The Barclay's Premiership - 05/06 season over (plenty of spurs toilet humor here)

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Are you mad, Keane is one of the best mid-fielders ever to grace a football stadium. The only consolation is that he was going at the end of the season anyway. He was forced out by Fergie for a few reasons, mainly it was the interview where he slagged off the team. Like Fergusin said, any public critcising goes through him, the rest stays behind closed doors. Then the row with Quieros hammered the last nail in the coffin so to speak.

Anyway, other than that it was a cracking day of football yesterday. Wigan did well against Arsenal, not so much a shock defeat but a shock pummeling was handed to Everton. Chelsea won as usual but didn't seem up to their usual pace and like Joe Cole said after the game, the final score wasn't a true reflection of the game, Newcastle didn't play all that bad. Peter (donkey) Crouch missed a penalty, when will the critics realise he's just a lanky pile of crap. And ofcourse, Man U won, two goals by a much, much sharper looking Nistelrooy. Good to see him taking on players again, thats what we used to see him doing and thats when he was one of the top goal scorers, AND Ferdinand didn't do too bad either, talk about shock moments.
Ferdinands been playing really well lately. As for keane he was a old moody git who was only holding Man U back. The man was never one of the greatest midfielders just better than alot of others.

Crouch is a bloody donkey I dont know how he got into the england squad I think they would be much better off with rooney owen and defoe.

Arsenal will rule the premiership again in 2 years and barcelona will win this years champions league knocking out chelsea.
Eh, you need to watch some more games mate, Kean's still got one of the best football brains, just not the pace anymore. Back in 98/99 he was phenominal and by all accounts, amongst the best mid-fielders in the world. And no, Arsenal won't be ruling any roosts within the next 2 years, they haven't got a Chelsea killing squad, tbh neither does Man U, but far more people (and I'm not talking Man U fans here) will say Man U have the best chance to beat Chelsea to the title and have the best squad besides Chelsea.
In the world or premiership because im not seeing it. Arsenals better set up for the future than Man U. Just look at barcelona arsenal is doing the same thing they did 2-3 years ago and they are by far the best club in the world. Not even chelsea could hold a candle to them. Real Glacticos were played like apuppet on strings and looked like amteurs aginst barca and the same will happen to chelsea. I bet next time man U play arsenal arsenal will win.
I dissagree, what Arsenal have now is not as good as what Barca had 2 years ago.
Crouch is a bloody donkey I dont know how he got into the england squad I think they would be much better off with rooney owen and defoe.

This is why 17 year olds are not managers.

How tall is Rooney? How tall is Owen? How tall is Defoe?

How are any of them to get their head to a ball floated in from a corner?
Yeah it's not going to be great playing the three of them together "great cross by Beckham...... And it goes right over everyone's heads", however theres better choices than Crouch.
Not really. He's got talent. He doesn't lose the ball as easily as, say Owen Hargreaves, he can create his own space well, he can use his body against defenders better than, say, Emile Heskey and, unlike him, at least when he goes down it looks genuine (and epic...).

He may not have scored any goals for England OR Liverpool (yet - remember Diego Forlan? He took forever to get started, and bangs them in all over Europe now) but he's set up a hatful just through his presence. England's winner against Argentina, for example - both defenders went up against Crouch and forgot about Owen completely.
I don't see much in him tbh, he's tall and thats it. He's not fast, he can reach the ball but he can't head the ball particularly well. To his credit, he puts the effort in, but he's not a great player, to play for your country you need to be a great player, now as a distraction, he does work, but for how long. Players will mark him for a cross and leave Owen alone as you said, but that won't last forever.
Arsenal won't be ruling any roosts within the next 2 years, they haven't got a Chelsea killing squad, tbh neither does Man U, but far more people (and I'm not talking Man U fans here) will say Man U have the best chance to beat Chelsea to the title and have the best squad besides Chelsea.
On paper, Liverpool have the best squad to challenge Chelsea.

As for Man U having the best chance to challenge chelsea...*giggles*

Their squad is on a par with arsenal in terms of inexperience and talent. They (like arsenal) rely too heavily on their main striker (Henry and Rooney). Ruud is too unpredictable to be a reliable gamebreaker Smith and Saha couldnt score with a 10c hooker.

Arsenal have Pires who is getting on, and Van Persie who is growing with each game. The big thing Man U have is their bottle at home. As when they beat chelsea, they are able to out psych their opponents on the big night (like arsenal last year). Although they have that, one suspects their young talent pool is a lot shallower then Arsenals.

All in all, it doesnt really matter. Roman has thrown so much money at the club, they could field two teams that would finish 1 and 2 in the league. Given which, it is funny they couldnt beat arsenals record :D
Mike Rotch
As for Man U having the best chance to challenge chelsea...*giggles*
Note that I said best chance, not they will beat Chelsea to the title.

As for the squads, Arsenal migh not have Pires next season and good riddance, he's overrated, and Van Persie while good is not as good as Rooney. Van Nistelrooy showed on Saturday that he's still got it and if he keeps that up he'll be hammering the goals in again. Smith can score, he's spending most of his game in the mid-field otracking back though so he doesn't get into positions to score, when he does though, he scores, like on Saturday. Saha, well he can score, when he's not injured, he's been a bad buy really cos we haven't seen him much at all.

I don't think Arsenal have anything specail with their youngsters, I don't rate them all that highly exept for Van Persie. As for Liverpool, they've got Gerrard, and Gerrard. The rest of the team is between average and poor, they used to fill the gap between the middle of the table teams and the top flight teams quite nicely, but they've slipped, but it's been a long time since Liverool actually meant something in Football.
This is why 17 year olds are not managers.

How tall is Rooney? How tall is Owen? How tall is Defoe?

How are any of them to get their head to a ball floated in from a corner?

The dutch tried the tall striker malarky and well it was good for set pieces but other than that pretty much useless. And that striker in question had alot more skill and power than crouch. Cant remember his name now.

Plus just because your not tall doesnt mean you cant be spectacular at set peices. Trezeguet scores most of his goals from a header. Id rather see defoe in his place who can take on defenders tackle the ball and trick people. Him rooney and owen could reak havoc on any defense. 3 fast skillful players than can pass defenders and have a good shot.

remember Diego Forlan? He took forever to get started, and bangs them in all over Europe now

He was bangin them in all over the place before he came to Man U. :rolleyes:

I don't see much in him tbh, he's tall and thats it. He's not fast, he can reach the ball but he can't head the ball particularly well. To his credit, he puts the effort in, but he's not a great player, to play for your country you need to be a great player, now as a distraction, he does work, but for how long. Players will mark him for a cross and leave Owen alone as you said, but that won't last forever.

I agree.

mike rotch
Everyhting mike rotch said.

I agree with him aswell.

As for the squads, Arsenal migh not have Pires next season and good riddance, he's overrated, and Van Persie while good is not as good as Rooney. Van Nistelrooy showed on Saturday that he's still got it and if he keeps that up he'll be hammering the goals in again. Smith can score, he's spending most of his game in the mid-field otracking back though so he doesn't get into positions to score, when he does though, he scores, like on Saturday. Saha, well he can score, when he's not injured, he's been a bad buy really cos we haven't seen him much at all.

You cant really compare Van Persie to Rooney two completely different styles of playing and due to that fact Van Persie will improve alot more on his game than Rooney.

Van Nistelrooy hasnt been anywhere as good since his 2nd season at Man U. Smith is crap as a striker dont know why Man U ever brought him. Saha can score ut like you say hes injured alot.

As a whole Man U wasted a whole lot of money ofver the past few seasons and players that never produced. As for our youngsters we had 17 years olds in our first team scoring in premiership matches. That says it all really. Just look at barcelonas Messi. or Nessi
Id rather see defoe in his place who can take on defenders tackle the ball and trick people. Him rooney and owen could reak havoc on any defense. 3 fast skillful players than can pass defenders and have a good shot.

I don't suppose you watched the Northern Ireland game at all?
One game... Just one game... against a team 84 billion places below England in the world rankings, who just stood one physical defender on each shortie England striker, resulting in NO shots on goal at all.

No variety = no invention = get beaten.
You cant really compare Van Persie to Rooney two completely different styles of playing and due to that fact Van Persie will improve alot more on his game than Rooney.

Van Nistelrooy hasnt been anywhere as good since his 2nd season at Man U. Smith is crap as a striker dont know why Man U ever brought him. Saha can score ut like you say hes injured alot.

As a whole Man U wasted a whole lot of money ofver the past few seasons and players that never produced. As for our youngsters we had 17 years olds in our first team scoring in premiership matches. That says it all really. Just look at barcelonas Messi. or Nessi
Van Persie and Rooney are both strikers so you can compare them, Van themad hasn't been as good since he got injured but he's been slowly getting back, if he can repeat last Saturdays performance he'll be on top again in no time.

As for Smith, he can score, but we didn't buy him for that, we bought him becasue he's a player you can rely on, you know before every math he'll give 100%. Besides that, the lack of goals from him is down to his position, not his ability.

As for which team has a better young squad, we'll have to dissagree until we see the results of both teams endeavours, naturally, you know more about Arsenal's squad than me, and I know more about Man U's than you, so let's wait and see.
One game... Just one game... against a team 84 billion places below England in the world rankings, who just stood one physical defender on each shortie England striker, resulting in NO shots on goal at all.

No variety = no invention = get beaten.

So your saying if crouch was playing we would have won?
That is also why 17 year olds don't manage international football teams.
So your saying if crouch was playing we would have won?
No, he's saying that theres no point putting three players who play the same way on at the same time, theres no playmaking, you need a mix of players in the team. In that way, and only that way I can understand having Crouch, but theres better strikers that play different to Owen, Rooney and Defoe that we should use over Crouch.
I think they would be much better off with rooney owen and defoe.

Id rather see defoe in his place who can take on defenders tackle the ball and trick people. Him rooney and owen could reak havoc on any defense. 3 fast skillful players than can pass defenders and have a good shot.

Yes you did.
So... what is it you want then?

You don't want a tall hitman, but you do ("The way it used to be before crouch"), then you want all short strikers, then you don't ("Him rooney and owen could reak havoc on any defense. 3 fast skillful players than can pass defenders and have a good shot.", "I never said owen defoe and rooney should all be on the pitch at the same time.")

Crouch is the best tall striker England have at the moment. Without a tall player to, literally, lend a third dimension to the act of getting the ball into the net - which is how you win things in football - England become two dimensional and can get beaten, easily, by very weak teams. You cannot rely on a strikeforce made up of similar players - look at Owen and Shearer, or Shearer and Sheringham, or even Owen and Heskey (against Germany).
Maybe its the midfields fault. Maybe theyre not helping the strikers enough in the fact that they produce passes that arent in the air but in front of the defensive line.

Me persoanally I would ditch crouch and maybe get some of the under 21's strikers in the team. Someone that isnt short or amazingly tall and that can driblle and run fast and still take on defenders. Im thinking of a drogba style player and we do have them.
The only frontline player who isn't playing for England that should right now is Darren Bent.

Beckham, Cole, Lampard - all produce balls to feet very well (though no England player EVER has been able to trap the ball). But the point is that if you spend the whole match doing it - with no variation whatsoever - the opposition know what you're going to do next time you get the ball. Pass it to feet. With the option of a lanky pillock up front you can suddenly decide to loft one.
Van Persie and Rooney are both strikers so you can compare them, Van themad hasn't been as good since he got injured but he's been slowly getting back, if he can repeat last Saturdays performance he'll be on top again in no time.
Ah yes, your typical biased fan view. If you are comparing Rooney and Van Persie, then you can compare Henry and Rooney, and there chum, there is no comparison to be made.

Then you compare Reyes to Ruud. Both erratic, and both can score important goals. Reyes has age on his side, so at least it is a dead heat. That leaves Van Persie and Smith and Owesie-Abuyie and Saha. Smith never scores and Van Persie can and does. The last two hardly see game time for one reason or another, so thats even. At least we have Bergkamp. You have Scholes, who last scored when Noah was playing right-back for Egypt.

As for Smith, he can score, but we didn't buy him for that, we bought him becasue he's a player you can rely on, you know before every math he'll give 100%. Besides that, the lack of goals from him is down to his position, not his ability.
So you bought a striker, because he is reliable, but cant score goals. So you bought a reliably useless striker?

I think both teams are heading for dark times. If arsenal cant hold onto Pires and Henry, the game is up. ManU have loaned out all their youth players on a non-recall basis. That leaves depth problems and relying on an ageing team (scholes, neville, Ruud - if he stays - Giggs). One cant really see Glazer throwing money at players when he has interest payments (not principal, interest alone) of over 30mil pounds a month.