC is trying to throw together for Justice League. My only problem with the lineup listed is that there isn't a Black Widow/Hawkeye film. But, in addition to the Netflix series... They win. That's it. Everyone go home.
Referencing to Avengers 1 :

DC : ant, Marvel : boot

Black Phanter will be making his on screen debut in Cap 3.

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The article that I read this In says Thor: Ragnarok will take place immediately following the aftermath of Age of Ultron. I knew Ultron was too big to not have larger implications. It could just be that the Ultron aftermath leads to events in Asgard. This with Civil War likely weakens Earth's heroes, leaving it ripe for Thanos.

Add in Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers, not Mah'vel) and the Inhumans and suddenly events in Agents of SHIELD begins to go where I've been expecting. Fingers crossed that Skye is Carol Danvers (the show has revealed that Skye isn't her real name). Skye's dad and Coulson's Kree blood injections seems like a good launching point into the InHumans (It better have Lockjaw).

My only problem with the lineup listed is that there isn't a Black Widow/Hawkeye film.
Feige responds to this in the article I linked. Same reason they haven't planned another Hulk film.

He also said that Spider-Man inclusion rumors are either untrue or not ready to be revealed yet.

For fun

The article that I read this In says Thor: Ragnarok will take place immediately following the aftermath of Age of Ultron. I knew Ultron was too big to not have larger implications. It could just be that the Ultron aftermath leads to events in Asgard. This with Civil War likely weakens Earth's heroes, leaving it ripe for Thanos.

I probably shouldn't worry, since Feige has had such a deft hand so far, but having Thor 3 set immediately after AoU, yet in theatres over two years and four films later might be a stretch. Though it'll be high time we see Loki again, so that'll be fun.

Add in Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers, not Mah'vel) and the Inhumans and suddenly events in Agents of SHIELD begins to go where I've been expecting. Fingers crossed that Skye is Carol Danvers (the show has revealed that Skye isn't her real name). Skye's dad and Coulson's Kree blood injections seems like a good launching point into the InHumans (It better have Lockjaw).

I'm not familiar with many of the Phase 3 characters, so I guess I've got some catching up to do. And to finally start getting into Agents, since it's becoming apparent it really is tying things together.

Feige responds to this in the article I linked. Same reason they haven't planned another Hulk film.

Which I'm fine with; Black Widow worked fantastically well paired off with Cap this year.

He also said that Spider-Man inclusion rumors are either untrue or not ready to be revealed yet.

An article over on Screen Rant mentioned how it'd be messy to include the Garfield-cast Spidey, since there's been no mention of the exploits his two films have had in the MCU, and vise-versa. I wonder if that would be overlooked though, on account of the sheer epicness and fan-service of having Parker finally integrated with this whole setup. I recognize he's an important part of the Civil War story, but as they've already proven with Guardians, or Winter Soldier, or Ultron, or Ant-Man... they can take different paths from the source material and still meet with success.

Now, what I'm curious about is Evans contract: it's always been stated he had Avengers 2, Cap 3, and Avengers 3 in the deal. Now that Avengers 3 has technically become 3 and 4, will we be seeing a certain event take place near the end of Part One?
I'm not familiar with many of the Phase 3 characters, so I guess I've got some catching up to do. And to finally start getting into Agents, since it's becoming apparent it really is tying things together.
Feel free to ask about any of them. My childhood was spent buried in comics, many bought out of the $0.50 box. Lesser known side characters are my best friends. I am surprised that Marvel maintained rights to The InHumans. They're traditionally a Fantastic Four plot device. They've interacted with The Avengers, but that wasn't where they showed up most. I had heard rumors that Marvel was buying back the rights to some unused side stuff from Fox, but I was thinking along the lines of something like a villain.

As for AoS, you really could pick up right after CA:TWS came out to get the really good stuff, but I have a feeling that the first, slow half season of discovering how Coulson lived is important backstory for later stuff. Thinking about it more, I wonder if Skye wouldn't be more likely to become someone like Medusa, but that is unlikely. It is possible that she is just an Inhuman descendant of no particular fame or a Kree left here at birth. It's been known to be the case before.

An article over on Screen Rant mentioned how it'd be messy to include the Garfield-cast Spidey, since there's been no mention of the exploits his two films have had in the MCU, and vise-versa. I wonder if that would be overlooked though, on account of the sheer epicness and fan-service of having Parker finally integrated with this whole setup. I recognize he's an important part of the Civil War story, but as they've already proven with Guardians, or Winter Soldier, or Ultron, or Ant-Man... they can take different paths from the source material and still meet with success.
It doesn't have to be Garfield. It doesn't have to be connected to those films (Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch). Spidey has had a history of not wanting to be recruited by SHIELD. He could simply show up to play his part as the guy SHIELD has been trying to bring on board for a while, and he finally accepted with the registration.

Now, what I'm curious about is Evans contract: it's always been stated he had Avengers 2, Cap 3, and Avengers 3 in the deal. Now that Avengers 3 has technically become 3 and 4, will we be seeing a certain event take place near the end of Part One?
What if Cap dies at the end of Civil War? Then Bucky takes over. Bucky is Cap through Infinity War part 1, where a healed up Steve Robers shows up and Bucky goes back to his role as The Winter Soldier. Or, both Infinty Wars are technically Avengers 3.
Feel free to ask about any of them. My childhood was spent buried in comics, many bought out of the $0.50 box. Lesser known side characters are my best friends. I am surprised that Marvel maintained rights to The InHumans. They're traditionally a Fantastic Four plot device. They've interacted with The Avengers, but that wasn't where they showed up most. I had heard rumors that Marvel was buying back the rights to some unused side stuff from Fox, but I was thinking along the lines of something like a villain.

Cheers. There's a really well-stocked comic book store down in the core that I might like to pick up some basic introductions to the characters from, so I may need your advice.

I wonder if Fox ever had rights to the InHumans in the first place then; I remember hearing of Daredevil, Blade, and Ghost Rider defaulting back to Marvel, but who knows.

As for AoS, you really could pick up right after CA:TWS came out to get the really good stuff, but I have a feeling that the first, slow half season of discovering how Coulson lived is important backstory for later stuff. Thinking about it more, I wonder if Skye wouldn't be more likely to become someone like Medusa, but that is unlikely. It is possible that she is just an Inhuman descendant of no particular fame or a Kree left here at birth. It's been known to be the case before.

You're talking to someone that counts Mad Men and the Wire as two of their favourite shows; I can handle slow. :lol:

It doesn't have to be Garfield. It doesn't have to be connected to those films (Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch). Spidey has had a history of not wanting to be recruited by SHIELD. He could simply show up to play his part as the guy SHIELD has been trying to bring on board for a while, and he finally accepted with the registration.

He doesn't have to be Garfield, sure - though I really hope, even with the rumours of Sony restructuring their Spiderman cinematic universe, they keep him, as he does an excellent job - but I feel like whoever it ends up being, it needs to be whomever Sony has for the role. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are in because of loopholes, so long as they're not referred to as mutants. That sort of thing can't work for Parker, and I imagine allowing Marvel access to the character would have to work in Sony's favour, and provide exposure to boost their own ailing brand. Unless they do something crazy and give the entire thing back to Marvel, but I don't see that happening, even with the mediocre finanical take of TASM2.

What if Cap dies at the end of Civil War? Then Bucky takes over. Bucky is Cap through Infinity War part 1, where a healed up Steve Robers shows up and Bucky goes back to his role as The Winter Soldier. Or, both Infinty Wars are technically Avengers 3.

Both entirely possible, yeah. And of course, Evans could extend his contract in much the same way RDJ has - who also isn't on board for Infinity Wars right now, I believe.

I wonder, is it confirmed that Bucky will show up again in Cap 3 ?

It's pretty much a given, as Sebastian Stan has the longest contract of any of the actors in the MCU.


Seeing all these plans being laid-out all the way to 2019, one of my thoughts was when/if Disney will release a massive Blu-Ray collection, starting with the first Iron Man, and running all the way to Avengers 3's second installment. I'm definitely going to rewatch everything before May, in as rapid succession as I can manage.
Cheers. There's a really well-stocked comic book store down in the core that I might like to pick up some basic introductions to the characters from, so I may need your advice.
Quick tip: It is cheaper and easier to buy the collected volumes in a trade paperback form. It might even be cheaper to buy them digitally. I know I pick them up fairly cheap for my Kindle.

Once the really good stories began to affect the entire universe on a regular basis I gave up trying to keep up with the individual issues.

Right now, I would say required reading is: Civil War (there are a lot of side stories for every character, but this gets the main story), The Infinity Gauntlet, and possibly The Infinity War. Death of Captain America might not hurt either.

I wonder if Fox ever had rights to the InHumans in the first place then; I remember hearing of Daredevil, Blade, and Ghost Rider defaulting back to Marvel, but who knows.
Yeah. Looking at that list, they only made one good movie from the bunch. Here's hoping the Daredevil TV show is better.

He doesn't have to be Garfield, sure - though I really hope, even with the rumours of Sony restructuring their Spiderman cinematic universe, they keep him, as he does an excellent job - but I feel like whoever it ends up being, it needs to be whomever Sony has for the role.
I honestly don't understand why this idea is so hard for the movie studios. Make it a joint venture. Have some crossovers. Unless they are just too different creatively to get along, who would it not benefit? Is Sony thinking that a percentage of an Avengers film wouldn't be worth it?

Both entirely possible, yeah. And of course, Evans could extend his contract in much the same way RDJ has - who also isn't on board for Infinity Wars right now, I believe.
RDJ is being very secretive.

Seeing all these plans being laid-out all the way to 2019, one of my thoughts was when/if Disney will release a massive Blu-Ray collection, starting with the first Iron Man, and running all the way to Avengers 3's second installment. I'm definitely going to rewatch everything before May, in as rapid succession as I can manage.
Of course they will. It is Disney. They are the smoothest operating marketing machine out there. I can't walk through my house without tripping on something Disney, and I keep my stuff put away. I think Disney should just give me some free shares at this point. Once they had Marvel and Star Wars half my expendable income started going to them. More since we went to Disneyworld this year.

I wonder, is it confirmed that Bucky will show up again in Cap 3 ?
If they stick remotely close to the comics, they need him.

So, in the Age of Ultron trailer we see CA's shield broken. I wonder; do they try to find more vibranium and wind up in Wakanda, where the largest known deposit of vibranium can be found?
- There were multiple people who could lift Maijor, but in the MCU, there were only two who could really do it if you take the comics into account, Hulk and Captain America.

- RDJ is signed for Avengers 3, but wasn't for Captain America 3. This is good news that maybe he did sign a new long term deal that no one was telling us about.
It doesn't have to be Garfield. It doesn't have to be connected to those films (Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch). Spidey has had a history of not wanting to be recruited by SHIELD. He could simply show up to play his part as the guy SHIELD has been trying to bring on board for a while, and he finally accepted with the registration.

Speaking of that, fun fact I found: In a comic (Can't remember which oen it was, Spiderman actually wanted to join the Justice League, but was rejected. Thought that was interesting considering this was a Marvel character that somehow was in the DC universe.

Trailer from last night's Agents of Shield:

Apparently, a lot of people were worried that this would not have any of the humor the first film had, but clearly that's false. Love it though and I kinda like the fact that Ultron's voice isn't all that flanged, this coming from a person who sorta is a sucker for voice alteration of that kind.
- There were multiple people who could lift Maijor, but in the MCU, there were only two who could really do it if you take the comics into account, Hulk and Captain America.

Um, you forgot one.


And if you are willing to delve into all the alternate Earths there have been numerous people worthy of lifting Mjolnir.

Speaking of that, fun fact I found: In a comic (Can't remember which oen it was, Spiderman actually wanted to join the Justice League, but was rejected. Thought that was interesting considering this was a Marvel character that somehow was in the DC universe.
Are you talking about this?


That was fan made.

There is also a throwaway line in one of the Marvel vs DC crossovers where Spider-Man and Batman fight and Batman comments that Spider-Man couldn't cut it in a group like the Justice League because he wasn't a team player, but it had nothing to do with Spider-Man wanting to join.
As for AoS, you really could pick up right after CA:TWS came out to get the really good stuff, but I have a feeling that the first, slow half season of discovering how Coulson lived is important backstory for later stuff. Thinking about it more, I wonder if Skye wouldn't be more likely to become someone like Medusa, but that is unlikely. It is possible that she is just an Inhuman descendant of no particular fame or a Kree left here at birth. It's been known to be the case before.

Saw this elsewhere, but any thoughts on Skye's dad being Mister Hyde and Skye being Daisy Johnson?
Are you talking about this?


That was fan made.

Should've figured, its always struck me as odd that there existed a comic where a Marvel character wanted to join a group comprised of DC characters. Then again, I was wrong to assume fans didn't have the compacity to make something like that outside of the usual, horrid fanfiction.
Saw this elsewhere, but any thoughts on Skye's dad being Mister Hyde and Skye being Daisy Johnson?
I've seen it and considered it. It looks possible with her dad just being known as The Doctor right now (Kyle MacLachlan, yeah!), but at the same time nothing of that backstory would explain her partial alien DNA and ability to be injected with Kree blood without the side effects others have. Also, according to AoS, both her parents were monsters. That doesn't quite fit the backstory.

Honestly, I would lean this way if not for the Kree tie-in.
So, in the Age of Ultron trailer we see CA's shield broken. I wonder; do they try to find more vibranium and wind up in Wakanda, where the largest known deposit of vibranium can be found?
Going by the SHIELD clip, it looks like they are setting up Thor's downfall as well. The hammer-lifting game looks like harmless joking around, but I'm willing to bet someone will pick up the hammer by the end of AGE OF ULTRON.

I'm willing to bet that Thor falls during ULTRON. Loki becomes ruler of Asgard, and the realm comes under attack in RAGNAROK. Thor would ultimately be revived, but the Avengers are divided over the defence of Asgard; they are vital allies, but going to their defence will leave the earth vulnerable, leading to CIVIL WAR (I don't think the Registration Act would translate well onto the big screen).