The best GT5 cars according to stormbringer!

Speed boost comes from the fact that the cars are much faster around the corners, also making their exit speed faster, and so on. Cars with skid ON will always be faster by several seconds, that's why I call it a speed boost. More grip = more speed.

:dunce:I was literally looking for a boost in acceleration and achievable top speed for a while. miscommunication there. it is kinda misleading.
The 458 vs 430 is a tough call. I don't think anyone can officially declare one better than the other. Personally I prefer the 430 and believe she's better for my driving style. There are a few road cars that'll destroy the ferraris. Mclaren F1, Nissan r390, GTR specV, to name a couple.


What is the maximum hp for the mclaren f1? I raced one multiple times at the <630hp hp level in the Ring with my 458 and it could not quite keep up with the ferrari :confused:

Maybe the F1 will destroy the ferrari at the max hp level since it can get more, but if they have the same power to weight ratio the ferrari will be faster; it's just a better handling car.
What is the maximum hp for the mclaren f1? I raced one multiple times at the <630hp hp level in the Ring with my 458 and it could not quite keep up with the ferrari :confused:

Maybe the F1 will destroy the ferrari at the max hp level since it can get more, but if they have the same power to weight ratio the ferrari will be faster; it's just a better handling car.

the mclaren has better stats to start with.
The ferraris are easier to handle than the f1.
but there's noway the ferraris can beat the mclaren imo

Mclaren f1 627 hp 1140kg umodded
430 scud. 502. 1350
italia. 562. ?
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This is a great thread! I have been using your list to compare and buy cars etc...its brilliant. Saves alot of wasted credits! Thank you stormbringer!!

I haven't seen to many BMW's on your list so i thought i would ask if you would test this one and perhaps add it to the list...i think you will like it.

This car was in GT4 if remember (it was a great car....), so when i saw it in the UCD i bought it right away and found it absolutely awesome. It was expensive at 3.9 million but definately worth it...

The car is the BMW V12 LM Race Car '99
It would be interesting to hear your thoughts (and other posters) on this car...thanks in advance.

If this car is somewhere on the list ( i have looked...) or has been mentioned in the thread (sorry have not read the whole thing yet) i apologise...

Thanks again for the great list..

Ah thats great...i am really keen to see how it stacks up against the rest of the race cars ( i havent tested it Deep forest properly yet...needs one more upgrade i think...)

Hard car to find in the UCD...i have been cycling madly for days looking for other gems on your list heh.

Also maybe look out for the McLaren F1 GTR race car, i have only seen it once in like 5 days ...oh wait i think you mentioned that car.

Anyways....i'm still looking for that one as i was poor when i saw it :(

Good luck with the V12 LM 👍
Have you driven the Audi R8 LMS Race Car '09? It's 5M in my UCD right now....pricey!!

It's the Race Car version of the R8 road car. It must be good considering it's DNA..but 5M phew..??!! :(
The Audi R8 LMS is very expensive and definately not worth the money, but it's a very unique car. Corect me if I'm wrong, but I think you can actually paint the race car that is not Team PlayStation.

And I must agree to stormbringer's list: The Nissan (surprise, Nissan!) R390 GT1 Road Car is the best road car in the game. With 529 bhp and without spoiler it can compete with a McLaren F1 with 649 bhp and spoiler. It's unbelieveable and very, very rare. Buy it at first sight everyone! Definately worth 1 million.

EDIT: The McLaren is faster on straight lines, but the Nissan's handling is amazing for a RWD car.

The Mazda Furai is not a road car, it cannot be painted (as far as I know).
Ah ok ...yeah i didn't think it was worth the is quite rare though, it's only popped up 3 times in days of cycling. As far as the paint goes..yes you can paint them (the race cars).

Audi passed..thanks for the advice. There are far more important cars i can buy for that F1 GTR RM. :)
And I must agree to stormbringer's list: The Nissan (surprise, Nissan!) R390 GT1 Road Car is the best road car in the game. With 529 bhp and without spoiler it can compete with a McLaren F1 with 649 bhp and spoiler. It's unbelieveable and very, very rare. Buy it at first sight everyone! Definately worth 1 million.

I was lucky and it showed up early for me when I just reached 1million. I've loved this car since Test Drive 5
Stormbringer, for almost all the cars, my times are about 1-1.5 sec slower than yours (SRF off for mine), but the Toyota Minolta I'm actually half a second faster than you. (highest downforce, lowered suspension..)

I think you should give it a second chance. It is capable of doing sub 1.01 laps.

Here are some of my results (good performing cars for their range):

Toyota Minolta, 1040hp, 850kg, 1.01.631 (good for no limit races, barring X1 and Formula GT of course)
Chaparral 2J, 754hp, 821kg, 1.05.351 (for <800 hp races)
Mazda Furai, 562hp, 675kg, 1.07.081 (for races with no weight limits, can go down to 523hp)
Nissan Woodone GT-R @608hp, 1100kg, 1.08.260 (missing irreversible Engine3 upgrade, for <700 hp races)
Nissan Woodone GT-R @504hp, 1100kg, 1.09.512 (for <550 hp races)
Takata Dome NSX '03, 471hp, 1170kg, 1.09.770 (for <500 hp races, missing Turbo (80hp) and Engine 3(50hp) upgrade)
- with the Turbo installed @551hp, use the Takata Dome as an alternative to Nissan GTR for 550-650hp races
Autobacs Arta Garaiya '08 @399hp, 1175kg, 1.12.637 (for <450 hp races, missing irreversible Engine3 upgrade)
Autobacs Arta Garaiya '08 @325hp, 1175kg, 1.14.620 (for <350 hp races)
Lotus Elise 111R RM '04 @301hp, 720hp, 1.11.540 (can go down to 215hp, missing Engine 2 and 3 upgrades, which should give about 10 hp)

This mini guide should help with your choice of cars for online races, especially those between 250 and 650hp, which are the ones that I particularly enjoy)

Note that Nissan Woodone GT-R is the same as the Nissan Xanavi GT-R '08, just different colors.
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EDIT: The McLaren is faster on straight lines, but the Nissan's handling is amazing for a RWD car.

yup, that R390 is awesome. great car.

Stormbringer, for almost all the cars, my times are about 1-1.5 sec slower than yours (SRF off for mine), but the Toyota Minolta I'm actually half a second faster than you. (highest downforce, lowered suspension..)

I think you should give it a second chance. It is capable of doing sub 1.01 laps.

Here are some of my results (good performing cars for their range):

Toyota Minolta, 1040hp, 850kg, 1.01.631 (good for no limit races, barring X1 and Formula GT of course)
Chaparral 2J, 754hp, 821kg, 1.05.351 (for <800 hp races)
Mazda Furai, 562hp, 675kg, 1.07.081 (for races with no weight limits, can go down to 523hp)
Nissan Woodone GT-R @608hp, 1100kg, 1.08.260 (missing irreversible Engine3 upgrade, for <700 hp races)
Nissan Woodone GT-R @504hp, 1100kg, 1.09.512 (for <550 hp races)
Takata Dome NSX '03, 471hp, 1170kg, 1.09.770 (for <500 hp races, missing Turbo (80hp) and Engine 3(50hp) upgrade)
- with the Turbo installed @551hp, use the Takata Dome as an alternative to Nissan GTR for 550-650hp races
Autobacs Arta Garaiya '08 @399hp, 1175kg, 1.12.637 (for <450 hp races, missing irreversible Engine3 upgrade)
Autobacs Arta Garaiya '08 @325hp, 1175kg, 1.14.620 (for <350 hp races)
Lotus Elise 111R RM '04 @301hp, 720hp, 1.11.540 (can go down to 215hp, missing Engine 2 and 3 upgrades, which should give about 10 hp)

This mini guide should help with your choice of cars for online races, especially those between 250 and 650hp, which are the ones that I particularly enjoy)

Note that Nissan Woodone GT-R is the same as the Nissan Xanavi GT-R '08, just different colors.

Minolta, i completely agree with you. In the back of my mind i always knew that its w/p ratio should logically earn her a place next to the sauber.
its the first LMP that i acquired and tested, so im sure there is some time loss due to experience. Will update her time when i test the next batch of cars.

For the <500HP races, imo, there is no car better than the FTO super touring.
shes rated at 495HP and 980 KG 4WD. online i destroy any cars rated up to 650hp with it. unless theres a furai present. Amazing car. I have unbelievable confidence when i driving it. on the downside she lacks in top speed. cornering with this car is AMAZING! 1M used store i think. one of my best buys.

I agree the JGTC NSX's are the best for <690hp races. i love my ARTA NSX.
A similarly tuned xanavi GTR should beat the NSX tho.
Are all the JGTC NSXs and GT-Rs exactly the same except for paint?
I have a takata dome NSX as well, didnt want to mod it since i already have the arta. but i will if there is a difference.

and ya, nothing beats the ARTA garaiya in the <400hp races.
The weddsport celica is another awesome car for 400hp races.
Mines modded to 411Hp. she is great. must get for that class!
and i think she was just 150K-ish in the used store.

lotus elise, i agree with you whole heartedly, in the 300hp class, she is king.

i like that uve started making a list. Im very interested in seeing your results, so plz do post them up whenever u can. It makes me think twice about the cars and helps further my thinking about em.


No X2010? interesting...

I wish i had it in me to do all that car duplicating, birthday cheats etc.
not going to buy it, thats for sure. And trading is dead.
So i dont really see myself acquiring one in the near future....unless u have a spare one :)
Are all the JGTC NSXs and GT-Rs exactly the same except for paint?

There's minor differences in power and weight, some cars can't reach 600bhp, even after adding a turbo kit and oil change, other cars can get well over 600bhp with the same tuning and oil change.

Same with weight, some cars are under 1100kgs and some cars are 1150kgs, I think generally, the older cars are slighly lighter and less powerful, but I'm not sure if this is relevant to all the GT500 cars in this game.

Also, some cars are FR drive, some are MR, and in the description of the car, there's supposed to be improvements made on a type of car (i.e. GTR, Supra, 350Z) each new year it races, so a 2005 Supra, supposedly, is more advanced than a 1997 Supra.

Hope this helps..
ya, ive looked up all the available stats before. All of the "new" JGTCs have the same exact stats. they are pretty much from the same year and cost the same. doesnt help decide which one to buy first.

Im aware the older models from the used store generally have varying stats. didnt check whether there are MR, FR, 4WD diffferences in the cars.
that would help decide between em. Will check that out.
I've seen a few cars you don't like, and stopped looking at that list. Most of the cars are 'bad' because of the handling. I can tell you, there aren't the tuning settings for nothing. For example, I can get the McMerc through corners without any trouble, simply by adjusting a little on camber and toe (and brake balance).
I've seen a few cars you don't like, and stopped looking at that list. Most of the cars are 'bad' because of the handling. I can tell you, there aren't the tuning settings for nothing. For example, I can get the McMerc through corners without any trouble, simply by adjusting a little on camber and toe (and brake balance).

sure, but i wouldnt buy it when i have the SLS. couldve saved that cash for something else.
I completely agree with you on that Option Stream Z...i thought it was going to be a's a dog....200K down the drain

It isn't a track machine though, it was built for very high / top speed runs along very long straight roads with few corners....
It isn't a track machine though, it was built for very high / top speed runs along very long straight roads with few corners....

I find straight line racing veryboring. even daytona. just boring. Cornering is where its at.
To me, this car is about as useful as a veyron or that really fast TVR spd12.
If you are a straight line drag racer, id say this car is a best buy for u.
I find straight line racing veryboring. even daytona. just boring. Cornering is where its at.
To me, this car is about as useful as a veyron or that really fast TVR spd12.
If you are a straight line drag racer, id say this car is a best buy for u.

The Speed 12 is a great car, it does Monza quicker than all my other tuned road cars and I've hardly touched it, and it's not just a little quicker, it's alot quicker.

I've still got mine on sports tyres and it goes round corners fine.

No, I'm not a drag racer, too boring, so is Indy and Daytona too.
For the <500HP races, imo, there is no car better than the FTO super touring.
shes rated at 495HP and 980 KG 4WD. online i destroy any cars rated up to 650hp with it. unless theres a furai present. Amazing car. I have unbelievable confidence when i driving it. on the downside she lacks in top speed. cornering with this car is AMAZING! 1M used store i think. one of my best buys.

i like that uve started making a list. Im very interested in seeing your results, so plz do post them up whenever u can. It makes me think twice about the cars and helps further my thinking about em.


Concerning the FTO and the Takata Dome:
FTO, at 495 hp and 980 kg did 1.09.5 with your driving with SRF on
Takata Dome, at 471 hp and 1170kg did 1.09.8 (only 0.3s difference) with my driving with SRF off,

so I figured that with both cars with the same SRF setting, the Takata Dome would be the better one, although I do not own the FTO to prove it. Would be nice if you could test the Takata Dome at 471hp to see if it is indeed better than FTO as I claim.

For the testing, I've only tested 18 cars so far(some cars are counted twice because of different HP tests)

The other ones I haven't mentioned (and worse than the ones I mentioned) are:
Honda Civic RM '97, 389hp, 845kg, 1.18+(downgradable to 229hp)
NSX Type R '02, 381hp, 1168kg, 1.14.806 (downgradable to 292hp)
NSX Type R '02, 301hp, 1168kg, 1.16.847
Camaro Z28 RM'69, 555hp, 1085kg, 1.13.115 (downgradable to 403hp)
Amuse S2000 GT1, 600hp, 1120kg, 1.12.230
Impreza SuperTouring, 528hp, 1030kg, 1.10.881
Impreza SuperTouring, 436hp, 1030kg, 1.12.661
Spoon S2000 '00, 284hp, 1100kg, 1.21+
Mini Cooper S '07, 230hp, 1200kg, 1.23+

I was particularly dissatisfied with Spoon S2000 '00, Mini Cooper and Honda Civic RM '97. Amuse S2000 GT1 was also hard to control, although it was fun to drive.

I'll let you know if I test other cars, but I don't think I'll have time this week. I'm also not involved in any duping or bday glitches, so I really have to think twice before buying new cars. Waiting for the next set of online bonus races, so I could get another 2 million cr. to spend on new cars and parts.

Add my PSN so we could perhaps join the same lobbies and race together online.
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of all the race cars, do you think it would be a good choice for me to get a 908, because, I'm pressed for a 787b or 908, and im leaning towards 908.
of all the race cars, do you think it would be a good choice for me to get a 908, because, I'm pressed for a 787b or 908, and im leaning towards 908.

For the money u cant beat the 908. Id definately get that first.
the 787b is a faster, better handling car. but its 2mil more i think.
i doubt youll regret buying the 908. get em both.
908 first.

Concerning the FTO and the Takata Dome:
FTO, at 495 hp and 980 kg did 1.09.5 with your driving with SRF on
Takata Dome, at 471 hp and 1170kg did 1.09.8 (only 0.3s difference) with my driving with SRF off,

so I figured that with both cars with the same SRF setting, the Takata Dome would be the better one, although I do not own the FTO to prove it. Would be nice if you could test the Takata Dome at 471hp to see if it is indeed better than FTO as I claim.

For the testing, I've only tested 18 cars so far(some cars are counted twice because of different HP tests)

The other ones I haven't mentioned (and worse than the ones I mentioned) are:
Honda Civic RM '97, 389hp, 845kg, 1.18+(downgradable to 229hp)
NSX Type R '02, 381hp, 1168kg, 1.14.806 (downgradable to 292hp)
NSX Type R '02, 301hp, 1168kg, 1.16.847
Camaro Z28 RM'69, 555hp, 1085kg, 1.13.115 (downgradable to 403hp)
Amuse S2000 GT1, 600hp, 1120kg, 1.12.230
Impreza SuperTouring, 528hp, 1030kg, 1.10.881
Impreza SuperTouring, 436hp, 1030kg, 1.12.661
Spoon S2000 '00, 284hp, 1100kg, 1.21+
Mini Cooper S '07, 230hp, 1200kg, 1.23+

I was particularly dissatisfied with Spoon S2000 '00, Mini Cooper and Honda Civic RM '97. Amuse S2000 GT1 was also hard to control, although it was fun to drive.

I'll let you know if I test other cars, but I don't think I'll have time this week. I'm also not involved in any duping or bday glitches, so I really have to think twice before buying new cars. Waiting for the next set of online bonus races, so I could get another 2 million cr. to spend on new cars and parts.

Add my PSN so we could perhaps join the same lobbies and race together online.

just took the takata around the track for 2 laps, too many interuptions today. i managed a 1:09:171. she could do a bit better. feels great at this tuning, btw

The FTO is a 4WD, i think the takata is FR. While both are very nice, the FTO is more agile and has a much quicker initial acceleration. she'll leave everyone behind in a grid start, but the other cars will catch up after 4th or 5th gear, on a straight.
its very easy to out corner other cars, she can take much tighter turns. If she had bit more top speed, she'd be unbeatable. I always choose the FTO unless im playing sarthe type tracks.

btw my takatas at 489hp and 1100kg and i dont think ive done any mods to it. why does urs have lower hp and more weight?

objectively speaking, i agree with u, the takata is a better car overall thanks to its faster acceleration to top speed.
but i just love the FTO. cant deny her. she is great as well.

i gotta run, interuptions! will check out your tests in a bit. gotta do some errands. and will add ur PSN asap.
I was particularly dissatisfied with Spoon S2000 '00, Mini Cooper and Honda Civic RM '97. Amuse S2000 GT1 was also hard to control, although it was fun to drive.

Was it the Premium one (Amuse S2000 GT1 Turbo) or the Standard one (Amuse S2000 GT1)? The Turbo one is much better and for the same amount of money :)

And I know it's been a long time since I mentioned the HKS: It sucked - was so bad that I traded it as fast as I could, only to realize it's a prize car later on - NOOO!! It understeers like the Devil - perhaps skid is the answer to make it handle? Idk and I won't find out ;)

Just found the Jaguar XJ220 a few hours before you wrote it - have updated my garage now though as it wasn't the first time I tried something like that :)

Crossing my fingers: hope to find the Nardo today as holidays are over tomorrow.
For the testing, I've only tested 18 cars so far(some cars are counted twice because of different HP tests)

The other ones I haven't mentioned (and worse than the ones I mentioned) are:
Honda Civic RM '97, 389hp, 845kg, 1.18+(downgradable to 229hp)
NSX Type R '02, 381hp, 1168kg, 1.14.806 (downgradable to 292hp)
NSX Type R '02, 301hp, 1168kg, 1.16.847
Camaro Z28 RM'69, 555hp, 1085kg, 1.13.115 (downgradable to 403hp)
Amuse S2000 GT1, 600hp, 1120kg, 1.12.230
Impreza SuperTouring, 528hp, 1030kg, 1.10.881
Impreza SuperTouring, 436hp, 1030kg, 1.12.661
Spoon S2000 '00, 284hp, 1100kg, 1.21+
Mini Cooper S '07, 230hp, 1200kg, 1.23+

I was particularly dissatisfied with Spoon S2000 '00, Mini Cooper and Honda Civic RM '97. Amuse S2000 GT1 was also hard to control, although it was fun to drive.

I'll let you know if I test other cars, but I don't think I'll have time this week. I'm also not involved in any duping or bday glitches, so I really have to think twice before buying new cars. Waiting for the next set of online bonus races, so I could get another 2 million cr. to spend on new cars and parts.

Add my PSN so we could perhaps join the same lobbies and race together online.

I think im gonna get the camaro Z28 RM after checking out your test cars. she looks like a good buy. good ratio and performnce.

ya that spoon was a dissapointment. I was expecting it to be almost as good as the GTI turbo but when i saw the max HP i knew it would be too slow to be good. Good grip though, just not a very good buy.

I suspect these lower powered S2000s might be a good buy for them drifting folk. Im not a drifter so i cant really say.

Impreza supertouring is really nice, but again i choose the FTO over it.

just added u btw.

Was it the Premium one (Amuse S2000 GT1 Turbo) or the Standard one (Amuse S2000 GT1)? The Turbo one is much better and for the same amount of money :)

And I know it's been a long time since I mentioned the HKS: It sucked - was so bad that I traded it as fast as I could, only to realize it's a prize car later on - NOOO!! It understeers like the Devil - perhaps skid is the answer to make it handle? Idk and I won't find out ;)

I think the other amuse S2000 is called a R1.

Bombe, i dont know why you dont like the HKS. after reading your post i took her to deep forest and nordschliefe (ALL aids off). Its very hard to lose control with her. I really dont experience any understeer. she is a really good car, i tried my best to get her to get out of control, but she just wont do it. Infact, im gonna use her alot more often now.

What i personally didnt like was that the steering response felt slightly stiff and i feel she has a slightly larger turning radius than she should, but thats trivial. other than that, to me, its a good car. I wouldnt trade it.

my current setup (i think i mightve sent my initial setup before, in which i didnt set up the dampers right. ive made slight changes but nothing major)

torque 50/50
height -14
spring 9.2/8.0
dampers 7/6
comp 6/5
anti roll 3/3

but if it didnt help the first time, i doubt it'll change things.
send me your setup and i'll try it out.